dynamic increment step to define a vector in matlab - matlab

I would like to know is there anyway to do the following statement in matlab?
10: 2to power(1,2,3):18
I want to create the following vector and I need to have a dynamic increment step which is 2 to the power of (1,2,3).
I tried
but it takes 2^1 as increment step.

No you cannot have a dynamic increment value in MATLAB.
The MATLAB way of doing this would be to create the array 2.^[1 2 3] and add it to the 10 and concatenate that with 10 to construct your vector.
a = [10 10 + (2.^[1 2 3])]
% 10 12 14 18
If you wanted, you could write a function to create these arrays.
function out = pow2increment(start_value, end_value)
% Figure out how many powers of 2 we need for this range
upper_limit = floor(log2(end_value - start_value));
% Construct the array
out = [start_value, start_value + 2.^(1:upper_limit)];
Or as an anonymous function
pow2increment = #(a,b)[a, a + 2.^(1:floor(log2(b - a)))];
pow2increment(10, 18)
% 10 12 14 18


find indices of subsets in MATLAB

This question is motivated by very specific combinatorial optimization problem, where search space is defined as a space of permuted subsets of vector unsorted set of discrete values with multiplicities.
I am looking for effective (fast enough, vectorized or any other more clever solution) function which is able to find indices of subsets in the following manner:
t = [1 1 3 2 2 2 3 ]
is unsorted vector of all possible values, including its multiplicities.
item = [2 3 1; 2 1 2; 3 1 1; 1 3 3]
is a list of permuted subsets of vector t.
I need to find list of corresponding indices of subsets item which corresponds to the vector t. So, for above mentioned example we have:
item =
2 3 1
2 1 2
3 1 1
1 3 3
t =
1 1 3 2 2 2 3
ind = item2ind(item,t)
ind =
4 3 1
4 1 5
3 1 2
1 3 7
So, for item = [2 3 1] we get ind = [4 3 1], which means, that:
first value "2" at item corresponds to the first value "2" at t on position "4",
second value "3" at item corresponds to the first value "3" at t on position "3" and
third value "1" at item corresponds to the first value "1" at t on position "1".
In a case item =[ 2 1 2] we get ind = [4 1 5], which means, that:
first value "2" at item corresponds to the first value "2" at t on position "4",
second value "1" at item corresponds to the first value "1" at t on position "1", and
third value "2" at item corresponds to the second(!!!) value "1" at t on position "5".
item = [1 1 1]
does not exist any solution, because vector t contains only two "1".
My current version of function "item2ind" is very trivial serial code, which is possible simple parallelized by changing of "for" to "parfor" loop:
function ind = item2ind(item,t)
[nlp,N] = size(item);
ind = zeros(nlp,N);
for i = 1:nlp
auxitem = item(i,:);
auxt = t;
for j = 1:N
I = find(auxitem(j) == auxt,1,'first');
if ~isempty(I)
auxt(I) = 0;
ind(i,j) = I;
error('Incompatible content of item and t.');
But I need something definitely more clever ... and faster:)
Test case for larger input data:
t = 1:10; % 10 unique values at vector t
t = repmat(t,1,5); % unsorted vector t with multiplicity of all unique values 5
nlp = 100000; % number of item rows
[~,p] = sort(rand(nlp,length(t)),2); % 100000 random permutations
item = t(p); % transform permutations to items
item = item(:,1:30); % transform item to shorter subset
tic;ind = item2ind(item,t);toc % runing and timing of the original function
tic;ind_ = item2ind_new(item,t);toc % runing and timing of the new function
isequal(ind,ind_) % comparison of solutions
To achieve vectorizing the code, I have assumed that the error case won't be present. It should be discarded first, with a simple procedure I will present below.
Method First, let's compute the indexes of all elements in t:
t = t(:);
mct = max(accumarray(t,1));
G = accumarray(t,1:length(t),[],#(x) {sort(x)});
G = cellfun(#(x) padarray(x.',[0 mct-length(x)],0,'post'), G, 'UniformOutput', false);
G = vertcat(G{:});
Explanation: after putting input in column vector shape, we compute the max number of occurences of each possible value in t using accumarray. Now, we form array of all indexes of all numbers. It forms a cell array as there may be not the same number of occurences for each value. In order to form a matrix, we pad each array independently to the max length (naming mct). Then we can transform the cell array into a matrix. At this step, we have:
G =
1 11 21 31 41
2 12 22 32 42
3 13 23 33 43
4 14 24 34 44
5 15 25 35 45
6 16 26 36 46
7 17 27 37 47
8 18 28 38 48
9 19 29 39 49
10 20 30 40 50
Now, we process item. For that, let's figure out how to create the cumulative sum of occurences of values inside a vector. For example, if I have:
A = [1 1 3 2 2 2 3];
then I want to get:
B = [1 2 1 1 2 3 2];
Thanks to implicit expansion, we can have it in one line:
B = diag(cumsum(A==A'));
As easy as this. The syntax A==A' expands into a matrix where each element is A(i)==A(j). Making the cumulative sum in only one dimension and taking the diagonal gives us the good result: each column in the cumulative sum of occurences over one value.
To use this trick with item which 2-D, we should use a 3D array. Let's call m=size(item,1) and n=size(item,2). So:
C = cumsum(reshape(item,m,1,n)==item,3);
is a (big) 3D matrix of all cumulatives occurences. Last thing is to select the columns that are on the diagonal along dimension 2 and 3:
ia = C(sub2ind(size(C),repelem((1:m).',1,n),repelem(1:n,m,1),repelem(1:n,m,1)));
Now, with all these matrices, indexing is easy:
ind = G(sub2ind(size(G),item,ia));
Finally, let's recap the code of the function:
function ind = item2ind_new(item,t)
t = t(:);
[m,n] = size(item);
mct = max(accumarray(t,1));
G = accumarray(t,1:length(t),[],#(x) {sort(x)});
G = cellfun(#(x) padarray(x.',[0 mct-length(x)],0,'post'), G, 'UniformOutput', false);
G = vertcat(G{:});
C = cumsum(reshape(item,m,1,n)==item,3);
ia = C(sub2ind(size(C),repelem((1:m).',1,n),repelem(1:n,m,1),repelem(1:n,m,1)));
ind = G(sub2ind(size(G),item,ia));
Results Running the provided script on an old 4-core, I get:
Elapsed time is 4.317914 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.556803 seconds.
ans =
Speed up is substential (more than 8x), along with memory consumption (with matrix C). I guess some improvements can be done with this part to save more memory.
EDIT For generating ia, this procedure can cost a lost of memory. A way to save memory is to use a for-loop to generate directly this array:
ia = zeros(size(item));
for i=unique(t(:)).'
ia = ia+cumsum(item==i, 2).*(item==i);
In all cases, when you have ia, it's easy to test if there is an error in item compared to t:
A simple solution to get items in error (as a mask) is then

Extract equal distance points from array - Matlab

I have an array of X,Y coordinates (closed object) of different sizes (numArrayLength, e.g., 25) and I wish to extract specific equally distances points based on a changeable number (subSetNum).
I have few issues that I will appreciate a help:
As the 1st and last content in the array are similar how can I avoid this point duplication?
I have a calculation issue, for example when I set subSetNum to 8 I get 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 but when it is set to 7 I get 1 5 9 13 17 21 25. Why?
Is there a way to do it without the loop?
numArrayLength=25; % Length of the array
subSetNum=8; % Selection points
numArray=rand(numArrayLength,2); % Array declaration, Y coordinate
numArray(numArrayLength)=numArray(1) %% Close object so Y(1) and Y(numArrayLength) are the same
numArray = numArray(1:end-1,:)
extractPoint=round(numArrayLength/subSetNum); %Number of points to extract
extractPointIndex=1:extractPoint:numArrayLength %Array index to extract
for n = 1:size(extractPointIndex)

Matlab - How to output a for loop as a table with each iteration and result displayed

I am wondering how to output a for loop in Matlab so that I end up with a table where the first column is the iteration number and the second column is the result of each iteration. I want the results of each iteration to display not just the final answer.
As a very simple example I have the for loop function below.
for i=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
In your example, i is the iteration variable, so you can reference it to get the iteration number.
I'm assuming you meant you want to output an array (not an actual table data structure). To make an array, you can use some simple concatenation:
p = 10;
arr = [];
for i = 1:9 % shortcutting your manual method here
arr = [arr; i p]; % concatenate the current array with the new row
p = p .* 2;
Which results in:
arr =
1 10
2 20
3 40
4 80
5 160
6 320
7 640
8 1280
9 2560
If you actually want a table, then you can create the table from the array using the table function

MATLAB - Returning a matrix of sums of elements corresponding to the same kind

An n×m matrix A and an n×1 vector Date are the inputs of the function S = sumdate(A,Date).
The function returns an n×m vector S such that all rows in S correspond to the sum of the rows of A from the same date.
For example, if
A = [1 2 7 3 7 3 4 1 9
6 4 3 0 -1 2 8 7 5]';
Date = [161012 161223 161223 170222 160801 170222 161012 161012 161012]';
Then I would expect the returned matrix S is
S = [15 9 9 6 7 6 15 15 15;
26 7 7 2 -1 2 26 26 26]';
Because the elements Date(2) and Date(3) are the same, we have
S(2,1) and S(3,1) are both equal to the sum of A(2,1) and A(3,1)
S(2,2) and S(3,2) are both equal to the sum of A(2,2) and A(3,2).
Because the elements Date(1), Date(7), Date(8) and Date(9) are the same, we have
S(1,1), S(7,1), S(8,1), S(9,1) equal the sum of A(1,1), A(7,1), A(8,1), A(9,1)
S(1,2), S(7,2), S(8,2), S(9,2) equal the sum of A(1,2), A(7,2), A(8,2), A(9,2)
The same for S([4,6],1) and S([4,6],2)
As the element Date(5) does not repeat, so S(5,1) = A(5,1) = 7 and S(5,2) = A(5,2) = -1.
The code I have written so far
Here is my try on the code for this task.
function S = sumdate(A,Date)
S = A; %Pre-assign S as a matrix in the same size of A.
Dlist = unique(Date); %Sort out a non-repeating list from Date
for J = 1 : length(Dlist)
loc = (Date == Dlist(J)); %Compute a logical indexing vector for locating the J-th element in Dlist
S(loc,:) = repmat(sum(S(loc,:)),sum(loc),1); %Replace the located rows of S by the sum of them
I tested it on my computer using A and Date with these attributes:
size(A) = [33055 400];
size(Date) = [33055 1];
length(unique(Date)) = 2645;
It took my PC about 1.25 seconds to perform the task.
This task is performed hundreds of thousands of times in my project, therefore my code is too time-consuming. I think the performance will be boosted up if I can eliminate the for-loop above.
I have found some built-in functions which do special types of sums like accumarray or cumsum, but I still do not have any ideas on how to eliminate the for-loop.
I would appreciate your help.
You can do this with accumarray, but you'll need to generate a set of row and column subscripts into A to do it. Here's how:
[~, ~, index] = unique(Date); % Get indices of unique dates
subs = [repmat(index, size(A, 2), 1) ... % repmat to create row subscript
repelem((1:size(A, 2)).', size(A, 1))]; % repelem to create column subscript
S = accumarray(subs, A(:)); % Reshape A into column vector for accumarray
S = S(index, :); % Use index to expand S to original size of A
S =
15 26
9 7
9 7
6 2
7 -1
6 2
15 26
15 26
15 26
Note #1: This will use more memory than your for loop solution (subs will have twice the number of element as A), but may give you a significant speed-up.
Note #2: If you are using a version of MATLAB older than R2015a, you won't have repelem. Instead you can replace that line using kron (or one of the other solutions here):
kron((1:size(A, 2)).', ones(size(A, 1), 1))

Use MATLAB function handles to reference original matrix

I often have to manipulate a lot of matrices row by row using MATLAB.
Instead of having to type:
m(x, :);
every time I want to reference a particular row, I created an anonymous MATLAB function:
row = #(x) m(x, :);
allowing me to call row(x) and get the correct row back.
But it seems that this anonymous function is actually not the same as calling m(x, :) directly, as the reference to the matrix is lost. So when I call something like:
row(2) = 2 * row(2);
MATLAB returns the error:
error: can't perform indexed assignment for function handle type
error: assignment failed, or no method for 'function handle = matrix'
Is there a way to define a function handle to get around this problem, or am I better off just typing out m(x, :) when I want to reference a row?
Thanks so much!
By defining an anonymous function, you make every row immutable (at least through row). Reassigning the value of a function handle is simply not possible.
Imagine that you define the function handle mySquare(x) = #(x) x.^2 ;. If reassigning the output of a function handle would be possible, you could change the value of mySquare(2) (e.g., mySquare(2)=2) and basically states that 4=2!
On the positive side, your anonymous function "protects" your initial input m from unexpected modifications. If you want to use your function row, you should simply define another matrix m_prime, whose rows are initialized with the function handle row (avoid using m again since it would probably mix everything up).
reference through a handle only work for Matlab object/class inherited from the handle class.
If as you said in comment "elementary row operations is the end application for this", then David's answer is a good simple way to go (or simply keep using m(x,:) which is still the shortest syntax after all).
If you really want to venture into handles and true reference values, then you can create a class rowClass which you specialise in row operations. An example with a few row operations would be:
classdef rowClass < handle
m = [] ;
%// constructor
function obj = rowClass(matrix)
obj.m = matrix ;
%// row operations on a single row ----------------------------
function obj = rowinc(obj,irow,val)
%// increment values of row "irow" by scalar (or vector) "val"
obj.m(irow,:) = obj.m(irow,:) + val ;
function obj = rowmult(obj,irow,val)
%// multiply by a scalar or by a vector element wise
obj.m(irow,:) = obj.m(irow,:) .* val ;
function obj = rowsquare(obj,irow)
%// multiply the row by itself
obj.m(irow,:) = obj.m(irow,:).^2 ;
%// row operations between two rows ---------------------------
function obj = addrows(obj,irow,jrow)
%// add values of row "jrow" to row "irow"
obj.m(irow,:) = obj.m(irow,:) + obj.m(jrow,:) ;
function obj = swaprows(obj,irow,jrow)
%// swap rows
obj.m([irow,jrow],:) = obj.m([jrow,irow],:) ;
Of course you could add all the operations you frequently do to your rows, or even to the full matrix (or a subset).
Example usage:
%% // sample data
A = (1:5).' * ones(1,5) ; %'// initial matrix
B = rowClass( A ) ; %// make an object out of it
B =
rowClass with properties:
m: [5x5 double]
B.m %// display the matrix
ans =
1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
Add a value (12) to all elements of the row(1):
%% // add a value (scalar or vector) to a row
rowinc(B,1,12) ;
ans =
13 13 13 13 13
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
Square the row(3):
%% // Square row 3
rowsquare(B,3) ;
ans =
13 13 13 13 13
2 2 2 2 2
9 9 9 9 9
4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
Last one for the road, swap row(3) and row(5):
%% // swap rows
swaprows(B,5,3) ;
ans =
13 13 13 13 13
2 2 2 2 2
5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 4
9 9 9 9 9
I think you'll be best off typing m(x,:)! It's not much quicker than doing row(x). Another issue with the anonymous function row is that it will keep the original matrix m, which wont change.
Here is an anonymous function that does what you want, I think it's a reasonable way of doing things. row(a,b,c) multiplies the b'th row of the matrix (not necessarily square) a by c.
row=#(x,i,k) (diag([ones(1,i-1) k ones(1,size(x,1)-(i))]))*x
Ultimately, I think the simplest method is to make a standalone function to do each type of row operation. For example,
function x=scalarmult(x,i,k)
function x=addrows(x,i,j)
function x=swaprows(x,i,j)