paypal sandbox IPN not sending requests - paypal

1 month ago I setup 3 payment buttons in my sandbox account, every button with a different IPN page.
Everything worked ok then. Now when I wanted to test again, I didn't received any ipn message. The page is not called.
Going in my paypal account on Instant Payment Notification (IPN) history page I see that all messages are queued, but not sent.
Is this a bug from paypal? did they changed something in the last month and I need to modyfy?

This could be due to the upgrade of certificates. This began happening in June/July, it caused a few errors for myself as well.


issues with notify_url in paypal

I am a developer and we have paypal payment sytem integrated with our shop since long.
We have implemented the notify_url paramter in checkout code and was working fine since 4 months back. But now we could see that when a payment is done, we are not notified via the notify_url we specified. But however if we check the url via the IPN simulator, we can see everythign works as expected, but not not notifying automatically when payment is done .
What could be the issue or what all do we need to cross check for this issue to be solved
Did you received any 'PayPal Instant Payment Notification Warning' email from PayPal? This email could be telling you that there's an issue with your IPN URL when PayPal trying to post back the notification to your server, and that could be the reason you didn't receive the notification message from PayPal.
Otherwise, I would recommend you to contact PayPal technical support via and providing the detail of your PayPal account for them to troubleshoot on this issue.

PayPal refunds not generating IPN anymore

I have a web site thats been operating for months, if not years. It takes payments via PayPal. IPNs are used to track the payment status against an order.
If the paypal account owner issues a refund, the IPN from that is tracked, and the order updated with the amount refunded.
Now: The problem: This was all working in February 2015. But since then I have made 4 refunds (buy logging into the PayPal website and refunding). Each one was days apart. In each case they were partial refunds.
In all cases the monies have reached the recipient, and logged transactions IDs etc in PayPal.
The first one, I never received the IPN.
The second one I did received the IPN (and decided the first one must have been a glitch, unusal though it would seem)
However the third and fourth also have not generated an IPN that I received.
From looking at the Apache logs, there appears to not have been even an attempt from that Apache received.
So I am much puzzled, have googled around but not found anything. Can anyone suggest what I have missed that have caused these IPNs to stop?
Perhaps I should add that I continue to receive all the payment notification IPNs just fine. It seems to be just the refunds that I miss.
I thought at one time there was a flag about IPNs in settings, but I can't see it anywhere in the new web interface.

Paypal IPN not working on another paypal account

We have this website that was running since September 2013 and relying on paypal IPN for user registration. However, this week we got a report from the client where 3 users was able to pay through paypal but was not registered into the site.
We temporary changed the paypal email('business' field) from the client's to another paypal account. Went through the process of registration and the IPN was successfully delivered. The user was created in the system, the IPN transaction was logged into our system. When we tried to changed it back to the client's paypal email account, but unfortunately the IPN did not reached through our system.
Here are some questions that I have in mind
Does the type of paypal account (ie. business or personal account) matter when sending and receiving IPNs? Could this be a possibility? (even though last year it was working perfectly fine with the client's paypal account)
We've been receiving this paypal email (below) for the past months. That email was appearing after a few months when we opened the site and we didn't even changed a single code from our IPN listener. Could this be the reason why the IPN was not sent when we use the client's paypal account? However, we always use the notify_url field since we have multiple IPN listeners.
>Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment
>Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:
>If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider
>that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider
>with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be
>disabled for your account.
Your IPN script is not completing successfully, so PayPal's server is not getting a 200 result back, which causes it to send repeat IPN's and will eventually disable itself as the message says.
Your web server logs should provide the info you need. Check there to see the history of the IPN script getting hit and you'll probably find some 500 results. Those should also provide the actual error that happened so you can get it resolved.
It's possible that some IPN's are working just fine but others are failing based on certain characters in payer information or other similar issues. You need to get all of that worked out in your IPN script so it can handle anything thrown at it.

Missing IPN Notification

I've been running a 'Buy Now' button on my website for several months now, and a couple weeks back I observed a purchase that had went through where no IPN was sent to my website from PayPal. Later purchases that day succeeded.
PayPal had sent me an email notification that the purchase was successful, it also recorded this transaction in my account's payment log. This is normal.
The IPN History had no record of any IPN entries for that transaction; there is no record of PayPal attempting to contact my website to notify it of the IPN. This is not normal.
I have not modified the 'Buy Now' whatsoever in the past six months, and there is only one 'Buy Now' button connected to PayPal. Furthermore, this was the only payment that day that had failed to show up in the IPN History.
I've read (I forget the article) that this isn't all that uncommon (happens a few times a year for popular sellers). I don't know, however, what the solution is. I contacted PayPal support a week ago, and they have not gotten back to me.
I find that if the purchaser uses Credit Card option to pay, and they go through the payment page, the very last page has another button. Some purchasers don't click that very last button. The result is that the payment happens, but the IPN to your notify_url does not trigger.
This problem does not happen if the purchaser uses their paypal account to purchase.
I am looking for a solution to this.
Sometimes IPN can be delayed for various reasons, but it will usually post at some point.
I know just last week (or maybe the week before) the IPN servers were down so there were literally millions of IPN's that were qued up in the system and took a long time for them to get all caught up.
Usually, though, IPN works great and is pretty much real-time.

What happens when a PayPal subscription is cancelled or fails?

I am thinking about using PayPal to take subscription payments for a website but have a question relating to the process of cancelling and failed payments.
Initial process:
Click subscribe/buy now button
Log into PayPal or enter card details
Review, click confirm
Completion page (with PDT)
3 months and 2 days later and the user logs into PayPal to cancel their subscription (within PayPal instead of using my website).
How is that process or information passed back to my website for cancelled or failed subscription?
I haven't found anything in FAQ, Help or How to and Louise was useless. I hope that someone here can help me...
Manually, I assume we're expected to log in review History and update the website accordingly (every couple of days).
Many thanks,
You would set up an IPN listener in your PayPal Profile. Once a subscription or recurring payments is charged, skipped, suspended or cancelled, you'll receive an appropriate IPN message at your IPN listener URL.
For IPN sample code and documentation, take a look at, and for the individual IPN variables, take a look at