How to open Youtube app from another app after clicking a button with a query searched in youtube? - android-activity

What should i define in my activity i.e Action, ActivityClass, ActivityPackage, ExtraKey and ExtraValue to define an intent in app to open Youtube app in and android phone to open with "ExtraValue" searched in youtube?
I am trying the following combination but getting Error 601.
Action: android.intent.action.SEARCH
ExtraKey: query
ExtraValue: app Inventor activity starter

use this on your project:
include this code in your onclick method:
Intent intent = YouTubeStandalonePlayer.createVideoIntent(getActivity(), api_key, video_id);
api_key is the Google Console APIs developer key.
video_id is the code after v=, for example:fYWZNN4bbz8 in ""


Opening Google calendar from Flutter app (Deep Linking)

I want to open Google calendar app more specifically the create event page in the app from my another flutter app.
I am using the URL launcher package but it opens the app in chrome
What change should I make in the URL so that the add event page opens directly in the google calendar app.
Currently my URL looks like below
My code for that part is as below
if (await canLaunchUrl(Uri.parse(''))) {
await launchUrl(
mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch URL';
rathe than using a HTTP request, you could use googleapis package from which has inbuilt methods to create Google Calender events directly within the Calender app.
Check package and documentation here.
Happy coding!

How to launch external opened app using custom URL scheme from Ionic App?

I want to launch opened app B externally from ionic app A using custom URL scheme.
Solutions Tried
Plugin In App Browser, is able to launch external app in the ionic app itself instead of launching the opened external app.
const target = '_system';
let url = 'abc123://' + Id;
const options: InAppBrowserOptions = {
zoom: 'no',
location: 'no',
hidden: 'yes'
this.inAppBrowserRef = this.inAppBrowser.create(url, target, options);
Plugin App Launcher. For android, it is able to launch external app but use package name instead of custom URL scheme
I use an anchor tag in my template, and set target="_blank". This is from an Ionic 5 app, but I've only tested in the full iOS build, I don't have an Android one yet. I'm also using Capacitor, but I don't think that changes the browser behavior.
<a [href]="website" target="_blank">{{ website }}</a>
The target="_blank" causes it to open the URL in the main os browser. The main browser should then handle your custom link.
If you have custom URL to open use'Your URL','_system');
in your code. This can be work in both platform Android and ios Perfectly.

Is there any method to share text from mobile web to wechat by sharing button?

I am looking for wechat sharing function like how whatsapp does.
Based on my research, most of them will be encoded in QR code and scan the QR code with wechat scanner. Is there a way to share the text directly to friend when click on sharing button just like how whatsapp does?
Wechat doesn't have any official deep linking URL for sending a text. However, if you can add some JavaScript Code in your mobile web, you can achieve the share functionality.
Check out Send to chat documentation on Wechat JS SDK.
From JS SDK Documentation:-
title: '', // Sharing title
desc: '', // Sharing description
link: '', // Sharing link
imgUrl: '', // Sharing image URL
type: '', // Sharing type, such as “music”, “video “ or “link”. It is “link” by default.
dataUrl: '', // The data URL should be provided for items of type “music” or “video”. It is null by default.
success: function () {
// Callback function executed after a user confirms sharing
cancel: function () {
// Callback function executed after a user cancels sharing
We do have some unofficial deep linking URL like you mentioned. But it may stop work anytime if Wechat decided to change it.
Here is some of them below, sadly I don't know any URL to share a text to chat.
weixin:// - to open Wechat app (if installed)
weixin://dl/chat - to open chat screen of Wechat
weixin://dl/moments - to open user moements
weixin://dl/profile - to open user profile
weixin://dl/settings - to open settings page

How to setup Facebook App Request from Unity with Prime31 Social combo plugin?

my problem is this, when the user is asked to select friends from the list and click on Send I receive a Success state from callback but no request is reached from the people selected in the list.
My setup is this:
- my app is a native app for iOS and Android made in Unity
- my app is registered in Facebook developer portal as Game/Puzzle, I set up bundle id, package name, display name and namespace
- my app is not yet published
- I configured the Prime31 Facebook plugin with the appId given from Facebook and Display Name
I send my request like this:
public void AskLifesOnFacebook()
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
//{ "app_id", "#######my_app_id_number####" },
{ "method", "apprequests" },
{ "title", "My request title" },
{ "message", "My request text" }
FacebookCombo.showDialog("apprequests", parameters);
But still the friends selector is shown up correctly on an overlay windows, I select friends and send the request but no request is received.
Am I missing something in the configuration of my app on Facebook? Do I need to pass some kind of certification?
From the same app the stream.publish is working correctly and I can publish on user walls.
The setup with Prime31 plugin and the call are correct!
You have to enable "Single Sign On" and "Deep Linking" in Facebook app parameters and add a valid itunes ID for your app (while testing you can put any valid ID, but you should create a itunes connect entry for your app and get the final ID).
When your app is a native iOS app, the users see the notifications only through the Facebook iOS app, so they are guarantee they can open iTunes or run the game.
Global notifications instead (ej: regular browser on PC) are seen if the app is in a Facebook Canvas.

Unity3d web app facebook Sdk payments API Error Code: 1383008

I am developing a facebook game in Unity3d using facebook's new facebook sdk, running the app as a web app inside facebook in sandbox mode.
Today I started implementing a shop in the game for microtransactions using their canvas pay model. I read their documentation and javascript tutorial for payments (they don't have one yet for unity) and created a simple button that when you click you are able to buy some ingame currency(coins).
Now my open graph og:product is tested and looks accurate and my c# code in unity is this:
public void onCoinsClicked()
product: "my_url/products/coin.html",
action: "purchaseitem",
quantity: 1,
callback: delegate(FBResult response) {
FbDebug.Log("The result of the purchase is: " + response.Text);
FbDebug.Log("onCoinsClicked: ");
When i test it using a payments tester user that i have, it throws the following error when displaying the payment popup:
An error occurred. Please try again later.
API Error Code: 1383008
API Error Description: The app you're using isn't responding. Please try again. If you keep seeing this error, try again in a few hours.
If some of you kind people have experienced this before please enlighten me :)
Thank you.
Have you run your product's URL through the Open Graph Debugger ( It's possible that a crawler error is causing the issue, and it would be good to make sure that the problem isn't at the data level.