Get share/like count for different url/bogposts/articles - facebook

I am looking for a method to get share/like count for each of the blogposts/articles which I create on my website. Interested in Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter but Facebook is the most important right now.
Lets take this website as an example:
I have found a method to find this out for each url, but that will make it a lot harder for me as I would need to do it manually for each URL.
This is the query I used to get data for a specific URL:
Is there any method to get data for each and every url which contains: "company name" or something like this?
Will appriciate all the help I can get here.

No, there is no “wildcard” for Open Graph object URLs.
You can however request data for multiple URLs in one go, using the ?ids=foo,bar syntax –
This theoretically works for up to 50 ids in one request (although with the ids being URLs in this case, you might only be able to request less, due to URL length limitations.)


Getting a SoundCloud API client ID

Encountered a problem accessing my tracks from browser.
Usually i type this link in my browser to access downloadable tracks:
But now i can not access it anymore, probably the client id is changed.
How can i obtain a new client id?
Simple.. Go to any tracks that you can download on soundcloud, press f12 and look at networks tab, click download and it will show you something like
Grab that client_id, replace it and amend the url from download? to stream?.. use streams? if you want a list of urls in json format
As no one else has mentioned it, in a Chrome-based browser under DevTools ctrl+shift+i, you can grab your client_id from the Network tab on reload. Many items listed here reference the SoundCloud API and require your client_id to access it. Simply click any item in the list that isn't an image/base64 item (preferably something that begins with id?...), then check the Request URL for a client_id.
It's the simplest way to grab the ID; now that you know how, don't do anything illegal k thx.
For those thinking this is the same as the other answer mentioning a download link, this method skips that entirely as many songs are no longer available from SoundCloud itself, but from external sources that are linked instead.
Amazing it's been this long, yet there's no "public" Soundcloud API. I'm amazed to find something worse off than the Twitch API.
See this user's solution for a way to do this without a CLIENT ID which you can no longer get from soundcloud:
seems to work and pull all tracks as mp3
no client_id needed, if you needed the client_id to get something
like soundcloud-dl to work
You can apply for a client ID by filling in the SoundCloud Application Registration form.

Facebook page URL: is there a repository of forbidden words?

I'm a composer/producer, and for a group of songs, I created a dedicated Facebook Page.
Now, once reached the 50 "Likes", I wanted to have an URL for each page.
But in one case it still not possible.
the tune is called "STRIPTEASE" which FB returns: it's not available.
Ok but there is not yet any page with that URL
however, I tried also
but nothing.
To be sure it is an unique URL, I appended also the name of the band
nothing ... FB tells always it's a not available address.
Thus I think there are "forbidden" words to use into addresses and probably "striptease" is one of these. Can anyone verify this please?
Thank you so much for your help
Easiest way would be trying with a different name than striptease, and if it works then yeah, there's probably a word filter somewhere.

Crazy Facebook UI Dialog Error

So I cannot find any reason I am seeing the below behavior and if anybody has some insight it will be greatly appreciated.
Basically I am using the FB.UI from the JavaScript SDK to send a message to a user with a link. The link ends with a Guid, like This works sometimes, but occasionally fails with a generic 500 error from FB.
I have pulled out the HTTP POST request and have found a solution that I can recreate, unfortunately I cannot share the access code to allow SO users to actually run it (I replaced all sensitive parameters). Below are two identical requests that differ only in the Guid. The first succeeds every time and the second fails every time. I have numerous Guids that are doing this which makes if unreliable.**33a1a0ae-e0fe-4eb6-9bf9-146d5492e3d6**&locale=en_US&name=test&**dd171262-dbcc-43c3-b9d1-e37dc53e3520**&locale=en_US&name=test&
I tested both of these urls:
with the js sdk send method, and indeed the first url resulted in a 500 from facebook, while the first managed to send it.
I can't understand why the first UID triggers an error while the second does not.
The reason I kept asking for a working example of such urls is that when you share a url using facebook, they scrap that url (unless it's already in their cache) and extract meta data of that url so that a feed story can be composed.
Since the urls that I was trying are not accessible for facebook it might somehow trigger that error.
If I try this url:
then it works and I don't get the server error, even though it has the same UID as the first url I tried.
I suggest that you try to use urls accessible to facebook, if you still get errors for certain UIDs, then you should probably open a new bug report.

How to access links provided on one's timeline?

I would like to have access to the links one shared on their timeline.
Using the API Graph Explorer, I see there is a way to access "links". However, it returns empty data. I believe that this might have been used when posting links in FB was done in a special way, different than posting "usual" status.
Then, I thought, I should probably get all the stream and filter the data for links. But at that point, I'm a little confused:
There are THREE different actions that seem to provide the very same data:
- .../me/posts
- .../me/statuses
Are they actually all the same?
In addition, all seem to provide me information that is not up to date, but is true for some point in the near past. Moreover, I would like to know how I can get the relevant data from the beginning of the FB usage, or at least, for a given period of time.
Do an HTTP Get to me/links to get the most recent links the user has shared.
To limit it to a timeframe, you can do me/links?since=YYY&until=ZZZ.
Or you can use the paging object to get the previous and next url to use to get that other page of data.

Facebook Graph API: Getting the total number of posts

I've been using the Facebook Graph API to display user posts. When I get the initial "page" of posts, the resulting data object has a paging property object with a previous and next URL property. I was hoping to generate navigation links based on this available paging information. However, sometimes these URLs point to an empty set of data, so I obviously don't want to navigate the user to an empty page.
Is there a way to find the total count of objects in a collection so that better navigation can be derived? Is there any way to get smarter paging data?
Sorry if my post isn't clear. To illustrate, look at the data at and its paging property URLs. Then follow those URLs to see the issue: empty pages of data.
Since it pages the datas with date-time base. You can't get the knowledge of whether if there are datas or not before you actually send the request to it. But you can preload the data from previous url to determine is it suitable to dispaly a previous link in your web page.
Why be dependent of Facebook?
Why don't you preload all data for a user and save into a database. Then you fetch the posts from db and show to user. This way you have all the control on how many posts there are and how to manage next and prev.
I was going to try to post this as a comment to your question, but I can't seem to do so...
I know that the Graph API returns JSON, and while I've never come across a way to have the total number of posts returned, depending on what technology you are using to process the response, you might be able to capture the size of the JSON array containing the posts.
For example, if I were using a java application I could use the libraries available at (or Google GSON, or XStream with the JSON driver) to populate an object and then simply use the JSONArray.length() method to check for the number of posts returned.
It might seem like a bit of a simplistic solution, but might be the type of work around you require if you can't find a way to have Facebook return that data.
Can you specify what technology your application is based in?