Following a path in Spritekit EXC_BAD_ACCESS - swift

I have a simple Snake game where the head draws a UIBezier path. That part works fine:
func addLineToSnakePath(snakeHead: SnakeBodyUnit) {
//add a new CGPoint to array
activeSnakePathPoints.append(CGPoint(x: snakeHead.partX, y: snakeHead.partY))
let index = activeSnakePathPoints.count-1
if (index == 1) {
shapeNode.path = path.CGPath
The path generates with swipes as the Head moves around the screen. Now I add a body unit to follow the UIBezier path and I get a bad access error.
func addBodyPart() {
let followBody = SKAction.followPath(path.CGPath, asOffset: true, orientToPath: false, duration: 1.0)
Crash at:
0 SKCFollowPath::cpp_willStartWithTargetAtTime(SKCNode*, double)

Looking at the code I would rather strengthen my code this way:
func addLineToSnakePath(snakeHead: CGPoint) {
let count = activeSnakePathPoints.count
if count == 0 { return } // The snake don't have an head..
//add a new CGPoint to array
activeSnakePathPoints.append(CGPoint(x: snakeHead.x, y: snakeHead.y))
guard count > 1 else {
// There are only two element (the head point and the new point) so:
path = UIBezierPath.init()
shapeNode.path = path.CGPath
// There are some elements:
shapeNode.path = path.CGPath
Next, when you make the followPath action I've seen you use offset value to true ( I don't know if this is wanted from you..):
asOffset : If YES, the points in the path are relative offsets to the
node’s starting position. If NO, the points in the node are absolute
coordinate values.
In other words true means the path is relative from the sprite's starting position, false means absolute
Finally in the line:
I don't know what is snakePart but you use shapeNode in your function
Thinking about your crash, seems snakePart is not a valid SKNode (like when you try to use a sprite or shape without initialize itself)


iOS RealityKit. Changing Entity's translation causes unexpected behaviour

I am trying to create some AR experience.
I load the Model with animations as an Entity. Lets call it a Toy.
I create an AnchorEntity.
I attach the Toy to the AnchorEntity. Up to this point everything works great.
I want the Toy to walk in random directions. And it does for the first time. Then it gets interesting, allow me to share my code:
First method uses a newly created Transform for the Toy with the modified translation x, y, to make the Toy move and that is it.
func walk(completion: #escaping () -> Void) {
guard let robot = robot else {
let currentTransform = robot.transform
guard let path = randomPath(from: currentTransform) else {
let (newTranslation , travelTime) = path
let newTransform = Transform(scale: currentTransform.scale,
rotation: currentTransform.rotation,
translation: newTranslation)
robot.move(to: newTransform, relativeTo: nil, duration: travelTime)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + travelTime + 1) {
We get that new Transform from the method below.
func randomPath(from currentTransform: Transform) -> (SIMD3<Float>, TimeInterval)? {
// Get the robot's current transform and translation
let robotTranslation = currentTransform.translation
// Generate random distances for a model to cross, relative to origin
let randomXTranslation = Float.random(in: 0.1...0.4) * [-1.0,1.0].randomElement()!
let randomZTranslation = Float.random(in: 0.1...0.4) * [-1.0,1.0].randomElement()!
// Create a translation relative to the current transform
let relativeXTranslation = robotTranslation.x + randomXTranslation
let relativeZTranslation = robotTranslation.z + randomZTranslation
// Find a path
var path = (randomXTranslation * randomXTranslation + randomZTranslation * randomZTranslation).squareRoot()
// Path only positive
if path < 0 { path = -path }
// Calculate the time of walking based on the distance and default speed
let timeOfWalking: Float = path / settings.robotSpeed
// Based on old trasnlation calculate the new one
let newTranslation: SIMD3<Float> = [relativeXTranslation,
return (newTranslation, TimeInterval(timeOfWalking))
The problem is that the value of Entity.transform.translation.y grows from 0 to some random value < 1. Always after the second time the walk() method is being called.
As you can see, every time the method is called, newTranslation sets the Y value to be 0. And yet the Toy's translation:
I am out of ideas any help is appreciated. I can share the whole code if needed.
I have managed to fix the issue by specifying parameter relativeTo as Toy's AnchorEntity:
toy.move(to: newTransform, relativeTo: anchorEntity, duration: travelTime)

Swift CoreGraphics UIBezierPath will not fill interior correctly

I'm trying to draw countries and fill the interior a certain color. My data source is a TopoJSON file, which, in a nutshell, is made up of shapes that reference an array of arcs to create a shape. I convert this into an array of paths, which I then iterate through to draw the country. As you can see in the below screenshot, I'm drawing the correct lines of the outline of the country (Afghanistan).
However, when I try to use path.fill(), I end up getting the following. Note how the black lines are correct, but the colors go outside and inside haphazardly.
var mapRegion = MapRegion()
var path = mapRegion.createPath()
var origin: CGPoint = .zero
.forEach { (geoIndex, shape) in
.forEach { (shapeIndex, coord) in
guard let coordPoint = coord.double else { return }
let values = coordinatesToGraphics(x: coordPoint.x, y: coordPoint.y)
let point = CGPoint(x: values.x, y: values.y)
if origin == .zero {
origin = point
// Shape is about to be closed
if shapeIndex != 0 && path.contains(point) {
// Close, save path (2)
path.addLine(to: origin)
// (3) path.close()
// Add to map, reset process
mapRegion = MapRegion()
path = mapRegion.createPath()
else {
if shapeIndex == 0 {
path.move(to: point)
} else {
path.addLine(to: point)
I've tried exhaustively messing with usesEvenOddFillRule (further reading), but nothing ever changes. I found that Comment (1) above helped resolve an issue where borders were being drawn that shouldn't be. The function savePath() at (2) runs the setStroke(), stroke(), setFill(), fill() functions.
Update: path.close() draws a line that closes the path at the bottom-left corner of the shape, instead of the top-left corner where it first starts drawing. That function closes the "most recently added subpath", but how are subpaths defined?
I can't say for sure whether the problem is my logic or some CoreGraphics trick. I have a collection of paths that I need to stitch together and treat as one, and I believe I'm doing that. I've looked at the data points, and the end of one arc to the beginning of the next are identical. I printed the path I stitch together and I basically move(to:) the same point, so there are no duplicates when I addLine(to:) Looking at the way the simulator is coloring the region, I first guessed maybe the individual arcs were being treated as shapes, but there are only 6 arcs in this example, and several more inside-outside color switches.
I'd really appreciate any help here!
Turns out that using path.move(to:) creates a subpath within the UIBezierPath(), which the fill algorithm seemingly treats as separate, multiple paths (source that led to discovery). The solution was to remove the extra, unnecessary move(to:) calls. Below is the working code and happy result! Thanks!
var mapRegion = MapRegion()
var path = mapRegion.createPath()
path.move(to: .zero)
var pointsDictionary: [String: Bool] = [:]
.forEach { (geoIndex, shape) in
.forEach { (shapeIndex, coord) in
guard let coordPoint = coord.double else { return }
let values = coordinatesToGraphics(x: coordPoint.x, y: coordPoint.y)
let point = CGPoint(x: values.x, y: values.y)
// Move to start
if path.currentPoint == .zero {
path.move(to: point)
if shapeIndex != 0 {
// Close shape
if pointsDictionary[point.debugDescription] ?? false {
// Close path, set colors, save
regionDrawer.drawPath(of: mapRegion)
// Reset process
mapRegion = MapRegion()
path = mapRegion.createPath()
pointsDictionary = [:]
// Add to shape
else {
path.addLine(to: point)

ARKit limit display distance of a node

I would like to create a node in sceneView, that is displayed at normal position in the scene, until user get too close or too far from it. Then it should be displayed at the same direction from the user, but with restricted distance. So far best I found is SCNDistanceConstraint, which limits this distance, but the problem is, that this constraint after it moved the node, this node stays in this new place. So for example, I want to limit the node to be displayed not closer then one meter from camera. I'm getting closer to the node, and it's being pushed away, but then when I get camera back, this node should return to it's original position - for now it stays where it was pushed. Is there some easy way to get such behavior?
Im not entirely sure I have understood what you mean, but it seems you always want your SCNNode to be positioned 1m away from the camera, but keeping its other x, y values?
If this is the case then you can do something like this:
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, updateAtTime time: TimeInterval) {
//1. Get The Current Node On Screen & The Camera Point Of View
guard let nodeToPosition = currentNode, let pointOfView = augmentedRealityView.pointOfView else { return }
//2. Set The Position Of The Node 1m Away From The Camera
nodeToPosition.simdPosition.z = pointOfView.presentation.worldPosition.z - 1
//3. Get The Current Distance Between The SCNNode & The Camera
let positionOfNode = SCNVector3ToGLKVector3(nodeToPosition.presentation.worldPosition)
let positionOfCamera = SCNVector3ToGLKVector3(pointOfView.presentation.worldPosition)
let distanceBetweenNodeAndCamera = GLKVector3Distance(positionOfNode, positionOfCamera)
I have added in part three, so you could use the distance to do some additional calculations etc.
Hope this points you in the right direction...
The answer above is not exactly what I need - I want object to be displayed like it was just placed in normal position, so I can get closer and farer to/from it, but limit how close/far I can get from that object. When I'm beyond that limit, object should start move to be always within given distance range from camera. Anyway I think I have found some right direction in this. Instead of assigning position, I'm creating a constraint that constantly updates position of my node to be either in given position if it's in given range from user, or if not, adjusts this position to fit in that range:
private func setupConstraint() {
guard let mainNodeDisplayDistanceRange = mainNodeDisplayDistanceRange else {
constraints = nil
position = requestedPosition
let constraint = SCNTransformConstraint.positionConstraint(inWorldSpace: true) { (node, currentPosition) -> SCNVector3 in
var cameraPositionHorizontally = (self.augmentedRealityView as! AugmentedRealityViewARKit).currentCameraPosition
cameraPositionHorizontally.y = self.requestedPosition.y
let cameraToObjectVector = self.requestedPosition - cameraPositionHorizontally
let horizontalDistanceFromCamera = Double((cameraToObjectVector).distanceHorizontal)
guard mainNodeDisplayDistanceRange ~= horizontalDistanceFromCamera else {
let normalizedDistance = horizontalDistanceFromCamera.keepInRange(mainNodeDisplayDistanceRange)
let normalizedPosition = cameraPositionHorizontally + cameraToObjectVector.normalizeHorizontally(toDistance: normalizedDistance)
return normalizedPosition
return self.requestedPosition
constraints = [constraint]
internal var requestedPosition: SCNVector3 = .zero {
didSet {
This starts to work fine, but I still need to find a way to animate this.

Choosing to spawn different SKSpriteNodes

I am making a game and I have objects which fall from the top of the screen to the bottom. I want to spawn choose between the objects and drop one of them. I currently the drop all at the same time.
func ShapePicker() -> SKSpriteNode{
let shapeArray = [purpleOctagon, coin, greenTriangle, orangeHexagon]
let MaxValue = self.size.width / 2 - 200
let MinValue = self.size.width / 3 * 0.95
let rangeMax = UInt32(MaxValue)
let rangeMin = UInt32(MinValue)
purpleOctagon.position = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(rangeMin) + rangeMax), y: self.size.height)
greenTriangle.position = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(rangeMin) + rangeMax), y: self.size.height)
coin.position = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(rangeMin) + rangeMax), y: self.size.height)
return shapeArray[Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(shapeArray.count)))]
I would like the program to randomly .addChild because right now it just puts them on the screen.
Your code implies that you want all of them to be on the screen, and then one randomly drops... So you do want to continue to .addChild. What you want, is for them to NOT drop all at once.
So, you need to change the .physicsBody.pinned to true to keep them at the top of the screen.
Then, in your update() you can check for how much time has passed, etc, and after a certain # of seconds you can do an arc4random_uniform and use that result to change the .pinned property of one of the nodes (thus causing that one and that one only to fall).
So, if the coin is 0, triangle is 1, and octagon is 2, then, in your .update keep track of the time elapsed and after say 3 seconds, do a random check 0-2, and that check will perform:
switch result {
case 0: // coin
coin.physicsBody?.pinned = false // makes it drop
case 1: // triangle
Just make sure that your nodes are in the proper scope so that you can do the logic in update()
If I read your Q wrong, and you only want to spawn and then drop just one, then you would still need the above switch statement, but instead of changing physicsBody you would do .addChild instead.
so inside of your func would be more like:
// This can be global or inside of your GameScene:
var myGlobalCurrentTime: CFTimeInterval
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
myGlobalCurrentTime = myTimerUpdateTime(currentTime)
func myDropFunc() {
... // Initialize your nodes
let result = myRandomNumber(3)
switch result {
case 0:
= CGPoint(x: CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(rangeMin) + rangeMax),
y: self.size.height)
case 1:
// Execute the func:
I'm still a bit confused by your code and question, so please clarify in the comments so I can update this answer if needed.
You can move the addChild call out of this function, it returns a SKSpriteNode, which you can then add.
let sprite = ShapePicker()
Or, just add the one randomly chosen and return it. You don't need to addChild nodes that you're not planning on using

Keep relative positions of SKSpriteNode from SKShapeNode from CGPath

I have an array of array of coordinates (from a shapefile), which I'm trying to make into a series of SKSpriteNodes.
My problem is that I need to keep the relative positions of each of the shapes in the array. If I use SKShapeNodes, it works, as they are just created directly from the path I trace, but their resources consumption is quite high, and, in particular I cannot use lighting effects on them.
If I use SKSpriteNodes with a texture created from the shape node, then I lose their relative positions.
I tried calculating the center of each shapes, but their positions are still not accurate.
Here's how I draw them so far:
override func didMoveToView(view: SKView)
self.backgroundColor = SKColor.blackColor()
let shapeCoordinates:[[(CGFloat, CGFloat)]] = [[(900.66563867095, 401.330302084953), (880.569690215615, 400.455067051099), (879.599839322167, 408.266821560754), (878.358968429675, 418.182833936104), (899.37522863267, 418.54861454054), (900.66563867095, 401.330302084953)],
[(879.599839322167, 408.266821560754), (869.991637153925, 408.122907880045), (870.320569111933, 400.161243286459), (868.569953361733, 400.11339198742), (864.517810669155, 399.54973007215), (858.682258706015, 397.619367903278), (855.665753299048, 395.808813873244), (853.479452218432, 392.811211835046), (847.923492419877, 394.273974470316), (834.320860167515, 397.859104108813), (826.495867917475, 399.921507079808), (829.86572598778, 404.531781837208), (835.898936154083, 409.178035013947), (840.887737516875, 411.839958392806), (847.191868005112, 414.441797809335), (854.251943938193, 416.198384209245), (860.095769038325, 417.277496957155), (866.21091316512, 417.954970608037), (873.27118845149, 418.182833936104), (878.358968429675, 418.182833936104), (879.599839322167, 408.266821560754)],
[(931.018881691707, 402.151689416542), (910.610746904717, 401.600140235583), (910.380693886848, 411.576056681467), (930.79710181083, 411.750012342223), (931.018881691707, 402.151689416542)],
[(880.569690215615, 400.455067051099), (870.320569111933, 400.161243286459), (869.991637153925, 408.122907880045), (879.599839322167, 408.266821560754), (880.569690215615, 400.455067051099)]]
for shapeCoord in shapeCoordinates
let path = CGPathCreateMutable()
var center:(CGFloat, CGFloat) = (0, 0)
for i in 0...(shapeCoord.count - 1)
let x = shapeCoord[i].0
let y = shapeCoord[i].1
center.0 += x
center.1 += y
if i == 0
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, x, y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, x, y)
center.0 /= CGFloat(shapeCoord.count)
center.1 /= CGFloat(shapeCoord.count)
let shape = SKShapeNode(path: path)
let texture = self.view?.textureFromNode(shape)
let sprite = SKSpriteNode(texture: texture)
sprite.position = CGPointMake(center.0, center.1)
Is it feasible or should I switch to another technology / method?