I have a dataset consisting of 80k rows. It's stored in a cell.
In the third column the values should go such as -3 in the first row, -2 in the second -1 in the third and so on all through the whole dataset.
As :
Now I want to check whether or not this number sequence is actually being followed throughout the whole dataset. I know for a fact it isn't and therefore I want to make some kind of loop that automatically removes the whole rows of data that doesn't follow the -3, -2, -1 steps.
My initial thought was to use diff command to change index, but can't seem to get it right.
Second was to create a loop that would remove data every time it didn't follow the specific number sequence.
for i = 1:length(Dataset)
if Dataset{272,1}(i,3) == -3
eraseidx = Dataset{272,1}(i,3)
if Dataset{272,1}(i+1,3) == -2
eraseidx = Dataset{272,1}(i,3)
if Dataset{272,1}(i+2,3) == -1
eraseidx = Dataset{272,1}(i,3)
(Reason for choosing Dataset{272,1} is that I know there is a fault).
Anyone have a method for solving this?
Your loop has one main problem: you nest all conditions under each other, so you check for i+1 and i+2 only if the first condition where false, but then you check again for them as you come to the next iteration of the loop. If Dataset{272,1}(i+1,3) == -2, then you already know that on the next iteration (when you compare Dataset{272,1}(i,3) to -3) it will return false, but is it false or true?! according to your loop it depends on when you ask this...
Here are two options to correct this, still using a loop. The first way it to loop on all k (I replace i with k to not override the imaginary unit in MATLAB), but compare Dataset{272,1}(i+1,3) to a different number:
c = [-1 -3 -2];
for k = 1:length(Dataset)
if Dataset{272,1}(k,3) ~= c(mod(k,3)+1);
eraseidx = Dataset{272,1}(k,3);
Another option is to compare the data in triplets:
for k = 1:3:length(Dataset)
if Dataset{272,1}(k,3) ~= -3
eraseidx = Dataset{272,1}(k,3);
if Dataset{272,1}(k+1,3) ~= -2
eraseidx = Dataset{272,1}(k+1,3);
if Dataset{272,1}(k+2,3) ~= -1
eraseidx = Dataset{272,1}(k+2,3);
Right now you only save the problematic records to eraseidx, but you overwrite it each time any of the conditions is fulfilled, so you need to also index eraseidx:
eraseidx = zeros(length(Dataset),1);
c = [-1 -3 -2];
for k = 1:length(Dataset)
if Dataset{272,1}(k,3) ~= c(mod(k,3)+1);
eraseidx(k) = Dataset{272,1}(k,3);
However, if you only want to delete those records you can save the k alone as logical indexing, and not all the record. Also, it seems to me that your loop should run on 1:length(Dataset{272,1}) so:
eraseidx = false(length(Dataset{272,1}),1);
c = [-1 -3 -2];
for k = 1:length(Dataset{272,1})
eraseidx(k) = Dataset{272,1}(k,3) ~= c(mod(k,3)+1);
And this could be easily vectorised to:
c = [-1 -3 -2];
k = 1:length(Dataset{272,1});
eraseidx = Dataset{272,1}(k,3) ~= c(mod(k,3)+1).';
So now eraseidx will be a logical vector, so that Dataset{272,1}(eraseidx,:) will be all the records from Dataset{272,1} to be deleted. Edit: To delete them you just write: Dataset{272,1}(eraseidx,:) = [].
Vectorize on all Dataset
In case all the data in all cells has the same size and shape, you can use cell2mat to convert it to a ND-array, and then perform a vectorized operation on all data at once:
data = reshape(cell2mat(Dataset.'),[],3,numel(Dataset)); % convert to 3D array
c = [-1 -3 -2];
k = 1:size(data,1);
correct = c(mod(k,3)+1).'; % the correct values to compare
eraseidx = squeeze(bsxfun(#ne,data(:,3,:),correct));
Now each column in eraseidx corresponds to a third column in Dataset, so the result for Dataset(k,1) is given in eraseidx(:,1).
To delete all true records in eraseidx you can use a simple loop:
for k = 1:numel(Dataset)
Dataset{k}(eraseidx(:,k),:) = [];
Notice that you cannot delete the records directly from data because arrays cannot have different number of rows in each element of the third dimension.
If Dataset has to be a cell-array...
If you're using cells to keep the data in Dataset because it is not in the same size and shape, you can adjust the above loop for all the process:
c = [-1 -3 -2];
for k = 1:numel(Dataset)
eraseidx = Dataset{k,1}(:,3) ~= c(mod(1:length(Dataset{k,1}),3)+1).';
Dataset{k,1}(eraseidx,:) = [];
Or you can use cellfun (which is basically a compact loop):
c = [-1 -3 -2];
delfun = #(M) M(M(:,3)==c(mod(1:length(M),3)+1).',:);
Dataset_fixed = cellfun(delfun,Dataset,'UniformOutput',false);
delfun is an anonymous function that retrieve only the wanted records from each cell in Dataset. Now Dataset_fixed is Dataset without the deleted rows.
I have a problem as follows -
Script: Using ’If’ condition inside a ’for’ loop
Create a new script and save it using your name and matric ID.
Use ’for’ loop to create two matrices A and B. The size of the matrices are same, and the matrices are of 5 by 4 size.
Each element of the matrix A will be determined in the ’for’ loop using the following formula A(i,j) = a*i +b*j; where a and b are
the last two digits of your matric ID (here a = 2 and b = 5).
i and j are the row number and column number of the matrices respectively.
The elements of the matrix B will be changed from 0 to 1 ’if’ the corresponding element of the matrix A is even number.
I tried to solve in this way but it won't work. What is the correct way to check if an element is even or not in MATLAB matrices?
% clear all
A = zeros(5,4);
B = zeros(5,4);
for j = 1:5
for i = 1:4
A(i,j) = 2*i + 5 * j;
if mod(B(i,j),2) == 0
A(i,j) = 1;
These lines in your code
if mod(B(i,j),2) == 0
A(i,j) = 1;
set A(i,j) to 1 if mod(B(i,j)) == 0. This is always true since you have initialized B with zeros. You shloud do it the other way around, test if mod(A(i,j),2) == 0 and set B(i,j) = 1
I have a 1x24 vector (a). I should define a command in Matlab which compare all 24 values of a vector (a) with a certain value (mean (b)) and if the vector (a) item is greater than certain value (mean (b)), ''I'' sets 1 and if the vector item is less than certain value ''I'' sets 0. I wrote the below code:
for i=1:length(a)
if a(i) >= mean(b)
I = 1;
I = 0;
But it implements the comparison only for the last index of vector a and sets I=0. How can I fix the command that do the comparison for all indexes of vector a?
In MATLAB, you can use the following syntax to do so:
I = a >= mean(b);
If you want to use your code for doing so, you'll need to initialize I as a vector, and modify its indices as follows:
I = zeros(length(a),1)
for ii=1:length(a)
if a(ii) >= mean(b)
I(ii) = 1;
I(ii) = 0;
You should read about logical indexing in matlab. You don't need for loops for what you are doing. For example, if you have,
a = rand(1,10);
b = 0.5;
then, I = a > b; will return a logical array with zeros and ones, where one indicates the position in the array where the given condition is satisfied,
I =
0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0
Using these indices, you can modify your original array. For example, if you wish to change all values of a greater than b to be 10, you would simply do,
a(a > b) = 10;
Specifically, if you need indices where the condition is satisfied, you can use, find(a > b), which in this example will give you,
ans =
2 4 6 7 8
I have the following code and it is taking a very long time to go through it... I dont think its an infinite loop but it is as follows:
Y = zeros(1069,30658);
D1 = LagOp({0,1,1,1},'Lags',[0,1,2,1]);
for n = 2:30658;
for j = 2:1063
if filter(D1,Ret((D1.Degree + j),n),'Initial',Ret(2:D1.Degree,n)) < 0;
Y(j+3,n) = -1*Ret(j+3,n);
Y(j+3,n)=Ret(j+3,n) ;
Basically I want to flip the sign of the current element in the matrix if the previous 3 elements before it add up to being less than 0. Otherwise to leave it alone. Could it be the ... else statement causing the trouble here ?
Edited: I figured out a more efficient way but I am working on figuring out how to change it to 3 values ahead instead with the following code:
for n = 1:30658
Y(:,n) = RET(:,n);
t = conv(Y(:,n), [1 1 1], 'valid');
mask = [false(3,1); t(1:end-1)<0];
Y(mask,n) = -Y(mask,n);
So So for example, if I have a some numbers in an array given by -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -1 -2 3 -2 -1, then at the number -4 it would look at the sum of the previous 3 values (-1 - 2 - 3 < 0) and then change the sign of the value 3 ahead so -1 becomes positive and this would continue but the change in signs will not having any affect on the sums iterating for every row.
Okay, so I have a script that will produce my vector of repeated integers of a certain interval, but now theres a particular instance where I need to make sure that once it is shuffled, the numbers do not repeat. So for example, I produced a vector of repeating 1-5, 36 times, shuffled. How do I ensure that there are no repeated numbers after shuffling? And to make things even more complex, I need to produce two such vectors that do not ever have the same value at the same index. For example, lets say 1:5 was repeated twice for these vectors, so then this would be what I'm looking for:
v1 v2
4 2
2 4
3 2
5 3
4 5
1 4
5 1
1 5
3 1
2 3
I made that right now by taking an example of 1 vector and just shifting it off by 1 to create another vector that will satisfy the requirements, but in my situation, that wont actually work because I can't have them be systematically dependent like that.
So I tried a recursive technique to make the script start over if the vectors did not make the cut and as expected, that did not go over so well. I hit my maximum recursive iterations and I've realized this is clearly not the way to go. Is there some other alternative?
So I found a way to satisfy some of the conditions I needed above in the following code:
a = nchoosek(1:5,2);
b = horzcat(a(:,2),a(:,1));
c = vertcat(a,b);
cols = repmat(c,9,1);
cols = cols(randperm(180),:);
I just need to find a way to shuffle cols that will also enforce no repeating numbers in columns, such that cols(i,1) ~= cols(i+1,1) and cols(i,2) ~= cols(i+1,2)
This works, but it probably is not very efficient for a large array:
a = nchoosek(1:5, 2);
while (any(a(1: end - 1, 1) == a(2: end, 1)) ...
|| any(a(1: end - 1, 2) == a(2: end, 2)))
random_indices = randperm(size(a, 1));
a = a(random_indices, :);
If you want something faster, the trick is to logically insert each row in a place where your conditions are satisfied, rather than randomly re-shuffling. For example:
n1 = 5;
n2 = 9;
a = nchoosek(1:n1, 2);
b = horzcat(a(:,2), a(:,1));
c = vertcat(a, b);
d = repmat(c, n2, 1);
d = d(randperm(n1 * n2), :);
% Perform an "insertion shuffle"
for k = 2: n1 * n2
% Grab row k from array d. Walk down the rows until a position is
% found where row k does not repeat with its upstairs or downstairs
% neighbors.
m = 1;
while (any(d(k,:) == d(m,:)) || any(d(k,:) == d(m+1,:)))
m = m + 1;
% Insert row k in the proper position.
if (m < k)
ind = [ 1: m k m+1: k-1 k+1: n1 * n2 ];
ind = [ 1: k-1 k+1: m k m+1: n1 * n2 ];
d = d(ind,:);
One way to solve this problem is to think both vectors as being created as follows:
For every row of arrays v1 and v2
Shuffle the array [1 2 3 4 5]
Set the values of v1 and v2 at the current row with the first and second value of the shuffle. Both values will always be different.
s = [1 2 3 4 5];
Nrows = 36;
solution = zeros(Nrows,2);
for k=1:Nrows
% obtain indexes j for shuffling array s
[x,j] = sort(rand(1,5));
%row k takes the first two values of shuffled array s
solution(k,1:2) = s(j(1:2));
v1 = solution(:,1);
v2 = solution(:,2);
Main edit: random => rand,
With this method there is no time wasted in re-rolling repeated numbers because the first and second value of shuffling [1 2 3 4 5] will always be different.
Should you need more than two arrays with different numbers the changes are simple.
This is half a question and half a challenge to the matlab gurus out there:
I'd like to have a function take in a logical array (false/true) and give the beginning and ending of all the contiguous regions containing trues, in a struct array.
Something like this:
b = getBounds([1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0])
should return
b = 3x1 struct array with fields:
>> b(2)
ans =
beg: 4
end: 6
I already have an implementation, but I don't really know how to deal with struct arrays well so I wanted to ask how you would do it - I have to go through mat2cell and deal, and when I have to deal with much larger struct arrays it becomes cumbersome. Mine looks like this:
df = diff([0 foo 0]);
a = find(df==1); l = numel(a);
a = mat2cell(a',ones(1,l))
[s(1:l).beg] = deal(a{:});
b = (find(df==-1)-1);
b = mat2cell(b',ones(1,l))
[s(1:l).end] = deal(b{:});
I don't see why you are using mat2cell, etc. You are making too much of the problem.
Given a boolean row vector V, find the beginning and end points of all groups of ones in the sequence.
V = [1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0];
You get most of it from diff. Thus
D = diff(V);
b.beg = 1 + find(D == 1);
This locates the beginning points of all groups of ones, EXCEPT for possibly the first group. So add a simple test.
if V(1)
b.beg = [1,b.beg];
Likewise, every group of ones must end before another begins. So just find the end points, again worrying about the last group if it will be missed.
b.end = find(D == -1);
if V(end)
b.end(end+1) = numel(V);
The result is as we expect.
b =
beg: [1 4 10]
end: [1 6 11]
In fact though, we can do all of this even more easily. A simple solution is to always append a zero to the beginning and end of V, before we do the diff. See how this works.
D = diff([0,V,0]);
b.beg = find(D == 1);
b.end = find(D == -1) - 1;
Again, the result is as expected.
b =
beg: [1 4 10]
end: [1 6 11]
By the way, I might avoid the use of end here, even as a structure field name. It is a bad habit to get into, using matlab keywords as variable names, even if they are only field names.
This is what I went with:
df = diff([0 foo 0]);
s = struct('on',num2cell(find(df==1)), ...
I forgot about num2cell and the nice behavior of struct with cell arrays.