Loosing focus on the frame on click of ok button on joption pane - jframe

I have created a panel which displays scaled images .On clicked on the scaled image, I shows the image with larger view in a frame.When I cropped the area on frame it shows cropped image in Joption pane and when I clicked ok , It returns the focus on to the main Panel and frame with enlarge view of image get minimized.
Here i dont want to loose the focus on the enlarge image frame view. Is any one can help me out with it.
enter code here
imgPane = new CropImagePane(imagePath);
frame= new MyFrame("Crop Area");


how can i Navigate the Image(including Text on Image)?

I want to add images with text in one page and navigate the whole page to the other page (issue is only image is navigate not text ) please help.
Like in Image editor application you want to add text and save this page and now you want add frames in that same Image.
My problem is when I add some text and save and move onto frames screen
only IMAGE is navigate not TEXT.(which I add in the Previous screen )

three button using one image picker, the image is not update

I start learning Swift and try to fulfill using one image picker change button image when users trigger one of three buttons.
I watch online resource and understand how to use one image picker for changing one button image
But now I have three buttons, and each of them should have the ability to use image picker and change their own button image.
My solution for this is every time when the button is clicked and image picker is called, I set the UIImage outside the function equal to the info image
At meanwhile, knowing that image picker has triggered because the button was pushed down, I put a line for set-button-image with that UIImage in the button (IBAction function).
Below is my source code. Somehow the way I wrote will not update the button's image correctly.
Let me know if any information is missing or confused. Any advice or knowledge will be helpful, thanks.
main page
after clicking the add button the library shows
after select image, the button image shows all white
after clicking the white part, the image somehow shows
If I click another button, the button change like the first button???

How to activate gif image in GWT?

I am trying to make a Vertical menu with a gif image which should activate on mouse hover.
I have added the image to my page, but the image is not getting active. It is still!!
.... Code used for adding image...
image.setSize("80px", "80px");

How to show a popup inside a scrollPane javafx

I have some nodes in the content of a scrollPane.
With nodes mouse pressing , a popup is shown and is positioned in the required X and Y.
Well , when scrolling , the popup is always fixed , as it is positioned according to the scene.
Is it possible to show the popup inside the scrollPane , so when scrolling , the popup scrolls too .
Yes, it is possible for the pop-up location to track the scroll position of the scroll pane. I am not going to write the code for that here.
One consideration you will have is what to do with the pop-up if the user scrolls such that the pop-up ends up outside the visible region of the scroll pane (I'm guessing the pop-up would then be hidden and cease tracking the scroll pane location).
Do consider your design and decide if you really need a pop-up or not, or if you can just place a node in the group that maintains the content for the scroll pane. Because, if you did that rather than using a pop-up, then the scroll pane would automatically scroll the node in the group as it scrolled around the group.

Button with lost focus using PerspectiveTrasnform

Well, I make a Pane based on an example of JavaFX samples (Display Shelf), I put Panes with Labels, Buttons, ComboBox, TableView where's the ImageView. It is working, when I click on Pane, it does the animation correctly, but the buttons that I put in vertical on Right of Pane, receive the focus out of where they are. When I move the mouse button, nothing happens, but if I move the mouse to down of it, I can click in the button that so reveice the focus. The local where I have to move the mouse to button to receive the focus is increasingly far (down) if the button is below the other.
I'm using the Perspective Transform of JavaEX and all is in JavaFX Samples, just changed some params of size (width and height). This effect may be interfering in focus? Or can be another problem? If anyone already had this problem please help me. Thanks.