How to use the new "route" command from OSRM v5? (Formerly "viaroute") - osrm

Under version v4 I used,8.117&loc=46.978,8.335&instructions=true to access routes. Now it just returns
The OSRM Demo server has moved to API Version 5. Documentation for the
new version can be found at
How does that translate to the new version v5?

The follwing line works:,47.168;8.33,46.978?steps=true.
Note that the order of lat/lng changed!
However, the server seems to be down quite frequently at the moment.


conversation.getWorkspace is not a function?

I am trying to get details of conversation workspace. I am using node and the getWorkspace API as mentioned in this reference doc
When I run the conversation.getWorkspace() function, I get the error - conversation.getWorkspace is not a function.
Is this a deprecated API? Any suggestion on how I can get the status of a workspace using the watson-developer-cloud package?
Node.js functions for managing IBM Watson Conversation Service workspaces and its included objects can be found in the Watson Developer Cloud Node SDK. Make sure to be on the latest version to get the full functions. Note that the version needs to be set as part of initializing the API.

Is "2013-08" the latest Azure Notification Hubs REST API version or is the documentation outdated?

I'm wondering if the Azure Notification Hubs REST API documentation is still correct and up-to-date or if there is already a newer API version than "2013-08" that can be used.
All the single pages show "Updated: February 26, 2015", but I guess it was just a meta data update of all the pages, since the API version didn't change, it's still "2013-08".
Here (and here) is an example for the REST API usage from Elio Damaggio which uses "2013-10" as the api version.
I tried all possible api version values in the format "yyyy-mm" from "2013-10" to "2015-03" and the following were working: "2013-10", "2014-01", "2014-05", "2014-08", "2014-09", "2015-01".
Does anyone use a newer API version than "2013-08" or does anyone know anything about a newer API version or documentation? Specifically, does anyone know if there is a documentation for a newer API version, e.g. "2015-01", or at least a changelog?
Got an answer on MSDN forums:
The latest version is 2015-01. All or most of features works with
starting version 2013-08.
Version in documentation indicates that minimum version required for
working that feature. Hence, all documentation is pointing to 2013-08.
Yes, you can use version 2015-01 instead of 2013-08. There won’t be
any difference because we didn’t do any breaking changes from 2013-08.
All the features works from version 2013-08.
Moreover, the source code for the Java REST wrapper for Windows Azure Notification Hubs on github seems to be a good reference. It is using api version "2014-09", not "2015-01" right now, but at least it includes the registration code for Amazon Device Messaging and Baidu Cloud Push which are currently missing in the REST API documentation.

Adding QueryDSL to STS

I am trying to follow O'Reilly's Spring Data book (2012) and it states that we can add QueryDSL to STS via (which is indicated as the current latest version), but no updates are made to STS and also when pointing to this link, I get a '404 There isn't a GitHub Page here'. I have also tried using the book's used version of 0.0.3 and I face the exact same problem.
Does anyone know if support for P2 QueryDSL has stopped or if it has moved to another location? I need this QueryDSL to be added to STS, so that I can follow the examples in the book that makes use of QueryDSL. Any help would be appreciated. Note: My STS version is 3.4.0.RELEASE.

Google Cloud Endpoints not working with Eclipse WTP

I created a new WTP project in Eclipse that uses App Engine based on the documentation. I also use Google Clound Endpoints. The issue is that I can't access my API anymore.
http://localhost:8888/_ah/api/discovery/v1/apis returns
"kind" : "discovery#directoryList",
"discoveryVersion" : "v1"
I also tried to generate the javascript client library but I get an error Not an app engine project. I managed to generate the javascript library with the command line.
Anybody managed to use the new GPE with Endpoints?
Unfortunately, we don't have endpoints working with WTP-style projects as yet (the released version is a preview). We're working on this right now.

Azure deployment versions

I will try to make it simplify. I am using windows azure cloud to host our web services and databases. and these web services are accessible via URL: ""
now we made a few major changes to our model and hence web services as a whole. This breaks the API interface for older users. Now we want to deploy the latest version on URL: "" so that old users can still access the older version.
I searched around SO and other resources but i couldnt find a definite answer how to deploy new version without messing up the old version.
Anything in right direction will be helpful.
In one of the projects I was working on, we built in a versioning scheme on top of our Web API. We used this tutorial to get started. I would recommend starting there.
Sorry for the generic answer, if you post some more specifics I will make some updates.
I'd suggest to deploy separate cloud service and use ""