Reshape spark data frame of key-value pairs with keys as new columns - scala

I am new to spark and scala. Lets say I have a data frame of lists that are key value pairs. Is there a way to map the id vars of column ids as new columns?
+--------------------+-------------------- +
| ids | vals |
+--------------------+-------------------- +
|[id1,id2,id3] | null |
|[id2,id5,id6] |[WrappedArray(0,2,4)] |
|[id2,id4,id7] |[WrappedArray(6,8,10)]|
Expected output:
|id1 | id2| ...
|null| 0 | ...
|null| 6 | ...

A possible way would be to compute the columns of the new DataFrame and use those columns to construct the rows.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val data = List((Seq("id1","id2","id3"),None),(Seq("id2","id4","id5"),Some(Seq(2,4,5))),(Seq("id3","id5","id6"),Some(Seq(3,5,6))))
val df = sparkContext.parallelize(data).toDF("ids","values")
val values = df.flatMap{
case Row(t1:Seq[String], t2:Seq[Int]) => Some((t1 zip t2).toMap)
case Row(_, null) => None
// get the unique names of the columns across the original data
val ids =$"ids"))
// map the values to the new columns (to Some value or None)
val transposed = => Row.fromSeq( => entry.get(id))))
// programmatically recreate the target schema with the columns we found in the data
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val schema = StructType( => StructField(id, IntegerType, nullable=true)))
// Create the new DataFrame
val transposedDf = sqlContext.createDataFrame(transposed, schema)
This process will pass through the data 2 times, although depending on the backing data source, calculating the column names can be rather cheap.
Also, this goes back and forth between DataFrames and RDD. I would be interested in seeing a "pure" DataFrame process.


Apply a transformation to all the columns with the same data type on Spark

I need to apply a transformation to all the Integer columns of my Data Frame before writting a CSV. The transformation consists on changing the type to String and then transform the format to the European one (E.g. 1234567 -> "1234567" -> "1.234.567").
Has Spark any way to apply this transformation to all the Integer Columns? I want it to be a generic functionality (because I need to write multiple CSVs) instead of hardcoding all the columns to transform for each dataframe.
DataFrame has dtypes method, which returns column names along with their data types: Array[("Column name", "Data Type")].
You can map this array, applying different expressions to each column, based on their data type. And you can then pass this mapped list to the select method:
import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val dataSeq = Seq(
(1246984, 993922, "test_1"),
(246984, 993922, "test_2"),
(246984, 993922, "test_3"))
val df = dataSeq.toDF("int_1", "int_2", "str_3")
| int_1| int_2| str_3|
| 246984|993922|test_2|
| 246984|993922|test_3|
val columns ={
case (c, "IntegerType") => regexp_replace(format_number(col(c), 0), ",", ".").as(c)
case (c, t) => col(c)
val df2 =*)
| int_1| int_2| str_3|
| 246,984|993,922|test_2|
| 246,984|993,922|test_3|

add new column in a dataframe depending on another dataframe's row values

I need to add a new column to dataframe DF1 but the new column's value should be calculated using other columns' value present in that DF. Which of the other columns to be used will be given in another dataframe DF2.
eg. DF1
|protocolNo|serialNum|testMethod |testProperty|
|Product1 | AB |testMethod1 | TP1 |
|Product2 | CD |testMethod2 | TP2 |
|action| type| value | exploded |
|append|hash | [protocolNo] | protocolNo |
|append|text | _ | _ |
|append|hash | [serialNum,testProperty] | serialNum |
|append|hash | [serialNum,testProperty] | testProperty |
Now the value of exploded column in DF2 will be column names of DF1 if value of type column is hash.
Required -
New column should be created in DF1. the value should be calculated like below-
hash[protocolNo]_hash[serialNumTestProperty] ~~~ here on place of column their corresponding row values should come.
eg. for Row1 of DF1, col value should be
this will result into something like this abc-df_egh-45e after hashing.
The above procedure should be followed for each and every row of DF1.
I've tried using map and withColumn function using UDF on DF1. But in UDF, outer dataframe value is not accessible(gives Null Pointer Exception], also I'm not able to give DataFrame as input to UDF.
Input DFs would be DF1 and DF2 as mentioned above.
Desired Output DF-
|protocolNo|serialNum|testMethod |testProperty| newColumn |
|Product1 | AB |testMethod1 | TP1 | abc-df_egh-4je |
|Product2 | CD |testMethod2 | TP2 | dfg-df_ijk-r56 |
newColumn value is after hashing
Instead of DF2, you can translate DF2 to case class like Specifications, e.g
case class Spec(columnName:String,inputColumns:Seq[String],action:String,action:String,type:String*){}
Create instances of above class
val specifications = Seq(
Then you can process the below columns
val transformed = specifications
.foldLeft(dtFrm)((df: DataFrame, spec: Specification) => df.transform(transformColumn(columnSpec)))
def transformColumn(spec: Spec)(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
spec.type.foldLeft(df)((df: DataFrame, type : String) => {
type match {
case "append" => {have a case match of the action and do that , then append with df.withColumn}
Syntax may not be correct
Since DF2 has the column names that will be used to calculate a new column from DF1, I have made this assumption that DF2 will not be a huge Dataframe.
First step would be to filter DF2 and get the column names that we want to pick from DF1.
val hashColumns = DF2.filter('type==="hash").select('exploded).collect
Now, hashcolumns will have the columns that we want to use to calculate hash in the newColumn. The hashcolumns is an Array of Row. We need this to be a Column that will be applied while creating the newColumn in DF1.
val newColumnHash =>hash(col(f.getString(0)))).reduce(concat_ws("_",_,_))
The above line will convert the Row to a Column with hash function applied to it. And we reduce it while concatenating _. Now, the task becomes simple. We just need to apply this to DF1.
Hope this helps!

Scala Spark - split vector column into separate columns in a Spark DataFrame

I have a Spark DataFrame where I have a column with Vector values. The vector values are all n-dimensional, aka with the same length. I also have a list of column names Array("f1", "f2", "f3", ..., "fn"), each corresponds to one element in the vector.
some_columns... | Features
... | [0,1,0,..., 0]
some_columns... | f1 | f2 | f3 | ... | fn
... | 0 | 1 | 0 | ... | 0
What is the best way to achieve this? I thought of one way which is to create a new DataFrame with createDataFrame(Row(Features), featureNameList) and then join with the old one, but it requires spark context to use createDataFrame. I only want to transform the existing data frame. I also know .withColumn("fi", value) but what do I do if n is large?
I'm new to Scala and Spark and couldn't find any good examples for this. I think this can be a common task. My particular case is that I used the CountVectorizer and wanted to recover each column individually for better readability instead of only having the vector result.
One way could be to convert the vector column to an array<double> and then using getItem to extract individual elements.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df = Seq( (1 , linalg.Vectors.dense(1,0,1,1,0) ) ).toDF("id", "features")
//df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, features: vector]
//|id |features |
//|1 |[1.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0]|
// A UDF to convert VectorUDT to ArrayType
val vecToArray = udf( (xs: linalg.Vector) => xs.toArray )
// Add a ArrayType Column
val dfArr = df.withColumn("featuresArr" , vecToArray($"features") )
// Array of element names that need to be fetched
// ArrayIndexOutOfBounds is not checked.
// sizeof `elements` should be equal to the number of entries in column `features`
val elements = Array("f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5")
// Create a SQL-like expression using the array
val sqlExpr ={ case (alias, idx) => col("featuresArr").getItem(idx).as(alias) }
// Extract Elements from dfArr : _*).show
//| f1| f2| f3| f4| f5|

How to fetch the value and type of each column of each row in a dataframe?

How can I convert a dataframe to a tuple that includes the datatype for each column?
I have a number of dataframes with varying sizes and types. I need to be able to determine the type and value of each column and row of a given dataframe so I can perform some actions that are type-dependent.
So for example say I have a dataframe that looks like:
| foo | bar |
| 12345 | fnord |
| 42 | baz |
I need to get
(("12345", "Integer"), ("fnord", "String")),
(("42", "Integer"), ("baz", "String"))
or something similarly simple to iterate over and work with programmatically.
Thanks in advance and sorry for what is, I'm sure, a very noobish question.
If I understand your question correct, then following shall be your solution.
val df = Seq(
(12345, "fnord"),
(42, "baz"))
.toDF("foo", "bar")
This creates dataframe which you already have.
| foo| bar|
| 42| baz|
Next step is to extract dataType from the schema of the dataFrame and create a iterator.
val fieldTypesList = => struct.dataType)
Next step is to convert the dataframe rows into rdd list and map each value to dataType from the list created above
val dfList = => row.toString().replace("[","").replace("]","").split(",").toList)
val tuples = => => (value, fieldTypesList(list.indexOf(value)))))
Now if we print it
It would give
List((12345,IntegerType), (fnord,StringType))
List((42,IntegerType), (baz,StringType))
Which you can iterate over and work with programmatically

SPARK: What is the most efficient way to take a KV pair and turn it into a typed dataframe

Spark Newbie here attempting to use Spark to do some ETL and am having trouble finding a clean way of unifying the data into the destination scheme.
I have multiple dataframes with these keys / values in a spark context (streaming)
Dataframe of long values:
alert_refresh |1446668689989
assigned_on |1446668689777
Dataframe of string values
statusmsg |alert msg
url |http:/svr/pth
Dataframe of boolean values
led_1 |true
led_2 |true
Dataframe of integer values:
id |789456123
I need to create a unified dataframe based on these where the key is the fieldName and it maintains the type from each source dataframe. It would look something like this:
789456123|true |true |alert msg|http:/svr/pth|1446668689989|1446668689777
What is the most efficient way to do this in Spark?
BTW - I tried doing a matrix transform:
val seq_b= df_booleans.flatMap(row => ( => (col, row.toSeq.indexOf(col)))))
.map(v => (v._2, v._1))
val b_schema_names = seq_b.first.flatMap(r => Array(r))
val b_schema = StructType( => StructField(r.toString(), BooleanType, true)))
val b_data = seq_b.zipWithIndex.filter(._2==1).map(_._1).first()
val boolean_df = sparkContext.createDataFrame(b_data, b_schema)
Issue: Takes 12 seconds and .sortByKey(true) does not always sort values last