OAuth call from Rest Client - rest

As I am new to working on OAuth and from Curl script it's working fine . But trying to call from Advances Rest Client getting 500 internal server error ..
while trying to create a new client from Rest client as,
,Content-Type: application/json and
Authorization: Bearer Access_Token value
Any help will be appreciated

Have you checked what is the code that gets generated from REST Client. You can do that by exporting it. Also give a try to POSTMAN incase you still can'r figure out the issue.


migrating to sharefile V3. Recieving statusCode: 401 after authentication

Seattle 10
migrating sharefile api from V1 to V3.
Registered for API key and received credentials.
Code is successful in receiving authorization code and immediately after when sending a get request with header containing authorization code to receive list of items in a file using
I get a 401 error unauthorized. cannot find any help on the sharefile site.
response: Response Status Code = 401Response Header:Response Body:{"code":"Unauthorized","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"[AUTH] Invalid Authentication"},"reason":"NotAuthenticated"}
Sorry for being verbose. Any help will be appreciated.
I'm posting the answer to my question in case somebody has a similar issue as mine.
My issue was that I was adding the word "Bearer" to the auth id which is returned by the http request while using that auth id to download my item from sharefile.
Unlike with some others I did not have to add the word bearer to the Oauthid as the http header did it for me.

Postman 403 forbidden CSRF token missing for Django Rest

I'm trying to test DRF login API on Postman but I'm getting 403 Forbidden CSRF token missing error. What I've done: Yes, I have CsrfViewMiddleware in settings. API works in browser but not on Postman or Flutter. I then followed these instructions: https://ourcodeworld.com/articles/read/1619/how-to-handle-postman-and-django-403-forbidden-error-csrf-verification-failed but the error remains. Any advice is appreciated.
Instead of adding the token to Headers in postman like the article suggested I added csrfmiddlewaretoken to Body and now I'm able to log in.
This post helped: How to Use Postman to Authenticate to Django REST Framework

401 Not Authorized error in soapUI but web service works perfect in Postman

As the title states, when I send a request from soapUI to an SAP web service I am returned with an XML that contains a "401 Nicht autorisiert" error message in it. Since it is an SAP web service, I do have to input credentials when I create the new project, but those are the only credentials I have input before running the project.
With the same credentials, I am able to create a request and not receive an error message when I use the Postman interface.
Could this be an issue with the web service configuration, or is this an authorization issue with soapUI?
Links to images:
SoapUI: https://imgur.com/2ZOBMgZ
Postman: https://imgur.com/M1SOCgG
From your images it looks like the Authorization: Basic... header is not being sent as part of your HTTP request out of soapUI and I assume your service doesn't challenge for the credentials in a way that soapUI understands.
One way around this is to click the Authenticate pre-emptively radio button on the basic authorization dialog box. This will construct and send the header the same way as Postman.

VSTS connection with SOAPui via ReSTapi

I am trying to make connection to Azure VSTS with SOAPui through vsts rest api's, but the response I am getting is: HTTP/1.1 203 Non-Authoritative information
Though when I hit the same request from POSTMAN it's giving successful response for every operation(Get, Post, Delete).
As I have a framework for API automation in SOAPUI I need to have this connection to post the test results in VSTS against respective test case.
Any idea how to resolve this would be much appreciated!!
This is due to the incorrect authentication headers (Authorization header) that you send in the request. I have experienced this issue when you are trying to send empty username in SoapUI - Basic Authorization tab.
This can be handled by generating the header offline (using some online utilities - https://www.blitter.se/utils/basic-authentication-header-generator/) and sending in a separate header like below,
Authorization: Basic Onl1eWl1eWl5aXlpeWl5aXk=
Hope this helps.

Apache Camel HTTPS4 Basic Authentication

Does Camel-Http4 supports Basic Authentication?
Followed this and other posts
Camel http4 download file using Basic authentication over Https
I am using camel 2.17.3 version. using camel-http4 component. The route sends a https4 multipart request to a REST endpoint . The REST service is behind the siteminder. Have truststore/ketstore/cert all setup and it works fine, just sending basic auth is causing trouble.
Using postman i was able to call REST services with basic auth. However, all the calls from camel route fails and get HTTP error 403.
I tried below options to get it working:
Added basic auth to the HttpConfiguration - got HTTP error 401
Added "Authorization" header to the route, as mentioned in the above link - got HTTP error 403
and Added method,user,pass to HTTP_Query - 403 also clear text password is visible in the siteminder logs, this is not good, so dropped trying this option.
please help resolve this issue with some working example and explain the cause.
Is camel dropping http headers?
also i now thinking should I consider using other available components netty/jetty/cxf?? But I prefer getting HTTPs4 working :)
To help others with an working example, here is how I got it...
1) Check the site-minder policy and also ensure the user have correct permissions for the services.
2) Passing user/password as query parameter isn't safe (at least it wasn't in my case) Clear text password was exposed in site-minder.
3) setting header (Authorization)