How to permanently remove a broker from Kafka cluster? - apache-kafka

How do I permanently remove a broker from a Kafka cluster?
I have a stable cluster of 3 brokers.
I temporarily added a fourth broker that successfully joined the cluster. The controller returned metadata indicating this broker was part of the cluster.
However, I never rebalanced partitions onto this broker, so this broker #4 was never actually used.
I later decided to remove this unused broker from the cluster. I shutdown the broker successfully and Zookeeper /broker/ids no longer lists broker #4.
However, when our application code connects to any Kafka broker and fetches metadata, we get a broker list that includes this deleted broker.
How do I indicate to the cluster that this broker has been permanently removed from the cluster and not just a transient downtime?
Additionally, what's happening under the covers that causes this?
I'm guessing that when I connect to a broker and ask for metadata, the broker checks its local cache for the controller ID, contacts the broker and asks it for the list of all brokers. Then the controller checks it's cached list of brokers and returns the list of all brokers known to have belonged to the cluster at any point in time.
I'm guessing this happens because it's not certain if the dead broker is permanently removed or just transient downtime. So I'm thinking we just need to indicate to the controller that it needs to reset it's list of known cluster brokers to the known live brokers in zookeeper. But would not be surprised if something in my mental model is incorrect.
This is for Kafka 0.8.2. I am planning to upgrade to 0.10 soon, so if 0.10 handles this differently, I'd also love to know that.

It looks like this is most likely due to this bug in Kafka 8, which was fixed in Kafka 9.


Create Producer when the first broker in the list of brokers is down

I have a multi-node Kafka cluster which I use for consuming and producing.
In my application, I use confluent-kafka-go(1.6.1) to create producers and consumers. Everything works great when I produce and consume messages.
This is how I configure my bootstrap server list
But the moment when I start giving out the IP address of the brokers in bootstrap.servers and if the first broker is down, it seems that the producer repeatedly fails creation telling
Failed to initialize Producer ID: Local: Timed out
If I remove the IP of the failed node, producing and consuming messages work.
If the broker is down after I create the producer/consumer, they continue to be usable by switching over to other nodes.
How should I configure bootstrap.servers in such a way that the producer will be created using the available nodes?
You shouldn't really be running 3 brokers on the same machine anyway, but using multiple unique servers works fine for me when the first is down (and the cluster elects a different leader if it needs to), so sounds like you either lost the primary leader of your topic partitions or you've lost the Controller. Enabling retires on the producer should be able fix itself (by making a new metadata request for partition leaders)
Overall, it's just a CSV; there's no other way to configure that property itself. You could stick a reverse proxy in front of the brokers that resolves only to healthy nodes, but then you'd be conflicting with a potential DNS cache

Kafka setup strategy for replication?

I have two vm servers (say S1 and S2) and need to install kafka in cluster mode where there will be topic with only one partition and two replicas(one is leader in itself and other is follower ) for reliability.
Got high level idea from this cluster setup Want to confirm If below strategy is correct.
First set up zookeeper as cluster on both nodes for high availability(HA). If I do setup zk on single node only and then that node goes down, complete cluster
will be down. Right ? Is it mandatory to use zk in latest kafka version also ? Looks it is must for older version Is Zookeeper a must for Kafka?
Start the kafka broker on both nodes . It can be on same port as it is hosted on different nodes.
Create Topic on any node with partition 1 and replica as two.
zookeeper will select any broker on one node as leader and another as follower
Producer will connect to any broker and start publishing the message.
If leader goes down, zookeeper will select another node as leader automatically . Not sure how replica of 2 will be maintained now as there is only
one node live now ?
Is above strategy correct ?
Useful resources
ISR vs replication factor
First set up zookeeper as cluster on both nodes for high
availability(HA). If I do setup zk on single node only and then that
node goes down, complete cluster will be down. Right ? Is it mandatory
to use zk in latest kafka version also ? Looks it is must for older
version Is Zookeeper a must for Kafka?
Answer: Yes. Zookeeper is still must until KIP-500 will be released. Zookeeper is responsible for electing controller, storing metadata about Kafka cluster and managing broker membership (link). Ideally the number of Zookeeper nodes should be at least 3. By this way you can tolerate one node failure. (2 healthy Zookeeper nodes (majority in cluster) are still capable of selecting a controller)) You should also consider to set up Zookeeper cluster on different machines other than the machines that Kafka is installed. Thus the failure of a server won't lead to loss of both Zookeeper and Kafka nodes.
Start the kafka broker on both nodes . It can be on same port as it is
hosted on different nodes.
Answer: You should first start Zookeeper cluster, then Kafka cluster. Same ports on different nodes are appropriate.
Create Topic on any node with partition 1 and replica as two.
Answer: Partitions are used for horizontal scalability. If you don't need this, one partition is okay. By having replication factor 2, one of the nodes will be leader and one of the nodes will be follower at any time. But it is not enough for avoiding data loss completely as well as providing HA. You should have at least 3 Kafka brokers, 3 replication factor of topics, min.insync.replicas=2 as broker config and acks=all as producer config in the ideal configuration for avoiding data loss by not compromising HA. (you can check this for more information)
zookeeper will select any broker on one node as leader and another as
Answer: Controller broker is responsible for maintaining the leader/follower relationship for all the partitions. One broker will be partition leader and another one will be follower. You can check partition leaders/followers with this command.
bin/ --describe --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic my-replicated-topic
Producer will connect to any broker and start publishing the message.
Answer: Yes. Setting only one broker as bootstrap.servers is enough to connect to Kafka cluster. But for redundancy you should provide more than one broker in bootstrap.servers.
bootstrap.servers: A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing
the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. The client will make use
of all servers irrespective of which servers are specified here for
bootstrapping—this list only impacts the initial hosts used to
discover the full set of servers. This list should be in the form
host1:port1,host2:port2,.... Since these servers are just used for the
initial connection to discover the full cluster membership (which may
change dynamically), this list need not contain the full set of
servers (you may want more than one, though, in case a server is
If leader goes down, zookeeper will select another node as leader
automatically . Not sure how replica of 2 will be maintained now as
there is only one node live now ?
Answer: If Controller broker goes down, Zookeeper will select another broker as new Controller. If broker which is leader of your partition goes down, one of the in-sync-replicas will be the new leader. (Controller broker is responsible for this) But of course, if you have just two brokers then replication won't be possible. That's why you should have at least 3 brokers in your Kafka cluster.
Yes - ZooKeeper is still needed on Kafka 2.4, but you can read about KIP-500 which plans to remove the dependency on ZooKeeper in the near future and start using the Raft algorithm in order to create the quorum.
As you already understood, if you will install ZK on a single node it will work in a standalone mode and you won't have any resiliency. The classic ZK ensemble consist 3 nodes and it allows you to lose 1 ZK node.
After pointing your Kafka brokers to the right ZK cluster you can start your brokers and the cluster will be up and running.
In your example, I would suggest you to create another node in order to gain better resiliency and met the replication factor that you wanted, while still be able to lose one node without losing data.
Bear in mind that using single partition means that you are bounded to single consumer per Consumer Group. The rest of the consumers will be idle.
I suggest you to read this blog about Kafka Best Practices and how to choose the number of topics/partitions in a Kafka cluster.

Zookeeper failures in Kafka 0.9 and above

Based of the answer given in Is Zookeeper a must for Kafka?.
It is clear that what is the responsibility of Zookeeper in Kafka 0.9 and above
I just wanted to understand what will be the impact if zookeeper cluster goes down completely?
kafka uses ZK for membership (figure out what brokers exist and which of them are alive) and leader election (elect the one broker that is controller for the cluster at any moment).
simply put - if ZK fails kafka dies.
if ZK sneezes (say a particularly long GC pause or a short network connectivity issue) a kafka cluster may temporarily "lose" any number of members and/or the controller. by the time this settles you may have a new controller and new leader brokers for all partitions (which may or may not cause loss of acknowledged data, see "unclean leader election"). I'm not sure if all ongoing transactions would be rolled back - never tried.

Kafka - consumers / producers works with all Zookeper instances down

I've configured a cluster of Kafka brokers and a cluster of Zk instances using kafka_2.11-1.1.0 distribution archive.
For Kafka brokers I've configured config/,2,3
For Zk instances I've configured config/
I've created a basic producer and a basic consumer and I don't know why I am able to write messages / read messages even if I shut down all the Zookeeper
instances and have all the Kafka brokers up and running.
Even booting up new consumers, producers works without any issue.
I thought having a quorum of Zk instances is a vital point for a Kafka cluster.
For both consumer and producer, I've used following configuration:
I thought having a quorum of Zk instances is a vital point for a Kafka cluster.
Zookeeper quorum is vital for managing partition lists, leaders, etc. In general, ZK is necessary for management that is done by the cluster coordinator in the cluster.
Basically, right now (with ZK down), you cannot modify topics (as the partition metadata is stored in ZK), start up / shut down brokers (as they use ZK for discovery) and other similar operations.
Even booting up new consumers, producers works without any issue.
Producer/consumer operations reach out to brokers only. The broker instance can still append to the log, and can still communicate with other brokers to have replication. So it is possible to send a message, get it received by broker and saved to disk, with other brokers replicating (as they are continuously sending fetch requests to the leader (and they know who this partition's leader is because they saved that data when ZK was still running)).

Can a Kafka broker keep id but change advertised listener?

I have a cluster of 3 Kafka brokers. Most of the topics have replication factor of 2, while the consumer offsets all have a replication factor of 3.
I need to change where the individual brokers are listening, i.e. the IPs/hostnames on which they are listening. Is it possible to change the advertised listeners for a given broker ID? Or do I have to create a new broker with a different ID, repartition topics, and remove the old broker?
Assuming it does work, does the official Java Kafka client realize that the listener has changed and re-request the list of brokers for the topic(s)?
For the interested, I am running Kafka in Kubernetes. Originally, I needed access from both inside and outside the cluster, so I had services with nodePort (hostPort did not work with CNI prior to Kubernetes 1.7).
It worked, but was complex. I no longer need access from outside Kubernetes, so would like to keep it simple and have three brokers that advertise their hostname.
Can I bring down a broker and restart it with a different advertised listener? Or must I add a new broker, rebalance, and remove the old one?