Getting the bounds of loaded tile of leaflet - leaflet

Using leaflet is there any way I can get the bounds (NorthEast, SouthWest) of a loaded tile? I want to request the server to load the markers only for a particular tile which is loaded, so that when user is panning/dragging the map he can easily see the new markers on new area.

What you really want to do is a subclass of L.GridLayer. This will allow fine control over loaded/unloaded tiles, and is the best way to use the private L.GridLayer._tileCoordsToBounds() method.
With some basic handling of loaded markers, it should look like:
L.GridLayer.MarkerLoader = L.GridLayer.extend({
onAdd: function(map){
// Add a LayerGroup to the map, to hold the markers
this._markerGroup = L.layerGroup().addTo(map);, map);
// Create a tilekey index of markers
this._markerIndex = {};
onRemove: function(map){
this._markergroup.removeFrom(map);, map);
createTile: function(coords, done) {
var tileBounds = this._tileCoordsToBounds(coords);
var tileKey = this._tileCoordsToKey(coords);
var url = ...; // Compute right url using tileBounds & coords.z
if (!key in this._markerIndex) { this._markerIndex[key] = []; }
// unpack marker data from result, instantiate markers
// Loop as appropiate
this._markerIndex[key] = marker;
done(); // Signal that the tile has been loaded successfully
_removeTile: function (key) {
for (var i in this._markerIndex[key]) {
}, key);
Please note that zooming might be a source of bugs and graphical glitches (markers being removed because a tile unloads, before the markers at the new zoom level are loaded). Beware of that.


How to update geojson markers periodically

What I am trying to do is to use Leaflet with OSM map,
and load data from PHP in GeoJSON format + update periodically.
I can manage to display a map, load data, but do not know how to update points instead of still adding a new ones.
function update_position() {
$.getJSON('link_to_php', function(data) {
//get data into object
var geojsonFeature = JSON.parse(data);
// how to remove here old markers???
//add new layer
var myLayer = L.geoJSON().addTo(mymap);
//add markers to layet
setTimeout(update_position, 1000);
have tried mymap.removeLayer("myLayer"); but this seems to now work inside of function. Please help
L.geoJSON extends from LayerGroup which provide a function named clearLayers(docs), so you call that to clear markers from the layer.
Also, it is recommended that you put the layer variable outside the function:
var geoJSONLayer = L.geoJSON().addTo(mymap);
function update_position() {
$.getJSON('link_to_php', function(data) {
//get data into object
var geojsonFeature = JSON.parse(data);
//add markers to layet
setTimeout(update_position, 1000);

leaftletjs-adding points dynamically and draw line string

I am trying to draw the path of a flight using leafletjs and geojson. I'll be getting the geometry from a stream.
this is what I have done so far:
let index = 0;
let geoJsonLayer;
let intervalFn = setInterval(function () {
let point = trackData.features[index++];
if(point) {
let coords = point.geometry.coordinates;
if(map.hasLayer(geoJsonLayer)) map.removeLayer(geoJsonLayer);
geoJsonLayer = L.geoJson(geoFeature, {
onEachFeature: (feature, layer) => {
const content =;
// console.log(coords);
} else {
}, 100);
setInterval is to simulate the part whereby I get the geometry from a stream.
now when a user clicks on the path I need to show some properties of the path, and I am trying to use the onEachFeature for that, but its not working correctly.
I suspect its because I am removing the layers (I did this to improve the performance)
Is there any other better ways to do what I am trying to achieve ?
You should probably try addLatLng()
Adds a given point to the polyline.
Your geoFeature sounds to be a single Feature, so your geoJsonLayer will contain a single layer (polyline):
let myPolyline;
geoJsonLayer.eachLayer(function (layer) {
myPolyline = layer; // Will be done only once actually.
// When you receive a new point…
myPolyline.addLatLng([lat, lng]);
With this you should not have to remove your layers every time.
The popup should therefore stay open, if it is shown.
Demo: (click on the button to add new points)

MapBox - Add a clusterGroup clickable with Layer Control

I'm still learning and I'm a bit stuck. I may be trying to do to much at once. I have a MapBox map working great with a clickable layer menu taken from examples on the MapBox site. I also have a MarkerClusterGroup which also works and is always visible on the map. Is there a way I could somehow have the MarkerClusterGroup clickable on/off just like layers identified in var overlays = { ...
Below is the code that I think needs the help:
var layers = {
Streets: L.mapbox.tileLayer('mapbox.streets').addTo(map),
Satellite: L.mapbox.tileLayer('mapbox.satellite'),
Light: L.mapbox.tileLayer('mapbox.light'),
var overlays = {
DataA: L.mapbox.featureLayer().loadURL('/data/ctsnew.geojson'),
DataB: L.mapbox.featureLayer().loadURL('/data/selectZipcodes.geojson'),
// Since featureLayer is an asynchronous method, we use the `.on('ready'`
// call to only use its marker data once we know it is actually loaded.
Markers: L.mapbox.featureLayer('').on('ready', function(e) {
// The clusterGroup gets each marker in the group added to it
// once loaded, and then is added to the map
var clusterGroup = new L.MarkerClusterGroup(); {
Could be something as simple as misuse of brackets. Thanks in advance.
You have to include your Marker Cluster Group in your overlays object. For example you could instantiate it just before defining overlays, even if your Cluster Group is empty for now.
Then you fill it once it has downloaded its data.
var layers = {
Streets: L.mapbox.tileLayer('mapbox.streets').addTo(map),
Satellite: L.mapbox.tileLayer('mapbox.satellite'),
Light: L.mapbox.tileLayer('mapbox.light'),
var clusterGroup = L.markerClusterGroup();
var overlays = {
DataA: L.mapbox.featureLayer().loadURL('/data/ctsnew.geojson'),
DataB: L.mapbox.featureLayer().loadURL('/data/selectZipcodes.geojson'),
Markers: clusterGroup
// Since featureLayer is an asynchronous method, we use the `.on('ready'`
// call to only use its marker data once we know it is actually loaded.
L.mapbox.featureLayer('').on('ready', function(e) {
// The clusterGroup gets each marker in the group added to it
// once loaded, and then is added to the map {
map.addLayer(clusterGroup); // use that line if you want to automatically add the cluster group to the map once it has downloaded its data.

Leaflet: Removing markers from map

I load some lat / lon info, then use it to build a polyline.
I then want to add a marker at each of the polyline vertices that will show when the polyline is clicked.
The vertices should disappear if a different (or the same) polyline is clicked.
The code below creates the polyline and the vertex markers.
But the vertex markers do not ever disappear.
I've tried to do this several ways with the same result. I've tried storing the vertex markers in an array and adding them directly to the map, then map.removeLayer'ing them. That doesn't work either. Nor does it work if I use an L.featureGroup instead of a layerGroup.
Clearly I've missed the point somewhere as to how markers can be removed. Could someone point me at the error in my methodology?
// trackMarkersVisible is a global L.layerGroup
// success is a callback from an ajax that fetches trackData, an array f lat/lon pairs
success: function (trackData) {
// build an array of latLng's
points = buildTrackPointSet(trackData, marker.deviceID);
var newTrack = L.polyline(
points, {
color: colors[colorIndex],
weight: 6,
clickable: true
$(newTrack).on("click", function () {
$.each(points, function(idx, val) {
var tm = new L.Marker(val);
Without a JSFiddle or Plunker it's hard to say because i'm not sure what behaviour your getting but using the clearLayers() method of L.LayerGroup should remove all layers from that group. I would check in the onclick handler if the group already has layers: group.getLayers().length === 0 If the group is empty, add the markers, if the group has layers use clearLayers. Example in code:
polyline.on('click', function (e) {
if (group.getLayers().length === 0) { (latlng) {
} else {
This works for me, see the example on Plunker:
FYI: an instance of L.Polyline is always clickable by default so you can leave out the clickable: true

Disable touch in bing map after map is initialized

How to disable mobile touch event after the bing map is initialized?
We can disable before initializing by below code, using MapOptions object. However I'm looking after the Bing Map is initialized.
// Set the map and view options, setting the map style to Road and
// removing the user's ability to change the map style
var mapOptions = {credentials:"Bing Maps Key",
height: 400,
width: 400,
mapTypeId: Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.road,
disableTouchInput : true,
// Initialize the map
var map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById("mapDiv"), mapOptions);
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!
Most of the MapOptions do work when passed into the setOptions method of the map. For instance try this: map.setOptions({disableTouchInput: true});
Note that I've only tested this in IE. If you simply want to disable panning and zooming you can do this in a number of different ways. The first is to use map options, the other is to use the viewchange event, store the original map position and keep setting the map to the same view to lock it.
Since you can't set most of the MapOptions once the map is created you can only do this by swapping out your map for a new map with the options you want. This is a very basic example, but here is an example that shows and hides the bing logo which is one of the settings that you can't change with setOptions.
function switchMapOptions(active, inactive) {
try {
var newMap = new MM.Map($(inactive)[0], options);
for (var i = 0; i < map.entities.getLength(); i++) {
var loc = map.entities.get(i).getLocation();
newMap.entities.push(new MM.Pushpin(loc));
newMap.setView({center: map.getCenter(), zoom: map.getZoom(), animate: false});
map = newMap;
catch (e) {
Full code at Jsfiddle: