UIScrollView Zooming & contentInset - swift

Simliar to iOS Photos App where the user is zooming in and out of an image by pinching:
UIView > UIScrollView > UIImageView > UIImage
Initially, I had the issue of zooming below scale 1: image being off centered. I got it fixed by doing this:
func scrollViewDidZoom(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let offsetX = max((scrollView.bounds.width - scrollView.contentSize.width) * 0.5, 0)
let offsetY = max((scrollView.bounds.height - scrollView.contentSize.height) * 0.5, 0)
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(offsetY, offsetX, 0, 0)
This works well when zooming out.
UIImage content mode is aspectFit
When I ZOOM IN, when zoomScale is above 1, scroll view insets need to hug the surroundings of the UIImage that the scroll view contains. This takes away the dead-space that was surrounding the UIImage. IE, Photos app when zooming-in by pinching or double tapping.
func scrollViewDidZoom(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if scrollView.zoomScale > 1 {
let imageScale = (self.imageView.bounds.width/self.imageView.image!.size.width)
let imageWidth = self.imageView.image!.size.width * imageScale
let imageHeight = self.imageView.image!.size.height * imageScale
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(((scrollView.frame.height - imageHeight) * 0.5), (scrollView.frame.width - imageWidth) * 0.5 , 0, 0)
print (scrollView.contentInset.top)
else {
let offsetX = max((scrollView.bounds.width - scrollView.contentSize.width) * 0.5, 0)
let offsetY = max((scrollView.bounds.height - scrollView.contentSize.height) * 0.5, 0)
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(offsetY, offsetX, 0, 0)
Above addition seems to vary the inset amount still.
Update (images added)
First image shows the default layout. Rest shows when zoomed in.....

Your approach looks correct. You need to update your code as below.
func scrollViewDidZoom(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if scrollView.zoomScale > 1 {
if let image = imageView.image {
let ratioW = imageView.frame.width / image.size.width
let ratioH = imageView.frame.height / image.size.height
let ratio = ratioW < ratioH ? ratioW:ratioH
let newWidth = image.size.width*ratio
let newHeight = image.size.height*ratio
let left = 0.5 * (newWidth * scrollView.zoomScale > imageView.frame.width ? (newWidth - imageView.frame.width) : (scrollView.frame.width - scrollView.contentSize.width))
let top = 0.5 * (newHeight * scrollView.zoomScale > imageView.frame.height ? (newHeight - imageView.frame.height) : (scrollView.frame.height - scrollView.contentSize.height))
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(top, left, top, left)
} else {
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero
Swift 5
func scrollViewDidZoom(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if scrollView.zoomScale > 1 {
if let image = imageView.image {
let ratioW = imageView.frame.width / image.size.width
let ratioH = imageView.frame.height / image.size.height
let ratio = ratioW < ratioH ? ratioW:ratioH
let newWidth = image.size.width*ratio
let newHeight = image.size.height*ratio
let left = 0.5 * (newWidth * scrollView.zoomScale > imageView.frame.width ? (newWidth - imageView.frame.width) : (scrollView.frame.width - scrollView.contentSize.width))
let top = 0.5 * (newHeight * scrollView.zoomScale > imageView.frame.height ? (newHeight - imageView.frame.height) : (scrollView.frame.height - scrollView.contentSize.height))
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: top, left: left, bottom: top, right: left)
} else {
scrollView.contentInset = .zero

Swift 5
func scrollViewDidZoom(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if scrollView.zoomScale > 1 {
if let image = imageView.image {
let ratioW = imageView.frame.width / image.size.width
let ratioH = imageView.frame.height / image.size.height
let ratio = ratioW < ratioH ? ratioW : ratioH
let newWidth = image.size.width * ratio
let newHeight = image.size.height * ratio
let left = 0.5 * (newWidth * scrollView.zoomScale > imageView.frame.width ? (newWidth - imageView.frame.width) : (scrollView.frame.width - scrollView.contentSize.width))
let top = 0.5 * (newHeight * scrollView.zoomScale > imageView.frame.height ? (newHeight - imageView.frame.height) : (scrollView.frame.height - scrollView.contentSize.height))
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: top, left: left, bottom: top, right: left)
} else {
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets.zero

for swift 4
func scrollViewDidZoom(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if scrollView.zoomScale > 1 {
if let image = self.imageViewZoom.image {
let ratioW = self.imageViewZoom.frame.width / image.size.width
let ratioH = self.imageViewZoom.frame.height / image.size.height
let ratio = ratioW < ratioH ? ratioW:ratioH
let newWidth = image.size.width*ratio
let newHeight = image.size.height*ratio
let left = 0.5 * (newWidth * scrollView.zoomScale > self.imageViewZoom.frame.width ? (newWidth - self.imageViewZoom.frame.width) : (scrollView.frame.width - scrollView.contentSize.width))
let top = 0.5 * (newHeight * scrollView.zoomScale > self.imageViewZoom.frame.height ? (newHeight - self.imageViewZoom.frame.height) : (scrollView.frame.height - scrollView.contentSize.height))
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(top, left, top, left)
} else {
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets.zero


SwiftUI - Scale, Zoom and Crop Image

Edited with link to repository.
I am using SwiftUI and so don't have access to the 'cropping view'. I am using gestures instead of ScrollView to capture a zoom level and offset (x and y) of an image. I am unable to return an image which crops properly based on these factors.
It seems as if SwiftUI itself might be a factor. Perhaps the offset of the image within the view needs to be accounted for in determining offsets and zoom levels?
I have the image and I have the following values from the gestures on the view to represent scale and x/y position:
#State var scale: CGFloat = 1.0
#State var currentPosition: CGSize = CGSize.zero
The current attempt, which gets closest for the function called:
func prepareImage( ) {
let imageToManipulate = UIImage(named: "landscape")
let currentPositionWidth = self.currentPosition.width
let currentPositionHeight = self.currentPosition.height
let zoomScale = self.scale
let imsize = imageToManipulate!.size
var scale : CGFloat = self.frameSize.width / imsize.width
if imsize.height * scale < self.frameSize.height {
scale = self.frameSize.height / imsize.height
let croppedImsize = CGSize(width: (self.frameSize.width/scale) / zoomScale, height: (self.frameSize.height/scale) / zoomScale)
let xOffset = (( imsize.width - croppedImsize.width ) / 2.0) - (currentPositionWidth / zoomScale)
let yOffset = (( imsize.height - croppedImsize.height) / 2.0) - (currentPositionHeight / zoomScale)
let croppedImrect: CGRect = CGRect(x: xOffset, y: yOffset, width: croppedImsize.width, height: croppedImsize.height)
let r = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size:croppedImsize)
let croppedIm = r.image { _ in
imageToManipulate!.draw(at: CGPoint(x:-croppedImrect.origin.x, y:-croppedImrect.origin.y))
self.croppedImage = croppedIm
self.photoIsFinished = true
However, as you will see in the repository, when combining both zoom/scale and x/y offsets it is always 'off' a bit.
As well, when you try to crop to a square image the amount it is 'off' can be quite significant.
Thanks to Asperi's answer , I have implement a lightweight swiftUI library to crop image.Here is the library and demo.Here
The magic is below:
public var body: some View {
GeometryReader { proxy in
// ...
Button(action: {
// how to crop the image according to rectangle area
if self.tempResult == nil {
self.resultImage = self.tempResult
}) {
Text("Crop Image")
.padding(.all, 10)
.shadow(color: .gray, radius: 1)
.padding(.top, 50)
func cropTheImageWithImageViewSize(_ size: CGSize) {
let imsize = inputImage.size
let scale = max(inputImage.size.width / size.width,
inputImage.size.height / size.height)
let zoomScale = self.scale
let currentPositionWidth = self.dragAmount.width * scale
let currentPositionHeight = self.dragAmount.height * scale
let croppedImsize = CGSize(width: (self.cropSize.width * scale) / zoomScale, height: (self.cropSize.height * scale) / zoomScale)
let xOffset = (( imsize.width - croppedImsize.width) / 2.0) - (currentPositionWidth / zoomScale)
let yOffset = (( imsize.height - croppedImsize.height) / 2.0) - (currentPositionHeight / zoomScale)
let croppedImrect: CGRect = CGRect(x: xOffset, y: yOffset, width: croppedImsize.width, height: croppedImsize.height)
if let cropped = inputImage.cgImage?.cropping(to: croppedImrect) {
//uiimage here can write to data in png or jpeg
let croppedIm = UIImage(cgImage: cropped)
tempResult = croppedIm
result = Image(uiImage: croppedIm)
The answer was provided via the GitHub repository by juanj
let imageToManipulate = UIImage(named: "landscape")
let zoomScale = self.scale
let imsize = imageToManipulate!.size
var scale : CGFloat = self.frameSize.width / imsize.width
if imsize.height * scale < self.frameSize.height {
scale = self.frameSize.height / imsize.height
let currentPositionWidth = self.currentPosition.width / scale
let currentPositionHeight = self.currentPosition.height / scale
let croppedImsize = CGSize(width: (self.frameSize.width/scale) / zoomScale, height: (self.frameSize.height/scale) / zoomScale)
let xOffset = (( imsize.width - croppedImsize.width ) / 2.0) - (currentPositionWidth / zoomScale)
let yOffset = (( imsize.height - croppedImsize.height) / 2.0) - (currentPositionHeight / zoomScale)
let croppedImrect: CGRect = CGRect(x: xOffset, y: yOffset, width: croppedImsize.width, height: croppedImsize.height)
let r = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size:croppedImsize)
let croppedIm = r.image { _ in
imageToManipulate!.draw(at: CGPoint(x:-croppedImrect.origin.x, y:-croppedImrect.origin.y))
self.croppedImage = croppedIm
self.photoIsFinished = true
The full code, demonstrating how to allow a user to zoom and pan an image within a frame in a SwiftUI view, and then crop the result to a new image can be viewed in the repository.

Changing UIView rotation will change it's frame size. How to keep frame size after rotating?

I'm rotating UIView by the UIRotationGestureRecognizer but I have a problem, The rotated UIView's frame size will be changed on rotation.
targetView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: self.view.center.x, y: self.view.center.y , width: 100, height: 100))
targetView.backgroundColor = .red
targetView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
targetView.center = self.view.center
let rotate = UIRotationGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(rotatedView))
Here is the rotate function:
#objc func rotatedView(_ sender: UIRotationGestureRecognizer) {
var originalRotation = CGFloat()
if sender.state == .began {
sender.rotation = lastRotation
originalRotation = sender.rotation
print("TargetView Frame Size: [START ROTATE] ", self.targetView.frame.size)
print("TargetView Bounse Size: [START ROTATE] ", self.targetView.bounds)
} else if sender.state == .changed {
let newRotation = sender.rotation + originalRotation
sender.view?.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: newRotation)
print("TargetView Frame Size: [ROTATETING] ", self.targetView.frame.size)
print("TargetView Bounse Size: [ROTATING ROTATE] ", self.targetView.bounds)
Size will be changed:
TargetView Frame Size: [START ROTATE] (100.0, 100.0)
TargetView Frame Size: [ROTATETING] (110.564206726133, 110.564206726133)
How to keep frame size after rotating just like Start Rotating?!
I have these gestures together: Rotate, Resize, Move.
Move is working well, but Rotate is changing size. I can use bounds here but If I resize too, the bounds is not useful anymore.
You need the scaled but non-rotated view size. You can compute that from the bounds.size of the view and the transform.
let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 150))
// Scale view by 3X horizontally and by 4X vertically and
// rotate by 45 degrees
view.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 3, y: 4).rotated(by: 45.0 / 180.0 * .pi)
let transform = view.transform
// Find the angle, print it in degrees
let angle = atan2(-transform.c, transform.a)
print(angle * 180.0 / .pi) // 44.99999999999999
// Find scaleX and scaleY
let scaleX = transform.a * cos(angle) - transform.c * sin(angle)
let scaleY = transform.d * cos(angle) + transform.b * sin(angle)
print(scaleX) // 3.0
print(scaleY) // 4.0
print(view.frame.size) // (530.3300858899106, 707.1067811865476)
print(view.bounds.size) // (100.0, 150.0)
let adjustedSize = CGSize(width: view.bounds.size.width * scaleX, height: view.bounds.size.height * scaleY)
// print non-rotated but scaled size
print(adjustedSize) // (300.0, 600.0)
Here it is as a handy extension that will work for views that are scaled, rotated, and translated (moved):
extension CGAffineTransform {
var angle: CGFloat { return atan2(-self.c, self.a) }
var angleInDegrees: CGFloat { return self.angle * 180 / .pi }
var scaleX: CGFloat {
let angle = self.angle
return self.a * cos(angle) - self.c * sin(angle)
var scaleY: CGFloat {
let angle = self.angle
return self.d * cos(angle) + self.b * sin(angle)
Now, if you have a UIView:
let angle = view.transform.angleInDegrees
let scaleX = view.transform.scaleX
let scaleY = view.transform.scaleY
let adjustedSize = CGSize(width: view.bounds.size.width * scaleX, height: view.bounds.size.height * scaleY)

Keep zoomable image in center of UIScrollView

In my iPhone app, I need to provide the user with an ability to zoom/pan a large-ish image on the screen. This is quite simple: I use UIScrollView, set max/min scale factors and zooming/panning works as expected. Here's where things get interesting. The image is a dynamic one, received from a server. It can have any dimensions. When the image first loads, it's scaled down (if needed) to fit completely into the UIScrollView and is centered in the scroll view - the screenshot is below:
Because the proportions of the image are different from those of the scroll view, there's white space added above and below the image so that the image is centered. However when I start zooming the image, the actual image becomes large enough to fill the whole of the scrollview viewport, therefore white paddings at top/bottom are not needed anymore, however they remain there, as can be seen from this screenshot:
I believe this is due to the fact that the UIImageView containing the image is automatically sized to fill the whole of UIScrollView and when zoomed, it just grows proportionally. It has scale mode set to Aspect Fit. UIScrollView's delegate viewForZoomingInScrollView simply returns the image view.
I attempted to recalculate and re-set UIScrollView, contentSize and image view's size in scrollViewDidEndZooming method:
CGSize imgViewSize = imageView.frame.size;
CGSize imageSize = imageView.image.size;
CGSize realImgSize;
if(imageSize.width / imageSize.height > imgViewSize.width / imgViewSize.height) {
realImgSize = CGSizeMake(imgViewSize.width, imgViewSize.width / imageSize.width * imageSize.height);
else {
realImgSize = CGSizeMake(imgViewSize.height / imageSize.height * imageSize.width, imgViewSize.height);
scrollView.contentSize = realImgSize;
CGRect fr = CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
fr.size = realImgSize;
imageView.frame = fr;
However this was only making things worse (with bounds still being there but panning not working in the vertical direction).
Is there any way to automatically reduce that whitespace as it becomes unneeded and then increment again during zoom-in? I suspect the work will need to be done in scrollViewDidEndZooming, but I'm not too sure what that code needs to be.
Thanks for the code :)
Just thought I'd add to this as I changed it slightly to improve the behaviour.
// make the change during scrollViewDidScroll instead of didEndScrolling...
-(void)scrollViewDidZoom:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
CGSize imgViewSize = self.imageView.frame.size;
CGSize imageSize = self.imageView.image.size;
CGSize realImgSize;
if(imageSize.width / imageSize.height > imgViewSize.width / imgViewSize.height) {
realImgSize = CGSizeMake(imgViewSize.width, imgViewSize.width / imageSize.width * imageSize.height);
else {
realImgSize = CGSizeMake(imgViewSize.height / imageSize.height * imageSize.width, imgViewSize.height);
CGRect fr = CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
fr.size = realImgSize;
self.imageView.frame = fr;
CGSize scrSize = scrollView.frame.size;
float offx = (scrSize.width > realImgSize.width ? (scrSize.width - realImgSize.width) / 2 : 0);
float offy = (scrSize.height > realImgSize.height ? (scrSize.height - realImgSize.height) / 2 : 0);
// don't animate the change.
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(offy, offx, offy, offx);
Here's my solution that works universally with any tab bar or navigation bar combination or w/o both, translucent or not.
- (void)scrollViewDidZoom:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
// The scroll view has zoomed, so you need to re-center the contents
CGSize scrollViewSize = [self scrollViewVisibleSize];
// First assume that image center coincides with the contents box center.
// This is correct when the image is bigger than scrollView due to zoom
CGPoint imageCenter = CGPointMake(self.scrollView.contentSize.width/2.0,
CGPoint scrollViewCenter = [self scrollViewCenter];
//if image is smaller than the scrollView visible size - fix the image center accordingly
if (self.scrollView.contentSize.width < scrollViewSize.width) {
imageCenter.x = scrollViewCenter.x;
if (self.scrollView.contentSize.height < scrollViewSize.height) {
imageCenter.y = scrollViewCenter.y;
self.imageView.center = imageCenter;
//return the scroll view center
- (CGPoint)scrollViewCenter {
CGSize scrollViewSize = [self scrollViewVisibleSize];
return CGPointMake(scrollViewSize.width/2.0, scrollViewSize.height/2.0);
// Return scrollview size without the area overlapping with tab and nav bar.
- (CGSize) scrollViewVisibleSize {
UIEdgeInsets contentInset = self.scrollView.contentInset;
CGSize scrollViewSize = CGRectStandardize(self.scrollView.bounds).size;
CGFloat width = scrollViewSize.width - contentInset.left - contentInset.right;
CGFloat height = scrollViewSize.height - contentInset.top - contentInset.bottom;
return CGSizeMake(width, height);
Swift 5:
public func scrollViewDidZoom(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
private var scrollViewVisibleSize: CGSize {
let contentInset = scrollView.contentInset
let scrollViewSize = scrollView.bounds.standardized.size
let width = scrollViewSize.width - contentInset.left - contentInset.right
let height = scrollViewSize.height - contentInset.top - contentInset.bottom
return CGSize(width:width, height:height)
private var scrollViewCenter: CGPoint {
let scrollViewSize = self.scrollViewVisibleSize()
return CGPoint(x: scrollViewSize.width / 2.0,
y: scrollViewSize.height / 2.0)
private func centerScrollViewContents() {
guard let image = imageView.image else {
let imgViewSize = imageView.frame.size
let imageSize = image.size
var realImgSize: CGSize
if imageSize.width / imageSize.height > imgViewSize.width / imgViewSize.height {
realImgSize = CGSize(width: imgViewSize.width,height: imgViewSize.width / imageSize.width * imageSize.height)
} else {
realImgSize = CGSize(width: imgViewSize.height / imageSize.height * imageSize.width, height: imgViewSize.height)
var frame = CGRect.zero
frame.size = realImgSize
imageView.frame = frame
let screenSize = scrollView.frame.size
let offx = screenSize.width > realImgSize.width ? (screenSize.width - realImgSize.width) / 2 : 0
let offy = screenSize.height > realImgSize.height ? (screenSize.height - realImgSize.height) / 2 : 0
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: offy,
left: offx,
bottom: offy,
right: offx)
// The scroll view has zoomed, so you need to re-center the contents
let scrollViewSize = scrollViewVisibleSize
// First assume that image center coincides with the contents box center.
// This is correct when the image is bigger than scrollView due to zoom
var imageCenter = CGPoint(x: scrollView.contentSize.width / 2.0,
y: scrollView.contentSize.height / 2.0)
let center = scrollViewCenter
//if image is smaller than the scrollView visible size - fix the image center accordingly
if scrollView.contentSize.width < scrollViewSize.width {
imageCenter.x = center.x
if scrollView.contentSize.height < scrollViewSize.height {
imageCenter.y = center.y
imageView.center = imageCenter
Why it's better than anything else I could find on SO so far:
It doesn't read or modify the UIView frame property of the image view since a zoomed image view has a transform applied to it. See here what Apple says on how to move or adjust a view size when a non identity transform is applied.
Starting iOS 7 where translucency for bars was introduced the system will auto adjust the scroll view size, scroll content insets and scroll indicators offsets. Thus you should not modify these in your code as well.
There're check boxes for toggling this behavior (which is set by default) in the Xcode interface builder. You can find it in the view controller attributes:
The full view controller's source code is published here.
Also you can download the whole Xcode project to see the scroll view constraints setup and play around with 3 different presets in the storyboard by moving the initial controller pointer to any the following paths:
View with both translucent tab and nav bars.
View with both opaque tab and nav bars.
View with no bars at all.
Every option works correctly with the same VC implementation.
I think I got it. The solution is to use the scrollViewDidEndZooming method of the delegate and in that method set contentInset based on the size of the image. Here's what the method looks like:
- (void)scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)aScrollView withView:(UIView *)view atScale:(float)scale {
CGSize imgViewSize = imageView.frame.size;
CGSize imageSize = imageView.image.size;
CGSize realImgSize;
if(imageSize.width / imageSize.height > imgViewSize.width / imgViewSize.height) {
realImgSize = CGSizeMake(imgViewSize.width, imgViewSize.width / imageSize.width * imageSize.height);
else {
realImgSize = CGSizeMake(imgViewSize.height / imageSize.height * imageSize.width, imgViewSize.height);
CGRect fr = CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
fr.size = realImgSize;
imageView.frame = fr;
CGSize scrSize = scrollView.frame.size;
float offx = (scrSize.width > realImgSize.width ? (scrSize.width - realImgSize.width) / 2 : 0);
float offy = (scrSize.height > realImgSize.height ? (scrSize.height - realImgSize.height) / 2 : 0);
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.25];
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(offy, offx, offy, offx);
[UIView commitAnimations];
Note that I'm using animation on setting the inset, otherwise the image jumps inside the scrollview when the insets are added. With animation it slides to the center. I'm using UIView beginAnimation and commitAnimation instead of animation block, because I need to have the app run on iphone 3.
Here is the swift 3 version of Genk's Answer
func scrollViewDidZoom(_ scrollView: UIScrollView){
let imgViewSize:CGSize! = self.imageView.frame.size;
let imageSize:CGSize! = self.imageView.image?.size;
var realImgSize : CGSize;
if(imageSize.width / imageSize.height > imgViewSize.width / imgViewSize.height) {
realImgSize = CGSize(width: imgViewSize.width,height: imgViewSize.width / imageSize.width * imageSize.height);
else {
realImgSize = CGSize(width: imgViewSize.height / imageSize.height * imageSize.width, height: imgViewSize.height);
var fr:CGRect = CGRect.zero
fr.size = realImgSize;
self.imageView.frame = fr;
let scrSize:CGSize = scrollView.frame.size;
let offx:CGFloat = (scrSize.width > realImgSize.width ? (scrSize.width - realImgSize.width) / 2 : 0);
let offy:CGFloat = (scrSize.height > realImgSize.height ? (scrSize.height - realImgSize.height) / 2 : 0);
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(offy, offx, offy, offx);
// The scroll view has zoomed, so you need to re-center the contents
let scrollViewSize:CGSize = self.scrollViewVisibleSize();
// First assume that image center coincides with the contents box center.
// This is correct when the image is bigger than scrollView due to zoom
var imageCenter:CGPoint = CGPoint(x: self.scrollView.contentSize.width/2.0, y:
let scrollViewCenter:CGPoint = self.scrollViewCenter()
//if image is smaller than the scrollView visible size - fix the image center accordingly
if (self.scrollView.contentSize.width < scrollViewSize.width) {
imageCenter.x = scrollViewCenter.x;
if (self.scrollView.contentSize.height < scrollViewSize.height) {
imageCenter.y = scrollViewCenter.y;
self.imageView.center = imageCenter;
//return the scroll view center
func scrollViewCenter() -> CGPoint {
let scrollViewSize:CGSize = self.scrollViewVisibleSize()
return CGPoint(x: scrollViewSize.width/2.0, y: scrollViewSize.height/2.0);
// Return scrollview size without the area overlapping with tab and nav bar.
func scrollViewVisibleSize() -> CGSize{
let contentInset:UIEdgeInsets = self.scrollView.contentInset;
let scrollViewSize:CGSize = self.scrollView.bounds.standardized.size;
let width:CGFloat = scrollViewSize.width - contentInset.left - contentInset.right;
let height:CGFloat = scrollViewSize.height - contentInset.top - contentInset.bottom;
return CGSize(width:width, height:height);
Here is an extension tested on Swift 3.1. Just create a separate *.swift file and paste the code below:
import UIKit
extension UIScrollView {
func applyZoomToImageView() {
guard let imageView = delegate?.viewForZooming?(in: self) as? UIImageView else { return }
guard let image = imageView.image else { return }
guard imageView.frame.size.valid && image.size.valid else { return }
let size = image.size ~> imageView.frame.size
imageView.frame.size = size
self.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(
x: self.frame.size.width ~> size.width,
y: self.frame.size.height ~> size.height
imageView.center = self.contentCenter
if self.contentSize.width < self.visibleSize.width {
imageView.center.x = self.visibleSize.center.x
if self.contentSize.height < self.visibleSize.height {
imageView.center.y = self.visibleSize.center.y
private var contentCenter: CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: contentSize.width / 2, y: contentSize.height / 2)
private var visibleSize: CGSize {
let size: CGSize = bounds.standardized.size
return CGSize(
width: size.width - contentInset.left - contentInset.right,
height: size.height - contentInset.top - contentInset.bottom
fileprivate extension CGFloat {
static func ~>(lhs: CGFloat, rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
return lhs > rhs ? (lhs - rhs) / 2 : 0.0
fileprivate extension UIEdgeInsets {
init(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) {
self.bottom = y
self.left = x
self.right = x
self.top = y
fileprivate extension CGSize {
var valid: Bool {
return width > 0 && height > 0
var center: CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: width / 2, y: height / 2)
static func ~>(lhs: CGSize, rhs: CGSize) -> CGSize {
switch lhs > rhs {
case true:
return CGSize(width: rhs.width, height: rhs.width / lhs.width * lhs.height)
return CGSize(width: rhs.height / lhs.height * lhs.width, height: rhs.height)
static func >(lhs: CGSize, rhs: CGSize) -> Bool {
return lhs.width / lhs.height > rhs.width / rhs.height
The way to use:
extension YOUR_SCROLL_VIEW_DELEGATE: UIScrollViewDelegate {
func viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView? {
func scrollViewDidZoom(_ scrollView: UIScrollView){
Analogous to different answers based on setting contentInset, but shorter. Remember about setting scrollView.delegate.
func scrollViewDidZoom(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let offsetX = max((scrollView.bounds.size.width - scrollView.contentSize.width) * 0.5, 0.0)
let offsetY = max((scrollView.bounds.size.height - scrollView.contentSize.height) * 0.5, 0.0)
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: offsetY, left: offsetX, bottom: offsetY, right: offsetX);
If you want to take a look on a few different strategies, here is a place worth to look: github & post.

How to know the image size after applying aspect fit for the image in an UIImageView

I am loading an image to an imageview with mode as 'Aspect Fit'. I need to know the size to which my image is being scaled to. Please help.
Why not use the OS function AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect?
I wanted to use AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect() without including the AVFoundation framework.
So I've implemented the following two utility functions:
CGSize CGSizeAspectFit(CGSize aspectRatio, CGSize boundingSize)
float mW = boundingSize.width / aspectRatio.width;
float mH = boundingSize.height / aspectRatio.height;
if( mH < mW )
boundingSize.width = boundingSize.height / aspectRatio.height * aspectRatio.width;
else if( mW < mH )
boundingSize.height = boundingSize.width / aspectRatio.width * aspectRatio.height;
return boundingSize;
CGSize CGSizeAspectFill(CGSize aspectRatio, CGSize minimumSize)
float mW = minimumSize.width / aspectRatio.width;
float mH = minimumSize.height / aspectRatio.height;
if( mH > mW )
minimumSize.width = minimumSize.height / aspectRatio.height * aspectRatio.width;
else if( mW > mH )
minimumSize.height = minimumSize.width / aspectRatio.width * aspectRatio.height;
return minimumSize;
Edit: Optimized below by removing duplicate divisions.
CGSize CGSizeAspectFit(const CGSize aspectRatio, const CGSize boundingSize)
CGSize aspectFitSize = CGSizeMake(boundingSize.width, boundingSize.height);
float mW = boundingSize.width / aspectRatio.width;
float mH = boundingSize.height / aspectRatio.height;
if( mH < mW )
aspectFitSize.width = mH * aspectRatio.width;
else if( mW < mH )
aspectFitSize.height = mW * aspectRatio.height;
return aspectFitSize;
CGSize CGSizeAspectFill(const CGSize aspectRatio, const CGSize minimumSize)
CGSize aspectFillSize = CGSizeMake(minimumSize.width, minimumSize.height);
float mW = minimumSize.width / aspectRatio.width;
float mH = minimumSize.height / aspectRatio.height;
if( mH > mW )
aspectFillSize.width = mH * aspectRatio.width;
else if( mW > mH )
aspectFillSize.height = mW * aspectRatio.height;
return aspectFillSize;
End of edit
This takes a given size (first parameter) and maintains its aspect ratio. It then fills the given bounds (second parameter) as much as possible without violating the aspect ratio.
Using this to answer the original question:
// Using aspect fit, scale the image (size) to the image view's size.
CGSize sizeBeingScaledTo = CGSizeAspectFit(theImage.size, theImageView.frame.size);
Note how the image determines the aspect ratio, while the image view determines the size to be filled.
Feedback is very welcome.
Please see #Paul-de-Lange's answer instead of this one
I couldn't find anything in an easily accessible variable that had this, so here is the brute force way:
- (CGSize) aspectScaledImageSizeForImageView:(UIImageView *)iv image:(UIImage *)im {
float x,y;
float a,b;
x = iv.frame.size.width;
y = iv.frame.size.height;
a = im.size.width;
b = im.size.height;
if ( x == a && y == b ) { // image fits exactly, no scaling required
// return iv.frame.size;
else if ( x > a && y > b ) { // image fits completely within the imageview frame
if ( x-a > y-b ) { // image height is limiting factor, scale by height
a = y/b * a;
b = y;
} else {
b = x/a * b; // image width is limiting factor, scale by width
a = x;
else if ( x < a && y < b ) { // image is wider and taller than image view
if ( a - x > b - y ) { // height is limiting factor, scale by height
a = y/b * a;
b = y;
} else { // width is limiting factor, scale by width
b = x/a * b;
a = x;
else if ( x < a && y > b ) { // image is wider than view, scale by width
b = x/a * b;
a = x;
else if ( x > a && y < b ) { // image is taller than view, scale by height
a = y/b * a;
b = y;
else if ( x == a ) {
a = y/b * a;
b = y;
} else if ( y == b ) {
b = x/a * b;
a = x;
return CGSizeMake(a,b);
This simple function will calculate size of image after aspect fit:
Swift 5.1
extension UIImageView {
var imageSizeAfterAspectFit: CGSize {
var newWidth: CGFloat
var newHeight: CGFloat
guard let image = image else { return frame.size }
if image.size.height >= image.size.width {
newHeight = frame.size.height
newWidth = ((image.size.width / (image.size.height)) * newHeight)
if CGFloat(newWidth) > (frame.size.width) {
let diff = (frame.size.width) - newWidth
newHeight = newHeight + CGFloat(diff) / newHeight * newHeight
newWidth = frame.size.width
} else {
newWidth = frame.size.width
newHeight = (image.size.height / image.size.width) * newWidth
if newHeight > frame.size.height {
let diff = Float((frame.size.height) - newHeight)
newWidth = newWidth + CGFloat(diff) / newWidth * newWidth
newHeight = frame.size.height
return .init(width: newWidth, height: newHeight)
Objective C:
float newwidth;
float newheight;
UIImage *image=imgview.image;
if (image.size.height>=image.size.width){
float diff=imgview.frame.size.width-newwidth;
float diff=imgview.frame.size.height-newheight;
NSLog(#"image after aspect fit: width=%f height=%f",newwidth,newheight);
//adapt UIImageView size to image size
return CGSizeMake(newwidth, newheight);
Swift 3 Human Readable Version
extension UIImageView {
/// Find the size of the image, once the parent imageView has been given a contentMode of .scaleAspectFit
/// Querying the image.size returns the non-scaled size. This helper property is needed for accurate results.
var aspectFitSize: CGSize {
guard let image = image else { return CGSize.zero }
var aspectFitSize = CGSize(width: frame.size.width, height: frame.size.height)
let newWidth: CGFloat = frame.size.width / image.size.width
let newHeight: CGFloat = frame.size.height / image.size.height
if newHeight < newWidth {
aspectFitSize.width = newHeight * image.size.width
} else if newWidth < newHeight {
aspectFitSize.height = newWidth * image.size.height
return aspectFitSize
/// Find the size of the image, once the parent imageView has been given a contentMode of .scaleAspectFill
/// Querying the image.size returns the non-scaled, vastly too large size. This helper property is needed for accurate results.
var aspectFillSize: CGSize {
guard let image = image else { return CGSize.zero }
var aspectFillSize = CGSize(width: frame.size.width, height: frame.size.height)
let newWidth: CGFloat = frame.size.width / image.size.width
let newHeight: CGFloat = frame.size.height / image.size.height
if newHeight > newWidth {
aspectFillSize.width = newHeight * image.size.width
} else if newWidth > newHeight {
aspectFillSize.height = newWidth * image.size.height
return aspectFillSize
I also wanted to calculate height after the aspect ratio is applied to be able to calculate the height of table view's cell. So, I achieved via little math
ratio = width / height
and height would become
height = width / ratio
So code snippet would be
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:#"anImage"];
float aspectRatio = img.size.width/img.size.height;
float requiredHeight = self.view.bounds.size.width / aspectRatio;
For Swift use below code
func imageSizeAspectFit(imgview: UIImageView) -> CGSize {
var newwidth: CGFloat
var newheight: CGFloat
let image: UIImage = imgFeed.image!
if image.size.height >= image.size.width {
newheight = imgview.frame.size.height;
newwidth = (image.size.width / image.size.height) * newheight
if newwidth > imgview.frame.size.width {
let diff: CGFloat = imgview.frame.size.width - newwidth
newheight = newheight + diff / newheight * newheight
newwidth = imgview.frame.size.width
else {
newwidth = imgview.frame.size.width
newheight = (image.size.height / image.size.width) * newwidth
if newheight > imgview.frame.size.height {
let diff: CGFloat = imgview.frame.size.height - newheight
newwidth = newwidth + diff / newwidth * newwidth
newheight = imgview.frame.size.height
print(newwidth, newheight)
//adapt UIImageView size to image size
return CGSizeMake(newwidth, newheight)
And Call Function
imgFeed.sd_setImageWithURL(NSURL(string:"Your image URL")))
Maybe does not fit your case, but this simple approach solve my problem in a similar case:
UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:bigSizeImage];
[imageView sizeToFit];
After image view executes sizeToFit if you query the imageView.frame.size you will get the new image view size that fits the new image size.
Swift 4:
Frame for .aspectFit image is -
import AVFoundation
let x: CGRect = AVMakeRect(aspectRatio: myImage.size, insideRect: sampleImageView.frame)
+(UIImage *)CreateAResizeImage:(UIImage *)Img ThumbSize:(CGSize)ThumbSize
float actualHeight = Img.size.height;
float actualWidth = Img.size.width;
actualWidth = ThumbSize.width;
actualHeight = ThumbSize.height;
float imgRatio = actualWidth/actualHeight;
float maxRatio = ThumbSize.width/ThumbSize.height; //320.0/480.0;
if(imgRatio < maxRatio)
imgRatio = ThumbSize.height / actualHeight; //480.0 / actualHeight;
actualWidth = imgRatio * actualWidth;
actualHeight = ThumbSize.height; //480.0;
imgRatio = ThumbSize.width / actualWidth; //320.0 / actualWidth;
actualHeight = imgRatio * actualHeight;
actualWidth = ThumbSize.width; //320.0;
actualWidth = ThumbSize.width;
actualHeight = ThumbSize.height;
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, (int)actualWidth, (int)actualHeight);
[Img drawInRect:rect];
UIImage *NewImg = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return NewImg;
Swift 3 UIImageView extension:
import AVFoundation
extension UIImageView {
var imageSize: CGSize {
if let image = image {
return AVMakeRect(aspectRatio: image.size, insideRect: bounds).size
return CGSize.zero
This single line can do this job
CGSize sizeInView = AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect(imgViewFake.image.size, imgViewFake.bounds).size;
The accepted answer is incredibly complicated and fails for some edge cases. I think this solution is much more elegant:
- (CGSize) sizeOfImage:(UIImage*)image inAspectFitImageView:(UIImageView*)imageView
UKAssert(imageView.contentMode == UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit, #"Image View must use contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit");
CGFloat imageViewWidth = imageView.bounds.size.width;
CGFloat imageViewHeight = imageView.bounds.size.height;
CGFloat imageWidth = image.size.width;
CGFloat imageHeight = image.size.height;
CGFloat scaleFactor = MIN(imageViewWidth / imageWidth, imageViewHeight / imageHeight);
return CGSizeMake(image.size.width*scaleFactor, image.size.height*scaleFactor);
Here is my solution for same problem:
UIViewContentMode modes supported
Can query for scales and for rect separately
Can ask about image frame right from UIImageView
Here's my AVFoundation-less solution.
First here's a CGSize extension for calculating a size that would fit another size:
extension CGSize
func sizeThatFitsSize(_ aSize: CGSize) -> CGSize
let width = min(self.width * aSize.height / self.height, aSize.width)
return CGSize(width: width, height: self.height * width / self.width)
So the solution to OP's problem gets down to:
let resultSize = image.size.sizeThatFitsSize(imageView.bounds.size)
Also here's another extension for fitting a rect within another rect (it utilizes the above CGSize extension):
extension CGRect
func rectThatFitsRect(_ aRect:CGRect) -> CGRect
let sizeThatFits = self.size.sizeThatFitsSize(aRect.size)
let xPos = (aRect.size.width - sizeThatFits.width) / 2
let yPos = (aRect.size.height - sizeThatFits.height) / 2
let ret = CGRect(x: xPos, y: yPos, width: sizeThatFits.width, height: sizeThatFits.height)
return ret
Swift 5 Extension
extension CGSize {
func aspectFit(to size: CGSize) -> CGSize {
let mW = size.width / self.width;
let mH = size.height / self.height;
var result = size
if( mH < mW ) {
result.width = size.height / self.height * self.width;
else if( mW < mH ) {
result.height = size.width / self.width * self.height;
return result;
func aspectFill(to size: CGSize) -> CGSize {
let mW = size.width / self.width;
let mH = size.height / self.height;
var result = size
if( mH > mW ) {
result.width = size.height / self.height * self.width;
else if( mW > mH ) {
result.height = size.width / self.width * self.height;
return result;
I'm using the following in Swift:
private func CGSizeAspectFit(aspectRatio:CGSize,boundingSize:CGSize) -> CGSize
var aspectFitSize = boundingSize
let mW = boundingSize.width / aspectRatio.width
let mH = boundingSize.height / aspectRatio.height
if( mH < mW )
aspectFitSize.width = mH * aspectRatio.width
else if( mW < mH )
aspectFitSize.height = mW * aspectRatio.height
return aspectFitSize
private func CGSizeAspectFill(aspectRatio:CGSize,minimumSize:CGSize) -> CGSize
var aspectFillSize = minimumSize
let mW = minimumSize.width / aspectRatio.width
let mH = minimumSize.height / aspectRatio.height
if( mH > mW )
aspectFillSize.width = mH * aspectRatio.width
else if( mW > mH )
aspectFillSize.height = mW * aspectRatio.height
return aspectFillSize
I'm using it like this:
let aspectSize = contentMode == .ScaleAspectFill ? CGSizeAspectFill(oldSize,minimumSize: newSize) : CGSizeAspectFit(oldSize, boundingSize: newSize)
let newRect = CGRect( x: (newSize.width - aspectSize.width)/2, y: (newSize.height - aspectSize.height)/2, width: aspectSize.width, height: aspectSize.height)
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRect(origin: CGPointZero,size: newSize))
CGContextDrawImage(context, newRect, cgImage)
If you know only the width of the imageview and when the height of the image is dynamic then you need to scale the image's height according to the given width to remove the white spaces above and below your image. Use the following method from here to scale the height of the image according to the standard width of your screen.
-(UIImage*)imageWithImage: (UIImage*) sourceImage scaledToWidth: (float) i_width
float oldWidth = sourceImage.size.width;
float scaleFactor = i_width / oldWidth;
float newHeight = sourceImage.size.height * scaleFactor;
float newWidth = oldWidth * scaleFactor;
UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSizeMake(newWidth, newHeight));
[sourceImage drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight)];
UIImage *newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return newImage;
And call it from your cellForRowAtIndexPath: method like this:
UIImage *img = [dictImages objectForKey:yourImageKey]; // loaded the image
cell.imgView.image = [self imageWithImage:img scaledToWidth:self.view.frame.size.width];
Swift 4 version
extension CGSize {
enum AspectMode {
case fit
case fill
enum Orientation {
case portrait
case landscape
func aspectCorrectSizeToFit(targetSize: CGSize, aspectMode: AspectMode = .fill) -> CGSize {
switch aspectMode {
case .fill: return aspectFill(targetSize: targetSize)
case .fit: return aspectFit(targetSize: targetSize)
var orientation: Orientation {
if height >= width { return .portrait }
else { return .landscape }
func aspectFit(targetSize: CGSize) -> CGSize {
let wRatio = targetSize.width / width
let hRatio = targetSize.height / height
let scale = min(wRatio, hRatio)
return applying(CGAffineTransform(scaleX: scale, y: scale))
func aspectFill(targetSize: CGSize) -> CGSize {
let wRatio = targetSize.width / width
let hRatio = targetSize.height / height
let scale = max(wRatio, hRatio)
return applying(CGAffineTransform(scaleX: scale, y: scale))
The above mentioned methods never give the required values.As aspect fit maintains the same aspect ratio we just need simple maths to calculate the values
Detect the aspect ratio
CGFloat imageViewAspectRatio = backgroundImageView.bounds.size.width / backgroundImageView.bounds.size.height;
CGFloat imageAspectRatio = backgroundImageView.image.size.width / backgroundImageView.image.size.height;
CGFloat mulFactor = imageViewAspectRatio/imageAspectRatio;
Get the new values
CGFloat newImageWidth = mulFactor * backgroundImageView.bounds.size.width;
CGFloat newImageHeight = mulFactor * backgroundImageView.bounds.size.height;

resize and crop image centered

so currently i'm trying to crop and resize a picture to fit it into a specific size without losing the ratio.
a small image to show what i mean:
i played a bit with vocaro's categories but they don't work with png's and have problems with gifs. also the image doesn't get cropped.
does anyone have a suggestion how to do this resizing the best way or probably have a link to an existing library/categorie/whatever?
thanks for all hints!
p.s.: does ios implement a "select a excerpt" so that i have the right ratio and only have to scale it?!
This method will do what you want and is a category of UIImage for ease of use. I went with resize then crop, you could switch the code around easily enough if you want crop then resize. The bounds checking in the function is purely illustrative. You might want to do something different, for example center the crop rect relative to the outputImage dimensions but this ought to get you close enough to make whatever other changes you need.
#implementation UIImage( resizeAndCropExample )
- (UIImage *) resizeToSize:(CGSize) newSize thenCropWithRect:(CGRect) cropRect {
CGContextRef context;
CGImageRef imageRef;
CGSize inputSize;
UIImage *outputImage = nil;
CGFloat scaleFactor, width;
// resize, maintaining aspect ratio:
inputSize = self.size;
scaleFactor = newSize.height / inputSize.height;
width = roundf( inputSize.width * scaleFactor );
if ( width > newSize.width ) {
scaleFactor = newSize.width / inputSize.width;
newSize.height = roundf( inputSize.height * scaleFactor );
} else {
newSize.width = width;
UIGraphicsBeginImageContext( newSize );
context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
// added 2016.07.29, flip image vertically before drawing:
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, newSize.height);
CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1, -1);
CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, newSize.width, newSize.height, self.CGImage);
// // alternate way to draw
// [self drawInRect: CGRectMake( 0, 0, newSize.width, newSize.height )];
outputImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
inputSize = newSize;
// constrain crop rect to legitimate bounds
if ( cropRect.origin.x >= inputSize.width || cropRect.origin.y >= inputSize.height ) return outputImage;
if ( cropRect.origin.x + cropRect.size.width >= inputSize.width ) cropRect.size.width = inputSize.width - cropRect.origin.x;
if ( cropRect.origin.y + cropRect.size.height >= inputSize.height ) cropRect.size.height = inputSize.height - cropRect.origin.y;
// crop
if ( ( imageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect( outputImage.CGImage, cropRect ) ) ) {
outputImage = [[[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage: imageRef] autorelease];
CGImageRelease( imageRef );
return outputImage;
I have came across the same issue in one of my application and developed this piece of code:
+ (UIImage*)resizeImage:(UIImage*)image toFitInSize:(CGSize)toSize
UIImage *result = image;
CGSize sourceSize = image.size;
CGSize targetSize = toSize;
BOOL needsRedraw = NO;
// Check if width of source image is greater than width of target image
// Calculate the percentage of change in width required and update it in toSize accordingly.
if (sourceSize.width > toSize.width) {
CGFloat ratioChange = (sourceSize.width - toSize.width) * 100 / sourceSize.width;
toSize.height = sourceSize.height - (sourceSize.height * ratioChange / 100);
needsRedraw = YES;
// Now we need to make sure that if we chnage the height of image in same proportion
// Calculate the percentage of change in width required and update it in target size variable.
// Also we need to again change the height of the target image in the same proportion which we
/// have calculated for the change.
if (toSize.height < targetSize.height) {
CGFloat ratioChange = (targetSize.height - toSize.height) * 100 / targetSize.height;
toSize.height = targetSize.height;
toSize.width = toSize.width + (toSize.width * ratioChange / 100);
needsRedraw = YES;
// To redraw the image
if (needsRedraw) {
[image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, toSize.width, toSize.height)];
result = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
// Return the result
return result;
You can modify it according to your needs.
Had the same task for preview image in a gallery. For fixed Crop-Area (Image for SwiftUI and Canvas Rect for Kotiln) I want to crop central content of image - by maximum of on of the image's side. (see explanation below)
Here solutions for
func getImageCropped(srcImage : UIImage, sizeToCrop : CGSize) -> UIImage{
let ratioImage = Double(srcImage.cgImage!.width ) / Double(srcImage.cgImage!.height )
let ratioCrop = Double(sizeToCrop.width) / Double(sizeToCrop.height)
let cropRect: CGRect = {
if(ratioCrop > 1.0){
// crop LAND -> fit image HORIZONTALLY
let widthRatio = CGFloat(srcImage.cgImage!.width) / CGFloat(sizeToCrop.width)
var cropWidth = Int(sizeToCrop.width * widthRatio)
var cropHeight = Int(sizeToCrop.height * widthRatio)
var cropX = 0
var cropY = srcImage.cgImage!.height / 2 - cropHeight / 2
// [L1] [L2] : OK
if(ratioImage > 1.0) {
// image LAND
// [L3] : OK
if(cropHeight > srcImage.cgImage!.height) {
// [L4] : Crop-Area exceeds Image-Area > change crop orientation to PORTrait
let heightRatio = CGFloat(srcImage.cgImage!.height) / CGFloat(sizeToCrop.height)
cropWidth = Int(sizeToCrop.width * heightRatio)
cropHeight = Int(sizeToCrop.height * heightRatio)
cropX = srcImage.cgImage!.width / 2 - cropWidth / 2
cropY = 0
return CGRect(x: cropX, y: cropY, width: cropWidth, height: cropHeight)
else if(ratioCrop < 1.0){
// crop PORT -> fit image VERTICALLY
let heightRatio = CGFloat(srcImage.cgImage!.height) / CGFloat(sizeToCrop.height)
var cropWidth = Int(sizeToCrop.width * heightRatio)
var cropHeight = Int(sizeToCrop.height * heightRatio)
var cropX = srcImage.cgImage!.width / 2 - cropWidth / 2
var cropY = 0
// [P1] [P2] : OK
if(ratioImage < 1.0) {
// // image PORT
// [P3] : OK
if(cropWidth > srcImage.cgImage!.width) {
// [L4] : Crop-Area exceeds Image-Area > change crop orientation to LANDscape
let widthRatio = CGFloat(srcImage.cgImage!.width) / CGFloat(sizeToCrop.width)
cropWidth = Int(sizeToCrop.width * widthRatio)
cropHeight = Int(sizeToCrop.height * widthRatio)
cropX = 0
cropY = srcImage.cgImage!.height / 2 - cropHeight / 2
return CGRect(x: cropX, y: cropY, width: cropWidth, height: cropHeight)
else {
var fitSide = 0
var cropX = 0
var cropY = 0
if (ratioImage > 1.0){
// crop LAND -> fit image HORIZONTALLY !!!!!!
fitSide = srcImage.cgImage!.height
cropX = srcImage.cgImage!.width / 2 - fitSide / 2
else if (ratioImage < 1.0){
// crop PORT -> fit image VERTICALLY
fitSide = srcImage.cgImage!.width
cropY = srcImage.cgImage!.height / 2 - fitSide / 2
// ImageAre and GropArea are square both
fitSide = srcImage.cgImage!.width
return CGRect(x: cropX, y: cropY, width: fitSide, height: fitSide)
let imageRef = srcImage.cgImage!.cropping(to: cropRect)
let cropped : UIImage = UIImage(cgImage: imageRef!, scale: 0, orientation: srcImage.imageOrientation)
return cropped
data class RectCrop(val x: Int, val y: Int, val width: Int, val height: Int)
fun getImageCroppedShort(srcBitmap: Bitmap, sizeToCrop: Size):Bitmap {
val ratioImage = srcBitmap.width.toFloat() / srcBitmap.height.toFloat()
val ratioCrop = sizeToCrop.width.toFloat() / sizeToCrop.height.toFloat()
// 1. choose fit size
val cropRect: RectCrop =
if(ratioCrop > 1.0){
// crop LAND
val widthRatio = srcBitmap.width.toFloat() / sizeToCrop.width.toFloat()
var cropWidth = (sizeToCrop.width * widthRatio).toInt()
var cropHeight= (sizeToCrop.height * widthRatio).toInt()
var cropX = 0
var cropY = srcBitmap.height / 2 - cropHeight / 2
if(ratioImage > 1.0) {
// image LAND
if(cropHeight > srcBitmap.height) {
val heightRatio = srcBitmap.height.toFloat() / sizeToCrop.height.toFloat()
cropWidth = (sizeToCrop.width * heightRatio).toInt()
cropHeight = (sizeToCrop.height * heightRatio).toInt()
cropX = srcBitmap.width / 2 - cropWidth / 2
cropY = 0
RectCrop(cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight)
else if(ratioCrop < 1.0){
// crop PORT
val heightRatio = srcBitmap.height.toFloat() / sizeToCrop.height.toFloat()
var cropWidth = (sizeToCrop.width * heightRatio).toInt()
var cropHeight= (sizeToCrop.height * heightRatio).toInt()
var cropX = srcBitmap.width / 2 - cropWidth / 2
var cropY = 0
if(ratioImage < 1.0) {
// image PORT
if(cropWidth > srcBitmap.width) {
val widthRatio = srcBitmap.width.toFloat() / sizeToCrop.width.toFloat()
cropWidth = (sizeToCrop.width * widthRatio).toInt()
cropHeight = (sizeToCrop.height * widthRatio).toInt()
cropX = 0
cropY = srcBitmap.height / 2 - cropHeight / 2
RectCrop(cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight)
else {
var fitSide = 0
var cropX = 0
var cropY = 0
if (ratioImage > 1.0){
fitSide = srcBitmap.height
cropX = srcBitmap.width/ 2 - fitSide / 2
else if (ratioImage < 1.0){
fitSide = srcBitmap.width
cropY = srcBitmap.height / 2 - fitSide / 2
fitSide = srcBitmap.width
RectCrop(cropX, cropY, fitSide, fitSide)
return Bitmap.createBitmap(
An explanation for those who want to understand algorithm. The main idea - we should stretch a Crop-Area proportionally(!) until the biggest side of it fits image. But there is one unacceptable case (L4 and P4) when Crop-Area exceeds Image-Area. So here we have only one way - change fit direction and stretch Crop-Area to the other side
On Scheme I didn't centering of crop (for better understanding idea), but both of this solutions do this. Here result of getImageCropped:
This SwiftUI code provides images above to test:
var body: some View {
let ORIG_NAME = "image_land.jpg"
let ORIG_W = 400.0
let ORIG_H = 265.0
// > crop Land
let cropW = 400.0
let cropH = 200.0
// > crop Port
// let cropW = 50.0
// let cropH = 265.0
// > crop Center Square
// let cropW = 265.0
// let cropH = 265.0
// let ORIG_NAME = "image_port.jpg"
// let ORIG_W = 350.0
// let ORIG_H = 500.0
// > crop Land
// let cropW = 350.0
// let cropH = 410.0
// > crop Port
// let cropW = 190.0
// let cropH = 500.0
// > crop Center Square
// let cropW = 350.0
// let cropH = 350.0
let imageOriginal = UIImage(named: ORIG_NAME)!
let imageCropped = self.getImageCroppedShort(srcImage: imageOriginal, sizeToCrop: CGSize(width: cropW, height: cropH))
return VStack{
Text("ImageArea \nW:\(Int(ORIG_W)) \nH:\(Int(ORIG_H))").font(.body)
Text("CropArea \nW:\(Int(cropW)) \nH:\(Int(cropH))").font(.body)
Image(uiImage: imageOriginal)
Image(uiImage: imageCropped)
.frame(width: CGFloat(cropW), height: CGFloat(cropH))
.frame(width: CGFloat(ORIG_W), height: CGFloat(ORIG_H))
Kotlin solution works identically. Trust me)