Visual Studio Code GitHub account - github

I have a Visual Studio Code project for an Angular2 app created using AngularCli (webpack version). Out of the box, AngularCli will generate a new project for you and check it into Git. How do you know which GitHub account it's using? I cannot find any information in Visual Studio as to what GitHub account is controlling the code history. I can make changes to the code and check it in using Visual Studio Code's embedded Git functionality. I've logged into GitHub using my account, but I do not see this new project. Where do you find information on what GitHub account either AngualrCli and/or Visual Studio Code is using?

How do you know which GitHub account it's using?
It doesn't need to use any github account to create a git repo. It's just calling git init, followed by some git add/git commit commands. You can do those without github credentials. After the tool does its job, you have a fully-functional local git repo.
You only need github account when you try to push code to github, which you did not yet do, I assume. You don't need github credentials to work with local repository (view history, add new commits, branch, merge, etc.)


Github is not working in Visual Studio Code

I have tried to install the GitHub pull and request extensions in the Visual Studio Code.I installed it. But when I searched "Github" in the Visual Studio there is nothing showing in the visual studio code.
Your question is not clear, but I will try to answer it based on my understanding.
Try with Ctrl+Shift+P and search git, you should see all git commands.
From the official website:
To get started with the GitHub in VS Code, you'll need to install Git, create a GitHub account and install the GitHub Pull Requests and Issues extension.
Once you've installed the GitHub Pull Requests and Issues extension, you'll need to sign in.
After this, you can search for and clone a repository from GitHub using the Git: Clone command in the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) or by using the Clone Repository button in the Source Control view (available when you have no folder open).

GitHub option not available in PyCharm VCS | Checkout from Version Control

I'm trying to clone a repository from GitHub to PyCharm, and so I looked up how to do that. I looked at this website, and it told me to go to
Choose VCS | Checkout from Version Control | GitHub on the main menu. PyCharm establishes connection with GitHub using the login and password you registered. Upon establishing connection, the Select Git Hub Repository to Clone dialog box opens.
From the Repository drop-down list, select the source repository to clone the data from.
But, when I go to VCS | Checkout from Version Control, there is no GitHub, only these options:
So I looked at this answer to this question, which was similar but on Intellij (I hope PyCharm and Intellij work similarly), and the answer was to
Go to File > Settings > Plugins and search for GitHub and Git Integration then install those. A restart might be required in order to apply the changes.
(answer was written by Enzokie). So I went there and those were both installed. What is wrong and why can't I clone a repository from GitHub?
GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using Git.
I copied that from their webpage.
The version control system you want to use is Git. And you will connect to GitHub, (which also uses Git), to clone the project you want.
So, select the Git option, enter the project URL and voila!
Another version control web-hosting service who also uses Git (but also Mercurial), is Bit-Bucket.
This Wikipedia page explains what Git is.

Developer Console, github

How do i check in code in Git Hub from Developer console.
I have been trying to browse, i saw we have to sync code to eclipse and then drop files to Git Hub.
Can anyone suggest me a standard way to do this please
The Salesforce Developer Console based out the UI cannot integrate with Git Hub to check in/out code. You'll have to do it with files stored locally either using your IDE or terminal. This is the same as working with any Git repo and really is unrelated to Salesforce.
There is a new feature called Salesforce DX that has a tighter integration with git repos, it's going beta in Summer 17.

Is it possible to source control using VS Team Services without using Visual Studio or other IDE?

There are similar questions to this but they mostly have some other purpose than mine, use different tools or end up not being that similar.
I've been searching for another way to source control Dynamics NAV development, as we've been using an in-house add-on called Object Control which merely controls changes to objects and produces .txt backups.
With those .txt backups we could do normal source control using Visual Studio Team Services, but we want to avoid the hassle of opening Visual Studio just to connect it all to Team Services everytime we make changes.
I know Microsoft has a set of REST APIs for retrieving information on repos and projects but i'm not sure how you can send information to the server (new changesets, files, creating projects, etc) without using an IDE.
I'm set on creating an application or interface to bridge the gap between the NAV development and Team Services but is there a way to use and communicate with Team Services on its own?
Yes, you can use the git command line to source control VSTS git repo. You can use git bash (download here).
Frequently commands as below:
git clone <URL of VSTS git repo> #clone a git repo of a VSTS project locally
git add filename #add the file in git repo
git commit –am 'message' #commit the changes with comment: message
git push #push current branch to remote (VSTS git repo)
More git commands, you can refer git book.
Power Tools. It integrates with windows shell and you can do everything w/o opening VS
DLLs that installed along with VS TFS can be used like any other libraries in your application. Or you could even use then in Nav RTC. I used this approach have some inconsistencies but in general it works smoothly. So you can sourcecontrol Nav from Nav itself.
Rest services since you mentioned them. I'm just not sure if they provide access to work items only or to source control as well. For you to explore.
If you chose Git for source control, you just need the command line to commit changes and push them to VSTS.
In VSTS go to Code -> Manage Repositories -> New repostiroy. Choose Git as the type and give it a name. On the top right of the new repository home screen you'll find a button "Clone", copy the URL for the next step.
On your machine install Git then open a command prompt and navigate to the folder with your source code and type
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
git push --set-upstream <the URL you took from VSTS> master

Using Team Services online repository without visual studio

I am trying to use a team services account to store other related documents for a project such as some spreadsheets. I want the client to have access to it, but they are not programmers so I am not wanting them to use VS.
The client can access it directly without a problem and can download files, the biggest issue is they will need to be able to upload files as well. Without using a client of some sort they are limited to 10mb or less which won't work for them.
I cannot seem to get github for the desktop to access my online repository unless I first go into VS and clone it.
I am trying to avoid having to walk the client through doing that and would like to be able to use a GUI like github desktop from end to end.
We are all in a Windows environment.
I can create a new repository in github desktop, but cannot seem to figure out how to connect it to my remote (I can't find the URL for the remote anywhere).
I feel I am so close but just missing a couple items, any push would be appreciated.
GitHub Desktop is for GitHub. GitHub is a Git repository hosting service. Not surprisingly, the GitHub tool only works with GitHub.
You can use any general-purpose Git client to interact with VSTS Git repos. SourceTree is good.
You can use some git GUI or git command line to operate local repo.
Git GUI: as Daniel Mann said, you can use soucetree, or tortoiseGit etc.
Git command line:
you can download git here ->
git clone ->
enter email and password to clone ->
git add . (when you add some files) ->
git commit -am 'message'(commit the changes you make) ->
git push(push your commits into VSTS git repo) ->
git pull(pull VSTS git repo changes to localt).
I am just closing this out, thank you to both folks who did answer. I understand that I am using GIT and that GitHub Desktop is for Github. I was looking for the best way to work with a Github repository without using VS and how to access the team services repo for a client of mine. I set him up with Gitkraken which is working. I was never able to figure out how to get Github Desktop to properly clone and push items, but I did not spend a ton of time in it once I used Gitkraken.
Thanks again for taking a swing at it.
I accepted the answer I did because suggesting using the command line at least shows a understanding of my question and what I was looking for.
I know I am late to the game but I can confirm that tortoise git and getext also work fine with VSTS