MAMP Pro 4 and Sophos Warning about Adminer Database Manager - mamp

I have been using Sophos Anti-Virus on the Mac for several years now with good results. Recently when attempting to download the new MAMP Pro 4.x, I received a Sophos alert that the MAMP installer contains the Adminer Database Manager, which it identifies as known Adware and PUA.
Has anyone experienced a similar warning, and is there any reason for concern about this warning?
The only real information I can find about Adminer is this:
This post indicates that Adminer is some type of script designed to be an alternative to PHPMyAdmin.
Can I just remove Adminer after installing?
-- Lee

I got the same warning and also Google Chrome flags the MAMP 4 PKG file as having a virus. It appears that the official download of Adminer throws the same warning by Sophos (from their website):
So, this issue is NOT related to MAMP itself but rather the Adminer application. I think it's a false positive since from what I've seen Sophos is the only antivirus software that flags adminer.php, however you CAN remove the file Applications/MAMP/bin/adminer.php without affecting functionality of MAMP, since as you point out it is just a phpMyAdmin alternative. I simply deleted it for now.
That said, if you upgrade MAMP the file will likely be replaced.


MAMP Downgrading from version 5 back to 4 and getting error on start

Receiving an error trying to load up MAMP 4.5 after downgrading from version 5 to 4.5 because their serial number system is broke and no one in support is working.
This message comes up when trying to start, any thoughts?
Downloaded from the website under "older versions"
OS: Mac
I had to downgrade, as well; though in my case it's because mySQL will not upgrade my databases, but I was able to license it.
I was able to successfully downgrade by doing the following:
Backed up the /Applications/MAMP folder (just in case)
Deleted /Applications/MAMP and /Applications/MAMP by moving them to the trash (these were created by MAMP Pro 5 installer)
Downloaded and installed MAMP Pro 4.5 from the link you posted above
I'm back up and running with MAMP Pro 4.5 at this point, so looks like everything worked out. Good luck! Depending on your setup, you might need to migrate stuff out of the /Applications/MAMP folder (definitely back that sucker up before you delete it).
Please note: For my original answer, I mis-read the MAMP Pro docs and incorrectly re-located the database directory in /Applications/MAMP/db to my user Library folder (~/Library). This apparently did nothing, because the databases were actually located in the root-level /Library folder. I highly recommend backing this folder up prior to upgrading or downgrading. The MAMP 5 installer automatically copies your mysql56 folder, but the problem I ran into is that evidently it didn't copy all of the database folders within it (which is presumably why the mySQL 5.7 upgrade logic was failing hard on my end). So a backup is a great idea, because the steps the MAMP installer takes to keep a historical backup don't actually work too well in my experience.

MAMP 4.2 MySQL Server Not Starting

I recently upgraded from MAMP 4.1.1 to MAMP 4.2 on my Mac running MacOS 10.12.6. After upgrading, MAMP 4.2 will not start the MySQL server. Additionally, there is not an option to Stop servers. I see a green box to the right of Apache Server along with the the ability to select Preferences and Start Servers. Open WebStart page is grayed out.
I followed the instructions on MAMP mysql server won't start. No mysql processes are running to delete the ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1 files from MAMP/db/mysql56, but that did not work. In addition to the ib_logfiles, I also deleted ibdata1 followed by all of the contents of mysql56, but neither of those worked.
Lastly, I do not see a mysqld running in Activity Monitor.
Any help in restoring my MAMP functionality is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for any help.
I had the same problem and tried the same things which didn't solved it.
What solved it for me is I tried starting mySQL in terminal manually in Terminal, here:
I saw this error in Terminal prompt:
mysqld_safe error: log-error set to '/Applications/MAMP/logs/mysql_error_log.err', however file don't exists. Create writable for user 'mysql'.
So I manually create a file '/Applications/MAMP/logs/mysql_error_log.err' and retry, mySQL then started with no problem.
Back to MAMP app console, I can also start/stop servers and 'Open WebStart Page' with no problem now.

Odoo: Internal Server Error

I've installed Odoo 9.0 on Ubuntu 14.04, and I've activated the developer mode to install module from App Store. Every app I try to install that doesn't belong to the 31 apps offered by default without accessing developer mode, I get this error:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.
It looks like this happens only on the local installation. i tried to install the Barcode app in online trial, and I encoutered no problems.
If anyone may help me, I'll be eternaly grateful.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that the app on the "App store" provided in Odoo (not the ones that is possible to download in zip and add to addons), are only for the enterprise version.
I tried in a lot of computers and different installation with no luck.
Still happenning as of today. I've been able to manually install the module I wanted:
Go to the app store web site:
Search for and download your module
unzip the archive in the addons directory of your odoo installation
Go in odoo, settings, update modules list
you can then look for it in Local Modules. You may need to remove all filters. I've done this in v8.

easyPHP Dev-server plug-in not installed

I am currently working with a student on a project using easyPHP 16.1. The program/s install fine, and to begin with we can write & test PHP code with no problem. However, on 2 totally separate PCs we have had the same problem occur. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, pages which were working fail to function and we get the following error:-
Failed to connect to DB. Check that the username is valid.
Plugin '*C06327039E918D3247E4438D3785C723719DC8B5' is not loaded
We can't find any reference to this 'plugin' and wondered what is going on. On my own PC, I initially got round the problem by removing easyPHP then reinstalling it, but the student has several hand-ins depending on testing PHP code, and could do without the hassle of repeatedly having to 'fix' the installation. Is there a fix? Is it an easy fix? If there's no fix, should we just use an alternative like WAMP?
This has been a serious issue for Easyphp since ver11.
so for me, after some time of use, I've just dropped using easyphp and switched over to WAMP.
From ver 16.1, Easyphp works in "portable mode" and becomes totally browser-based...
For a simple solution, I'd recommend to check out for alternate mySQL versions in your system, which can be interfering in the same port. Changing the Port No. can be useful in this case...

Unable to install PostgreSQL on dev machine

I'm trying to install PGSQL 8.3 (and 8.4 and 9.0) on my work laptop. At the end of the installation, the installer complains it can't init the cluster. Investigating more, I noticed that the service is not even installed. I did use the "OneClick Installer", not the pgAdmin stand alone install. I tried installing as Administrator and as a regular user. In all the cases, the pgsql system account is created and the files copied, but the service is not.
I successfully installed PGSQL many times on my home PC. Both the laptop and desktop use Windows 7 64 bits (former is Professional, later is Ultimate). The only differences I can think of are that the laptop is part of an Active Directory and uses McAfee, while the desktop is only on a workgroup and uses Windows Security Essentials.
Are you sure the postgres user is allowed to create files in the data directory? The installer defaults to putting the data directory where the binaries are installed (e.g. c:\Program Files) which is usually not writeable by a regular user (and I never understood why the installer contains such an idiotic default).
McAffee could be an issue though. I have heard several stories about virus scanners infering with the Postgres (or other DBMS). Can you turn McAffee off - at least for the data directory?
Another problem could be that the installer is not able to create the postgres windows user (that is used to run the service).
If you are a local administrator on that machine, try to create the user before the installer does it. The installer will then not try to create the user account.
As a last ressort, you could install PostgreSQL without the installer (this is what I usually do).
Download the ZIP file from
Unzip it into a convenient location
Run initdb (make sure you do that using the postgres user account - the one that is used to run the service later!)
run pg_ctlr register to create the Windows service
If any of those steps fails you'll see a proper error message which is not always the case with the installer.
Anti-virus is a well known issue:
PostgreSQL connection problems
(answer is from one the core developers)
Postgresql 8.4 and BitDefender 11
With earlier versions of PostgreSQL, I found I had to delete the user "postgres" before reinstalling would work. Not sure what versions had that problem, though.