How to change background color for each two rows in SSRS in a group - tsql

How can I write the expression in order to change background color for each two rows in SSRS?
I need something like that:
I tried expression
=IIF(Fields!Type.Value="2016 Submitted" , "LightBlue",
IIF(Fields!Type.Value="2015 Submitted" , "LightBlue",
But because some months dont have values it looks like this:
If I try this expression I get below:
=IIF(RunningValue(Fields!Count.Value, CountDistinct, Nothing) MOD 2 = 1, "White", "PaleTurquoise")
Dance-Henry I tried your code
=IIF(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 4 = 1 or RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 4 = 2, "Aqua","White")
and this is what i got:

You can select the row in design pane and press F4 to setup property BackgroundColor as =IIF(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 4 = 1 or RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 4 = 2, "Aqua","White")
Captures are attached. Do it accordingly.
RESULT is something like this

After going thru the link
Tested and it works well for the Green Bar Effect for Matrix. I will show it step by step here as for later reference.
Step 1: Create the Matrix and add one more column under the innermost row grouping in your matrix. (ColorNameTextbox here)
Step 2: Select the textbox of ColorNameTextbox and press F4 to setup BackgroundColor property as =Value shown below.
Step 3: Select the textbox of Matrix cell and press F4 to setup BackgroundColor property as =ReportItems!ColorNameTextbox.Value shown below.
Step 4: Drag the inner grouping header (ColorNameTextbox) to be as narrow as possible.
Step 5: Preview Pane to check the result.

If you could add a hidden color_group column and populate it with a new number at each point you want to change the color (in your case 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4) then you could use something like the following (which works for varying size groups):
IIF(RunningValue(Fields!color_group.Value, CountDistinct, Nothing) MOD 2 = 1, "White", "PaleTurquoise")

I had a similar problem where I could not come up with alternating rows because my data has Column Groups that were the RowNumber(Nothing) method to fail. Learning from all the other posts here this is how I resolved it in steps.
I added the following code into the report properties, that provides a function to get the row number, each time it is called. The function increments the row count each time it is called. >>Right click space around the report >> Properties >> Code. Alternatively go to Code Properties Window, when the report is selected.
Add the following lines:
Public Row_Sum As Decimal = 0
Public Function Lookup_Sum( ) As integer
Row_Sum = Row_Sum + 1
Return Row_Sum
End Function
I added a new column at the beginning of the rows called No. that would calculate and show the row number.Right click the first column >>Insert Column>>Inside Group-Left.
On the expression for the new report add this line of code. Also take a note of the name of the TextBox that will have the No. Value. It will be needed in the next step. In my case the TextBox is called TextBox6 (Properties Window). >>Right Click Cell>>Expression.
Add the code:
I highlighted the entire row and went to the Background property and added the following expression to compute the row number.
Add the code(TextBox6 is the name Textbox name noted above):
=IIF(VAL(ReportItems!Textbox6.Value) MOD 2, "LIGHTBLUE", "WHITE")


Suppress a Text Object Based on Field Value in Object

I have a Text Object that contains a text string followed by a database field Max Weight {table.field}
I want to suppress all of the Text Object whenever {table.field} = 0.
I tried the following formula under Format Text > Common > Suppress
if {table.field} = 0 then true else false
What I get is the field value within the text object either on or off while the text is always suppressed. What do I need to do to make this work? Thanks.
You can try 2 different solutions:
1) Keeping your Max Weight label, create a new Formula in the 'Formula Fields' then enter this code:
if {table.field} = 0 then '' else ToText({table.field})
2) Supressing all text, you have to create a new Formula too, but type this:
if {table.field} = 0 then '' else 'Max Weight ' + ToText({table.field})
This second way, you will create a label that will only appears when your conditions happens, and you must replace the old TextObject with this new Formula. This will cause a blank area, because no text and no weight will show, but it looks like exactly what you need.
I just tested here and it's working. Note that both 'spaces' are in the document. Attached is an image that may help you find the formulas section. Hope you can use it.

SSRS: Custom colors for the Category axis of a stacked bar chart

I have a stacked bar chart that only ever has 5 categories(but the value of the categories change from year to year, it is a sliding 5 year window).
I have successful customised the bars to the colors I want.
But now I wish to make the label of each Category the same color as the customised bar color.
Is there a way to do this?
You can use custom code for this.
In Report Properties | Code, you can paste in the following code:
Private colourPalette As String() = {"#418CF0", "#FCB441", "#DF3A02", "#056492", "#BFBFBF", "#1A3B69", "#FFE382", "#129CDD", "#CA6B4B", "#005CDB", "#F3D288", "#506381", "#F1B9A8", "#E0830A", "#7893BE"}
Private count As Integer = 0
Private mapping As New System.Collections.Hashtable()
Public Function GetColour(ByVal groupingValue As String) As String
If mapping.ContainsKey(groupingValue) Then
Return mapping(groupingValue)
End If
Dim c As String = colourPalette(count Mod colourPalette.Length)
count = count + 1
mapping.Add(groupingValue, c)
Return c
End Function
This will give you the option of the pastel colour palette. If you want other colours, simply replace the hex colour codes with values of your choice.
To use this, simply use the following expression:
Use this on your series and your label fill expressions. This will ensure that the same colour appears for both. If you have multiple graphs with the same values in, this will also ensure that the same data series across multiple graphs always have the same colour.

Listbox multiple selection matlab

I created a listbox and enabled multiple selections. My listbox contain numbers from 1 to 10. When I select 3, 1, and 8, the function always put my selections in alphabetical order (1,3,8). Is there any way I could make it not put my selection in alphabetical order? So if I select 3, 1, and 8 the output of my selection is 3, 1, 8.
Thank you.
For the purpose of this answer I'm assuming you're using matlab-hg2.
From the docs for uicontrol:
'listbox' ... The Value property stores the row indexes of currently selected list box items, and is a vector value when you select multiple items. After any mouse button up event that changes the Value property, MATLAB evaluates the list box's callback routine. To delay action when multiple items can be selected, you can associate a "Done" push button with the list box. Use the callback for that button to evaluate the list box Value property.
From the above we learn that the information on the selected lines is returned in Value. From there, it's a matter of keeping track of what's selected. This can be quite easily done using a persistent variable inside the listbox' Callback as shown in the following example:
hFig = figure('Units','Pixels','Position', [200 200 100 200],'Menubar','none');
uicontrol(hFig, ...
'Style', 'listbox',...
'Position', [20 20 80 150],...
function selectionCallback(hObject,~)
persistent previouslyChosenItems
%// Elements were added:
if numel(previouslyChosenItems) < numel(hObject.Value)
previouslyChosenItems = union(previouslyChosenItems,hObject.Value,'stable');
%// Elements were removed:
elseif numel(previouslyChosenItems) > numel(hObject.Value)
previouslyChosenItems = intersect(previouslyChosenItems,hObject.Value,'stable');
%// A different element was selected (single element):
elseif numel(previouslyChosenItems) == numel(hObject.Value) && numel(hObject.Value)==1
previouslyChosenItems = hObject.Value;
disp(['Currently selected items (in order): ' num2str(previouslyChosenItems(:)')]);
Example output:
Currently selected items (in order): 7
Currently selected items (in order): 3
Currently selected items (in order): 3 9
Currently selected items (in order): 3 9 1
Then it's up to you to assign the value of previouslyChosenItems somplace useful.

using popupmenu in uitable in matlab

I have created a uitable consists of, say, four columns.
colu={{'Sweet' 'Beautiful' 'Caring'},'numeric', 'numeric','numeric'}
dat={1 2 3 []; 4 5 6 []; 7 8 9 []};
A=uitable('outerposition',[0 0 1 1],'ColumnFormat',colu,'Data',dat);
What I wanted to do now is that when the code is run, and I choose 'Sweet' in the pop-up in the first cell, the cell (1,4) displays dat(1,1), or when I choose 'Beautiful' in the second cell in the first column, the cell (2,4) displays dat(2,1). Unlike in a popupmenu outside a uitable, I am not able to use get(popup,"value').
How could I possibly do what I wanted to? Thanks in advance!
You'll have to use the CellEditCallback property, which is a global callback that gets triggered when any cell is edited.
There are no callbacks you can set on individual cells.
A pseudo-code template that should get you started:
function cellEditCallback(hTable, editEvent)
% get changed index
changedIndex = editEvent.Indices;
if changedIndex is a popup-cell:
% check new value
newValue = editEvent.NewData;
% set data in appropriate cell to corresponding value
As an aside, the columnFormat in the example does not match the data. It specifies column 1 as a popup-column, while according to your data, it should be column 4.
I also had to change [] to '' to make the popup work and set('ColumnEditable', logical([0,0,0,1])).
See e.g.
for a more comprehensive example uitable application.

Setting up some properties for a combobox (scroll, edit, jump)

There are 3 properties that I want to set for some VBA form comboboxes and I don't know if it's possible.
I don't want to let the combobox editable. Right now if the user types something in it that it submits the form it will send that value... I want to let him choose only from the values I added in the Combobox.
I want to make the list of items in the combobox scroll-able. Right now I'm able to scroll through the list if I use the scroll-bar but I don't know why I can't scroll with the mouse scroll.
And I want to jump to some item if I start typing. Let's say I have the months of the year in one combobox... if I start to type mar I want it to jump to march. I know that for the html forms this properties is by default but I don't know about VBA forms...
Thanks a lot
Of the behaviours you want, some are possible with settings on the Combo, others you will need to code
List of Months: Put a list of entries on a (hidden) sheet and name the range. Set .RowSource to that range
Match as you type: Set properties .MatchEntry = fmMatchEntryComplete and .MatchRequired = True
Reject non list entries: A Combo with these settings will allow you to type an invalid entry, but will reject it with an error message popup when you commit. If you want to silently reject invalid data as you type, you will need to code it.
If you want the selected value returned to a sheet, set .ControlSource to a cell address (preferable a named range)
By "...scroll with the mouse scroll..." I assume you mean the mouse wheel. Unfortunatley Forms don't support mouse wheel scroll. You will have to code it yourself. There is a Microsoft patch for this at here (not tried it myself yet)
Sample code to silently reject invalid entries
Private Sub cmbMonth_Change()
Static idx As Long
Dim Match As Boolean
Dim i As Long
If cmbMonth.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
If idx = 0 Then idx = 1
i = idx
Match = False
For i = 0 To cmbMonth.ListCount
If cmbMonth.List((i + idx - 1) Mod cmbMonth.ListCount) Like cmbMonth.Value & "*" Then
cmbMonth.ListIndex = (i + idx - 1) Mod cmbMonth.ListCount
Match = True
Exit For
End If
If Not Match Then
cmbMonth.Value = Left(cmbMonth.Value, Len(cmbMonth.Value) - 1)
End If
End Sub
Set the propertie MatchEntry of combobox to 1 (fmMatchEntryComplete) and MatchRequired to true for example