How to create tag automatically upon accepted merge request in GitLab? - tags

This is for a repository containing a library. The library version number is incremented (manually) each time a Merge Request to master is accepted.
However, if I want to access a file from version X.Y.Z, I have to look for the commit that incremented the version number to X.Y.Z, get its date, and then look in the history of the file for the version at that date.
I would like to create a tag per version, automatically when the Merge Request to master is created. Is this possible?
I hoped it would be possible with the new GitLab slash commands, but there currently is not support for tags.
Is there any other possibility than using web hooks?

While facing the same challenge, I stumbled upon this suggestion on GitLab's former issue tracker on GitHub1:
“You can write up a script to use GitLab API to accept a merge request, get the commit of the merge and then tag that commit.” --MadhavGitlab
(just to mention that — for me that's not sufficient)
Looks like all issues have been purged from the GitHub mirror, so this link does no longer work, but luckily the relevant quote persists right here.

I first tried to do it the gitlab way, by creating a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the project top-level directory. That file can contain the commands creating the version tag. The user executing the script has to have enough permission to push to the git project, and be configured with authoring information.
I finally did it on a Jenkins server, where I created a job that is invoked when commits are pushed into a specific branch. The tag can be created in the execute shell commands.


GitHub Actions: auto-PR on some files update?

I'm very new to GitHub Actions/CI/CD, and I want to know whether it is possible to automate the following scenario:
I have a local script that makes use of some APIs to download some files onto my local machine. My current status is that: I have to run the script every day to check whether the content of these files is updated or not. If some of those files got updated then I need to add those changes into a new branch and push it to a repository as a PR.
My trying: My idea is that since it's possible to compare the hash of the downloaded files to know whether any of those got updated. The next thing to do is to make this into an event to trigger some action?
If it's possible could you share some resources/tutorials about how to do it?
I tested something similar on GitHub to understand how the CI/CD GitHub actions works.
the script is based on an SQLite DataBase which is updated automatically each time (automatic git push). And it uses Github Secrets to store encrypted Tokens/Passwords.
You can find my scheduler in the follow link:
you can find more information directly in the github documentation.
Here for the Github actions:
And here for the Github encrypted secrets:

How to set up a github pull request build in a Jenkinsfile?

So, I've been using Jenkins for quite a while. I have set up numerous projects with the Github Pull Request Builder plugin to run tests whenever someone opens a pull request, and then trigger some other job (build, push, deploy, etc) whenever the pull request actually gets merged to master.
So, is there any way to set this up with a Jenkinsfile, or the organization folders, or the multibranch build deal?
The github-organization-folder plugin in combination with the multi-branch plugin plugin offers exactly this awesome feature: It scans a whole organization (optionally restricted to certain patterns in repo/branch names) for Jenkinsfiles and automatically adds jobs. This also happens for Pull Requests.
Once the PR is closed, it automatically removes the job.
To avoid arbitrary code execution, an organization member has to trigger building the job (same as for the GPRB plugin). The phrase can be configured in the Jenkins System settings.
EDIT: Under the Advanced section in Jenkins, you find options about what types of PR you want to build. If you build fork PRs, then there's afaik no way to prevent running code without prior inspecting it.
An example, how this looks like:

How you increment the version number using Travis CI?

The project that I am working on is a jQuery plugin. I have managed to get Travis CI to build a test project using Gulp/NodeJS successfully. Now I am trying to work out what workflow to use to bump the version number.
In TeamCity and MyGet there is a setting in the CI server to form a version number pattern that auto increments on each build, which can be used by the build script to update versions in the deployment files and to label the Git repo. However, in the free version of Travis CI, there doesn't seem to be an option for versioning at all.
I have read several articles on continuous deployment with Travis CI, here, here, and here, but none of them even broach the topic of versioning. Obviously, the version needs to be changed for the release. So what am I missing here?
Another problem I noted when going through the documentation is that it mentioned that Travis CI is not able to update the GitHub repository. Doesn't that basically mean it won't be able to create a Git tag?
If there is no way to version from Travis CI, then what is the typical workflow for the release process for such a plugin? Is the versioning always done manually? If so, how could there be "continuous deployment"?
Before it starts running the instructions in your .travis.yml file, Travis will set a bunch of environment variables (in the VM that is building your project) with various bits of information about your build, such as what branch is being built and so on.
You probably want one of these:
TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER: The number of the current build (for example, “4”).
TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER: The number of the current job (for example, “4.1”).
But it's going to be very difficult to do anything sensible if you don't have control of the repository, because you'll need to upload a .travis.yml file into the root of your source code folder, otherwise Travis won't know what to do.
Use bumped for release versioning. When you're satisfied with the changes in master, run:
bumped release <major|minor|patch>
After you push the changes, either directly or through a release PR, you can check for the presence of new tags in Travis CI and publish the package to the registry automatically.
If you consider that every PR must end up to your enduser without thinking of the impact of such changes, then your version numbers have no meaning.
You don't give your user a way to know if it is a major change that break compatibility or a bug fix. You don't allow him to get update without worrying about backward compatibility.
Currently, the commit id is your version number.
If you want to give meaning to your version numbers then you have to think of the impact of your pull requests on the enduser ( You have to choose a version number for a specific PR or a group of PR.
So basically, since you have to 'think' of a certain version number for a specific version that you want to deliver, you can't automate this process.
Release/tag creation is the way to go : )
You can accomplish this by setting up a script that would create a ~/.netrc file to access the repository. In this file you can specify something like:
login <blah>
And instead of putting in your credentials, you can pass an github access token. You can use the travis encrypt to register it in the .travis.yml file, and export the variable for your script's use. From there in your script, you can issue regular git commands such as:
git add <some file>
git commit -m "This is $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"
git push origin <branch>

TeamCity Running Too Many Builds

I have created a build configuration in TeamCity (v8.0.1) to automatically build my Github pull requests by setting my VCS branch specification to +:refs/pull/(*/merge) (I followed this blog post).
TeamCity is picking up new pull requests and changes to existing pull requests just fine, however it is kicking off multiple builds per change when I would expect it to only perform a single build.
For example, I pushed up two commits to an existing pull request which resulted in 8 builds being executed by TeamCity. When I look at the changes for each of the builds the change graph is identical except for the commit hash of the pull request's build (at least I think that is what it is), e.g.
I have confirmed that Per-checkin Triggering is disabled in the Build Trigger configuration. I have also confirmed that we are not using any of Github's TeamCity hooks.
Any ideas what the problem might be?
I'm not sure what could cause this, but have you tried to turn on "Quiet Period"

Apply specific changeset from one TFS instance to another

What is the easiest way to apply the changes from a specific changeset from one TFS instance on another instance?
What I want is to get some sort of patch file from instance A that I can apply to instance B. Since there are two different instances, a traditional branch/merge approach cannot be used. And as far as I know, TFS has poor support for patch files in the traditional Unix-sense.
Do I really need to inspect a changeset on instance A and manually zip the relevant files which I can then extract into the source tree of instance B?
Turns out that the "patch" route was a dead end due to lack of support in TFS. The solution we ended up with was to perform a nightly job which basically does the following:
Get all code from remote repo with a read-only user.
Overwrite all content of a separate branch in our repo with the content from the other.
Perform a merge from that separate branch to the main branch whenever we want to bring their changes into our main branch.
This answer explains how to create a patch file using the tf diff command. However, there is no built-in way to apply that patch file to another instance or branch. I have not seen any third-party tools to do so either.
I wrote a blog post about a similar issue where I used the TF.exe command and 7Zip to create a TFS patch file that could then be applied on another TFS server or workspace. I posted the the Powershell scripts at Github, which can be used to Zip up any pending changes on one workspace and then apply them to a different server. It would have to be modified to use a changeset instead of pending changes, but that shouldn't be too difficult to accomplish.