AutoIT user macro to emit the current script name - macros

In my #include files, I want to output debug messages that include the line number and the script name, but while the #ScriptLineNumber macro emits the line number of the #include file it's in, there is no way to emit the current file's filename. I would like to define a user macro something like #ThisScriptName in a debug message like this:
_DebugOut("+++:" & #ThisScriptName & ":" & #ScriptLineNumber & ": some text")
The output would look something like this:
+++:SampleIncludedFile.au3:127: some text

There is no way to do this so that it gives the included file name using any of the macros available.
The easiest alternative method is to use a variable that is overwritten at the top of each include file.
#include "ExampleInclude.au3"
Global $ThisScriptName = "ExampleScript"
ConsoleWrite("Hello From: " & $ThisScriptName & #LF)
; #include <...>
Global $ThisScriptName = "ExampleInclude"
ConsoleWrite("Hello From: " & $ThisScriptName & #LF)
With this approach it is important that the variable is defined after the other files you are including.
Other alternatives could be using a preprocessor, either writing one yourself or using one of the various ones others have written already. This could be as simple as just replacing every occurrence of #ThisScriptName with the string version of the file.


How to run a single macro for all xls/xlsx files for libreoffice

Is it possible to run a single macro for all xls/xlsx files and if so how. The macro shown below scales the excel file to fit to single page which is necessary as the number of columns is 19 and is needed to convert it to pdf using lo cli.
Libre office version: 6.0.6
Macro has been recorded with libreoffice and can be seen below:
REM ***** BASIC *****
sub Main
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem define variables
dim document as object
dim dispatcher as object
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
vrem get access to the document
document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:PageFormatDialog", "", 0, Array())
end sub
Please let me know if any info is needed regarding the tests.
Got the answer from one of the developers at Libreoffice and it works like a charm, so sharing it here. The link to the answer can be found here
Mike's Solution
First: your recorded macro wouldn't work: it doesn't apply changes, it just opens a dialog. Please always test recorded macros :-)
You may use this macro instead:
Sub FitToPage
Dim document As Object, pageStyles As Object
document = ThisComponent
pageStyles = document.StyleFamilies.getByName("PageStyles")
For i = 0 To document.Sheets.Count - 1
Dim sheet As Object, style As Object
sheet = document.Sheets(i)
style = pageStyles.getByName(sheet.PageStyle)
style.ScaleToPagesX = 1
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
It operates on the current document, and after setting the scale, it saves (overwrites!) and closes the document.
To use this macro from a command line, you need to save it to some of libraries, e.g. Standard. In my example below, I use Module1 to store it.
You may use this macro on a single document like this:
'path/to/LibreOffice/program/soffice' path/to/excelfile.ext macro:///Standard.Module1.FitToPage
To use it on multiple documents, you need to make this in a loop (mentioning multiple filenames as arguments to a single soffice invocation, like with shell globbing on Linux using *, will not work - actually, it will only run the macro for the last document, keeping the others open and unmodified). A loop for Windows could be like this:
for %f in (*.xls) do start /wait "" "C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.exe" "%f" macro:///Standard.Module1.FitToPage

AHK Load hotstrings without using #Include Subroutines.ahk

I have a txt file named subroutines.ahk in it is the below hotstring.
::btw::Thank you for the help
I know if I want to run my hotstring from another script all I have to do is include it in that script using:
#include subroutines.ahk
But I dont want to do that Instead from another script I want to Loop read the contents of subroutines.ahk and load the hotstring variables that way .
Loop, read,subroutines.ahk
Loop, parse, A_LoopReadLine, %A_Tab%
MsgBox, Field number %A_Index% is %A_LoopField%.
I would really appreciate your help on how I can load my hotstring variables into another script that way.
I plan to encode the hotsrings in subroutines.ahk and than decode the contents of the subroutines.ahk in the second program and load it into memory.
In the above example though i am first trying to figure out how I can loop read the txt file and run the hot strings from there.
Demonstrates the use of hotkeys that map to dynamic values
; Replace hash values with whatever method you use to decrypt your hotstrings
decrypted := {abc: "alpha", def: "beta"}
Send % decrypted["abc"]
Send % decrypted["def"]
When you type "abc", "alpha" appears instead
# directives are processed only once when the script is launched. To work around this limitation, you can use reload to execute dynamically generated script that includes # directives.
Code sample:
When F1 is pressed, use the contents of "subroutines.ahk" to generate and run code that utilizes # directives:
F1:: reload_hotstrings()
#Include temp.ahk
FileDelete temp.ahk
loop read, subroutines.ahk
MsgBox Hotstring number %A_Index% is %A_LoopReadLine%.
FileAppend %A_LoopReadLine%`n, temp.ahk
Alternatively, if you want to automatically generate hotkeys code whenever autohotkey starts:
I'm using source.dat for your subroutines.ahk file
Code sample:
FileGetTime source_time, source.dat
FileGetTime compiled_time, compiled.ahk
; calculate time difference between source and compiled files
EnvSub source_time, %compiled_time%, Seconds
; compile and run if source newer
if source_time > 0
FileDelete compiled.ahk
loop read, source.dat
FileAppend %A_LoopReadLine%`n, compiled.ahk
#Include compiled.ahk

Displaying List of AutoHotkey Hotkeys

I’ve written script that contains numerous hotkeys (general structure is as below). I would like to create another one that when pressed displays a list of all of the hotkeys and their corresponding descriptions that the script contains in a nice, formatted table.
The formatting and display are tenuous since AutoHotkey’s output is limited to message-boxes, but possible. More problematic is getting the hotkeys and corresponding descriptions.
The hotkeys all call the same function with different arguments. I considered adding a variable to the function so that depending on the value, the function either performs the normal function when triggered by the normal hotkeys, or builds a string or something when triggered from the special display hotkey.
I cannot figure out a way to programmatically access the script’s hotkeys at all. I checked the docs and there don’t seem to be any A_ variables that can be used for this purpose, nor does the Hotkey command lend itself well (it can be used to test if a hotkey exists, but looping through the innumerable combinations is, at best, tedious).
Failed attempts:
I tried using Elliot’s suggestion of parsing the script itself (replacing the path with %A_ScriptFullPath%, and while it does work for a raw script, it does not when the script is compiled
I tried assigning the entire hotkey section of the script to a variable as a continuation section and then parsing the variable and creating hotkeys using the Hotkey command. This worked well right up until the last part because the Hotkey command cannot take arbitrary commands as the destination and requires existing labels.
The ListHotkeys command is not applicable because it only displays the hotkeys as plain text in the control window.
Does anyone know how I can display a list of the hotkeys and either their corresponding arguments or comments?
Example script:
MsgBox %foobar%
!^#A::SomeFunc("a") ; blah
^+NumpadMult::SomeFunc("c") ; blivet
^+!#`::SomeFunc("b") ; baz
^#Space::SomeFunc("d") ; ermahgerd
Example desired “outputs”:
C+A+ W+ A a | C+ S+ NumpadMult b
C+A+S+W+ ` c | C+ W+ Space d
Ctrl Alt Shift Win Key Action
× × × A blah
× × NumpadMult baz
× × × × ` blivet
× × Space ermahgerd
The only thing I can think of is to read each line of your script individually and parse it. This code reads your script (script.ahk) one line at a time and parses it. This should get you started. Additionally, you could parse the line to check for the modifiers as well.
FileReadLine, line, C:\script.ahk, %A_Index%
if ErrorLevel
If Instr(line, "::")
StringSplit, linearray, line, ::,
key := linearray1
StringSplit, commandarray, linearray3, `;
action := commandarray2
hotkeyline := "key: " . key . "`tAction: " . action
final .= hotkeyline . "`r"
msgbox % final
I found a solution. It is not perfect (or ideal), and hopefully a proper, built-in method will become available in the future, but it works well (enough) and for raw and compiled scripts.
What I did was to use the FileInstall command which tells the compiler to add a file to the executable (and extract it when run).
Sadly, the FileInstall command will not allow the use of variables for the source file, so I cannot simply include the script itself (FileInstall, %A_ScriptFullPath%, %A_Temp%\%A_ScriptName%, 1).
As a work-around, I ended up extracting all of the desired hotkeys to a second file which I then parse as Elliot suggested, then delete, and #Include at the end of my script (it must be at the end since hotkeys will terminate the autoexecute section).
;;;;; Test.ahk ;;;;;
; Add hotkey file to executable and extract to Temp directory at runtime
FileInstall, Hotkeys.ahk, %A_Temp%\Hotkeys.ahk, 1
;Read a line from the extracted hotkey script and quit if error
FileReadLine, line, %A_Temp%\Hotkeys.ahk, %A_Index%
if ErrorLevel
;Trim whitespace
; Parse the line as in Elliot’s answer, but with tweaks as necessary
FileDelete, %A_Temp%\Hotkeys.ahk ; Delete the extracted script
DisplayHotkeys() ; I ended up bulding and using a GUI instead
#Include, Hotkeys.ahk ; It is included at compile-time, so no A_Temp
;;;;; Hotkeys.ahk ;;;;;
z::MsgBox foo
y::MsgBox bar

CMake macro across CMakeLists

I have a c++ project which directory structure like below:
here is part of /cmake/CMakeList.txt:
MACRO(SUBDIRLIST result curdir)
FILE(GLOB children RELATIVE ${curdir} ${curdir}/*)
SET(dirlist "")
FOREACH(child ${children})
IF(IS_DIRECTORY ${curdir}/${child})
SET(dirlist ${dirlist} ${child})
SET(${result} ${dirlist})
then use macro in /cmake/Base/CMakeList.txt:
message("SUBDIRS : " ${SUBDIRS})
I check ${dirlist} by output it's value in macro, I get directory list expected,but when message("result " ${result}) after SET(${result} ${dirlist}),I can not get output expected , what's wrong with my CMakeLists.txt?
There are a couple of minor issues here:
In your macro, SET(dirlist "") could be just SET(dirlist). Likewise, SET(SUBDIR, "") could be just SET(SUBDIRS) (I guess "SUBDIR" is a typo and should be "SUBDIRS". Also you don't want the comma in the set command - probably another typo?)
To output the contents of ${result} in the macro, use message("result: ${${result}}"), since you're not appending ${child} to result each time, but to ${result}. In your example ${result} is SUBDIRS, so ${${result}} is ${SUBDIRS}.
When you call SUBDIRLIST, don't use a comma between the arguments.
When you output the value of SUBDIRS, include ${SUBDIRS} in the quotes, i.e. message("SUBDIRS: ${SUBDIRS}") or you'll lose the semi-colon separators.
Other than those, your macro seems fine.

How do I show the value of a #define at compile-time?

I am trying to figure out what version of Boost my code thinks it's using. I want to do something like this:
but the preprocessor does not expand BOOST_VERSION.
I know I could print it out at run-time from the program, and I know I could look at the output of the preprocessor to find the answer. I feel like having a way of doing this during compilation could be useful.
I know that this is a long time after the original query, but this may still be useful.
This can be done in GCC using the stringify operator "#", but it requires two additional stages to be defined first.
#define XSTR(x) STR(x)
#define STR(x) #x
The value of a macro can then be displayed with:
#pragma message "The value of ABC: " XSTR(ABC)
See: 3.4 Stringification in the gcc online documentation.
How it works:
The preprocessor understands quoted strings and handles them differently from normal text. String concatenation is an example of this special treatment. The message pragma requires an argument that is a quoted string. When there is more than one component to the argument then they must all be strings so that string concatenation can be applied. The preprocessor can never assume that an unquoted string should be treated as if it were quoted. If it did then:
#define ABC 123
int n = ABC;
would not compile.
Now consider:
#define ABC abc
#pragma message "The value of ABC is: " ABC
which is equivalent to
#pragma message "The value of ABC is: " abc
This causes a preprocessor warning because abc (unquoted) cannot be concatenated with the preceding string.
Now consider the preprocessor stringize (Which was once called stringification, the links in the documentation have been changed to reflect the revised terminology. (Both terms, incidentally, are equally detestable. The correct term is, of course, stringifaction. Be ready to update your links.)) operator. This acts only on the arguments of a macro and replaces the unexpanded argument with the argument enclosed in double quotes. Thus:
#define STR(x) #x
char *s1 = "abc";
char *s2 = STR(abc);
will assign identical values to s1 and s2. If you run gcc -E you can see this in the output. Perhaps STR would be better named something like ENQUOTE.
This solves the problem of putting quotes around an unquoted item, the problem now is that, if the argument is a macro, the macro will not be expanded. This is why the second macro is needed. XSTR expands its argument, then calls STR to put the expanded value into quotes.
BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE seems a excellent solution for C++, but not for regular C.
Here is my solution for GNU CPP:
/* Some test definition here */
#define DEFINED_INT 3
/* definition to expand macro then apply to pragma message */
#define VALUE_TO_STRING(x) #x
#define VAR_NAME_VALUE(var) #var "=" VALUE(var)
/* Some example here */
#pragma message(VAR_NAME_VALUE(NOT_DEFINED))
#pragma message(VAR_NAME_VALUE(DEFINED_INT))
#pragma message(VAR_NAME_VALUE(DEFINED_STR))
Above definitions result in:
test.c:10:9: note: #pragma message: NOT_DEFINED=NOT_DEFINED
test.c:11:9: note: #pragma message: DEFINED_BUT_NO_VALUE=
test.c:12:9: note: #pragma message: DEFINED_INT=3
test.c:13:9: note: #pragma message: DEFINED_STR="ABC"
For "defined as interger", "defined as string", and "defined but no value" variables , they work just fine. Only for "not defined" variable, they displayed exactly the same as original variable name. You have to used to it -- or maybe someone can provide a better solution.
If you are using Visual C++, you can use #pragma message:
#include <boost/preprocessor/stringize.hpp>
Edit: Thanks to LB for link
Apparently, the GCC equivalent is (not tested):
As far as I know '#error' only will print strings, in fact you don't even need to use quotes.
Have you tried writing various purposefully incorrect code using "BOOST_VERSION"? Perhaps something like "blah[BOOST_VERSION] = foo;" will tell you something like "string literal 1.2.1 cannot be used as an array address". It won't be a pretty error message, but at least it'll show you the relevant value. You can play around until you find a compile error that does tell you the value.
Without boost :
define same macro again and compiler HIMSELF will give warning.
From warning you can see location of the previous definition.
vi file of previous definition .
ambarish#axiom:~/cpp$ g++ shiftOper.cpp
shiftOper.cpp:7:1: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" redefined
shiftOper.cpp:6:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition
#define LINUX_VERSION_CODE 265216
int main ()
In Microsoft C/C++, you can use the built-in _CRT_STRINGIZE() to print constants. Many of my stdafx.h files contain some combination of these:
#pragma message("_MSC_VER is " _CRT_STRINGIZE(_MSC_VER))
#pragma message("_MFC_VER is " _CRT_STRINGIZE(_MFC_VER))
#pragma message("_ATL_VER is " _CRT_STRINGIZE(_ATL_VER))
#pragma message("WINVER is " _CRT_STRINGIZE(WINVER))
#pragma message("_WIN32_WINNT is " _CRT_STRINGIZE(_WIN32_WINNT))
#pragma message("_WIN32_IE is " _CRT_STRINGIZE(_WIN32_IE))
and outputs something like this:
_MSC_VER is 1915
_MFC_VER is 0x0E00
_ATL_VER is 0x0E00
WINVER is 0x0600
_WIN32_WINNT is 0x0600
_WIN32_IE is 0x0700
NTDDI_VERSION is 0x06000000
#define a <::BOOST_VERSION>
#include a
MSVC2015: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '::106200': No such file or directory
Works on builtin macroses
Works even if preprocess to file is enabled, even if invalid tokens are present:
#define a <::'*/`#>
#include a
MSVC2015: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '::'*/`#': No such file or directory
GCC4.x: warning: missing terminating ' character [-Winvalid-pp-token]
#define a <::'*/`#>
Sometime fails because of invalid characters in the include file path. Can be fixed by change a prefix (see update section below).
For GCC 4.7.x and lower the output throws the error:
error: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>
To fix that you can change the prefix:
#define a <.__cplusplus>
#include a
fatal error: .201103L: No such file or directory
You could also preprocess the source file and see what the preprocessor value evaluates to.
You could write a program that prints out BOOST_VERSION and compile and run it as part of your build system. Otherwise, I think you're out of luck.
Are you looking for
#if BOOST_VERSION != "1.2"
#error "Bad version"
Not great if BOOST_VERSION is a string, like I've assumed, but there may also be individual integers defined for the major, minor and revision numbers.
Looking at the output of the preprocessor is the closest thing to the answer you ask for.
I know you've excluded that (and other ways), but I'm not sure why. You have a specific enough problem to solve, but you have not explained why any of the "normal" methods don't work well for you.
BOOST_VERSION is defined in the boost header file version.hpp.
Take a look at the Boost documentation as well, regarding how you are using the macro:
In reference to BOOST_VERSION, from
Describes the boost version number in
XXYYZZ format such that:
(BOOST_VERSION % 100) is the sub-minor
version, ((BOOST_VERSION / 100) %
1000) is the minor version, and
(BOOST_VERSION / 100000) is the major
Instead of #error, try redefining the macro, just before it is being used. Compilation will fail and compiler will provide the current value it thinks applies to the macro.
#define BOOST_VERSION blah