Is it iOS 10 bugs or change something in iOS 10 ?
Current code
is working on iOS 9 in webview.
However, it cannot open anymore in iOS 10.
LSApplicationQueriesSchemes is required in iOS10 for all app schemes that you want to open from webviews.
This was not required in iOS9 or earlier but is in iOS10.
Add it like this in your Info.plist:
I'm using flutter_inappwebview to show a webview, that has webrtc capabilities, using both camera and video it works fine until the app is set to the background.
When the app is minimized (goes to background), I can still hear other users on the call but my microphone stops working and others cannot hear me.
This does work fine in Android but does not on iOS.
I'm using flutter_inappwebview version 5.3.2, and has the Audio background mode:
Image picker appears with list of images , but cannot pick an image from list. I have already added camera permission to plist file. It working in real device with ios 12.6. I am using ios 14 simulator in Mac M1 machine.
Thats bug on m1 silicon you have to downgrade your simulator iOS 13.7
Try upgrading to Xcode 13.1. It worked for me.
add this to your info.plist
<string>Need to upload image</string>
<string>Need to upload image</string>
<string>Need to upload image</string>
add this line in your info plist file under dict its will help and make sure plist verion 1.0 and now also go in pod file where ios verion should be 10.
<string>This app needs access the photo to use for order.</string>
I need to hide my app programmatically from the springboard as the "Nike+ iPod" app does. Does anyone know how to achieve this?
PS: It's an in-house app and I'm not planning to submit to the app store.
Ok I achieved it,
In the Info.plist add following lines,
I tried with JB Device
When publishing to iOS device the game plays well, when hitting homebutton it disappears as normal, but next time you open it - it starts to play at the state or level it was when quitting - as it only was paused. It should start up from default startupscreen.
does anyone have the same problem? or solution tho this?
ps we had an 103 error that we solved with this:
When you write an iPhone application, to disable the background mode, you have to set the "UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend" key to YES in the info.plist file.
When you develop mobile Air application the equivalent of the info.plist is located into the "name of the app"-app.xml. I have never tested it but you may have to specify it there like that:
I hope it'll help you.
I just finished with developing my application by Adobe Flash Professional CS5 and I wonder if this will be visible to iPhones 4 because support for Retina displays was added since CS5.5.
There is section in my info.plist:
Is it enough?
If you do not request high display resolution, retina display iPhones will render as previous generations (320x480).
If you add <requestedDisplayResolution>high</requestedDisplayResolution> you will target iPhone 4 retina (640x960).
For example, to target both iPhone and iPad requesting high resolution: