How to filter using GA API in Google Sheets - google-analytics-api

How do I exclude referrals from a specific URL using the GA API in Google Sheets?
I have tried [ ga:referralPath!= ] in the Filters row
I have tried [ sessions::condition::ga:referralPath!= ] in the Segments row
However, I cannot make it match the filtered data in Google Analytics.
Here's what I did in Google Analytics: new segment > condition > filter > sessions > exclude > referral path > contains > URL
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong in Google Sheets?

Not sure what kind of referal you want to block, but you might need to exclude: ga:source.. don't forget to add ga:source also as a dimension otherwise it doesn't work. Which could have been the same reason your ga:referralPath! didn't work


Twitter advanced search by date AND location for research purposes

I'm trying to research a topic and I need to get all tweets within 2013 and 2015 and a specific location for two keywords.
I tried to get the results via Advanced Search but I allways get no results.
I tried:
cannabis near:"EspaƱa" within:15mi since:2013-10-07 until:2015-01-01
cannabis near:"Spain" within:15mi since:2013-10-07 until:2015-01-01
Basically, I have a database of scraped press articles sorted by date from a bunch of sources, and I want to know how the agenda of this news sources have an impact on the social media conversation.
I could do it over Reddit if it was the case for the US, but there's no Spanish alternative (well, we have Meneame, but the user base is very left-leaning and I think it will be very narrow).
So I wanted to either scrape the search results or get them via API, but It's not working, and AFAIK I can't do anything similar with Facebook.
One way to achieve this is by using Twitter's geocode operator. In the example below i took Madrid as a center and covered a radius of 600km around it like this:
(canabis OR cannabis) geocode:40.4381311,-3.8196196,600km since:2013-10-07 until:2015-12-31
Try it...
The syntax is as follows:
([your_boolean_search_query]) geocode:[latitude],[longitude],[radius]km since:[] until:[]
one easy way to find latitudes and longitudes of locations is to use Google Maps. Simply navigate to a place using the search box and then copy the latitude and longitude element from the URL line in the browser. Here it is for Madrid. The latitude and longitude are right after the # sign, separated by a comma:,+Spain/#40.4381311,-3.8196196,54451m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0xd422997800a3c81:0xc436dec1618c2269!8m2!3d40.4167754!4d-3.7037902?hl=en
Try it...

Get list of new wiki pages using Confluence API

My goal is to retrieve the number of the new pages created each month in Confluence. I want to use Confluence API, but Get Content doesn't seem like it provides the type of customization that would allow for returning a list of new pages or the number of new pages "by creation date." Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Have a look at Advanced Searching using CQL, they even described your usecase :)
The keyword you need is the created parameter. So if you want to search for all content created within the last 4 weeks (created > now("-4w")), you can try the following query:
This should return something like this, where size is the value you've been looking for
"results": [{
"start": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"size": 1,
"_links": {
You can check the accuracy by adding the &expand=history parameter and see the createdDate for each page.
Be careful with the limit of results (by default 25). You can prevent this by setting a limit yourself &limit=1000. If you use an expand parameter, there is a max limit for searching - kinda confusing...
This should be the query for your search to find max 1000 new pages created in the last 4 weeks:

importing website to google sheets

I have tried searching everywhere online for a good answer but cannot seem to find anything that matches specifically what i am looking for.
When i use the IMPORTHTML function in google sheets, i end up with data that looks like:
${} (${player.position}, ${team.abbrev}) ${opponent.abbrev} #${opponent_rank} ${minutes} ${pts} ${fgm}-${fga} ${ftm}-${fta} ${p3m}-${p3a} ${treb} ${ast} ${stl} ${blk} ${tov} ${pf} ${fp} $${salary} ${ratio}
the code that i am using looks like this:
=IMPORTHTML("", "table",2)
When I use the same as above (=IMPORTHTML("", "table",2)) only with "0" as my index, it pulls this:
Opp Stats
Player Team Rank Min Pts FGM/A FTM/A 3PM/A Reb Ast Stl Blk Tov Foul FP Cost Value
Basically, I am attempting to pull the table data from this website:
(because of my rep i cannot post more than two links, however my IMPORTHTML function has the above link input in both functions)
into a google sheet. Please help. any feedback is much appreciated... thanks!
Best advice is to find another Web table you can import. If you do "view source" on the page, you will find that the table content is dynamically populated from a variable named NF_DATA.
You need to create a document script to extract the data you want:
function this_is_test() {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("");
raw_content = response.getContentText();
re = new RegExp('"daily_projections":\\[[^\\]]+','i');
proj = raw_content.match(re);
It will extract all text in-between "daily_projections":[ and ], which is (as of today):
Note that even this is not complete. You need to somehow map nba_player_id to the appropriate name. Anyway, a lot coding will be involved...

Does the use of place parameter in queries using the Facebook Graph API affect the results of post searches?

I 've been trying to test the place parameter when used for searching post using the Facebook Graph API. However it does not seem to affect results !!
For example:,55&distance=1000
in the previous URL results do not change when I change the values of latitude and longitude (44,55) or the radius (1000)
Am I doing something wrong ?
I think the "distance" and "center" parameters only work when you use the parameter "type=place".
e.g. The two links below return demonstrate this.,55.096039&distance=1000&access_token=[access_token],-6.096039&distance=1000&access_token=[access_token]
Once you have all the places returned, you could then do a further search on each place for their posts that contain coffee...

Querying Google Analytics API for statistics for specific pages (filter by pages)

This query gives visits by traffic source;
https: //
But, when specifying a filter: ga:pagePath==/Default.aspx - I get zero results
https: //
How can i filter on ga:pagePath?
query1.Dimensions = "ga:date,ga:pagepath"
query1.Metrics = "ga:pageviews"
query1.Sort = "ga:date,ga:pagepath"
query1.GAStartDate = "2010-09-01"
query1.GAEndDate = "2010-09-10"
query1.Filters = "ga:pagePath=~/abc*"
hope this works for you.
Here's a very late theory to your question...
Your data query looks valid assuming you have content indexed as /Default.aspx. I've reproduced the query on my site and get back results. I can see two potential scenarios where your query may produce empty results.
The filter mechanism in Analytics is case sensitive so if by chance links come into the page as default.aspx your filter for 'Default.aspx' won't hit. I wouldn't have guessed it works this way but lately I've had to go back and fix some of our queries as they produced empty results when case mismatches occurred.
The second possible issue relates to the use of 'Default Documents'. If links are coming into your site without a file name ('/' or '/somepath/') and 'default.aspx' is setup as a 'Default Document' in IIS, then you really want the filter to be ga:pagePath==/.