Eclipse CDT Header Files inclusion Query - eclipse

I would like to include multiple header files placed in different folders in a single step other than Going in Properties-->Includes-->Add and linking each include folder of modules. C files are placed in different folders and tool takes all C files without any manual inclusion. Is there any possibility for header files. Thank you
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Is there any possibility for header files
The short answer is no.
Header files and source files are different beasts and cannot be compared that way. C files can all be included because there is only one thing to do with them, compile them. But header files may be referenced from within C files in numerous different ways.
Consider a directory structure like this:
can.c - has #include "header.h"
usa.c - has #include "header.h"
mex.c - has #include "header.h"
In that case if the tool automatically added can and usa to include paths the behaviour would be incorrect.
Another case:
The tool needs to be told if include/ should be on the include path, include/sys or neither.


how to limit search to certain folder AND certain file types (more than one) in visual studio code?

consider the following files and folders structure:
1.css (this file is inside "folder1")
subfolder2 (this is a subfolder inside "folder2")
deepsub2 (a folder inside "subfolder2" that is inside "folder2")
to clarify the structure:
"folder1", "folder2", "subfolder2" and "deepsub2" are folders.
all the rest are files.
"1.css", "1.html" and "1.php" under that appear under a folder, for example "folder1" are inside
that folder.
"head.html" is in the root folder.
"subfolder2" is a folder inside "folder2" and "deepsub2" is a folder inside "subfolder2".
What i'm trying to do is search the word "viewport" in "folder2" and anything beneath it (including its subfolders), which means I don't want search in other folders (folder1 for example) or the root (head.html for example)
I also want to limit the search for file types: .html and .css
I DON'T want to specifically exclude .php as a file type because consider that sometimes I don't know what other file types there are in the structure and they can be t0o many to exclude, so I want to only to use a list of file types to include rather.
after reading the docs:
the best I could come up with is using the following in the "files to include" input:
but it doesn't seem efficiant enough because i'm using the "folder2" path part for every file type.
is there a better way?
I'm using VScode Version: 1.65.0 by the way
This should work:
./folder2/**/*.{css,html} NO spaces in the {...} extensions or it won't work
{} to group conditions (for example {**/*.html,**/*.txt} matches
all HTML and text files)

Is there a way to ignore temporary folders in RTC client?

I have temporary files created in separate folders inside my source tree which I would like to ignore. Something like:
I already ignore file.src.tmp by extension using .jazzignore, but I would also like to ignore the file-9df29e29373e66caef72/. The folder looks empty in the "Unresolved" category for the component, but since its name changes over time, I cannot ignore it by name.
since its name changes over time, I cannot ignore it by name.
Still, if you know its naming convention, you might consider an ignore pattern:
core.ignore= \
Note it is non-recursive, you that would ignore any file, folder or symlink named file-... anywhere under component.
Here, that would ignore only file-... directly under component.
Eclipse workspaces often include files or folders, such as compiler output, log files, and so on, that you do not want to place under source control.
You can specify resources or classes of resources to be ignored by Rational Team Concertâ„¢ source control. Ignored resources are never checked in.
A .jazzignore file is used to prevent items from being checked into change sets.
A .jazzignore file consists of a series of patterns. Any file, folder, or symbolic link whose name matches a pattern cannot be committed to a change set.
There are two types of patterns in a .jazzignore file:
core.ignore patterns, that are effective in the same directory as the ignore file; and
core.ignore.recursive patterns that affect items in all of the directories below the .jazzignore file.

Issue with doxygen .dox files

I am trying to run doxygen on some source files for a project that I downloaded source files for. The files are located in the following directories:
doc/ - Documentation files, such as .dox files.
src/ - Source files
My settings in my doxygen.config file are:
INPUT = ../ .
FILE_PATTERNS = *.h *.dox *.dxx
When I run doxygen (doxygen doxygen.config), it generates all of the documentation from the .h files correctly, but it does not generate the mainpage correctly. I have a file titled intro.dox in the doc folder, with a command \mainpage Documentation Index, and a bunch of text, but doxygen is not using this to generate the main page.
What am I doing wrong?
There are (at least) two possible reasons for this:
You are not including the /doc directory in you INPUT list. Try modifying this to
INPUT = ../ . ../doc
Did you mean to write ../doc instead of ../? I am guessing that your doxygen.config file is in your src directory. If this is not the case can you make this clear in the question.
Doxygen requires that your documentation files (your .dox files) are plain text with your text wrapped with Doxygen C++ comments (i.e. /** ... */).
Without knowing where doxygen.config is located, and since you are using relative paths in INPUT, it is difficult to determine what might cause this, however since the files you are looking for are in parallel directories, it is possible that doxygen is not search recursively for your files. You may want to confirm that RECURSIVE is set to YES in doxygen.config.

Concatenate content of TAGS files from different directories

I'm referring to TAGS file generated by ctags or etags in order to have some code navigation in Emacs with M-..
The typical project looks like this:
Large standard library (more than 100 files, but rarely updated).
Project-specific library (updated on the daily basis).
I would like the project to be able to use two (or maybe more TAGS files), but regenerate only the portion of them, only the ones used inside the particular project. How would I approach this problem?
etags --help:
-i FILE, --include=FILE
Include a note in tag file indicating that, when searching for
a tag, one should also consult the tags file FILE after
checking the current file.

How to compare two .ear files recursively

I'm modifying a build process and I need to do a complete comparison of the contents of two .ear files. That means recursively comparing each archive in the .ear. These .ear files have archives that contain archives.
I've looked at Beyond Compare and Archive Analyzer, but they only do one level at a time. I have to manually drill down into each archive. I'm looking for something more automatic.
Eclipse and UltraCompare do a binary comparison of the two .ears which is not what I want.
How can I compare two .ear files recursively?
zipdiff provides a very good open source solution.
My problem turned out to be more than just expanding the .ear file recursively (I wrote a Java class to do that - recursion made it simple.) Once the .ear files are expanded I have to diff the directories to check for any changes. If anything other than timestamps changed then I know that the build is producing a different binary.
The second problem is that our build process generates hundreds of .xml files and subsequent builds re-generate those .xml files with the elements in different order. I'm not sure why. When I expand two .ear files made by back-to-back builds with no changes to anything the diff of the resulting directories shows hundreds of .xml files with diffs, even though they are functionally equivalent.
In addition to expanding the .ear files recursively I need to do a diff and exclude the .xml files in certain directories. I thought that Cygwin diff would do this, but the --exclude switch doesn't recognize any path information:
Cygwin diff won't exclude files if a directory is included in the pattern
If I don't find a solution to this I'll write another Java class to step through the whole directory structure doing a single level diff in each directory and excluding the .xml files in the appropriate directories.
I have the feeling that I'm re-inventing the wheel, but I can't find a wheel right now.
In Beyond Compare go into the Session Settings dialog, and on the Handling tab is an Archive Handling option. If it's set to As folders always BC will treat archives just like folders, so it's fully recursive.