I am learning how to use Microsoft Dynamics CRM and I have a question according to the Quick Create form. So I have built a Quick Create Form for Contacts but I want to add a quick field(Quick View form) into that form. Seems like because it is already a Quick Create form, there are no options for Quick View form in the insert area except from Spacer and Timer. Do you have any idea if that could be done actually and if yes, how? Do I have to create it from another section?
Unfortunately, you cannot add a Quick View Form to a Quick Create form:
While quick create forms support form scripts and business rules, their purpose is different from main forms and they don’t support all the capabilities of main forms. Quick create forms always have one section with three columns. You can’t add additional sections or columns.
The following controls cannot be added to quick create forms:
Quick View Forms
Web resources
Bing Maps
If you add a composite field to a quick create form, it will be displayed as separate fields.
More information
I wanna to use Camunda Modeler to create a complicated form cards for User Tasks consist about 20-30-50 fields divided in several tabs. Many cards will contain the same fields and fields groups. I wanna to have an ability to create and reuse fields groups or somewhat liked on fields groups. How can organize process with Modeler? What is the appropriate template? Or maybe you can recommend another tool?
I have a variant of template, but it's not clear for me now. The complicated form will be divided into several tabs. For example the card consists in 2 Tabs: Tab1 and Tab2. Then I can suppose that the card with active Tab1 is one state of the card, and the same card with active Tab2 - the another state. And then I can configure a scenario for each tab and transitions between tabs. Does it look believable?
Apparently, there are no standard solutions of such kind of issue. I'm going to make an integration form.io formBuilder into Camunda modeler instead standard form constructor. Maybe it looks madly, but I'm sure - it would be working. The formio has angular implementation of the constructor and modeler is based on the electron technologies. There are looks the same, and integration is not imagine as great headache. I hope. But I need a lot of time to do this.
We created our own framework with Scala / Play and Semantic-UI (Here you can use whatever technology you like).
You model the user form in the Camunda Modeler, using additional properties to describe the 'special' components, like File Upload, Field Grouping, Number Field, Radio Buttons etc.
We use then Play Templates / Semantic-UI to implement the generic Forms.
So in our implementation we use the defined properties to generate them in the Form.
So for example you can provide a property width. This value we use for the Semantic-UI layout which allows widths 1 to 16. So you have a simple possibility to have more than one component in one row.
is it possible to have a onepage-form for editing or creating a entry and its related (1 to n) entrys?
For example: I have a customer model, every customer can have unlimited addresses. I could now have a CustomerCrudController and a AdressCrudController with the adress having select2-field for the customer, maybe having some kind of filter for the customer in the adress-list-view but it would be a more fluid working having the ability to change or add adresses in the customers-edit-view.
There is currently no built-in way to do that right now in a Backpack CRUD create/edit form. It's planned, but will not be happening until the next version of Backpack, which might take as long as 3-6 months to launch.
What you could do is:
1) create your own custom field type, say "select_or_create_address";
2) start from the select2 field type and create your custom functionality:
the results should could be loaded with ajax;
a button next to the select could open a popup with the create address form, either:
a quick form you code yourself that inserts a new address in the db;
the AddressCrudController create form (but without the menu, sidebar, etc); for this you'd need to create another method in the AddressCrudController, base off CrudController::create() but loading a different view;
when the address successfully added, the id should be inserted in the select2 as a value;
My recommendation is to go with the quick form, it should be faster to develop and you wouldn't have to resort to solutions like iFrame popups.
I am looking for best practices on SYMFONY FORM handling to achieve the following standard page (surprisingly I haven't found anything similar existing yet on SO).
Here is a shema of what I want to achieve:
As you can see at the top there is a SYMFONY FORM to filter the results that should be displayed.
It displays a table and each tuple of the table should permit to open another SYMFONY FORM kind linked to the tuple.
I am in the process of learning SYMFONY FORM, so far, I can manage to create the top row FORM to set the filter that'll apply to the table display.
But I wonder if anyone has experience on the second part: Displaying the table that embed as well many forms of a similar kind -That seems a bit more complex. I read about TWIG.EXTENSION and FORM.COLLECTION, I'll investigate that. But if someone could save me to re-invent the wheel and lead me to some direct shortcut, I'd be really grateful.
No idea if it's the best practice, but one way to do it would be to create a new property for your entity being listed in this table, called $editionForm (without mapping it to the database) for example.
Then, either throught a custom loop or by listening to a doctrine (or any ORM you use) hydration event (or triggering such an event if you don't use any ORM), fill the property with the generated form, probably within a dedicated service.
Then, just use it in your template like this :
need a hint on web2py built-in autocomplete widget.
in controller:
db.otc_products.counterparty.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.autocomplete(request, db.counterparty.Long_Name, limitby=(0,10), min_length=2)
in model:
Field('counterparty','reference counterparty',
widget = SQLFORM.widgets.autocomplete(request, db.counterparty.Long_Name, id_field=db.counterparty.id,
limitby=(0,20), min_length=2 )),
The resulted sqlform.grid returns a grid which features the counterparty field to be a regular table field instead of a widget, let alone autocompelete widget.
What is the configuration that needs to modify here to get a autocomplete widget shown and work.
thanks in advance!
check link above for a snapshot of tge grid.
The .widget attribute of a Field object produces the HTML form input element used for the field in forms created via SQLFORM. The grid is for displaying values stored in the database, not for editing those values. The display of a given field in the grid is therefore determined by the field's .represent attribute, not by the .widget attribute.
As you have mentioned in your comment above, you can use a form widget within the .represent attribute, and the grid will then display the widget. However, in both your model and controller code above, you have set the .widget attribute of the counterparty field rather than the .represent attribute.
In any case, there is really no point to using form widgets within the grid itself, because the grid provides no mechanism for making inline updates to records via those widgets (i.e., you will be able to select/input values in each widget, but you will have no way to submit the changes so they will be persisted in the database).
In theory, you could build your own inline editing functionality on top of the grid (via Javascript that reads the values from the inputs and posts the updated records to the server via Ajax). But this functionality is not built into the grid.
The grid does provide a way to edit individual records. If you configure the grid to be editable, each row will include an "Edit" button, and when you click it, you will be taken to an edit form on a separate page. That edit form will make use of any widgets you have defined, including the autocomplete widget you have configured in your code.
For web2py and stackoverflow communities and the sake of completeness, developer who is leveraging this framework and streamlining the web development:
the sqlform.grid can be secondarily developed to extend its capacity in some ways, just need to be very familiar with the underlying .py files which is open source and modifiable to meet your needs.
folks have posted solutions like below, with this one can in-line edit a gird, which provides convenient editing as well as comparing between sql records, the sql tables can be managed thru the grid with greater transparencies without jumping back and forth for an edit:
p.s.: I am utilizing web2py for faster development for a financial firm, so there is really no time for me to extend this framework to unclock additional functionalities, like the one above. when I do have some free time, if there is actual development need, I will extend web2py for particular requirement, and post the code on the web.
Using a VBA form, is it possible to add a Listbox control that has columns which contain Combo box controls?
No not possible with Standard VBA; Standard VBA will not allow this! You may be able to create a custom ActivX control or load another 3rd party control as suggested elsewhere but a standard ListBox cannot hold a ComboBox.
Other Workarounds may be usable if you can provide more details...
If you insist in doing that using User Forms, the only way is that when you click a list item, it should pop a different form containing the combo box, it will be too much work to create and difficult to maintain.
I am sure with spreadsheet itself you can come up with better solutions. I am still not sure what ultimately you want to achieve, but to me this is just a dependent list so you can use sth like this in the spreadsheet itself: