I am searching a loop which stores values in a matrix - matlab

I have an input-table. It has 3 columns and some rows -> The first column are my x-coordinates and the second column are my y-coordinates. (Of my start points)
This start point is always my left bottom corner point of my rectangle. From this point I want to draw my rectangle. (Height and width should be a constant). I have big problems with loops and matrices:
My output must be looking like:
AllPoints= [0,0;1,0;1,1;0,1;5,5;10,5;10,10;5,10;2,2;4,2;4,4;2,4];
-> Explanation see screenshot
[clc % löscht den Bildschirm
clear all % löscht alle Variablen
%Table -> (start Points...)
%12 0 10
%14 0 30
%16 0 54
%18 0 51
%20 0 35
%22 0 12
%14 2 25
%16 2 35
Input_Matrix = readtable('Testbeispiel_Rainflow.dat',...


How to shift non circularly in Matlab

I am trying to shift non circularly in MATLAB so even if I shift outside of the index it will add 0s to correct it. I tried following the answer in How do I shift columns (left or right) in a matrix? but had no success.
data = [1 2 3 4 5; 11 12 13 14 15; 21 22 23 24 25; 31 32 33 34 35]
d = 3; % shift; positive/negative for right/left
result = zeros(size(data), 'like', data); % preallocate with zeros
result(:,max(1,1+d):min(end,end+d)) = data(:,max(1,1-d):min(end,end-d)); % write values
In my output results is nothing but the same size but all zeroes
Desired output:
0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 0 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 21 22 23 24 25
0 0 0 31 32 33 34 35
You can do it by creating a matrix result, the final size, filled with zeros, then copying the original data into the final result, making sure you place the data at the right indices.
What you have in your example code is not right for what you ask. If I run it,the final result is padded fine but truncated at the size of the original data matrix. This is how some matrix are shifted (with the shifted columns dropped altogether), but that's not what you asked.
A simple way to do it, is to create a padding matrix of the proper size, then simply concatenate it with your original data matrix. This can be done as below:
%% Initial data
data = [1 2 3 4 5; 11 12 13 14 15; 21 22 23 24 25; 31 32 33 34 35] ;
d = 3 ;
%% shift and pad with zeros
nrows = size(data,1) ; % Number of rows in [data]
pad = zeros( nrows , abs(d) ) ; % create padding matrix
if d>0
result = [pad data] ; % Concatenate the filler matrix on the left
result = [data pad] ; % Concatenate the filler matrix on the right
And just to be sure:
>> result
result =
0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 0 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 21 22 23 24 25
0 0 0 31 32 33 34 35
If you want to reuse the same way than in your example code, you have to adjust it a bit to allow for the new columns:
%% create result and copy data
result = zeros( size(data,1) , size(data,2)+abs(d) ) ;
colStart = max(1,1+d) ;
result(:,colStart:colStart+size(data,2)-1) = data ;
This will create the same result matrix as above.

Nonlinear Filter for image processing - looking for minimum inside a mask

I have an idea about a filter for images but I do not know how I can realize this without using a double-for-loop in MATLAB.
I have an image, and I want to use a linear filter mask on it, let's say:
This filter mask is moving over the image, pixel by pixel. For each neighbourhood, the pixel I is set to the minimum of the surrounding neighbourhood.
Here is an example:
[ … image data …]
[ … …]
[ … …]
[ … 23 68 155 20 53 …]
[ … …]
For my example, I want to filter the centering pixel with the value 155. The result would be:
[ … image data …]
[ … …]
[ … …]
[ … 23 68 20 20 53 …]
[ … …]
The pixel 155 gets replaced with the minimum value in his neighbourhood.
I can do this with a double-for-loop, but it is really slow, too slow to use it for my application.
Would be happy for a good idea how to increase the speed! Thank you
Your filter idea is called erosion. It is implemented in the Image Processing Toolbox in the function imerode. In your case, you'd apply:
result = imerode(image_data, [1,1,1,1,1]);
The neighborhood can have any shape. Set elements to 0 to exclude them from the neighborhood. For example, for a roundish neighborhood you can use
If I understand your question correctly, what you want is finding a moving minimum value with a specified window width along a specific row. This can be done with movmin function which was introduced in version 2016a.
Knowing that movmin processes columns by default (as dim = 1). So in your case, you may want to set the dim argument to 2 (move along the rows) and discard the endpoints for the value outside of the window. A sample code may look like:
k = randi(20,20,11); % make some samples
ci = 6; % sample at the center row
wd = 5; % filter window width
k(:,ci) = movmin(k(:,(ci-2:ci+2)),wd,2,'Endpoints','discard') % replace the center row samples
Take a look at the movmin documentation to learn more.
I was working on an own solution, when the answer of Y. Chang came up... I wanted to post it nevertheless. At least, the result is the same, so it seems to work.
% Test input.
A = round(rand(5) * 10)
% Dimensions.
nRows = size(A, 1);
nCols = size(A, 2);
% Kernel.
b = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
% Step size.
step = floor(numel(b) / 2);
% Output.
B = zeros(nRows, nCols);
for k = 1:nRows
temp = repmat(A(k, :), nCols + 2 * step, 1);
idx = double(triu(ones(size(temp)), -numel(b) + 1) & tril(ones(size(temp)), 0));
idx(idx == 0) = NaN;
temp = temp .* idx;
temp = min(temp, [], 2).';
B(k, :) = temp(step+1:end-step);
% Compare with movmin function.
BB = movmin(A, numel(b), 2)
A =
9 2 1 6 7
2 5 9 1 7
2 8 5 10 4
2 0 6 5 8
8 3 10 7 6
b =
1 1 1 1 1
B =
1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 4 4
0 0 0 0 5
3 3 3 3 6
BB =
1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 4 4
0 0 0 0 5
3 3 3 3 6

Create adjacency matrix from nearest neighbour search. (convert adjacency list to adjacency matrix) - Matlab

I have a matrix 2000x5, in the first column the point number, and in columns 2-5 the 4 neighbours (0s if there isnt a neighbour). Is there an efficient way to create an adjacency matrix out of this ?
1 129 0 65 0
2 130 0 66 85
3 131 169 67 0
4 132 170 68 87
5 133 0 69 81
6 134 0 70 82
7 135 173 71 83
8 136 174 72 84
9 137 161 73 0
10 138 162 74 93
11 139 163 75 0
12 140 164 76 95
13 141 165 77 89
14 142 166 78 90
15 143 167 79 91
16 144 168 80 92
17 145 0 81 65
18 146 0 82 66
I found the following thread, where it is explained for just one neighbour, but I am not sure how to use it for multiple neighbours.
matlab adjacency list to adjacency matrix
I would very much appreciate any help.
A quick and simple technique:
adjMat = zeros(size(A,1));
for ind = 1:size(A,1)
% Flag 1 on each row 'ind' at the indices mentioned in col 2-5
adjMat(ind, nonzeros(A(ind,2:end))) = 1;
Since you have mentioned using the nearest neighbour search, it is likely that the adjacency list should be completely filled to result in a undirected graph, in the sense that if row 1 has 20 as a neighbour, row 20 very likely has 1 as a neighbour.
However technically speaking, this will produce an adjacency matrix exactly equivalent to the adjacency list, assuming nothing by itself.
For an adjacency list
A = [1 2 3; 2 0 1; 3 1 4; 4 5 3; 5 4 0]
A =
1 2 3
2 0 1
3 1 4
4 5 3
5 4 0
The result is:
adjMat =
0 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 1 0
P.S. To force undirected-ness, you can simply add another statement in the for loop body:
adjMat(nonzeros(A(ind,2:end)),ind) = 1;
This will ensure that the adjacency matrix will be symmetric, which is a characteristic of undirected graphs.
Firstly, I'm going to assume that the adjacency list is undirected. In any case, it's not that far of a stretch to go to multiple neighbours. What you need to do first is detect the total number of non-zero elements per row from columns 2 to 5. Once you do this, for the rows of the adjacency matrix, you would copy the point number for as many times as there are non-zero elements per that row. The function repelem is perfectly suitable to do that for you. The column indices would simply be the second to fifth columns removing all of the zero elements. How you can do this is first transpose the matrix resulting in indexing the second to fifth columns, then using a logical indexing matrix to remove out the zero entries. Doing this will unroll your vector in a column-major fashion, which is why transposing is required before doing this operation. Once you do this, you can create row and column access indices so that these can be input into sparse much like that post you linked.
Supposing that your matrix was stored in A, you would do something like this. This also assumes that each of the weights connecting the nodes are 1:
% Find total number of non-zero elements per row, skipping first column
non_zero = sum(A(:,2:end) ~= 0, 2);
% Create row indices
rows = repelem(A(:,1), non_zero);
% Create column indices
cols = A(:,2:end).';
cols = cols(cols ~= 0);
% Create adjacency matrix
adj = sparse([rows; cols],[cols; rows], 1);
The above representation is in sparse. If you want the full numeric version, cast the output using full:
adj = full(adj);
If your graph is directed
If you have a directed graph instead of an undirected graph, the above call to sparse duplicates edges so that you are creating links to and from each of the neighbours. If your graph is actually directed, then you simply have to only use the row and column indices once instead of twice as seen in the above code:
% Create adjacency matrix
adj = sparse(rows, cols , 1);
Test Case
Here's a small test case to show you that this works. Supposing my adjacency list looked like the following:
>> A = [1 0 2 3; 2 4 0 0; 3 0 0 4]
A =
1 0 2 3
2 4 0 0
3 0 0 4
The adjacency matrix is now:
>> full(adj)
ans =
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
Taking a look at the list above and how the matrix is populated, we can verify that this is correct.
Note about repelem
repelem assumes you have MATLAB R2015a or later. If you don't have this, you can consult this answer by user Divakar on a custom implementation of repelem here: Repeat copies of array elements: Run-length decoding in MATLAB

How to label data index with count using 3D histogram in Matlab

I have a set of data points (around 20000) with their x,y values and I want to remove the points that not very close to other points. I try to approach by 'digitizing' and I think the closest way to implement it in Matlab is a 3D histogram so I can remove the points in the low-count bins. I used hist3() but the problems is I couldn't get the index of the points labeled with counts (like the output 'ind' from histc()). The only way I can think of is a nested for loop which is the last thing I want to try. Is there any way I can label the points index or any other approach to do this?
I feel like I need some clarification
I have the histogram graph from the data generated by #rayryeng
There are some bins have N=0 or N=1 so I want to remove the data in these bins.
For histc() there is a form of output [bincounts,ind]= histc( ) where ind returns the bin numbers the data falls into. So I can find the index of bins which less/equal or larger than 1, then find the data in the particular bins. Is there any similar thing I can do for a 2D inputs?
Thanks Again
hist3 should be able to accomplish this for you. I'm not quite sure where the problem is. You can call hist3 like so:
[N,C] = hist3(X);
This will automatically partition your dataset into a 10 x 10 grid of equally spaced containers. You can override this behaviour by doing:
[N,C] = hist3(X, NBINS);
NBINS is a 2 element array where the first element tells you how many bins you want vertically and the second element is how many bins you would like horizontally.
N will tell you how many elements fall within each location of the grid and C will give you a 1 x 2 cell array where the first element of the cell array gives you the X co-ordinates of each centre of the bin while the second element of the cell array gives you the Y co-ordinates of each centre of the bin.
To be explicit, if we have a 10 x 10 grid, C will contain a two element cell array where each element is 10 elements long. For each X co-ordinate of the centre found in C{1}, we will have 10 corresponding Y co-ordinates that relate to the a bin's centre in C{2}. This means that the first 10 bin centres are located at C{1}(1), C{2}(1), C{1}(1), C{2}(2), C{1}(1), C{2}(3), ..., C{1}(1), C{2}(10), then the next 10 bin centres are located at: C{1}(2), C{2}(1), C{1}(2), C{2}(2), C{1}(2), C{2}(3), ..., C{1}(1), C{2}(10).
As a quick example, let's do this on a grid between [0,1] on the x-axis and [0,1] on the y-axis. I'm going to generate 100 2D points. Let's also decompose the image into 10 bins horizontally and 10 bins vertically (as per the default of hist3).
rng(100); %// Set seed for reproducibility
A = rand(100,2);
[N,C] = hist3(A);
We thus get:
N =
1 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 5
0 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 1
2 0 3 2 2 1 1 0 2 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 1
1 0 2 1 2 0 3 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 2 3 3 0 0 0 2
0 2 1 1 0 1 0 3 0 1
C{1} =
Columns 1 through 7
0.0541 0.1528 0.2516 0.3503 0.4491 0.5478 0.6466
Columns 8 through 10
0.7453 0.8440 0.9428
C{2} =
Columns 1 through 7
0.0513 0.1510 0.2508 0.3505 0.4503 0.5500 0.6498
Columns 8 through 10
0.7495 0.8493 0.9491
This tells us that the first grid located at the top left corner of our point distribution only has 1 value logged into it. The next grid after that has 2 bins logged in it and so on and so forth. We also have our bin centres for each of the bins shown in C. Remember, We have 10 x 10 possible bin centres. If we want to display our data with the bin locations, this is what we can do:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(C{1},C{2});
plot(A(:,1), A(:,2), 'b*', X(:), Y(:), 'r*');
We thus get:
The red stars denote the bin centres while the blue stars denote our data points within the grid. Because our origin is on the bottom left corner of our plot, but the origin of the N matrix is at the top left corner (i.e. the first bin that is decomposed is at the top left while in our data it's at the bottom left corner), we need to rotate N by 90 degrees counter-clockwise so that the origins of each of the matrices agree with each other, and also agree with the plot. As such:
Nrot = rot90(N);
Nrot =
1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
1 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 4 0 0 2 1 0 0 3
1 0 1 1 1 0 3 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 3 1
2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 3 0
1 1 1 2 0 2 1 0 2 1
0 1 1 3 0 1 2 0 1 1
2 1 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 2
1 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 0
As you can see from the picture, this agrees with what we see within the (rotated) N matrix as well as the bin centres C. Using N (or Nrot if you get the convention correct), you can now figure out which points to eliminate from your array of points. Any points that have low membership within N, you would find those points that are the closest to that bin centre that is associated to the grid location in N and remove them.
As an example, supposing that the bin in the first row, second column (of the rotated result) is the one you want to filter out. This corresponds to (C{1}(2), C{2}(10)). We also know that we need to filter out 5 points as they belong to this bin centre. Therefore:
numPointsToRemove = N(2,10); %//or Nrot(1,2);
%// Computes Euclidean distance between this bin centre with every point
dists = sqrt(sum(bsxfun(#minus, A, [C{1}(2) C{2}(10)]).^2, 2));
%// Find the numPointsToRemove closest points to the bin centre and remove
[~,ind] = sort(dists);
A(ind(1:numPointsToRemove,:)) = [];
We sort our distances in ascending order, then determine the numPointsToRemove closest points to this bin centre. We thus remove them from our data matrix.
If you want to remove those bins that have either a 0 or a 1 for the count, we can find those locations, then run a for loop and filter accordingly. However, any bins that have 0 means that we don't even need to run through and filter anything, because no points were mapped to there! You really need to filter out those values that have just 1 in the bins. In other words:
[rows, cols] = find(N == 1);
for index = 1 : numel(rows)
row = rows(index);
col = cols(index);
%// Computes Euclidean distance between this bin centre with every point
dists = sqrt(sum(bsxfun(#minus, A, [C{1}(row) C{2}(col)]).^2, 2));
%// Finds the closest point to the bin centre and remove
[~,ind] = min(dists);
A(ind,:) = [];
As you can see, this is similar the same procedure as above. As we wish to filter out those bins that only have 1 assigned to a bin, we just need to find the minimum distance. Remember, we don't need to process any bins that have a count of 0 so we can skip those.

matlab - graph plotting

I have two arrays to plot, in x axis : array a. In y axis array b (ones and zeros)
I want to plot vertical lines when the values of array b =1
a=[23 12 76 43 21 90]
b=[1 0 1 1 0 1]
You may try bar plot.
a=[23 12 76 43 21 90];
b=[1 0 1 1 0 1];