Split and choose in scala - scala

I found some explanation to do this but i still can't do it !!
I want to split val data=sc.textFile("hdfs://ncdc/isd-history.csv")
the data have the form : ("949999","00338","PORTLAND (CASHMORE)","AS","","","-38.320","+141.480","+0081.0","19690724","19781113")
I want to split data and take only the 1st (949999) and the 3rd (PORTLAND (CASHMORE))
I have done this ,
val RDD = (data.filter(s => (s.split(',')(0) , s.split(',')(2))))
But, it doesn't work.

RDD.filter filters records, not "columns" - it expects a function from the record type (String, I assume, in this case) to Boolean, and would filter out all records for which this function returned false.
You're trying to transform each record from a String into a tuple (while "filtering" out parts of that string), so you should use RDD.map instead of RDD.filter:
val RDD = data.map(s => (s.split(',')(0), s.split(',')(2)))
Or better yet:
val RDD = data.map(_.split(',')).map(arr => (arr(0), arr(2)))

You should use split to split strings and not collections.
If this is a RDD of tuples, this should work:
val RDD = data map(row => (row._1, row._3))
If this is a RDD of Array/Seq[String] just sub _1 and _3 for indexes 0 and 2.


How to create an RDD by selecting specific data from an existing RDD where output should of RDD[String]?

I have scenario to capture some data (not all) from an existing RDD and then pass it to other Scala class for actual operations. Lets see with example data(empnum, empname, emplocation, empsal) in a text file.
first step, I create an RDD with RDD[String] by below code,
val empRDD = spark
So, my requirement is to create another RDD with empnum, empname, emplocation (again with RDD[String]).
For that I have tried below code hence I am getting RDD[String, String, String].
val empReqRDD = empRDD
.map(a=> a.split(","))
.map(x=> (x(0), x(1), x(2)))
I have tried with Slice also, it gives me RDD[Array(String)].
My required RDD should be of RDD[String] to pass to required Scala class to do some operations.
The expected output should be,
Can anyone help me how to achieve?
I would try this
val empReqRDD = empRDD
.map(a=> a.split(","))
.map(x=> (x(0), x(1), x(2)))
val rddString = empReqRDD.map({case(id,name,city) => "%s,%s,%s".format(id,name,city)})
In your initial implementation, the second map is putting the array elements into a 3-tuple, hence the RDD[(String, String, String)].
One way to accomplish your objective is to change the second map to construct a string like so:
.map(a=> a.split(","))
.map(x => s"${x(0)},${x(1)},${x(2)}")
Alternatively, and a bit more concise, you could do it by taking the first 3 elements of the array and using the mkString method:
Probably overkill for this use-case, but you could also use a regex to extract the values:
val r = "([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*).*".r
empRDD.map { case r(id, name, city) => s"$id,$name,$city" }

How do I split a Spark rdd Array[(String, Array[String])]?

I'm practicing on doing sorts in the Spark shell. I have an rdd with about 10 columns/variables. I want to sort the whole rdd on the values of column 7.
org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Array[String]] = ...
From what I gather the way to do that is by using sortByKey, which in turn only works on pairs. So I mapped it so I'd have a pair consisting of column7 (string values) and the full original rdd (array of strings)
rdd2 = rdd.map(c => (c(7),c))
rdd2: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Array[String])] = ...
I then apply sortByKey, still no problem...
rdd3 = rdd2.sortByKey()
rdd3: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Array[String])] = ...
But now how do I split off, collect and save that sorted original rdd from rdd3 (Array[String])? Whenever I try a split on rdd3 it gives me an error:
val rdd4 = rdd3.map(_.split(',')(2))
<console>:33: error: value split is not a member of (String, Array[String])
What am I doing wrong here? Are there other, better ways to sort an rdd on one of its columns?
what you did with rdd2 = rdd.map(c => (c(7),c)) is to map it to a tuple.
rdd2: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Array[String])]
exactly as it says :).
now if you want to split the record you need to get it from this tuple.
you can map again, taking only the second part of the tuple (which is the array of Array[String]...) like so : rdd3.map(_._2)
but i would strongly suggest to use try rdd.sortBy(_(7)) or something of this sort. this way you do not need to bother yourself with tuple and such.
if you want to sort the rdd using the 7th string in the array, you can just do it directly by
rdd.sortBy(_(6)) // array starts at 0 not 1
rdd.sortBy(arr => arr(6))
That will save you all the hassle of doing multiple transformations. The reason why rdd.sortBy(_._7) or rdd.sortBy(x => x._7) won't work is because that's not how you access an element inside an Array. To access the 7th element of an array, say arr, you should do arr(6).
To test this, i did the following:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Array(Array("ard", "bas", "wer"), Array("csg", "dip", "hwd"), Array("asg", "qtw", "hasd")))
// I want to sort it using the 3rd String
val sorted_rdd = rdd.sortBy(_(2))
Here's the result:
Array(Array("ard", "bas", "wer"), Array("csg", "dip", "hwd"), Array("asg", "qtw", "hasd"))
just do this:
val rdd4 = rdd3.map(_._2)
I thought you don't familiar with Scala,
So, below should help you understand more,
rdd3.map(kv => {
println(kv._1) // This represent String
println(kv._2) // This represent Array[String]

How to replace RDD type of [String] with values of RDD type [String, Int]

Sorry for the confusion in the initial question. Here is a questions with the reproducible example:
I have an rdd of [String] and I have a rdd of [String, Long]. I would like to have an rdd of [Long] based on the match of String of second with String of first. Example:
//Create RDD
val textFile = sc.parallelize(Array("Spark can also be used for compute intensive tasks",
"This code estimates pi by throwing darts at a circle"))
// tokenize, result: RDD[(String)]
val words = textFile.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
// create index of distinct words, result: RDD[(String,Long)]
val indexWords = words.distinct().zipWithIndex()
As a result, I would like to have an RDD with indexes of words instead of words in "Spark can also be used for compute intensive tasks".
Sorry again and thanks
If I understand you correctly, you're interested in the indices of works that also appear in Spark can also be used for compute intensive tasks.
If so - here are two versions with identical outputs but different performance characteristics:
val lookupWords: Seq[String] = "Spark can also be used for compute intensive tasks".split(" ")
// option 1 - use join:
val lookupWordsRdd: RDD[(String, String)] = sc.parallelize(lookupWords).keyBy(w => w)
val result1: RDD[Long] = indexWords.join(lookupWordsRdd).map { case (key, (index, _)) => index }
// option 2 - assuming list of lookup words is short, you can use a non-distributed version of it
val result2: RDD[Long] = indexWords.collect { case (key, index) if lookupWords.contains(key) => index }
The first option creates a second RDD with the words whose indices we're interested in, uses keyBy to transform it into a PairRDD (with key == value!), joins it with your indexWords RDD and then maps to get the index only.
The second option should only be used if the list of "interesting words" is known not to be too large - so we can keep it as a list (and not RDD), and let Spark serialize it and send to workers for each task to use. We then use collect(f: PartialFunction[T, U]) which applies this partial function to get a "filter" and a "map" at once - we only return a value if the words exists in the list, and if so - we return the index.
I was getting an error of SPARK-5063 and given this answer, I found the solution to my problem:
//broadcast `indexWords`
val bcIndexWords = sc.broadcast(indexWords.collectAsMap)
// select `value` of `indexWords` given `key`
val result = textFile.map{arr => arr.split(" ").map(elem => bcIndexWords.value(elem))}
res373: Array[Long] = Array(3, 7, 14, 6, 17, 15, 0, 12)

How to unpack a map/list in scala to tuples for a variadic function?

I'm trying to create a PairRDD in spark. For that I need a tuple2 RDD, like RDD[(String, String)]. However, I have an RDD[Map[String, String]].
I can't work out how to get rid of the iterable so I'm just left with RDD[(String, String)] rather than e.g. RDD[List[(String, String)]].
A simple demo of what I'm trying to make work is this broken code:
val lines = sparkContext.textFile("data.txt")
val pairs = lines.map(s => Map(s -> 1))
val counts = pairs.reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
The last line doesn't work because pairs is an RDD[Map[String, Int]] when it needs to be an RDD[(String, Int)].
So how can I get rid of the iterable in pairs above to convert the Map to just a tuple2?
You can actually just run:
val counts = pairs.flatMap(identity).reduceByKey(_ + _)
Note that the usage of the identity function that replicates the functionality of flatten on an RDD and the reduceByKey() function has a nifty underscore notation for conciseness.

How to get a subset of a RDD?

I am new to Spark. If I have a RDD consists of key-value pairs, what is the efficient way to return a subset of this RDD containing the keys that appear more than a certain times in the original RDD?
For example, if my original data RDD is like this:
val dataRDD=sc.parallelize(List((1,34),(5,3),(1,64),(3,67),(5,0)),3)
I want to get a new RDD, in which the keys appear more than once in dataRDD. The newRDD should contains these tuples: (1,34),(5,3),(1,64),(5,0). How can I get this new RDD? Thank you very much.
Count keys and filter infrequent:
val counts = dataRDD.keys.map((_, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
val infrequent = counts.filter(_._2 == 1)
If number of infrequent values is to large to be handled in memory you can use PairRDDFunctions.subtractByKey:
otherwise a broadcast variable:
val infrequentKeysBd = sc.broadcast(infrequent.keys.collect.toSet)
dataRDD.filter{ case(k, _) => !infrequentKeysBd.value.contains(k)}
If number of frequent keys is very low you can filter frequent keys and use a broadcast variable as above:
val frequent = counts.filter(_._2 > 1)
val frequentKeysBd = ??? // As before
dataRDD.filter{case(k, _) => frequentKeysBd.value.contains(k)}