How do I make an object instantly drop to the ground (skipping the fall animation) in Unity? - unity3d

Now, I have an object wherein I only know the x and z location. If I place it at a very high y coordinate, I would get an animation of it falling down towards the ground. I want to skip this and instantly make it be on the ground. How do I do that?

Place the object at an arbitrary Y-position well above the ground, then cast a ray down to the ground and move the object to the hit position.
transform.position.y = 200f;
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, out hit)) {
transform.position = hit.transform.position;

You could use Raycast or Boxcast to determine the distance from the bottom of your object to the next collider below it. Then just subtract this distance from the objects transform.position.y.


Q: My Unity2D code is using world's center instead of object's position and I don't know why

I made this code for bullet to cast a ray from it's position to player's position and then move to the point of ray collision:
hit = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, playerTransform.position, boundariesMask);
But the problem is, the code casts a ray not from bullet's position but from world's center which is (0,0). What do I do?
UPD: Just wanted to share that when I debug bullet's position it gives me right result, but it seems like it can't use bullet's position for raycasting for some reason...
The problem is that no any overload is provided for Raycast similar to what you have defined. For this reason, it is possible to consider the layer value for the ray distance. To solve the problem, set the ray distance before defining the layer. If the ray distance is unlimited, you can use Mathf.Infinity.
hit = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, playerTransform.position, 10f, boundariesMask.value);
if (hit)
// do something..

How to determine turret rotation direction if rotation angle has to be limited, and target "passed behind"?

I started some programming in Unity just for fun a couple days ago.
So far my game (pretty much top-down shooter) consists of player flying in an asteroid field, in which lurk enemy ships. Player can shoot down asteroids and enemies, and enemy ships have missile turrets that "track" player.
Everything works fine until I decided that enemy ships shouldn't be able to rotate their turrets all the 360-way. Think of it as real-world battleship being unable to turn it's front turret (No.1) 180 degrees behind because turret No.2 is in the way.
Currently code for turret rotation is like this (this is not about making "gradual rotation", setting "rotation speed" or something, so please don't look at that!):
playerTarget = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
chaseDirection = Quaternion.LookRotation(playerTarget.transform.position - transform.position);
newYaw = Mathf.Clamp(chaseDirection.eulerAngles.y, minYaw, maxYaw);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, newYaw, 0);
That works okay, until player flies behind enemy ship. As soon as player gets into turret's "possible rotation angle", it just snaps past "dead zone" to new direction if I don't turn it gradually with fixed angle, or is still stuck trying to rotate "past limit" until target (player) flies all around enemy ship so the angle to target is small enough for rotation direction to be calculated through "enabled" rotation zone, not through "dead zone".
An important thing is I am not looking for answer "how to make gradual rotation". I am looking about calculating rotation direction!
I thought about coding enemy to start rotating turret in counter-direction as soon as player passes "directly behind" the turret "forward facing" position. But the concept of how to do that eludes me.
Because as soon as turret rotates just a bit from limit, it's able to turn "towards" player again, and gets stuck at limit again.
Edited with the clarification in mind.
You need a function that will tell you if you should rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise, based on the enemy location.
First find the mid point, this will be:
var mid = (minYaw + maxYaw) / 2
In your example this will be 3 o'clock, straight right.
Now, if your current rotation is lower than mid, and the target is higher than mid, than you must rotate clockwise even if it's not the shortest rotation to get there.
If the target rotation is higher than mid, and the target is lower than mid, you must rotate counter-clockwise for the same reason. You may need to adjust for negative degrees.
Please note that this will create a secondary effect, where once the ship passes the half point of the dead zone (say moving from 10 o'clock to 8 o'clock in your example), the turret will start moving as if anticipating the flank. You may want to disable this movement in a special case.
I'll keep the second part of my answer as-is, for future references.
If you want it to move gradually, you need to use deltaTime or fixedDeltaTime in case of a fixed update. You can define how fast it will move by adding a speed property. Try something like this:
void update () {
var playerTarget = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
var chaseDirection = Quaternion.LookRotation(playerTarget.transform.position - transform.position);
var newYaw = Mathf.Clamp(chaseDirection.eulerAngles.y, minYaw, maxYaw);
var currentRotation = transform.eulerAngles;
var desiredRotation= currentRotation;
var desiredRotation.y = newYaw;
transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.RotateTowards(currentRotation, desiredRotation, Time.deltaTime * RotationSpeed, 0.0f);

How to define the direction perpendicular to a GameObject's motion (Unity)?

I'm trying to create a game where a ball is launched off from a circle, much like a cannon, but it can be launched into any direction, 360ยบ because the circle which the ball is attached to can rotate. So, I was thinking of using Rigidbody2D.AddForce() but I'm not sure how to define the direction I want the force to be applied. I want it to be the direction perpendicular to the ball/player's movement but I don't know how to define that. Thanks for any help! :)
If you get the direction that the ball is travelling (as say degrees) you can add a certain angle to that and use the angle to determine the force that needs to be applied.
I'm assuming that the ball/player has no ridged body, if it does then you can just grab the direction directly. Also since your using circle to describe the spawned shape i'm going to assume your working in 2D.
Vector3 lastPosition;
void Update()
//launch the ball before updating the last position
lastPosition = transform.position;
Vector3 launchDirection()
Vector3 ballDirection = transform.position - lastPosition;
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(ballDirection.x, ballDirection.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
//the direction should be perpendicular to direction of movement
float angle += 90;
return new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(angle), Mathf.Sin(angle));
I haven't ran the code in unity but it looks like it should work. Basically to get the direction you store the last position and compare it to the current direction to work out the delta (if your using a ridged body to move around then grab the direction from that instead) then use atan2 to get the angle. To make the launch direction perpendicular to the ball I added 90 degrees (you might want -90 depending on what side you need the circle to launch from). Now that we have the angle that you want the ball to shoot out from, use that with Sin and Cos to get the XY of the angle.
There you have it that will get you the direction perpendicular to movement, you your using 3 dimensions it's basically the same maths just with a few numbers thrown in to pad the return value.
Oh if your object always faces the direction of movement transform.right also works :P

Unity|Moving gameobjects away from other gameobjects which are moving towards them

I have 2 AI game objects which are both capsules. Considering the first capsule AI is named X and the second capsule AI is named Y, I try to make Y move away from X (escape from him) while X is chasing Y (following him). I have no idea how to do that, I would appreciate a direction.
I tried to do what's written here, but they both move through walls even though they have capsule collider, I tried to do this:
but they only move in one direction and through walls.
Vector3 position = transform.position;
Vector3 targetPosition = target.transform.position;
Vector3 direction = position - targetPosition;
transform.position += direction * 2.0f * Time.deltaTime;`
You are moving them with transform.Translate. Moving the transform means "Put the object at the given position regardless of environment". If you want them to interact, you need to either use the CharacterController component and its methods or a rigidbody component and move it with force.

Collision Detection of objects in certain area of camera in Unity3d

I am creating a 3rd person action game where the player is a helicopter and he can shoot other objects while moving. The problem is I am trying to find the enemy objects who are inside a circle in the center of the camera and I need to track them and shoot them.
Raycast wouldn't help as i need a thicker raycast and so I tried spherecast and capsulecast.
I have a GUI element which gives the player idea on where he can shoot.When using Spherecast or Capsulecast, It is working when the enemy is near but when the enemy is far behind I guess the spherecast becomes small while traveling along z and doesn't hit the object most times.
if (Physics.SphereCast (startPoint, 1f, transform.forward, out hit)) {
if (hit.collider.CompareTag ("Shootable") ){
I have seen raycast from camera and so i was wondering if there is something to do like circlecast from the camera which would be appropriate for this. If not how can I proceed?
Any help is really appreciated.
If you want to detect whether enemies lie within a conical area in front of your camera, using a SphereCast or RayCast will not be able to meet your needs.
Instead, you might consider checking the angle between an enemy's relative position and your camera's forward vector, to see if it is below a particular value, and hence within the cone.
For a 60-degree field of view, and assuming you store your enemy Transform components in an array/List, your code might look like:
foreach (Transform enemy in enemies){
if (Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, enemy.position - transform.position) < 30){
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions. (Answer adapted from this Unity question.)