Backpropagation through time in stateful RNNs - neural-network

If I use a stateful RNN in Keras for processing a sequence of length N divided into N parts (each time step is processed individually),
how is backpropagation handled? Does it only affect the last time step, or does it backpropagate through the entire sequence?
If it does not propagate through the entire sequence, is there a way to do this?

The back propagation horizon is limited to the second dimension of the input sequence. i.e. if your data is of type (num_sequences, num_time_steps_per_seq, data_dim) then back prop is done over a time horizon of value num_time_steps_per_seq Take a look at

There are a couple things you need to know about RNNs in Keras. At default the parameter return_sequences=False in all recurrent neural networks. This means that at default only the activations of the RNN after processing the entire input sequence are returned as output. If you want to have the activations at every time step and optimize every time step seperately, you need to pass return_sequences=True as parameter (
The next thing that is important to know is that all a stateful RNN does is remember the last activation. So if you have a large input sequence and break it up in smaller sequences (which I believe you are doing), the activation in the network is retained in the network after processing the first sequence and therefore affects the activations in the network when processing the second sequence. This has nothing to do with how the network is optimized, the network simply minimizes the difference between the output and the targets you give.

to the Q1: how is backpropagation handled? (as so as RNN is not only fully-connected vertically as in basic_NN, but also considered to be Deep - having also horizontal backprop connections in hidden layer)
Suppose batch_input_shape=(num_seq, 1, data_dim) - "Backprop will be truncated to 1 timestep , as the second dimension is 1. No gradient updates will be performed further back in time than the second dimension's value." - see here
Thus, if having time_step >1 there - gradient WILL update further back in time_steps assigned in second_dim of input_shape
set return_sequences=True for all recurrent layers except the last one (that use as needed output or Dense further to needed output) -- True is needed to have transmissible sequence from previous to the next rolled at +1 in sliding_window -- to be able to backprop according already estimated weights
return_state=True is used to get the states returned -- 2 state tensors in LSTM [output, state_h, state_c = layers.LSTM(64, return_state=True, name="encoder")] or 1 state tensor in GRU [incl. in shapes] -- that "can be used in the encoder-decoder sequence-to-sequence model, where the encoder final state is used as the initial state of the decoder."...
But remember (for any case): Stateful training does not allow shuffling, and is more time-consuming compared with stateless
as you can see here -- (c,h) in tf or (h,c) in keras -- both h & c are elements of output, thus both becoming urgent in batched or multi-threaded training


Set Batch Size *and* Number of Training Iterations for a neural network?

I am using the KNIME Doc2Vec Learner node to build a Word Embedding. I know how Doc2Vec works. In KNIME I have the option to set the parameters
Batch Size: The number of words to use for each batch.
Number of Epochs: The number of epochs to train.
Number of Training Iterations: The number of updates done for each batch.
From Neural Networks I know that (lazily copied from
one epoch = one forward pass and one backward pass of all the training examples
batch size = the number of training examples in one forward/backward pass. The higher the batch size, the more memory space you'll need.
number of iterations = number of passes, each pass using [batch size] number of examples. To be clear, one pass = one forward pass + one backward pass (we do not count the forward pass and backward pass as two different passes).
As far as I understand it makes little sense to set batch size and iterations, because one is determined by the other (given the data size, which is given by the circumstances). So why can I change both parameters?
This is not necessarily the case. You can also train "half epochs". For example, in Google's inceptionV3 pretrained script, you usually set the number of iterations and the batch size at the same time. This can lead to "partial epochs", which can be fine.
If it is a good idea or not to train half epochs may depend on your data. There is a thread about this but not a concluding answer.
I am not familiar with KNIME Doc2Vec, so I am not sure if the meaning is somewhat different there. But from the definitions you gave setting batch size + iterations seems fine. Also setting number of epochs could cause conflicts though leading to situations where numbers don't add up to reasonable combinations.

Confusion about many-to-one, many-to-many LSTM architectures in Keras

My task is the following: I have a (black box) method which computes a sequence starting from an initial element. At each step, my method reads an input from an external source of memory and outputs an action which potentially changes this memory. You can think of this method as a function f: (external state, reading) -> action. I want to train an ANN to learn f(), which means I want to be able to take my trained model, feed it an input, get the predicted action, use it to change the external state and repeat this process indefinitely, one step at a time.
Because of the nature of f() I know that the ANN must be recurrent and stateful, but I'm not so sure about the rest. It makes sense to train it to map sequences of readings into sequences of actions, but it only makes sense if the model is able to fuse each reading with the action outputted in the last step, and I'm not sure how to enforce that.
But most importantly: After training my model with a given sequence length (readings^N -> actions^N), how can I make it output predictions one step at a time (sequence length = 1)? Is this possible?

First neural net - weights don't converge

i just wrote my first implementation of a neural network for the game tic-tac-toe.
I have 9 input neurons (1,0,-1 for the state), and 1 output neuron (from -1 to 1 - that's the value of the state).
I use a simple reinforcement algorithm:
The winning state gets the value +1, the previous state gets 1-1*scale, the next state 1-2*scale and so on.
The losing state gets the value -1, the previous state gets -1+1*scale, the next state -1+2*scale and so on. (optional so far)
I feed this values into the network to get an error function to work with.
In the next iteration, i take all possible states and feed them into the network. Then i select the state with the highest value.
Now the problem is: If i only use the rewards for winning, the algorithm works
just fine, the output values converge to the values calculated by the reward-formula. I get winning rates around 85% against a random player.
If i use rewards for winning and (negative) rewards for losing, the algorithm does not converge at all and tends to output only positive, or only negative values (around +1 or around -1).
Does anybody know what could be the reason behind this? I use the tanh(x) output function for my neurons.
Thanks and best wishes,

Understanding multi-layer LSTM

I'm trying to understand and implement multi-layer LSTM. The problem is i don't know how they connect. I'm having two thoughs in mind:
At each timestep, the hidden state H of the first LSTM will become the input of the second LSTM.
At each timestep, the hidden state H of the first LSTM will become the initial value for the hidden state of the sencond LSTM, and the input of the first LSTM will become the input for the second LSTM.
Please help!
TLDR: Each LSTM cell at time t and level l has inputs x(t) and hidden state h(l,t)
In the first layer, the input is the actual sequence input x(t), and previous hidden state h(l, t-1), and in the next layer the input is the hidden state of the corresponding cell in the previous layer h(l-1,t).
To increase the capacity of GRU networks (Hermans and
Schrauwen 2013), recurrent layers can be stacked on top of
each other.
Since GRU does not have two output states, the same output hidden state h'2
is passed to the next vertical layer. In other words, the h1 of the next layer will be equal to h'2.
This forces GRU to learn transformations that are useful along depth as well as time.
I am taking help of colah's blog post, just that I will cut short it to make you understand specific part.
As you can look at above image, LSTMs have this chain like structure and each have four neural network layer.
The values that we pass to next timestamp (cell state) and to next layer(hidden state) are basically same and they are desired output. This output will be based on our cell state, but will be a filtered version. First, we run a sigmoid layer which decides what parts of the cell state we’re going to output. Then, we put the cell state through tanh (to push the values to be between −1 and 1) and multiply it by the output of the sigmoid gate, so that we only output the parts we decided to pass.
We also pass previous cell state information (top arrow to next cell) to next timestamp(cell state) and then decide using sigmoid layer(forget gate layer), how much information we are going to keep taking help of new input and input from previous state.
Hope this helps.
In PyTorch, multilayer LSTM's implementation suggests that the hidden state of the previous layer becomes the input to the next layer. So your first assumption is correct.
There's no definite answer. It depends on your problem and you should try different things.
The simplest thing you can do is to pipe the output from the first LSTM (not the hidden state) as the input to the second layer of LSTM (instead of applying some loss to it). That should work in most cases.
You can try to pipe the hidden state as well but I didn't see it very often.
You can also try other combinations. Say for the second layer you input the output of the first layer and the original input. Or you link to the output of the first layer from the current unit and the previous.
It all depends on your problem and you need to experiment to see what works for you.

Re-Use Sliding Window data for Neural Network for Time Series?

I've read a few ideas on the correct sample size for Feed Forward Neural networks. x5, x10, and x30 the # of weights. This part I'm not overly concerned about, what I am concerned about is can I reuse my training data (randomly).
My data is broken up like so
5 independent vars and 1 dependent var per sample.
I was planning on feeding 6 samples in (6x5 = 30 input neurons), confirm the 7th samples dependent variable (1 output neuron.
I would train on neural network by running say 6 or 7 iterations. before trying to predict the next iteration outside of my training data.
Say I have
each sample = 5 independent variables & 1 dependent variables (6 vars total per sample)
output = just the 1 dependent variable
sample:sample:sample:sample:sample:sample->output(dependent var)
Training sliding window 1:
Set 1: 1:2:3:4:5:6->7
Set 2: 2:3:4:5:6:7->8
Set 3: 3:4:5:6:7:8->9
Set 4: 4:5:6:7:8:9->10
Set 5: 5:6:7:6:9:10->11
Set 6: 6:7:8:9:10:11->12
Non training test:
7:8:9:10:11:12 -> 13
Training Sliding Window 2:
Set 1: 2:3:4:5:6:7->8
Set 2: 3:4:5:6:7:8->9
Set 6: 7:8:9:10:11:12->13
Non Training test: 8:9:10:11:12:13->14
I figured I would randomly run through my set's per training iteration say 30 times the number of my weights. I believe in my network I have about 6 hidden neurons (i.e. sqrt(inputs*outputs)). So 36 + 6 + 1 + 2 bias = 45 weights. So 44 x 30 = 1200 runs?
So I would do a randomization of the 6 sets 1200 times per training sliding window.
I figured due to the small # of data, I was going to do simulation runs (i.e. rerun over the same problem with new weights). So say 1000 times, of which I do 1140 runs over the sliding window using randomization.
I have 113 variables, this results in 101 training "sliding window".
Another question I have is if I'm trying to predict up or down movement (i.e. dependent variable). Should I match to an actual # or just if I guessed up/down movement correctly? I'm thinking I should shoot for an actual number, but as part of my analysis do a % check on if this # is guessed correctly as up/down.
If you have a small amount of data, and a comparatively large number of training iterations, you run the risk of "overtraining" - creating a function which works very well on your test data but does not generalize.
The best way to avoid this is to acquire more training data! But if you cannot, then there are two things you can do. One is to split the training data into test and verification data - using say 85% to train and 15% to verify. Verification means compute the fitness of the learner on the training set, without adjusting the weights/training. When the verification data fitness (which you are not training on) stops improving (in general it will be noisy), and your training data fitness continues improving - stop training. If on the other hand you use a "sliding window", you may not have a good criterion to know when to stop training - the fitness function will bounce around in unpredictable ways (you might slowly make the effect of each training iteration have less effect on the parameters, however, to give you convergence... maybe not the best approach but some training regimes do this) The other thing you can do normalize out your node's weights via some metric to ensure some notion of 'smoothness' - if you visualize overfitting for a second you'll find that in the extreme case your fitness function sharply curves around your dataset positives...
As for the latter question - for the training to converge, you fitness function needs to be smooth. If you were to just use binary all-or-nothing fitness terms, most likely what would happen is that whatever algorithm you are using to train (backprop, BGFS, etc...) would not converge. In practice, the classification criterion should be an activation that is above for a positive result, less than or equal to for a negative result, and varies smoothly in your weight/parameter space. You can think of 0 as "I am certain that the answer is up" and 1 as "I am certain that the answer is down", and thus realize a fitness function that has a higher "cost" for incorrect guesses that were more certain... There are subtleties possible in how the function is shaped (for example you might have different ideas about how acceptable a false negative and false positive are) - and you may also introduce regions of "uncertain" where the result is closer to "zero weight" - but it should certainly be continuous/smooth.
You can re-use sliding window's.
It basically the same concept as bootstrapping (your training set); which in itself reduces training time, but don't know if it's really helpful in making the net more adaptive to anything other than the training data.
Below is an example of a sliding window in pictorial format (using spreadsheet magic)
Line 294 shows how the code is ran using randomization, it resets the randomization at position 353 so the rest flows as normal.
I was also able to use a 1 (up) or 0 (down) as my target values and the network did converge.