How to do the `mvn eclipse:eclipse` through the M2Eclipse plugin? - eclipse

It came to my attention that:
The maven-eclipse-plugin (used in mvn eclipse:eclipse) is discontinued and shouldn't be used anymore. M2Eclipse replaces it for most, if not all, usage.
I work on a new project now, and the M2Eclipse doesn't update automatically the changes in my eclipse project.
My question is:
How to do the mvn eclipse:eclipse through the M2Eclipse plugin?

I believe it's equivalent Import an existing Maven Project. Elipse will do rest of the things. You might need to change your project to maven type.
Configure>Convert to Maven Project


mvn eclipse:eclipse versus regular maven build

What is the difference between running a maven build on a maven project
mvn install
then importing the module in eclipse (Import > Existing Maven Projects) as a maven artifact versus running
mvn install eclipse:eclipse
and importing the maven project as a regular project (Import > Existing Projects into Workspace)?
The second option seems faster within eclipse (mvn install eclipse:eclipse) but I'm not sure why.
When you import an existing Maven project, it is done by m2e, the official Eclipse Maven plugin (when I say official I mean it is in the Eclipse incubation process). It offers more features and can be more convenient to use in my experience
When you do it by eclipse:eclipse, it is done by a Maven Eclipse mojo which creates a simple Java project. The problem is that you have to re-do this again every time you change your pom.xml. With m2e, this is usually done automatically.

Eclipse Indigo with m2e can't find maven dependencies in a multi-module project

I've created a multi-module project using Indigo with m2e 1.0. One of the child modules has a dependency on the other. It all builds correctly under maven.
Eclipse, however, can't find any of the classes that this module uses from the dependency .jar. The project properties shows the artifact under Maven Dependencies, but it does not show the actual .jar file itself.
I added the dependency with the Maven menu for this project.
The .project and .classpath got generated automagically at some point. I did not have to run mvn eclipse:eclipse or mvn eclipse:m2e (or whatever the goal is for m2e). The .classpath doesn't have the dependent .jar in it, but it does have org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER.
I've tried all the options under the Maven menu (update dependencies, update configuration) and refreshing the project. I've closed and re-opened Eclipse. It still shows errors.
This makes Eclipse worthless as a Java editor in multi-module projects. I could manually add the dependency .jar in the .classpath, but this defeats the purpose of integration Eclipse and Maven with m2e.
Is there any solution for this in Eclipse?
The answer turned out to be the last answer to this question given by Jody Box. It's pretty bizzare that in order for Eclipse to resolve dependencies from another project in the Workspace that you have to uncheck the "Resolve dependencies from Workspace projects" checkbox.
I know mvn can be convoluted but this checkbox is doing the opposite of what it says.

maven adds dependency but eclipse does not see it

I've created a new project in maven like this:
mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
After that I use: mvn eclipse:eclipse
The problem is that when I add the project to my IDE, eclipse indicates errors. When I run it I get classNotFound for JUnit. In project properties I see that junit is added to build path
In project properties I see: M2_REPO/junit/junit/3.8.1/junit-3.8.1.jar
But I cant use for example: import junit.framework.Test;
Why is that? To be honest, I have some major problems with dependency in maven and eclipse. Maven adds them correctly but eclipse doesn't see it correctly. It's not only the junit. What should I check/set?
Should I install some plugin to eclipse for maven support ?
I thought again about everything. Of course the problem was small. M2_REPO was not recognize by Eclipse. I've added this variable and set it in od maven directory. It worked like a charm.
You can use the m2eclipse plugin for eclipse
I don't know if having the plugin would solve your problem, I used to do the command line before I started using m2elcipse, I never had the issue that you described
what version of eclipse are you using?

How can I add a classpath entry as a publish/export dependency in an Eclipse dynamic web project?

I successfully created a project using Wicket quickstart and turned it into an Eclipse dynamic web project by running
mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0
I imported the project to Eclipse without any issues, but got this warning for each JAR:
Classpath entry M2_REPO/**.jar will not be exported or published.
Runtime ClassNotFoundExceptions may result.
I can fix this by using right click → QuickFix on each warning and selecting "Mark the associated raw classpath entry as a publish/export dependency," but this takes a lot of time and would not be possible if there were a lot of dependencies.
There must be a way to have Maven do this for me; what is it?
EDIT: I've found out that using m2eclipse core + Maven Integration for WTP (from m2eclipse extras) resolves my issues.
I'm still interested in how to achieve this without m2eclipse, though, just out of curiosity :p
The two Maven plugins needed to work with web projects in Eclipse are available from the Eclipse Marketplace.
Maven Integration for Eclipse (included in the Java version of Eclipse)
Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP

Generate Web Application Project for Eclipse using Maven.

I'm new to this approach. I've used Maven, Tomcat and Eclipse for my web application. But I'm trying the approach where you create a Maven project using an archetype plugin.
My goal is to create a Web Application Project for Eclipse using Maven that can then be imported into Eclipse. I'm pretty sure there is a super-easy way to do this and I want to know what it is.
I'm using Tomcat 6, Eclipse Helios and Maven 2.
I was referring to this 3-part post:
But when I imported the project into Eclipse, I couldn't see the Run As > Run on server option.
What is the best way to go about this? Any links to resources that'd help me understand the approach would be great!
My goal is to create a Web Application Project for eclipse using maven that can then be imported into Eclipse. I'm pretty sure there is a super-easy way to do this and I want to know what it is.
Use the maven archetype plugin to generate your project. Here is how to tell it to use the maven-archetype-webapp when invoking it from the command line:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp
But when I imported the project into eclipse, I couldn't see the Run As > Run on server option.
It actually all depends on what you use for Eclipse/Maven integration. There are basically two options (and they both provide WTP integration):
the maven-eclipse-plugin which is a Maven plugin that can generate Eclipse files (.project and .classpath and so on) allowing to import the project as Existing projects into Workspace.
the m2eclipse plugin which is an Eclipse Plugin providing Maven integration inside Eclipse and allowing to import a Maven project as Existing Maven projects.
The maven-eclipse-plugin approach
If you use the maven-eclipse-plugin, you have to configure it for WTP support and here is a typical configuration:
With this configuration, running mvn eclipse:eclipse on your maven project will generate the WTP files so that the project can be recognized as a Dynamic project (i.e. runnable on a Server). Then import it via Import... > Existing projects into Workspace.
The m2eclipse approach
If you use the m2eclipse plugin (and that would be my recommendation), make sure to install the Maven Integration for WTP from the extras. From the install instructions:
Installing m2eclipse Extras
To install optional m2eclipse
components, you will need to use the
m2eclipse Extras update site. This
update site contains the following
m2eclipse components:
Maven SCM Integration
Maven SCM handler for Team/CVS
Maven SCM handler for Subclipse
Maven issue tracking configurator for Mylyn 3.x
Maven Integration for WTP
M2Eclipse Extensions Development Support
m2eclipse Extras Update Site:
And then just import your project via Import... > Existing Maven projects and if it's a webapp, it should get recognized as a Dynamic project.
Indigo: m2eclipse approach for Indigo is different. See Maven/Tomcat Projects In Eclipse Indigo/3.7
Important: Note that both approaches are exclusive, use one or the other. But in both cases, there is no need to add a facet manually if you use them correctly.
Download and install the eclipse maven plugin from here. Create your project using the new project wizard in eclipse. Select Maven project and create the project using the archetype you discussed. Set appropriate source folders and add libraries used as part of project properties. This should set you up for your project.
Very simple,
you only have to create a new Maven project with packaging type ‘war’ and directories creation done automatically