How to stop after each command - powershell

I have a high impact script and I want to confirm each command. The script calls several other scripts.
So it looks like this
If I set $ConfirmPreference = 'low' I must confirm everything inside the above procedures as well. Is it possible to confirm actions only from the top script the easy way ?
EDIT: Ideally, this should be as simple as:
stop_db #stop here with continue y/n but not inside
migrate_db #""


Manage inputs from external command in a powershell script

First, I would like to apologize in case that the title is not descriptive enough, I'm having a hard time dealing with this problem. I'm trying to build an automation for a svn merge using a powershell script that will be executed for another process. The function that I'm using looks like this:
svn merge $target
Now, my problem occurs when there are conflicts in the merge. The default behavior of the command is request an input from the user and proceed accordingly. I would like to automatize this process using predefined values (show the differences and then postpone the merge), but I haven't found a way to do it. In summary, the workflow that I am looking to accomplish is the following:
Detect whether the command execution requires any input to proceed
Provide a default inputs (in my particular case "df" and then "p")
Is there any way to do this in powershell? Thank you so much in advance for any help/clue that you can provide me.
To clarify my question: I would like to automatically provide a value when a command executed within a powershell script require it, like in the following example:
Requesting user input
Edit 2:
Here is a test using the snippet provided by #mklement0. Unfortunately, It didn't work as expected, but I thought it was wort to add this edition to clarify the question per complete
Expected behavior:
Actual result:
This answer does not solve the OP's problem, because the specific target utility, svn, apparently suppresses prompts when the process' stdin input isn't coming from a terminal (console).
For utilities that do still prompt, however, the solution below should work, within the constraints stated.
Generally, before attempting to simulate user input, it's worth investigating whether the target utility offers programmatic control over the behavior, via its command-line options, which is both simpler and more robust.
While it would be far from trivial to detect whether a given external command is prompting for user input:
you can blindly send the presumptive responses,
which assumes that no situational variations are needed (except if a particular calls happens not to prompt at all, in which case the input is ignored).
Let's assume the following batch file, foo.cmd, which puts up 2 prompts and echoes the input:
#echo off
echo begin
set /p "input1=prompt 1: "
echo [%input1%]
set /p "input2=prompt 2: "
echo [%input2%]
echo end
Now let's send responses one and two to that batch file:
C: PS> Set-Content tmp.txt -Value 'one', 'two'; ./foo.cmd '<' tmp.txt; Remove-Item tmp.txt
prompt 1: one
prompt 2: two
For reasons unknown to me, the use of an intermediate file is necessary for this approach to work on Windows - 'one', 'two' | ./foo.cmd does not work.
Note how the < must be represented as '<' to ensure that it is passed through to cmd.exe and not interpreted by PowerShell up front (where < isn't supported).
By contrast, 'one', 'two' | ./foo does work on Unix platforms (PowerShell Core).
You can store the SVN command line output into a variable and parse through that and branch as you desire. Each line of output is stored into a new enumerator (cli output stored in PS variables is in array format)
$var = & svn merge $target

Powershell script how to access variable

I have a master script master.ps1 which executes two child ps1 scripts like below:
& "child1.ps1"
& "child2.ps1"
The problem I have now is at the end of master.ps1 script, based on certain variable values set in child1.ps1 and child2.ps1, I need to determine if I need to send an email or not.
Is there anyway this can be acheived? I'm using powershell 2.0
What you want to do is execute the child1.ps1 and child2.ps1 scripts in the scope of the calling script.
You can do this easily by dot-sourcing the scripts (. <command>), rather than using the call operator (& <command>):
. child1.ps1
. child2.ps1
# $a is now available

Variables may not be used as commands

Using fish shell, I'm writing very simple script that checks the command execution
if $status
echo "Oops error"
echo "Worked OK"
And get the error message:
fish: Variables may not be used as commands. Instead, define a function like “function status; 0 $argv; end”. See the help section for the function command by typing “help function”.
The message looks pretty straight forward but no "defining function like..." nor "help function" helps solving the problem.
There is also a 'test' command, that sounds promising. But docs say it is to be used to check files...
How this simple thing should be done with fish shell?
Heh... And why all documentation is SO misleading?..
P.S. Please, don't write about 'and' command.
Fish's test command currently works exactly like POSIX test (i.e. the one you'll find in bash or similar shells). It has a couple of operations, including "-gt", "-eq", "-lt" to check if a number is bigger, equal or less than another number, respectively.
So if you want to use test, you'll do if test $status -eq 0 (a 0 traditionally denotes success). Otherwise, you can check the return value of a command by putting it in the if clause directly like if command (which will be true if the command returns 0) - that's what fish is trying to do here, which is why it complains about a variable being used in place of a command.

What is the command and syntax for breaking/stopping a program in QBASIC?

I am currently writing a QBASIC program that runs an indefinite loop (while loop). However, if a certain condition is met, I want to exit the program. What command do I use, and also what is the syntax.
ENDexits program, and clears all variables, which frees up memory.
STOPexits program, but retains the value of all variables, which makes it possible (in certain versions of QB) to continue execution at another point, by choosing Set next statement from the Debugmenu, and then Startfrom the Runmenu. END has the same effect as STOP + choosing Restart from the Runmenu once the program has terminated.
If you have a loop, and want to exit the program from inside it, you may use either
IF condition THEN EXIT DO
IF condition THEN END
You're looking for the END or SYSTEM statement. For example:
PRINT "Hello World!"
PRINT "This won't be printed."
If you're using regular old QBASIC/QuickBASIC, then you can ignore all of the QB64 details on the linked pages and just use either SYSTEM or END. Both will do the same thing for the most part.1
If you're using FreeBASIC, it's recommended to use END instead of SYSTEM since some things won't get cleaned up properly when you use SYSTEM. See SYSTEM for more information pertaining to FreeBASIC if that's what you're using.
1 The END statement when running the program using QB.EXE /RUN PROGRAM.BAS will print "Press any key to continue" before exiting to the QB/QBASIC environment. The SYSTEM statement when run the same way will simply return you to the DOS shell without any need for a key press. Also, typing SYSTEM in the "Immediate Window" of the QB/QBASIC environment will exit the environment and return to the DOS shell. Otherwise the two statements behave exactly the same in QB/QBASIC, whether for standalone (compiled) programs or .BAS modules.
You can keep any condition according to the need of your program. For eg:
LET a = 5
WHILE a > 0
a = a - 1
Here, in the program while wends executes itself until a = 0. This will not run an infinite loop.
The answer is
to exit the program.

Batch file to set a PowerShell variable

For some reason i simply can't understand most of the sites who explain this question. So i'll try to ask here, if i'm am in the wrong place, just tell me in the comments and i'll put this in another forum and delete this question.
Let's say that i have 2 files, Batch.bat and PowerShell.ps1.
set A="ThisIsSuchVar!"
$B = "Well, i don't know what to do here"
What can i do to the B variable be the same as the A variable?
Remember: I want the Batch variable to go to the PowerShell file. It's an one-way script. I want to use the built-in windows sources. And please, consider that i am a complete newbie in programming and don't speak english very well, so be the simplest possible, please.
In your batch file run.bat, set the environment variable A and run the PowerShell script:
set A=8
PowerShell.exe -File .\script.ps1
In script.ps1, get the environment variable A, and assign its value to B:
echo $B
When you run run.bat you get:
C:\Temp\try>set A=8
C:\Temp\try>PowerShell.exe -File .\script.ps1
Press any key to continue . . .