Github Pages No Longer Builds - github

I have a working github pages blog here. -See update below- After adding a new blog post and pushing the update, I received an email from github indicating "Page Build Failure". I can successfully build and serve the site using jekyll locally without issue.
After 22 attempted fixes and subsequent gh build failures, I am at a loss. The base of my blog is built of off this, and I have cloned a fresh copy into my personal blog in an attempt to build fresh from this template. I now get the same build error when pushing this clean template directory.
The only info the github email gives is:
"The page build failed with the following error:
Page build failed"
Has something changed on githubs side that breaks the linked template? Is anyone able to get github to successfully build that template now? I have been successfully updating this blog as recently as August 12th, has something changed in the past couple weeks that has broken my site?
The repo for the site is here
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Update: I attempted to start completely fresh by deleting the working site and following the steps of the template instructions, without success, so the above link will now give a 404 site not found error.

I was unable to figure out why github pages suddenly was unable to build this template, but I've found a work around by compiling the page locally and pushing that to github. This article provides a step by step guides on how to publish to github pages using this technique.
Essentially you need to locally compile and push using the following script in the local Rakefile:
require "rubygems"
require "tmpdir"
require "bundler/setup"
require "jekyll"
# Change your GitHub reponame
desc "Generate blog files"
task :generate do{
"source" => ".",
"destination" => "_site"
desc "Generate and publish blog to gh-pages"
task :publish => [:generate] do
Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp|
cp_r "_site/.", tmp
pwd = Dir.pwd
Dir.chdir tmp
system "git init"
system "git add ."
message = "Site updated at #{}"
system "git commit -m #{message.inspect}"
system "git remote add origin{GITHUB_REPONAME}.git"
system "git push origin master --force"
Dir.chdir pwd


Github pages Build Error: The jekyll-theme-hydejack theme could not be found

I am trying to publish a github blog page, which I was able to publish to page without an issue 2 months ago, but it throws an error now. I can still successfully build a jekyll theme locally.
When I push it to github, however, it throws a build error message saying:
Error: The jekyll-theme-hydejack theme could not be found.
I am using jekyll-theme-hydejack version 9.0.4 which I specified in my Gemfile, Gemfile.lock, config.yml
Here's my git build error link for more info:
Here's a screenshot of my local cmd results and my blog successfully running on my local server:
I had same error before while executing hydejack theme in github pages.
I found the solution for me that works properly.
Find _config.yml
comment line code "theme: jekyll-theme-hydejack" into "#theme: jekyll-theme-hydejack"
add line code "remote_theme: hydecorp/hydejack#v9"
commit and push to github
I hope it works for your problem too.
Open your _config.yml file.
Remove theme key and add only remote_theme: hydecorp/hydejack. Push to github.

Vuepress not displaying documents correctly

I updated a pre-existing vuepress documentation, which runs and works as expected when delopyed on localhost:8080/, however once I push the updates to gh hub pages it does not display correctly.
code i use to deploy:
set -e
npm run docs:build
cd docs/.vuepress/dist
git init
git add -A
git commit -m "Deploy documentation"
git push-f master:gh-pages
I have no error messages durning run time or deploy.
But when I check the actual documentation on github, it displays funny. and the links do not work.... as when I check the pages dev eniroment on the console 404 errors appear... it seems that there might be something wrong with the dist.js files in assets....
Not sure how to fix this...please help. Thx!
Images 1: Displays black blocks
Images 2 Error in the dev console
(I have no errors messages durning build only in the console)
I think you may want to double-check if you have set the base correctly.
Check out the documentation site about deploy to GitHub pages and Config Reference -> base
If this doesn't solve your problem, can you post more detail about your code? Or maybe a repo?

post_url causing build failure with github

I am trying to link to another post in my blog. The markdown for both the blog resides in the same folder under _posts. However, when I try to use post_url I always get a build failure with github.
This is how i am declaring it in my markdown.
[Part2 - Details about PyVM and the execution of VM]({% post_url 2016-01-06-PyVyM-Part2 %})
I am adding the code for the post_url in the PyVym-Introduction file.
My .config.yml looks like this.
# Build settings
markdown: redcarpet
pygments: true
permalink: pretty
highlighter: pygments
If I remove the post_url code then there are no build failures. Can someone point me to the mistake here ?
[edited]: github failure email has no error message. It just says build failed.. Exact message below..
The page build failed with the following error:
Page build failed. For more information, see
Are you using another repository named "pretty" with a gh-pages branch?
Github warns of duplicating these URL's here
If you are having issues with your Jekyll Pages, make sure you are not using categories that are named the same as another project, as this could cause path conflicts. For example: if you have a blog post named 'resume' in your User Page repository and a project named 'resume' with a gh-pages branch, they will conflict with each other.

How to configure Cloudbees Jenkins to trigger build on push to Github

I tried to follow the instructions in this article:
But I have two problems:
It doesn't work. When I push to github nothing happens on the jenkins side. On Jenkins the GitHub Hook log says 'Polling has not run yet.'
The possible cause for this is that I can't specify the git repository as described in this image:
There is no textfield for a public key, nor the other fields. Instead I have the fields
Repository URL, Name, Refspec
Also I can specify a http url (and everything but the triggering works). But if I specify the git/ssh url as in the image I get the following error:
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git ls-remote -h HEAD" returned status code 128:
stdout: stderr: Warning: Permanently added
',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote
Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository
I copied the url from github so a typo is somewhat unlikely.
I verified that I have the github plugin installed (upgraded to version 1.5)
Any hints how to fix or at least debug the problem?
Update answering questions in the comments:
Yes I checked the checkbox 'Build when a change is pushed to GitHub' in the job configuration.
And Yes I setup the webhook in GitHub. When I click the test button there, nothing happens. When I put the url from the webhook in my browser I get a http 500 saying
Not intended to be browsed interactively (must specify payload parameter)
Plus some lengthy stacktrace.
Another Update
I checked the GIT related plugins installed on the Jenkins side. Everything showing their with GIT in the text is installed and at the most current version
Based on Git error message above, I assume you can't be authenticated. Did you add the CloudBees public SSH key on GitHub as described here?
Clarification by OP
The image referenced in the question seemed to suggest that one puts a public key from GitHub into CloudBees. But actually it is the other way round, and also all the labels seem to be changed, so it is kind of difficult to match that screenshot to what you see in CloudBees.
So what I did is this:
in the Job configuration at Cloudbees there is a Public Key (generated by CloudBee). I it in the CloudBees DEV#cloud Authorization section and labeled CloudBees Public Key. Copy that Key.
Hop over to GitHub and go to Settings > Deploy Keys. Add the key there.
go to Settings > Service Hooks > WebHook URLs. Click on the test button. You are not going to see much on the GitHub side.
Hop back to CloudBees Jenkins. From the main page of the job go to the ´GitHub Hook Log´. There you should see something like:
Started on Mar 15, 2013 8:55:14 AM
Using strategy: Default
[poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 581acde89a62317fd8dabaa3f4c6025d1c9dd413 (origin/master)
Fetching changes from the remote Git repositories
Polling for changes in
Done. Took 0.34 sec
Changes found
And your job should start.
If the last line says No Changes this means the hook worked, but you already build the current version so the build is not triggered again.
If you still have problems, have look at under 'trouble shooting' it tells you how to set up logging on the jenkins side. With this I get all kind of stuff in the Jenkins SystemLog.
I've just published a tutorial on continuous integration for Play applications hosted on GitHub using CloudBees. This is intended to provide a comprehensive guide:

jekyll and github - how to update the blog post?

Good day.
Could you help me with a little problem I am experiencing.
I have a jekyll blog on the github. The problem is after I updated my old post, committed and pushed it, the blog post doesn't show any changes, but I see that the commit has been pushed successfully.
If I run jekyll --server locally, it shows updated blog post and it doesn't report any errors.
I have no jekyll plugins installed.
What am I doing wrong or misunderstanding? Thanks a lot.
Added by Nawaz:
I'm facing exactly same problem. My I pushed added one markdown post and few css, and modified layouts and includes, then I pushed them to github. It is done successfully. My github is showing all the changes in the repository, but the github blog (i.e the generated html posts out of markdown) are still same. No change to them at all. It is showing some posts which doesn't even exist in the repository. But when I do jekyll --server locally, then every update is being shown on my (local) blog hosted at http://localhost:4000.
Please help me!
If your Jekyll site is not rendering properly after you push it to GitHub, it's useful to run Jekyll locally so you can see any parsing errors. In order to do this, you'll want to use the same version that we use.
GitHub's Pages servers currently use Jekyll 0.11.0 with Liquid 2.2.2, and run it using this command:
$ jekyll --pygments --safe
More info
I'm now trying to solve the problems with my pygments highlighting (works locally, doesn't show on github at all, even though I'm receiving mails about succesful build). Findings so far:
Make sure that youre repository' default branch is 'master' (go to your repository Admin page).
Put your Jekyll source files in some other branch, and put the _site content to your master branch. There will be no _config.yml, no YAML front matter so github will render your stuff as is, and you would be building it locally on that other branch. This actually worked for me. It requires some manual labour when moving _site from that other branch to your master, but I'm fine with that - at least I do not have to rely on github build process which seems to be a bit buggy, plus, I can have whatever plugins I wish.
When ever you generate your jekyll site locally for testing, always run jekyll --no-auto --server. This would display if there were any errors encountered during the generation of your site. Also, before generating your site delete _site directory and then run the command as described above.
Let me know if you see any errors as such. We can debug further