OpenOffice Calc: Fill Dropdown from Database? - postgresql

Is it possible to fill a dropdown list for a cell in OpenOffice Calc with entries from a database using a query?
I've found how to create the dropdown list using Data -> Validity and I created an .odb file to connect to by postgresql database using File -> New -> Database, but I can't find any input on what to do from that point on.
What I want is for example that when the Calc file is opened, the dropdown for the cell is populated by executing a select query against the database I created the .odb file for.


Crystal Report || Unable to add Stored Procedure as Data Source in crystal rpeort

I have an old Crystal report which has a data source with some other database. I have added a few more columns in the stored procedure and trying to update the data source with the new server address.
When I am updating the data source through Database Menu -> Set Data Source Location and selecting New server (from replacing section) then it is not updating instead the older one is getting deleted.
Also I tried Field Explorer -> Database Fields -> right click choose Database Expert -> Select Connections from My Connections Box -> Select the procedure -> Click on the > button to add to selected table
In the above steps, I am not to add a particular stored procedure which I have modified and added 3 new columns. When I am trying to select any other stored procedure then it is allowing me to add. I tried to execute the procedure in the database and it is running without any issues and producing data results as expected.

How do i export only the name of the columns from mongodb?

I am new to mongodb and my task is to export metadata about all collections in a database. I know little about shell scripting and i am not able to understand the documents provided on mongodb website.
I am using Mongodb compass 4.2.14 and though i am able to export the collection, i am not able to just export the column names.
How do i export just the column names and also how to view the metadata?
In Compass GUI, select the Schema TAB, and click the Analyze button. This will show the data types for each field for a collection.
To get a copy of the schema, from the top-left menu, select the Collection -> Share Schema as JSON menu item. This will copy the schema to the Clipboard. You can then paste from the clipboard into any text file/editor of your choice.
Reference: Compass - Analyze Schema.

How to save a new data row

How to save the data after applying data in the column using pgadmin's interfac pgadmin without using any sql code?
I cannot find a function or similiar to save the data after adding a new row.
You are enable to do it in SQL server.
Thank you!
Right-click on your table, select View/Edit Data -> All Row
add/edit your data
after adding/ editing your rows in PgAdmin , press F6 to save your changes

Libre Base form - selecting and printing multiple records

I created a form in LibreOffice Base and its data is connected to the tables within Base. I also created a button. When I select a record with the form and then click the button, the data gets printed.
I'm using a macro which selects a Writer as template with mail merge of that database and prints a document with the data from a currently selected record form Base forms.
How do I select multiple records and print them instead of just one?

Tableau - Unable to replace data source in Tableau

I'm using MongoDB connected to Tableau using ODBC drivers..
I have connected to databases on Mongo.. Now i want to replace the data source with other databases.. b
I have query from customer saying that they want to see the same visualizations even after changing the data source to other which have json with same data.
Replacing a data source is rather simple. Add the query to the workbook - create an extract if needed - then return to a worksheet. Right-click on the data source's name and select "Replace data source...". This will give you a menu from which you choose which data source is to be used instead.
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