Does spark supports multiple output file with parquet format - scala

The business case is that we'd like to split a big parquet file into small ones by a column as partition. We've tested using dataframe.partition("xxx").write(...). It took about 1hr with 100K entries of records. So, we are going to use map reduce to generate different parquet file in different folder. Sample code:
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.MultipleTextOutputFormat
class RDDMultipleTextOutputFormat extends MultipleTextOutputFormat[Any, Any] {
override def generateFileNameForKeyValue(key: Any, value: Any, name: String): String =
object Split {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("SplitTest")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
sc.parallelize(List(("w", "www"), ("b", "blog"), ("c", "com"), ("w", "bt")))
.map(value => (value._1, value._2 + "Test"))
.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(3))//.saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile(path, keyClass, valueClass, outputFormatClass, conf)
.saveAsHadoopFile(args(0), classOf[String], classOf[String],
The sample above just generates a text file, how to generate a parquet file with multipleoutputformat?

Spark supports Parquet partitioning since 1.4.0 (1.5+ syntax):
and bucketing since (2.0.0):
with optional sortBy clause.


How to create a Dataset from a csv which doesn't have a header and has more than 150 columns using scala spark

I've a csv which I need to read as Dataset. The csv is having 140 columns and it doesn't have a header.
I created a schema with StructType(Seq(StructFiled(...), Seq(StructFiled(...), ...)) and the code to read that is as follows:-
object dataParser {
def getData(inputPath: String, delimeter: String)(implicit spark: SparkSession): Dataset[MyCaseClass] = {
val parsedData: Dataset[MyCaseClass] =
.option("header", "false")
.option("delimeter", "delimeter")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
And the case class I created is like:-
case class MycaseClass(
mycaseClass1: MyCaseClass1,
mycaseClass2: MyCaseClass2,
mycaseClass3: MyCaseClass3,
mycaseClass4: MyCaseClass4,
mycaseClass5: MyCaseClass5,
mycaseClass6: MyCaseClass6,
mycaseClass7: MyCaseClass7,
first 20 columns of csv: it's datatypes
next 20 columns of csv: it's datatypes
and so on.
But when I'm trying to compile it, it gives me an error as below:-
Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset. Primitive types (Int, String, etc) and Product types (case classes) are supported by importing spark.implicits._ Support for serializing other types will be added in future releases.
[error] .as[myCaseClass]
I'm calling this from my Scala App as :-
object MyTestApp{
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit ={
implicit val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
def run(args: Array[String])(implicit spark: SparkSession): Unit = {
val inputPath = args.get("inputData")
val delimeter = Constants.delimeter
val myData = Dataparser.getData(inputPath, delimeter)
I'm not very sure about the approach also as I'm new to Dataset.
I saw multiple answers around this issue but they were mainly for very small no of columns which can be contained within the scope of a single case class and that too with header which makes this little simpler.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks to all the viewers. Actually I found the issue. Posting the answer here so that other's who come across any such issue, will be able to get rid of this issue.
I needed to import the spark.implicits._ here
object dataParser {
def getData(inputPath: String, delimeter: String)(implicit spark: SparkSession): Dataset[MyCaseClass] = {
**import spark.implicits._**
val parsedData: Dataset[MyCaseClass] =
.option("header", "false")
.option("delimeter", "delimeter")
.option("inferSchema", "true")

Why does foreachRDD not populate DataFrame with new content using StreamingContext.textFileStream?

My problem is that, as I change my code into streaming mode and put my data frame into the foreach loop, the data frame shows empty table! I does't fill! I also can not put it into assembler.transform(). The error is:
Error:(38, 40) not enough arguments for method map: (mapFunc: String => U)(implicit evidence$2: scala.reflect.ClassTag[U])org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream[U].
Unspecified value parameter mapFunc.
val dataFrame =
My train.csv file is like below:
Please help me.
Here is my code:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.{LabeledPoint, StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import scala.util.Try
* Created by saeedtkh on 5/22/17.
object ML_Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("HdfsWordCount")
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
// Create the context
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(10))
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val customSchema = StructType(Array(
StructField("column0", StringType, true),
StructField("column1", StringType, true),
StructField("column2", StringType, true)))
//val Test_DStream = ssc.textFileStream("/Users/saeedtkh/Desktop/sharedsaeed/train.csv").map(LabeledPoint.parse)
val Train_DStream = ssc.textFileStream("/Users/saeedtkh/Desktop/sharedsaeed/train.csv")
val DStream => line.split(">")).map(array => {
val first = Try(array(0).trim.split(" ")(0)) getOrElse ""
val second = Try(array(1).trim.split(" ")(6)) getOrElse ""
val third = Try(array(2).trim.split(" ")(0).replace(":", "")) getOrElse ""
Row.fromSeq(Seq(first, second, third))
DStream.foreachRDD { Test_DStream =>
val dataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(Test_DStream, customSchema)
dataFrame.groupBy("column1", "column2").count().show()
val numFeatures = 3
val model = new StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD()
val featureCol = Array("column1", "column2")
val assembler=new VectorAssembler().setInputCols(featureCol).setOutputCol("features")
val df_new=assembler.transform(dataFrame)
My guess is that all the files under /Users/saeedtkh/Desktop/sharedsaeed/train.csv directory have already been processed and so there are no files left and hence the DataFrame is empty.
Please note that the sole input parameter for StreamingContext.textFileStream is a directory not a file.
textFileStream(directory: String): DStream[String] Create an input stream that monitors a Hadoop-compatible filesystem for new files and reads them as text files
Please also note that once a file has ever been processed in a Spark Streaming application, this file should not be changed (or appended to) since the file has already been marked as processed and Spark Streaming will ignore any modifications.
Quoting the official documentation of Spark Streaming in Basic Sources:
Spark Streaming will monitor the directory dataDirectory and process any files created in that directory (files written in nested directories not supported).
Note that
The files must have the same data format.
The files must be created in the dataDirectory by atomically moving or renaming them into the data directory.
Once moved, the files must not be changed. So if the files are being continuously appended, the new data will not be read.
For simple text files, there is an easier method streamingContext.textFileStream(dataDirectory). And file streams do not require running a receiver, hence does not require allocating cores.
Please also replace setMaster("local") with setMaster("local[*]") to make sure your Spark Streaming application will have enough threads to process incoming data (you have to have at least 2 threads).

Converting error with RDD operation in Scala

I am new to Scala and I ran into the error while doing some practice.
I tried to convert RDD into DataFrame and following is my code.
package com.sclee.examples
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{LongType, StringType, StructField, StructType};
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("examples").setMaster("local")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
case class Person(name: String, age: Long)
val personRDD = sc.makeRDD(Seq(Person("A",10),Person("B",20)))
val df ={
case Row(val1: String, val2: Long) => Person(val1,val2)
// val ds = personRDD.toDS()
I followed the instructions in Spark documentation and also referenced some blogs showing me how to convert rdd into dataframe but the I got the error below.
Error:(20, 27) Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset. Primitive types (Int, String, etc) and Product types (case classes) are supported by importing sqlContext.implicits._ Support for serializing other types will be added in future releases.
val df ={
Although I tried to fix the problem by myself but failed. Any help will be appreciated.
The following code works:
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
case class Person(name: String, age: Long)
object SparkTest {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// use the SparkSession of Spark 2
val spark = SparkSession
.appName("Spark SQL basic example")
.config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value")
import spark.implicits._
// this your RDD - just a sample how to create an RDD
val personRDD: RDD[Person] = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(Person("A",10),Person("B",20)))
// the sparksession has a method to convert to an Dataset
val ds = spark.createDataset(personRDD)
I made the following changes:
use SparkSession instead of SparkContext and SqlContext
move Person class out of the App (I'm not sure why I had to do
use createDataset for conversion
However, I guess it's pretty uncommon to do this conversion and you probably want to read your input directly into an Dataset using the read method

Use schema to convert AVRO messages with Spark to DataFrame

Is there a way to use a schema to convert avro messages from kafka with spark to dataframe? The schema file for user records:
"fields": [
{ "name": "firstName", "type": "string" },
{ "name": "lastName", "type": "string" }
"name": "user",
"type": "record"
And code snippets from SqlNetworkWordCount example and Kafka, Spark and Avro - Part 3, Producing and consuming Avro messages to read in messages.
object Injection {
val parser = new Schema.Parser()
val schema = parser.parse(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/user_schema.json"))
val injection: Injection[GenericRecord, Array[Byte]] = GenericAvroCodecs.toBinary(schema)
messages.foreachRDD((rdd: RDD[(String, Array[Byte])]) => {
val sqlContext = SQLContextSingleton.getInstance(rdd.sparkContext)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = => Injection.injection.invert(message._2).get)
.map(record => User(record.get("firstName").toString, records.get("lastName").toString)).toDF()
case class User(firstName: String, lastName: String)
Somehow I can't find another way than using a case class to convert AVRO messages to DataFrame. Is there a possibility to use the schema instead? I'm using Spark 1.6.2 and Kafka 0.10.
The complete code, in case you're interested.
import com.twitter.bijection.Injection
import com.twitter.bijection.avro.GenericAvroCodecs
import kafka.serializer.{DefaultDecoder, StringDecoder}
import org.apache.avro.Schema
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext, Time}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
object ReadMessagesFromKafka {
object Injection {
val parser = new Schema.Parser()
val schema = parser.parse(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/user_schema.json"))
val injection: Injection[GenericRecord, Array[Byte]] = GenericAvroCodecs.toBinary(schema)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val brokers = ""
val topics = "test"
// Create context with 2 second batch interval
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("ReadMessagesFromKafka").setMaster("local[*]")
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(2))
// Create direct kafka stream with brokers and topics
val topicsSet = topics.split(",").toSet
val kafkaParams = Map[String, String]("" -> brokers)
val messages = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, Array[Byte], StringDecoder, DefaultDecoder](
ssc, kafkaParams, topicsSet)
messages.foreachRDD((rdd: RDD[(String, Array[Byte])]) => {
val sqlContext = SQLContextSingleton.getInstance(rdd.sparkContext)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = => Injection.injection.invert(message._2).get)
.map(record => User(record.get("firstName").toString, records.get("lastName").toString)).toDF()
// Start the computation
/** Case class for converting RDD to DataFrame */
case class User(firstName: String, lastName: String)
/** Lazily instantiated singleton instance of SQLContext */
object SQLContextSingleton {
#transient private var instance: SQLContext = _
def getInstance(sparkContext: SparkContext): SQLContext = {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new SQLContext(sparkContext)
OP probably resolved the issue but for future reference I solved this issue quite generally so thought it might be helpful to post here.
So generally speaking you should convert the Avro schema to a spark StructType and also convert the object you have in your RDD to Row[Any] and then use:
spark.createDataFrame(<RDD[obj] mapped to RDD[Row}>,<schema as StructType>
In order to convert the Avro schema I used spark-avro like so:
The convertion of the RDD was more tricky.. if your schema is simple you can probably just do a simple map.. something like this:>{
val seq = (obj.getName(),obj.getAge()
In this example the object has 2 fields name and age.
The important thing is to make sure the elements in the Row will match the order and types of the fields in the StructType from before.
In my perticular case I had a much more complex object which I wanted to handle generically to support future schema changes so my code was much more complex.
the method suggested by OP should also work on some casese but will be hard to imply on complex objects (not primitive or case-class)
another tip is that if you have a class within a class you should convert that class to a Row so that the wrapping class will be converted to something like:
you can also look at the spark-avro project I mentioned earlier on how to convert objects to rows.. I used some of the logic there myself
If someone reading this needs further help ask me in the comments and I'll try to help
Similar problem is solved also here.
Please take a look at this
So instead of
val df = => Injection.injection.invert(message._2).get)
.map(record => User(record.get("firstName").toString,records.get("lastName").toString)).toDF()
you can try this
val df =
I worked on the similar issue, but in Java. So not sure about Scala, but take a look at the library com.databricks.spark.avro.
For anyone interested in handling this in a way that can handle schema changes without needing to stop and redeploy your spark application (assuming your app logic can handle this) see this question/answer.

Save MongoDB data to parquet file format using Apache Spark

I am a newbie with Apache spark as well with Scala programming language.
What I am trying to achieve is to extract the data from my local mongoDB database for then to save it in a parquet format using Apache Spark with the hadoop-connector
This is my code so far:
package com.examples
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.bson.BSONObject
import com.mongodb.hadoop.{MongoInputFormat, BSONFileInputFormat}
import org.apache.spark.sql
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
object DataMigrator {
def main(args: Array[String])
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Migration App").setMaster("local")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
// Import statement to implicitly convert an RDD to a DataFrame
import sqlContext.implicits._
val mongoConfig = new Configuration()
mongoConfig.set("mongo.input.uri", "mongodb://localhost:27017/")
val mongoRDD = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(mongoConfig, classOf[MongoInputFormat], classOf[Object], classOf[BSONObject]);
val count = countsRDD.count()
// the count value is aprox 100,000
println("================ PRINTING =====================")
println(s"ROW COUNT IS $count")
println("================ PRINTING =====================")
The thing is that in order to save data to a parquet file format first its necessary to convert the mongoRDD variable to Spark DataFrame. I have tried something like this:
// convert RDD to DataFrame
val myDf = mongoRDD.toDF() // this lines throws an error"my/path/myData.parquet")
and the error I get is this:
Exception in thread "main" scala.MatchError: java.lang.Object (of class scala.reflect.internal.Types.$TypeRef$$anon$6)
do you guys have any other idea how could I convert the RDD to a DataFrame so that I can save data in parquet format?
Here's the structure of one Document in the mongoDB collection :
Create a Case class representing the data stored in your DBObject.
case class Data(x: Int, s: String)
Then, map the values of your rdd to instances of your case class.
val dataRDD = { obj => Data(obj.get("x"), obj.get("s")) }
Now with your RDD[Data], you can create a DataFrame with the sqlContext
val myDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(dataRDD)
That should get you going. I can explain more later if needed.