Can I have a Swift protocol without functions - swift

Consider this typical example, sometimes seen in tutorials, etc (even in Apple's code):
protocol Nameable {
var name: String {get}
struct Person : Nameable {
var name: String
My question is, what would be the benefit of this pattern? I can understand it once a function is added to a protocol, but what could be a good application for a protocol with just one or more variables? Why not just add name to each struct and class ?

Persons are not the only not the only things that you may want to name. Pets have names, roads have names, heck, some people name their cars.
What if we want to name each object in a collection of different objects? If we store those objects in a collection of Any, we don't have any way to guarentee that all objects have names.
This is where protocols come in. By creating a Nameable protocol, we can create a collection of Nameable objects, and be certain that all the objects within are guaranteed to have a name.
Here's an example:
protocol Nameable {
var name: String {get}
struct Person : Nameable {
let name: String
let age: Int
// other properties of a Person
struct Pet : Nameable {
let name: String
let species: String
// other properties of a Pet
struct Car : Nameable {
let name: String
let horsepower: Double
// other properties of a Car
let namableItems: [Nameable] = [
Person(name: "Steve", age: 21),
Pet(name: "Mittens", species: "Cat"),
Car(name: "My Pride and Joy", horsepower: 9000)
for nameableItem in namableItems {
print("\( is a \(nameableItem.dynamicType).")
Which prints:
Steve is a Person.
Mittens is a Pet.
My Pride and Joy is a Car.
You can try it here.

Basically you make a promise that your class / struct will contain defined properties.
For structures this is very important because they can't be subclassed.
Also, subclass can only have 1 superclass so you can't create Person who has more than one parent.
I would recommend you to read this article about why use protocols over subclassing and the main purpose of using them:

The key to the answer lies in the word protocol.
Protocol is a system of rules that explain the correct conduct and
procedures to be followed in formal situations.
That said, when you state that an object (struct, enum, class, ..) must conform to a protocol, you are obliged to respect it. If you do not, Xcode throws an error.
So one of the main, (absolutely not the only utility) is that you can not forget to include the attributes and / or functions in the various objects.
This could be very useful if multiple developers are working on the same code, or simply to avoid potential human error of distraction :) .
Another great advantage of the protocols is that they can be used as types.
Therefore a struct, enum, or different classes, which inherit the same protocol, they can all be traced to the same type.


Alternatives to an array of T swift

In my Quiz app I initialize quizzes, and the providing class does not know the format of the questions before being provided them (although they are constrained by a QuestionProtocol):
public protocol QuestionProtocol {
init?(fields: [String] )
var description: String {get}
var question: String {get}
var solution: String {get}
var explainAnswer: String {get}
var answered: Int {get set}
var qa: String {get}
var qb: String {get}
var qc: String {get}
var qd: String {get}
And I can initialize the quizzes and return them easily enough through a method with the signature
public func initializeQuizzes<T: QuestionProtocol>(with type: T.Type, withCompletionHandler completion: ((Result<[Quiz<T>], Error>) -> Void)?)
However to provide these quizzes is expensive (an API call or a SQL retrieval) so I want to store these quizzes and retrieve them separately from a suitable function with signature
public func getNextQFromSet<T: QuestionProtocol>(with type: T.Type) -> (question: T, answers: [String])?
The problem I have is storing these questions which are of type T.
They are linked to a Quiz object:
public class Quiz<T> {
private let questions : [T]
private let name : String
init(name: String, questions: [T]) { = name
self.questions = questions
public func getQuestions() -> [T] {
return questions
func getName() -> String {
return name
So I'm able to store them as quizzes that conform to the QuestionProtocol
private var quizzes = [Quiz<QuestionProtocol>]()
But then I lose the extra information I want to store in the question.
I can store Any, but I believe that is bad practice
private var anyquizzes = [Quiz<Any>]()
Ideally I would like to store T i.e.
but that seems to be impossible in Swift.
Because these classes are in a pod they have no way of knowing about the internal workings of a Question, and are provided these at runtime hence the use of generics and the difficulties in storing these questions.
I can't think of a way to improve the design of the App (more specifically the Pod) - I want to initialize the quizzes once and once only and then run functions like getNextQFromSet() to retrieve a relevant question - which obviously depends on me knowing the type of the question (which I do not know before runtime).
For clarity here is a link to the Pod:
How can I store an array containing these questions without knowing the type?
To be short, I think it makes sense to remove QuestionProtocol and replace it with plain data structure struct Question.
Before I explain my point of view, I want to note that even though I looked at the pod, I still do not know all the requirements, so I might be wrong.
Let's try to have a look at the problem from design perspective instead of programming language perspective.
What is the reason of having QuestionProtocol? Could it be replaced with, let's say, object instead? Why do those properties should be polymorphic? Of course implementation details should be hidden, but hiding data is not about protocols or additional function layers, is about abstractions.
Let's convert QuestionProtocol to Question object for now and think about an abstraction. If there is a real abstraction, then there should an object that hides the data (details) and expose functions that manipulate that data. But there is no functions in Question object and it means that there is no real abstraction behind.
Finally, It means that Question entity most likely is a plain data structure with public properties and could be defined as struct Question.
Having this Question struct now, you can define quizzes as Quiz<Question> and use it to save and retrieve the data.
In addition, I think it worth to point out two things which could simplify and potentially improve design and implementation:
Why does SQLiteManager knows something about concrete question (depends on QuestionProtocol)? I think it makes sense to introduce some generic DBObject or at least plain dictionary [String: Any] which SQLiteManager would know how process and then insert. Then Repository could transform Question data structure into DBObject on some level of composition and pass it to SQLiteManager.
When using generics, in most cases there is no need to define additional type: T.Type parameter. Once generic is defined you can use it as [T], T.init, etc. If you still need a metatype (T.Type) you can get by T.self.
Hope this helps!
There is great example of Quiz app created with TDD and modular design: Quiz App. There is also a video series explaining design and creation process step by step.
How can I store an array containing these questions without knowing
the type?
To my knowledge you can't. As rraphael pointed out in his comment generics aren't resolved at runtime. Furthermore Arrays in swift are designed to hold a single type:
Specifically, you use the Array type to hold elements of a single type, the array’s Element type.
So whatever you do you'll have either an array of Any or maybe QuestionProtocol but nothing more dynamic than that : the type will be resolved at compilation time
You may be able to redesign your QuestionProtocol to suit your needs but without any information on the different types of question it's a bit difficult to help you more since it is an architecture matter.
You can use enum with associated values for describing types. For example:
struct QuestionTypeA { }
struct QuestionTypeB { }
struct QuestionTypeC { }
enum Question {
case typeA(question: QuestionTypeA)
case typeB(question: QuestionTypeB)
case typeC(question: QuestionTypeC)
And then:
public class Quiz {
private let questions : Question
private let name : String
And store an array of Quiz without generic
private var anyquizzes = [Quiz]()
You wouldn't be able to store a Quiz<T> and a Quiz<U> in the same array using either of those types. They're just not the same type.
If you have an Array<QuizProtocol>, you can just match against your known types in a switch-case statement:
var quizzes: [QuizProtocol] = ...
for quiz in quizzes {
switch quiz {
case let someQuiz as SomeQuiz:
case let someOtherQuiz as SomeOtherQuiz:
... // couldn't cast to any known type; do some fallback logic
where SomeQuiz and SomeOtherQuiz conform to QuizProtocol (though strictly speaking, you could match against any type).

Why am I allowed to set a read only property of a protocol using a struct that inherits said protocol?

I'm following a tutorial on the protocol oriented programming paradigm in which I'm confused by something I thought was rather simple which is read only properties of protocols or getters and setters. My understanding is that a read only property is signified by using the keyword 'get' when declaring a variable within a protocol. I was excited so I quickly coded created a playground to see if my thinking was accurate however it appears that I can still change the property which I thought was read only. What am I doing wrong to make it a true read only property to where I can't set it?
protocol FullName {
var firstName: String {get set}
var lastName: String {get set}
var readOnlyProperty: String {get}
struct OuttaBeerOuttaHere: FullName {
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
var readOnlyProperty: String = "Jack! Jack!...Line from Titanic"
var leonardoDicaprio = OuttaBeerOuttaHere.init(firstName: "Leonardo", lastName: "Dicaprio", readOnlyProperty: "WTF")
print(leonardoDicaprio.readOnlyProperty) //prints "WTF"
leonardoDicaprio.readOnlyProperty = "what now"
print(leonardoDicaprio.readOnlyProperty) //prints "what now"
What am I doing wrong to make it a true read only property to where I can't set it?
There is a difference between a protocol (a set of rules) and the type (i.e. your struct) that adopts the protocol.
Your protocol rule says that readOnlyProperty should be readable.
Your struct obeys by making it readable, and also makes it writable. That is not illegal, so all is well — and readOnlyProperty in your struct is read-write.
What would have been illegal would be the inverse, i.e. for the protocol to declare a property read-write but the adopter to declare it read-only. That situation didn't arise in your example, but if it had, the compiler would have stopped you.
Your protocol doesn't declare readOnlyProperty as a read-only property. It only requires that implementations of that protocol have at least gettable readOnlyProperty property. To allow mutations of that property or not is up to implementation itself.
From Docs
Here’s an example of a protocol with a single instance property requirement:
protocol FullyNamed {
var fullName: String { get }
The FullyNamed protocol requires a conforming type to provide a
fully-qualified name. The protocol doesn’t specify anything else about
the nature of the conforming type—it only specifies that the type must
be able to provide a full name for itself. The protocol states that
any FullyNamed type must have a gettable instance property called
fullName, which is of type String
it's a requirement from the protocol not a define

Making a Private Sub-Type Internal or Public

Occasionally, the Swift compiler will synthesize a sub-type for you when you conform a type to a protocol. From my experience, these types are given the access level of private. This is usually fine, but I have come across a case in which I want to be able to access the private subtype in an extension held in a different file (same module, in case you are wondering) which you apparently can't do.
Is it possible to give the type a higher access level without having to write it by hand and take advantage of the synthesized code?
An example of where this happens is conformance to Codable. The CodableKeys sub-type is declared as private when it is synthesized, but you can make it any access level you want when you manually write it.
Here is an example of code that raises an error about this.
class Company: Codable {
let name: String
let founded: Date
init(name: String, founded: Date) { = name
self.founded = founded
extension Company {
func json() -> JSON {
let data: [String: JSON] = [
return JSON.object(data)
I get:
'CodingKeys' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level
It wouldn't be hard to write the type for a type this size, but it quickly becomes a mess when you have multiple types with 9, 10, 11+ properties.

implicitly convert between two 'identical' types in swift

If I have two types
struct PersonFromLibraryA {
let name: String
let age: Int
struct PersonFromLibraryB {
let name: String
let age: Int
Is there a way to implicitly be able to pass an A into a method which is expecting a B?
func doSomething(withPerson person: PersonFromLibraryA) {
let person = PersonFromLibraryB(name: "Alice", age: 42)
doSomething(withPerson: person))
I'd expect this to be type safe i.e. if A or B diverge in any way whatsoever, this shouldn't compile.
I have about 20 or so of this situation (I'm mapping between layers of abstraction in a library) and am getting very tired of filling files with boilerplate mapping methods!
I suspect I already know the answer to this question, but I figure I'll ask it here just to be sure!
Agreed with rmaddy that the one way to fix this w/ type-saftey is protocol (without type-safety, you can do it with unsafeBitCast, but please don't do that). This raises a warning flag, though, that you may have over-abstracted something (or more likely: abstracted along the wrong axis) if you have many types that are identical but distinct between layers.
I believe you should think OOP as Swift is an OOP language. Change both into classes. Generally, you can do this by simply changing the word struct to class. Then create a new class.
class PersonFromLibrary {
let name: String
let age: Int
Now setup your other classes:
class PersonFromLibraryA: PersonFromLibrary {
class PersonFromLibraryB: PersonFromLibrary {
Now instead of using PersonFromLibraryA as the parameter type use PersonFromLibrary. Now you can pass all of the PersonFromLibraryA type things as PersonFromLibrary. The only restriction here is that if you add any unique qualities to any of the PersonFromLibraryA level classes you will have to cast it back to PersonFromLibraryA or it's corresponding class in order to use its unique properties.

Swift protocol for string interpolation

What protocol do I have to implement to control the way an object is represented within a string interpolation in Swift?
I wan't to specify what get's printed in something like this:
struct A{
var a = A()
You need to implement the Printable protocol:
This protocol should be adopted by types that wish to customize their
textual representation. This textual representation is used when
objects are written to an OutputStreamType.
protocol Printable {
var description: String { get }
There's also the DebugPrintable protocol when it's only for debugging purposes:
This protocol should be adopted by types that wish to customize
their textual representation used for debugging purposes. This
textual representation is used when objects are written to an
protocol DebugPrintable {
var debugDescription: String { get }
Documentation (Thanks #MartinR)
Note: As #Antonio and #MartinR mentioned in the comments, this doesn't work in the playground (as of Xcode6 GM anyway); that's a known bug. It does work in compiled apps.
From the Xcode6 GM Release Notes:
In Playgrounds, println() ignores the Printable conformance of
user-defined types. (16562388)
As of Swift 2.0 Printable has now become CustomStringConvertible. Everything stays the same as before, you still need to implement
var description: String { get }
But now its called CustomStringConvertible. And debug is CustomDebugStringConvertible
In Swift 5 Apple introduced Custom String Interpolation.
Suppose you have person struct with two properties name and age.
struct Person {
var name: String
var age: Int
If you wanted to add a special string interpolation for that so that we can print persons in descriptive way, we can add an extension to String.StringInterpolation with a new appendInterpolation() method.
extension String.StringInterpolation {
mutating func appendInterpolation(_ person: Person) {
appendInterpolation("My name is \( and I'm \(person.age) years old.")
Now If we print the person details like:
let person = Person(name: "Yogendra", age: 28)
print("Person Details: \(person)")
Output will be:
Person Details: My name is Yogendra and I'm 28 years old.
I would like to put an alternative solution here:
The protocol for string interpolation in Swift is StringInterpolationConvertible. That is, any class which implements the protocol, can be constructed from a string interpolation.
Back to the question, to control what is printed out for a String string interpolation of instances of class A, you would need to create a String extension and overload the init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: A) function.
extension String {
init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: A) {
//do custom work here
//for example: self.init(expr.description)
In case you are looking for a way to remove the annoying "Optional(...)" when interpolating Optional variables, which I think is the main reason why people would want to control how an object gets printed out, just have a look at the pod NoOptionalInterpolation here.
Additional information (edited):
Confirm that overriding description will only work for your own struct/class, but not for existing struct/class such as Int and Optional.