Akka-http how to log server error responses? - scala

I have a http server built with scala and akka-http. Is there a way I can log the error responses sent to clients?

You can take a look at the documentation LogResult Directive
Here you can find the same snipped of code shown in the documentation:
// different possibilities of using logResponse
// The first alternatives use an implicitly available LoggingContext for logging
// marks with "get-user", log with debug level, HttpResponse.toString
// marks with "get-user", log with info level, HttpResponse.toString
DebuggingDirectives.logResult(("get-user", Logging.InfoLevel))
// logs just the response status at debug level
def responseStatus(res: RouteResult): String = res match {
case RouteResult.Complete(x) => x.status.toString
case RouteResult.Rejected(rejections) => "Rejected: " + rejections.mkString(", ")
DebuggingDirectives.logResult(responseStatus _)
// logs just the response status at info level
def responseStatusAsInfo(res: RouteResult): LogEntry = LogEntry(responseStatus(res), Logging.InfoLevel)
DebuggingDirectives.logResult(responseStatusAsInfo _)
// This one doesn't use the implicit LoggingContext but uses `println` for logging
def printResponseStatus(res: RouteResult): Unit = println(responseStatus(res))
val logResultPrintln = DebuggingDirectives.logResult(LoggingMagnet(_ => printResponseStatus))
// tests:
Get("/") ~> logResultPrintln(complete("logged")) ~> check {
responseAs[String] shouldEqual "logged"


How to retrieve error message in HTTP4S client?

I am trying to use Blaze client for http4s to make http calls. It works fine when 200 response is returned but in case of HTTP 500 or 400 I am not able to figure out how to retrieve the detailed error message returned from server.
I am can only see folllwing in the logs for this client.
2022-11-10 23:37:40 INFO - Shutting down connection pool:
curAllocated=1 idleQueues.size=1 waitQueue.size=0
maxWaitQueueLimit=256 closed=false org.http4s.client.UnexpectedStatus:
unexpected HTTP status: 500 Internal Server Error
def callEffect(client: Client[IO]): IO[String] = {
val uri = serverUrl
val request = GET(uri, Accept(MediaType.application.json))
client.expect[String](request).map { res =>
def deploy(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): IO[ExitCode] = {
.map(x => println(callEffect(x).unsafeRunSync()))
.use(_ => IO.unit.as(ExitCode.Success))
Since the result is provided inside an IO, you can use any of IO's error handling features to handle the issues, for example with redeem
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
.use(client =>
for {
result <- callEffect(client).redeem(
error => "could not get a result",
something => s"this is what I got: $something"
_ <- IO.println(result)
} yield ExitCode.Success
There's a great article on this topic here:
For even more control, you can handle errors from the client itself, for example using expectOr() instead of expect(), which gives you access to a convenient onError: Response[F] => F[Throwable].

Scala Akka Actors: How to send the result of an Http response back to the sender?

I'm trying to execute the following Scala code inside an Akka Actor.
class FilteringService(implicit timeout: Timeout) extends Actor {
def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case GetProfiles ⇒
val requester = sender
def getProfiles = {
var result = new Array[Profile](0)
println("[GET-PROFILES] Entered, making request")
val req = Get("http://localhost:9090/profiles")
implicit val profileFormat = jsonFormat16(Profile)
val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] = Http().singleRequest(req)
println("[GET-PROFILES] Entered, request sent")
responseFuture.onComplete {
case Success(response) =>
println("[RES - SUCCESS] Request returned with " + response.status)
val responseAsProfiles = Unmarshal(response.entity).to[Array[Profile]]
responseAsProfiles.onComplete {
println("[UNMARSH - SUCCESS] Unmarshaling Done!")
_.get match {
case profiles: Array[Profile] =>
println("[UNMARSH - SUCCESS] Sending Profiles message to " + sender())
requester ! profiles
println("[UNMARSH - SUCCESS] Message sent to " + sender())
case _ => println("error")
case Failure(_) =>
sys.error("something wrong")
//return Future[Array[Profile]]
println("[RECEIVE] Message GetProfiles received from " + sender().toString())
println("[RECEIVE] Message GetProfiles invoked")
When the Actor receives the message "GetProfiles":
1- it sends a request to a remote server, so the result of operation is a Future[HttpResponse]
2- in case of success it retrieves the response (a JSON array) and asks for unmarshalling the object to Array[Profile]. (It's not important the Profile model). The result of Unmarshall method is a Future[Array[Profile]]
3- In case of success, I want to send the result back to the original sender!
I managed to do this, but it's a trick because I'm saving the sender in a variable, that is visible in the scope (requester).
I know that there is the pipe pattern, so I could send the responseAsProfiles object back to the sender in theory, but the object is created inside the onComplete method of the responseFuture object (we have to wait it, of course!)
So that's all!
How could I send the result back to the sender using the pipe pattern in this case?
Thanks in advance!!!
General idea is that you compose futures using map and flatMap and try to avoid using onComplete as much as possible.
See if you can convert your code to following smaller pieces and then compose:
def getRawProfileData(): Future[HttpResponse] = {
// ... here you make http request
def unmarshalProfiles(response: HttpResponse): Future[List[Profile]] = {
// ... unmarshalling logic
def getProfiles(): Future[List[Profile]] = getRawProfileData().flatMape(unmarshalProfiles)
// now from receive block
case GetProfiles ⇒ getProfiles().pipeTo(sender())

Facing issue testing akka http cache

I am using Akka HTTP cache to cache my result. But i am facing issue to test it.
class GoogleAnalyticsController #Inject()(cache: Cache[String, HttpResponse],
googleAnalyticsApi: GoogleAnalyticsTrait,
googleAnalyticsHelper: GoogleAnalyticsHelper)
(implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: ActorMaterializer) {
def routes: Route =
post {
pathPrefix("pageviews") {
path("clients" / Segment) { accountsClientId =>
entity(as[GoogleAnalyticsMetricsRequest]) { googleAnalyticsMetricsRequest =>
val googleAnalyticsMetricsKey = "key"
cache.getOrLoad(googleAnalyticsMetricsKey, _ => getGoogleAnalyticsMetricsData(accountsClientId, googleAnalyticsMetricsRequest))
private def getGoogleAnalyticsMetricsData(accountsClientId: String,
request: GoogleAnalyticsMetricsRequest) = {
val payload = generate(request)
val response = googleAnalyticsApi.googleAnalyticsMetricResponseHandler(accountsClientId, payload) // response from another microservice
googleAnalyticsMetricsRequest.metricName, response)
class GoogleAnalyticsHelper extends LoggingHelper {
def googleAnalyticsMetricResponseHandler(metricName: String, response: Either[Throwable, Long]): Future[HttpResponse] =
response.fold({ error =>
logger.error(s"An exception has occurred while getting $metricName from behavior service and error is ${error.getMessage}")
Marshal(FailureResponse(error.getMessage)).to[HttpResponse].map(httpResponse => httpResponse.copy(status = StatusCodes.InternalServerError))
}, value =>
Marshal(MetricResponse(metricName, value)).to[HttpResponse].map(httpResponse => httpResponse.copy(status = StatusCodes.OK))
Test case: Sharing only the relevant part
"get success metric response for " + pageviews + " metric of given accounts client id" in { fixture =>
import fixture._
val metricResponse = MetricResponse(pageviews, 1)
val eventualHttpResponse = Marshal(metricResponse).to[HttpResponse].map(httpResponse => httpResponse.copy(status = StatusCodes.OK))
when(cache.getOrLoad(anyString, any[String => Future[HttpResponse]].apply)).thenReturn(eventualHttpResponse)
when(googleAnalyticsApi.getDataFromGoogleAnalytics(accountsClientId, generate(GoogleAnalyticsRequest(startDate, endDate, pageviews))))
.thenReturn(ApiResult[Long](Some("1"), None))
when(googleAnalyticsHelper.googleAnalyticsMetricResponseHandler(pageviews, Right(1))).thenReturn(eventualHttpResponse)
Post(s"/pageviews/clients/$accountsClientId").withEntity(requestEntity) ~>
googleAnalyticsController.routes ~> check {
status shouldEqual StatusCodes.OK
responseAs[String] shouldEqual generate(metricResponse)
By doing this, I am best to test if the cache has the key but not able to test if cache misses the hit. In code coverage, it misses following highlighted part
cache.getOrLoad(googleAnalyticsMetricsKey, _ =>
If there is a design issue, please feel free to guide me on how can I make my design testable.
Thanks in advance.
I think you don't need to mock the cache. You should create an actual object for cache instead of mocked one.
What you have done is, you have mocked the cache, in this case, the highlighted part will be not called as you are providing the mocked value. In the following stubbing, whenever cache.getOrLoad is found, eventualHttpResponse is returned:
when(cache.getOrLoad(anyString, any[String => Future[HttpResponse]].apply)).thenReturn(eventualHttpResponse)
and hence the function getGoogleAnalyticsMetricsData(accountsClientId, googleAnalyticsMetricsRequest) is never called.

How to get error from akka-stream propagate to akka-http to both be logged and notify the client properly?

Right now I am using akka-stream and akka-HTTP to build a file streaming API. As such I am injecting a streaming source into an entity to have data streamed directly to the HTTP client like so:
complete(HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/octet-stream`, source))
However, if for some reason the stream fails, the connection gets closed by akka-http without further explanation or logging.
I would need 2 things:
How can I get the exception logs?
How can I notify my client with a message before closing the connection?
Thank you
As mentioned in comment HTTP protocol does not allow to signal error to the client side.
As to logging:
For me it boils down to missing proper access log directive in akka http.
In my current project we have decorator which register onComplete handler for http entity before giving it to akka http for rendering.
private def onResponseStreamEnd(response: HttpResponse)(action: StatusCode => Unit): HttpResponse =
if (!response.status.allowsEntity() || response.entity.isKnownEmpty()) {
} else {
val dataBytes =
onStreamEnd(response.entity) { result =>
val overallStatusCode =
result match {
case Success(_) =>
case Failure(e) =>
logger.error(e, s"error streaming response [${e.getMessage}]")
response.withEntity(response.entity.contentLengthOption match {
case Some(length) => HttpEntity(response.entity.contentType, length, dataBytes)
case None => HttpEntity(response.entity.contentType, dataBytes)
private def onStreamEnd(entity: HttpEntity)(onComplete: Try[Done] ⇒ Unit): Source[ByteString, _] =
entity.dataBytes.alsoTo { Sink.onComplete(onComplete) }
complete(onResponseStreamEnd(HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/octet-stream`, source))){ statusCode => .... })
Similar approach but using custom graph stage you can find here

Akka-http approach to handle websocket commands

Let's say I have controller that handles commands that I receive from websocket.
class WebSocketController(implicit M: Materializer)
extends Controller
with CirceSupport {
override def route: Route = path("ws") {
def wsFlow: Flow[Message, Message, Any] =
Flow[Message].mapConcat {
case tm: TextMessage =>
decode[Command](tm.getStrictText) match {
// todo pass this command to some actor or service
// and get response and reply back.
case Right(AuthorizeUser(login, password)) =>
TextMessage(s"Authorized: $login, $password") :: Nil
case _ =>
case bm: BinaryMessage =>
So, I get a command, deserialize it and next step I want to do is to pass it to some service or actor that will return me Future[SomeReply].
The question is:
What is the basic approach of handling such flow with akka streams?
When handling Futures inside a Flow, mapAsync is usually what you're looking for. To add to your specific example:
def asyncOp(msg: TextMessage): Future[SomeReply] = ???
def tailorResponse(r: SomeReply): TextMessage = ???
def wsFlow: Flow[Message, Message, Any] =
.mapConcat {...}
.mapAsync(parallelism = 4)(asyncOp)
mapAsyncUnordered can also be used, in case the order of the Futures result is not relevant.
Parallelism indicates how many Futures can be run at the same time, before the stage backpressures.
See also
stage docs
how to use in conjunction with ask - here