How to change axis limits and tick step of a MatLab figure? - matlab

I have a simple plot of y against x.
y = [6,-1.3,-8,-11.7,-11,-6,1.3,8,11.7,11,6,-1.3];
x = 0:0.3:3.3;
plot (x,y)
As the result, the x-axis of the figure is ranging from 0 to 3.5, with scale of 0.5. I have used the XLimit = [0 3.3] to limit the axis, but it seems like not working.
I wish to make the x-axis range from 0 to 3.3 with steps of 0.3.

axis tight % removes the empty space after 3.3
set(gca,'XTick',0:0.3:3.3) % sets the x axis ticks

With XLimit = [0 3.3] you just define a vector called XLimit. In order to use this vector as horizontal limit, you should use xlim:
% or directly:
xlim([0, 3.3])
Read more about xlim here. Similarly you can set the vertical limit with ylim.
Since you are trying to set the limits equal to the range of x, you will probably find the following command most helpful:
axis tight
But note that it changes both x- and y-axis limits.
To set the tick step, as AVK said, you should set the 'XTick' to 0:0.3:3.3:
gca is the handle to current axes.


How to control the default distance between ticks of the Y axis?

Here is a simple MATLAB code. How to control the default distance between ticks of the Y axis? I want to make it smaller to fit in my paper. Hint: I update the post with 2 picture that shows what I mean (they are the same but the distance between the y axis ticks is smaller in one picture that the other.
x = linspace(-10,10,200);
y = sin(4*x)./exp(x);
xlim([0 10])
ylim([-0.4 0.8])
You can control the tick by using the gca object of the plot. Here is an example for xtick. Change 'xtick' to 'ytick':
set(gca, 'xtick', [-10:2:10]);
If you want to change the x-axis tick labels with new labels, then you can change the values of the labels as follows:
% specify the ticks first where you want to change
xticks([0 2 4 6 8])
% change the corresponding labels to the required ones
xticklabels({'-1', '-2', '-3', '-4', '-5'})
You can modify the height of the graph, maintaining the number and values of the tick marks, which makes the distance between tick marks smaller.
To do so, set the figure window’s 'Position' property (this is equivalent to dragging the edges of the window to make the figure smaller), and setting the locations of the tick marks manually to prevent MATLAB from reducing their number. For example:
h = gcf; % figure handle
a = gca; % axes handle
ticks = get(a,'YTick');
pos = get(h,'Position');
pos(4) = pos(4) * 0.75; # reduce the size
You should also note the PaperPosition, PaperSize and other Paper... properties of the figure, as they are used when printing (also to file). You might want to manually set those properties before creating a PDF or EPS from the graph.
Here is even a simpler way then what #Cris suggested:
ax = axes;
ax.YTickMode = 'manual';
ax.Position(4) = ax.Position(4)*0.75;
by setting the YTickMode to manual you prevent Matlab from updating the ticks upon resizing of the axes. Then you change the hight of the axes by setting the position property directly.

Show minor tick labels in Matlab. Semilog plot

Im triying to create a semilogy plot where I can see the labels of the minor ticks. The data I'm plotting spans from 292 to 1138. So by default the semilogy plot only shows the label in the 1000. I would need to show also the labels in the minor ticks (with a smaller font would be awesome) since only one number in the entire y axis is not very informative. Thanks a lot!
It seems like there's a bug on Matlab, which makes it not possible to label minor ticks. (thanks #excasa)
One thing you could do is setting the gca's YTick property as a vector of increasing values. Then, there would be labels where you want (even though they would not be minor ticks anymore, but normal ticks).
ax = gca; %get current axis
ax.XTick = [-3*pi -2*pi -pi 0 pi 2*pi 3*pi];
ax.YTick = [-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1];
% For R2014a and earlier:
% ax = gca;
% set(ax,'XTick',[-3*pi -2*pi -pi 0 pi 2*pi 3*pi])
% set(ax,'YTick',[-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1])
You could, also, activate the grid for minor ticks set(gca,'YminorGrid','on'), so you have a better view of the values (even they not being labeled).

How to Adjust y axis plot range in Matlab?

I need to plot the following functions in matlab
The x-range is -5,5 with 0.1 spacing
The y-plot range should be between -1.5 to 1.5.
Each plot should have a labeled x and y axis and a legend in the lower right corner.
The only things I cant figure out is how to adjust the y plot range. Ive tried editing the actual figure but all that seems to do is distort the graph.
Is there a command within matlab that will let me adjust the y axis plot range?
The other thing I havent figured out yet is adding a legend, I can do it after the figure is created but I guess it needs to be done by matlab command.
Yes, use axis after the plot command:
axis([-5 5 -1.5 1.5])
If you only want to set the y-range without setting the x-range you can use
ylim([-1.5 1.5])
or alternatively axis([-inf inf -1.5 1.5]). I found this from the original MATLAB-source:
PS: For trigonometric functions I would recommend to use axis equal to have equally spaced x and y-axis (see MATLAB)

Finding the limits of automatically-adjusted axes in a MATLAB plot

I'm creating a 2d MATLAB plot. I'm setting the limits of my x axis, and letting my y axis auto-adjust (by setting its limits to [-inf inf]). After creating my plot, I need to check what my y axis has auto adjusted to (as I'm going to create a heatmap to put under my plot).
Unfortunately, ylim (and similar functions) only produce [-inf inf], not whatever the axes have adjusted to.
Some code which reproduces this problem (much more simply than my actual code) is:
function createplot(xbounds)
x = xbounds(1):0.5:xbounds(2);
y = x.^2;
which produces a parabolic plot with y limits = [0,100]. However, ylim = [-inf, inf].
Any help would be appreciated!
/ Wilbur
As #Shai suggested, axis can give info regarding the ylimits without the need to set them to [-inf,inf] or use axis to set the x-axis bounds:
xbounds=[1 10]
x = xbounds(1):0.5:xbounds(2);
y = x.^2;
xlim([xbounds(1) xbounds(2)]);
v =
1 10 0 100
Looking at #natan's answer I think the solution to your problem is
Do not use [-inf inf] for auto-adjusting axis limits.
If you want Matlab to auto adjust some of your axes limits and manually set others, then you should use either xlim, ylim or zlim for the specific axis you wish to set and leave all the other unchanged so Matlab can set them automatically.
This way you will not override the values Matlab assigns to those axes and you will be able to read them using axis, xlim, ylim or zlim.
Please see #natan's answer for corrected code.

Matching axes scales

I have 3D data plotted using the 'plot3' function. I would like to constrain the Y and Z axes such that they are equal in scale. The X axis should be automatically scaled as usual.
I know from here that I can make the X axis be the only one to be automatically scaled by using the command:
axis 'auto x';
However, this causes the Y and Z axes to be plotted from 0 to 1 only; my data often exceeds this in all axes. What I'm looking for is a plot which contains all the data in a single view, but with the smallest of the Y or Z axes scaled down so that the Y and Z axes are equivalent in scale.
Try daspect.
daspect(tmpAspect([1 2 2]))
daspect() returns the current aspect ratio as produced by axis 'auto'.
daspect(tmpAspect([1 2 2])) then enforces that y and z have the same scale.
How about
axis equal
or even
axis tight
axis equal
both after the plot has been drawn.
Is this what you mean?
Type help axis at the Matlab command prompt for more capabilities of the axis function.