HTML >> Multiple languages in the same <select> menu - character

Need to create a <select> element where each of the options is written in a different language.
I've tried using the "lng" tag for the <option> but it's not helping.
The drop-down is generated from a call to the DB. Each <option> needs to have the following format:
Language Name (in English) followed by the original language name in parentheses.
For example:
<option>Spanish (EspaƱol)</option>
Everything is fine and dandy until I get to foreign character sets, which don't display:
<option>Akan (Twi)</option>
<option>Amharic (????)</option>
<option>Arabic (????????????)</option>
<option>Bengali (?????)</option>
<option>Chinese (????)</option>
Does anyone know how to create a drop-down containing multiple character sets?

I solved this by changing the parameters of the DB connection string. I added ";charset=utf8".
However, that scrambled many of my other pages so I now have a separate DB connection string just for the page that I need this multi-language drop down on.
You can see the results here


Access 2010 - enter references to form elements as the value of a text field

Is there a way to take a value from a field on a form and use it as a reference to a different field in the same form, and not just literally? I want to be able to manually enter something like [txtFlavor] in one field and have it show the actual flavor, the value of the field named "txtFlavor" in another field, and not just the string "[txtFlavor]". I'm basically trying to store some vba references (terminology?) in a table so I can bring up a string of text with references to values on the form.
I have been asked to create a system that will store letter templates in Access 2010 and allow users to choose a record with personal information and insert that info into a template letter, preferably displaying it on a form immediately in plain text. I already proposed using reports to do this but that was unacceptable to the end users. They really just want a form that combines
a) contact records, one at a time
b) letter templates, one at a time
I've been trying to store the template info with it's form references in a table, but I have yet to be able to make references pull data from another text field on the form.
Is it possible and/or sensible to try to store something like the following in a table, or to enter it into a field on a form?
[txtFlavor] & " is dull but popular."
and then have it show up elsewhere in the form as
Vanilla is dull but popular.
I sure feel dumb and am sure I've missed something obvious. Everything I do is just repeated literally and not interpreted as a reference.
You could get your users to create their templates using 'tags' as placeholders for the database information, in a similar way to how you would design a merge document in Word. So in your example above, the template document would look like:
{Flavor} is dull but popular.
When it comes time to create the merged result you would need to use the Replace function to change these tags to actual data values. So if you had a read-only text box on your form, the control source could be:
=Replace([txtTemplate], "{Flavor}", [Flavor])
I assume you would have lots of potential tags, so using this approach you would need to nest the Replace functions. I have split my nesting across multiple lines to make it a bit more readable:
Replace([txtTemplate], "{EmpName}", [EmpName]),
"{EmpAddress}", [EmpAddress]),
"{EmpPhone}", [EmpPhone])
If you had many more database fields/tags this would start to become very unwieldy so I would recommend using some VBA to make life easier, maybe something along the lines of:
Dim rsSource As Recordset
Dim strMerge As String
Dim intField As Integer
'Assuming your form has a field called EmpNo (numeric data) that you can use to pull data...
Set rsSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset ("Select EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpPhone From Employees Where EmpNo = " & Me.EmpNo)
strMerge = txtTemplate
For intField = 0 to rsSource.Fields.Count - 1
strMerge = Replace(strMerge, "{" & rsSource(intField).Name & "}", rsSource(intField))
Next intField
txtMerge = strMerge
Set rsSource = Nothing
You could put this code in the AfterUpdate event of your txtTemplate text box and it would update the contents of the txtMerge text box. You either need your tag names to match your database columns, or else you could alias the columns in the Select statement so they match the tag names.

Are Sphinx Excerpts inserted into the data and thus accessible by MySql?

In reading more about Excerpts:
I am still unclear if the inserted tags are internally used by sphinx to format the final display text or if they actually added to the mysql:
before_match is a string to insert before each set of matching words. The default is '<b>'.
In other words if I changed the string to some non display htlm e.g. <!-- START --> for before_match and <!-- END --> for after_match I could then search on those in mysql or is the search still just a zone inside the index?
No, buildExerpts does not touch the database at all. It does not even change the sphinx index either.
You simply pass it a block of text (or multiple) and a text query. And then it forms a new block of text for each, highlighting the provided terms. The new block(s) of text are provided by return.
... if you want to do something with that block of text (so can search it otherwise!) would then have save it somewhere for example.
(the 'inserted tags' you talk about, are just added in the new block of text, which is generally considered to be HTML, so would then just be displayed to the end user)

Alter input of form before it is submitted

I'm creating a multilingual Drupal site and trying to implement a search function, that only displays results in the current language, that the user is viewing the site through.
Using Drupals own searchfunction at /search/node it is possible to select which language to search for through the "Advanced search" options, and it works perfectly. However, I dont want to expose these language selectboxes, I just want it to only search in the current language automatically.
What's the best option to do this?
I have one solution where I create a hook_form_alter function, that sets the #default_value in the language selectboxes to the current language, and then I hide the whole "advanced options" with in css. This doesnt seem very right though.
I think the most clean solution would be to hook into Drupals form-processing process and append ex "language:en" to the input text, but I cannot get this to work.
Does anyone know if it is possible via one of the Drupal form related alter functions, to get a hold of the input text and alter it before drupal does its final processing of it?
To answer your question specifically, while using 'hook_form_alter', you have a referenced variable called '$form_state'. This stores the values in the form, and any change there will be passed further.
I think setting a default value and hiding the field is a good solution as any, only, if you are hiding it you should do it server side, while altering the form. The same field you are setting the default value to. like this:
$fieldname['#type'] = 'hidden'.

Select-Box and not drop down list in MVC2

Is there an alternative to the drop down list like a Select-Box in MVC2? I have been looking around for a bit and the web seems a little ambiguous on this issue.
You could use the Html.ListBoxFor which will generate a multiple select list box. The only difference with the DropDownListFor is that it addes the multiple="multiple" to the <select> tag that it generates and obviously the first parameter in the lambda expression must be a list property as you could have multiple selected values.

Customizing single entry templates in ExpressionEngine (1.6.x)

This is either very annoying or very embarrassing. I've set up most of my blog, but I can't figure out where or how the heck I set up single entry templates as opposed to the section/weblog containing them. I just can't find information on how to do it for the life of me.
This is especially important, because I want to define the canonical link for all entries, since ExpressionEngine links to entries in all kinds of ways.
So, the case is that I have a Blog section/weblog with an index working as the front page for This lists all my entries as you would imagine a regular blog to do. The problem arises when I need to customize the code for the single entries' links.
If you have a template set up already which is showing a multitude of entries and you want a single entry page for each entry then what you need to do is this :
Then in the template shown above by template_group/template_name (please change those to whatever your template group and template names actually are ;-) ) you will place this code :
This will then show you just the one entry as you will have used the {url_title_path="template_group/template_name"} in the first channel entries tag above which would basically create a URI something like this :
On the second (template_group/template_name) single entry template page it will see the URL title and use this to filter down the channel entries tag to just that one entry.
Hope that helps a bit.
Best wishes,