How to customize sikuli x ide? - sikuli-ide

I want to customize Sikuli x IDE. Like changing the title in title bar. I found the code on gitHub for Sikuli IDE but cant make out which line refers to the title. And how to run that in Eclipse.

I am not sure what specifics you want to change on the IDE, but you mention running it in Eclipse. So if you prefer the Eclipse layout, you can code SikuliX projects from Eclipse directly and skip needing to modify the Sikuli IDE.
Get PyDev from Eclipse Plug-ins/Marketplace
Window->Preferences->PyDev->Interpreter - Jython
Click "New..." button and add your jython.jar and click OK
The System Path window there will be populated and if it does not include sikulixapi.jar, click New Jar/Zips and add that as well.
Repeat for Python interpreter as well
You will lose the ability to see images in the project.sikuli folder within the IDE (as far as I know) as well as to take snapshots or define regions using the IDE buttons. However, if you were looking to customize your own IDE, those features may be out of scope for your application anyway.


Netbeans 8.2 wont apply themes

For some reason, Netbeans IDE 8.2 won't apply any different themes than the original one. Has anyone else had an issue with this? I have applied the new theme and restarted the application many times without success. Thank you.
It's very hard to identify what is wrong since everything in your screenshot looks perfect, and Sublime-Theme works for me using NetBeans 8.2 on Windows 10. See the file with the tab in the screen shot below.
Note that using Sublime-Theme does not impact everything. For example, the Projects and Navigator panels don't change. Since your screen shot only showed the Options window, and the Start Page doesn't change in the editor either, are you absolutely certain that none of your files in the editor are using Sublime-Theme?
Also, you say that "Netbeans IDE 8.2 won't apply any different themes than the original one", but NetBeans comes bundled with several themes, such as NetBeans and NetBeans 5.5 as shown in the screen shot below. How many options are shown in the profile drop list for you? If you select a different theme from the Profile list and click Apply the rendering of your files in the editor should change immediately. Is that happening?
If so, the problem is probably confined to the installation of Sublime-Theme. Try deleting Sublime-Theme (the button is in the top right corner of your screen shot), and then import the zip file again to see if that fixes the problem. Also, verify that the Sublime-Theme zip file you downloaded can be manually unzipped since it might be a corrupt file.
Another thing to try is using some alternative plugins. Select Tools -> Plugins -> Available Plugins and then install Dark Look and Feel Themes and Darcula LAF for NetBeans. If those don't work either then there is something fundamentally wrong with the installation of NetBeans.
Finally, this article titled The complete guide to tuning the appearance of NetBeans may be helpful.

Eclipse Neon CDT missing manage configurations button

I created a C project in eclipse neon and I am trying to delete some of the build configurations. However I can not get to the manage configurations dialog I am used to. The button seems to be missing. Did it go somewhere else or is my eclipse just buggy?
I think this window is supposed to look more like this. See how there is a manage configurations button next to the dropdown at the top.
I just tried switching workspaces and when I use a clean workspace I can see the button.
While the aforementioned hacks indeed work, such an approach is impossible when one already has many projects and now wishes to target another architecture.
I have found another way.
Right click on the project and select, from the pop-up menu,Build Configurations, and one of the menu items is Manage. This behaves as the disappearing Manage Configurations button.
PS: this is still a problem with Oxygen 3.

Eclipse IDE lost popup menu suggestions

I've seem to have lost the ability in my Eclipse to auto-correct errors in my source code lines.
For example, a line like this:
Date date = new Date();
has red jagged lines beneath the Date() part. Previously I could mouse hover over it see a popup menu of options to fix it. Now I all I ever get is a popup with the text "Cannot resolve to a type".
The only change I can think of that I've made and I don't know if it has anything to do with this problem, is that I started editing my .java files with an outside editor. Then focusing back into Eclipse I get a popup saying the source has changed and do I want to update so I say OK.
Sometimes I will edit inside Eclipse and sometimes i will edit the source outside of Eclipse. I'm not sure if this is a bad practice or not?
Its your wish to edit Java files outside or inside eclipse. But Java editor has many features which are very helpful to developers. I suggest to edit Java files inside eclipse only.If you find other editors are good or you used to it then no problem you can edit Java files out side eclipse also. The problem you mentioned in not related to it. But make sure that changes are applied before building project in eclipse.
This occurs whenever there are multiple classes are available with the same name in you build path then eclipse don't know which one to import by default. So keep the caret on the error line and press Ctrl+1. Then a eclipse gives options to user to import one among these. See the picture below. Choose the right one then error will disappear.

how to access package explorer element in eclipse plugin

i am making an eclipse plugin which make a ui on right clicking a project in eclipse workspce . the ui contains text fields , package explorer for the current project and directory explorer for current project.
i have successfully made a ui which appears on clicking a menu item on right clicking the project but it seems i can't make any jface or swt ui since they are not visible when we are using eclipse command hadlers .so in order to overcome it i made dialog pages but they have limited dialog like directorty dialog and file dialog and that too for entire window directory..... but i want package explorer and directory explorer for the project i just chose like it happens when u try making a new class in a project the browse buttons just show packages and directory struture w.r.t to current selection
am i doin things wrong or is there a way out please suggest .....
It seems a bit unclear to me, what the 'UI' is about. If you plan to embed the package and directory views inside a dialog next to each other, then I think you have to build similar lists on your own, since they are views with their own event logic. But if you plan to use them via the browse buttons as describes, take a look at this page. It gives a good overview of the available selection dialogs in eclipse.
It is also always a good practice to search for code in eclipse that does nearly the same you want to do.
As an example, take a look at the new class wizard from the jdt.ui plug-in (This is the wizard you mentioned in your question): Press Cmd-Shift-T and begin typing 'newclass' and open NewClassWizardPage from org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards. This works as expected if you imported all jdt plug-ins as (binary) projects.
Take a look at the createControl method and dive into the createXXXControls methods via F3 and try to find out how JDT is doing the job.
As an alternative, open the desired selection dialog class (again with Cmd-Shift-T) and open the call hierarchy of that class...

Eclipse 3.4.1 - how to view compiler output in Console while building a project

I have what appears to be a very annoying problem. When compiling a project in Eclipse, I see no Console that shows the invocation of the Java compiler and the build results (as in NetBeans).
If I, for instance, import an existing project into Eclipse and invoke Project->Build Project, is there a view that will show me results of the compilation? While I know that my project contains a number of files that have errors, invoking Build Project shows no visual result/progress of the compilation. It does not show the list of errors so that I can quickly jump to them.
I'm aware that there is a "Problems" view, which shows a list of problems (and not just compiler errors) in all projects and not the particular project that I am working with, which makes it very inconvenient to locate and jump to source of the problem.
You can configure the problem view to show only problems in the current project:
Click on the small triangle at the far right of the view.
In the popup menu, select "Configure Contents..."
Select each item in the "Configurations" list and click on "Scope: On any element in the same project"
If you want to see the compiler working, you need open the "Progress" view.
Since Eclipse JDT provides its own built-in Java compiler, you generally do not see the invocation of Java Compiler.
The built-in Java compiler is tightly integrated with Eclipse and JDT, and provides the source indexing that enables powerful IDE features such as refactoring and quick fix.
Plus, it enables incremental build in background after each file modification, hence no visible "java" invocation.
You can replace/complete the java compiler with a javac` call of your own:
For instance, Using Alcatel-Lucent nmake with Eclipse JDT does precisely that, and uses a configuration launcher (which you can instruct to show a console):
You will need to add that special builder in the "builder" section of your project.
Do not forget you can create many "Problem view", and set one of them to show only problems for your current project.
Select: "on any element in same project"
Goto Windows->Show View->Console
Console appears in tab with Problem view
Your question contains a couple of assumptions that you might want to re-think.
It does not show the list of errors so that I can quickly jump to them.
Errors are flagged in the edit window while you are editing. You can fix them on the spot, without having to "jump" anywhere.
If you drop an entire source file into your project, you may not be in an edit window on that file. (And, of course, that's not standard Eclipse usage.) The simplest way I know do deal with that is simply to "Refresh" the project and look in the Package Explorer view to see whether there are any errors detected (which will happen immediately if you "refresh" a file into a source folder). Double-click on any files which show an error icon and look at the right-hand side of the edit window to see exactly where the errors are.
I'm aware that there is a "Problems" view, which shows a list of problems (and not just compiler errors) in all projects and not the particular project that I am working with...
Unless you are using multiple projects, with inter-project dependencies, I find it useful to close all but the current project on which I'm working. Then the "Problems" view is specific to the current context.
Finally, I'd recommend looking at the Mylin "getting started" page for other hints on how Eclipse can help you focus on the current task.