Use of Apache Ignite in Eclipse IDE - eclipse

What do I need to do to use Apache Ignite in an Eclipse project?
I don't want to use Maven; I have Apache Luna; and I just want to use the in-memory data grid.

There are no steps specific with Apache Ignite. You will have to determine the whole set of required JARs including transitive dependencies and manually add them to your project. I would strongly recommend to use Maven or other dependency management tool. What is the reason for not using it?


What all jars are required for setting up AOP environment in spring?

I want to create a user library which includes all jars that are required to support Spring AOP apart from standard spring jars.
Don't do it, but use regular dependency management, e.g. via Maven or Gradle. Don't create your own uber JARs, it is just ugly and intransparent.
Which JARs you need is described in the Spring AOP manual. I am not a Spring user myself, only an AspectJ user, but AFAIK for simple Spring AOP you do not need anything but spring-aop.jar. I could be mistaken, but maybe you just try. CGLIB support is already contained in spring-core.jar.
You only need more JARs if you wish to upgrade to full AspectJ support. Then you would need spring-aspects.jar and, depending on how you start your application, maybe aspectjweaver.jar.
Another idea: If you want to make life easier for yourself, maybe you want to use Spring Boot?

When the apache beam will be released as jar file to add as project dependcy in eclipse?

When the apache beam will be released?
Will it has feature to connect with oracle RDBMS to do ETL in its first release?
Apache Beam has had two incubating releases so far, with the third currently underway. We release the source code to and binary jars to Maven Central Repository.
We don't release an all-inclusive bundled jar. Instead, we recommend using a tool like Maven (mvn), or m2e plugin in Eclipse, or native support in IntelliJ to make all dependencies automatically managed for you.
The third release should include the JdbcIO API, which presumably should work well with Oracle RDBMS.

is maven required to develop spring based project?

I am developing (Single developer) a Spring based project for a Traveling based website.
and this is my first Spring based project, I want to use Maven in my project, because hosting sites like Cloud Bees expecting maven based project for deployment.
Is Maven required to develop Spring based project in Single developer environment.
FYI I am using eclipse IDE.
No it is not required.
You can develop in Spring using Ant or Maven or Gradle etc. or nothing at all.
Although it might be easier to do it with Maven (for library management)
It is not required per se, but you will run into some serious pain down the road if you don't use Maven or Gradle.
The first and foremost reason to use Maven or Gradle is to be able to very simply run tasks that occur ofter (like building a war or running the tests) and to be able to declaratively obtain the required dependencies (which in the case of a typical Spring application are plentiful).
If you are just starting to use build tool, I would suggest you take look at Gradle instead of Maven.

GWT Custom Library Dependency issues

I have created a library of widgets that export to a jar and reuse in several other projects. In my library, I depend on a few other jars in my war/WEB-INF/lib. The problem is that when I use my library in another project the dependencies of the library do not get carried over so I have to add those jars to the classpath and inherit them in the project as well. There has got to be a better way to handle the dependencies, do I need to use maven or is there another practice that works?
Yes, if you don't want to manually manage your dependencies you will have to use a dependency management system. The 3 big ones are Maven, Ivy, and Gradle. I have included links below so you can read about them. A quick search will reveal the pros/cons of each from the community and also information about alternative dependency management systems. There are quite a few out there.
Apache Maven
Apache Ivy

How do you load a plugin in a elasticsearch servlet

I am running elastic search as servlet (ie using NodeServlet). But can't find any pointer to some docs to include plugins somehow.
Any hints welcome!
Add the relevant plugin jar file (and if it deps, them as well). All the elasticsearch plugins are hosted in the same elasticsearch maven repo if you are using maven.