Setting Up MobileFirst Dev Environment - eclipse

OS: Windows 7
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Mars.2 Release (4.5.2)
Build id: 20160226-0632
Java JRE 7
Java jdk1.7.0_79
IBM MobileFirst Studio Plugins 8.0.0.v20160803_2030
I am attempting to use Mobile First Studio plugin within Eclipse Mars to develop apps. Based on my research there is an embedded version of MobileFirst Server with the plugin. In the Eclipse Installation Details page I can see the IBM MobileFirst Studio Plugin. However, when working in Eclipse I am not able to see the MFP project option when clicking File>New.
I cannot remember if I installed these in the correct/recommended order and if that is contributing to the problem. Or could the problem be the use of Java 7 and MobileFirst 8.0?

The MobileFirst 8.0 Studio Plugin does not include the server.
You need to have the MobileFirst CLI installed and server running before you can use this plugin. The plugin is depending on the CLI commands.
Please see this blogpost for additional information.


How To setup IBM Mobile First version 7.1 in eclipse - IBM mobile first not available in eclipse marketplace

Need to setup the IBM mobile-first development studio in eclipse but IBM mobile first not available in eclipse marketplace.
Please note that IBM MobileFirst 7.1 is currently in a continuous support mode until September 30, 2020 and will not be supported after that.
The MobileFirst Studio Plugin is not available in Eclipse MarketPlace. You need to download MobileFirst 7.1 Eclipse plugin from IBM Passport Advantage or IBM Fix Central with your IBM credentials.
You can refer to the below link. Download the Previous releases using the below link,
IBM Worklight - Where to find previous releases
Import the local downloaded copy to eclipse.

Eclipse oxygen does not find IBM MobileFirst Studio

I am trying to install IBM MobileFirst Studio. I have downloaded the latest eclipse version (oxygen) for Java EE Developers. Now when I go to "Eclipse Marketplace" and enter "MobileFirst" in search, it does not find the plugin and in the download section of MobileFirst Platform Foundation (, I can only find the version (under past releases). Nowhere I can find the 8.0 version.
In MobileFirst v8.0 you no longer use Eclipse based MobileFirst Studio to create "projects" to create Hybrid apps, rather you use the Cordova CLI to create a Cordova app, and also use the Cordova CLI to add the MobileFirst SDK (plug-in) to the Cordova app.
Check Here: Unable to launch IBM MobileFirst foundation studio 8.0 in eclipse

Unable to launch IBM MobileFirst foundation studio 8.0 in eclipse

OS Version: Mac OS Sierra: 10.12.3
Eclipse Version: Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)
Downloaded the latest Eclipse version.
Installed IDE for Java Developers.
Installed IBM mobile first foundation studio 8.0 from Eclipse Marketplace. Restarted the Eclipse
No mobile first option available in Eclipse.
In MobileFirst v8.0 you no longer use Studio to create "projects" to create Hybrid apps, rather you use the Cordova CLI to create a Cordova app, and also use the Cordova CLI to add the MobileFirst SDK (plug-in) to the Cordova app.
The Studio plug-in for Eclipse in v8.0 is used to expose functionality provided by the MobileFirst CLI (register app, open console, and so on...), and so it will work only if you will also have the MobileFirst CLI installed, as well as the THyM plug-in for Eclipse, which makes Eclipse into a dev environment for Cordova apps. See this video :
Command Line is the best way to set up the development environment for IBM MobileFirst Foundation 8.0.
Application development
At the very minimum, the following software is needed:
NodeJS (requirement for MobileFirst CLI)
MobileFirst CLI
Cordova CLI
IDEs: Xcode, Android Studio, Visual Studio, / Visual Studio Code / WebStorm / IntelliJ / Eclipse / other IDEs
Adapter development
NodeJS (requirement for MobileFirst CLI)
MobileFirst CLI
Maven (requires Java)
IDEs: IntelliJ / Eclipse / other IDEs
I suggest that you will take a tour of Setting Up the Development Environment for MobileFirst Foundation 8.0.
See here:
Eclipse Neon is currently not yet supported. Please try using Juno version instead.

Where can I find Worklight Studio plug-in for IBM Worklight v5.0.0.3?

I'm trying to find IBM Worklight Studio v5.0.0.3 (Eclipse plug-in).
The Eclipse Marketplace provides only the latest version (5.0.6).
It seems that IBM does not publically provide download of previous versions of IBM Worklight Studio (Eclipse plug-in).
I need to use specifically as the server is the same version.
Does anyone knows where to find/download IBM Worklight Studio v5.0.0.3?
Worklight Developer Edition installation:
1.Eclipse Juno 4.2.2 (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, or Classic).
The Worklight installation will fail if you are running a different version of Eclipse
Note: Java Platform Eclipse will be preferable.
Download Link :
2.Supported operating systems: Mac OS X Lion 10.7 or Mountain Lion 10.8; Windows 7 or 8; Linux Red Hat Workstation 6, Linux SUSE 11, or Ubuntu 12.04
3 IBM Worklight:
Install IBM Worklight Developer Edition
Download from add this Archive file in eclipse
Install IBM Mobile Test Workbench for Worklight (optional)
Download from add this archive file in eclipse.
ADT Plugin for eclipse:
Note: Install Android First then install IBM Worklight.
Further help :
The eclipse marketplace version is the free Developer Edition. It runs completely within eclipse and there's no standalone Worklight server.
If you've install a separate Worklight server (on Liberty, WAS, or Tomcat) then you're running the Worklight Consumer or Worklight Enterprise edition and should use the studio plugin for that edition/version. As Idan mentioned, Business Partners can get the corresponding studio plugin from PartnerWorld.
You say you have Worklight Server installed but not Worklight Studio, this implies to me that you are either a customer or partner of IBM (and have installed Worklight using the IBM Installation Manager).
Customers can download past and current versions of Worklight via IBM Passport Advantage.
Partners should visit IBM PartnerWorld.
Save your time installing 5.0.3 especially if you are planning on using jQuery that comes with worklight native. 5.0.6 comes with 1.8.2 jQuery and has better native calls for worklight to save you time when you need to get usefull info and use the enhanced logging properties.
Trust me. If you you are not going to wait until 6.0 the use 5.0.6 and save yourself a lot of UI headaches.

Eclipse MTJ doesn't see Java ME SDK 3.0 devices

I have installed Eclipse:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Helios Service Release 2
Build id: 20110218-0911
and MTJ plug-in
When I click
Preferences -> Java ME -> Device Management -> Manual Install
and specify
for searching, MTJ finds nothing.
P.S. Windows XP 32-bit SP3
I removed SDK3.0 and installed 2.5.2 It works
You need to add EclipseME plugin for Eclipse. But I suggested to use Eclipse pulsar for mobile application platform. If you use Eclipse pulsar, no need to add EclipseME plugin for Java ME applications.