PostSharp and project.json - postsharp

Is there any way to specify an absolute path in the SearchPath property of PostSharp?
My solution is using project.json for our NuGet packages and it stores all of the packages in your user profile (%USERPROFILE%\.nuget\packages).
I've tried entering that into the "Additional search path" setting on the projects, but it fails with the error "Invalid path passed to PostSharp (SearchPath element)" because it just appends it to the solution directory.
Alternatively, does anyone know of another way to have PostSharp play nicely with project.json files?

The .NET Core is not supported by the current version of PostSharp (4.x). So, unfortunately you cannot fix the issue by only editing the settings.
The support for .NET Core is coming in PostSharp 5.0.


Visual Studio 2022 can't find nuget package

What am I doing wrong here?
I have a DLL in .net Standard 2.0, and a console application, also in .net standard 2.0. The DLL is going to eventually be a custom nuget package for internal use by my dev team.
I installed System.Text.Json version 6.0.0 and I get the following runtime error:
"Could not load file or assembly 'System.Text.Json, Version=".
I can see the nuget package in the location that Visual Studio 2022 is looking in.
Any thoughts on how I debug this?
I tried to explicitly install each of the dependencies, but that did not work.
***EDIT: I just realized that I no longer get that FileNotFound Exception if I explicitly copy that package's DLL into the console app's execution directory, but then I get a new FileNotFound exception for one of its dependencies. When I explicitly copy that DLL, I get another FileNotFound exception for the next dependency, and so on. I just assumed that the dependent nuget packages would get encapsulated in the dll that's using them. Copying each of the dependent DLL's is not really an acceptable solution.
After some investigation, I thought my issue might be related to:
Dependent DLLs of a NuGet package not copied to output folder
or related to:
MSBuild doesn't copy references (DLL files) if using project dependencies in solution
but that was not the case.
The output of my console app project was a DLL, even though it was clearly set to "Console Application". I just assumed that this was a new runtime method for VS2022, but that's not it. My console application Target was set to ".Net Standard 2.0", which is intended for DLL's. Once I set the Target to ".Net 6.0", everything worked as expected, and all the DLL's and packages were copied over correctly.
My DLL, which is being turned into a Nuget package, was properly set to ".net Standard 2.0".

Nuget install failed: the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework

If I understand Scott Hanselman's post here correctly then I should be able to reference a .net standard library from a framework 4.7.2 solution.
I want to use Nuget to install such a reference.
I am using Azure DevOps Artifacts for the Nuget package. When I push my .net standard solution I can see that the package does create and that the Nuget install command is
Install-Package SBD.Standard -version 2.0.0-CI-etc
However when I try this at the PM console for my framework 4.7.2 project I get
Could not install package 'SBD.Standard 2.0.0-etc'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets
'.NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that
moreover I do not see SBD.Standard as an avialable package in the relevant feed from within VS2019 -> Manage nuget packages for solution.
I think I need packages.config
I was able to create a new 4.7.2 project and add the nuget package that used .net standard 2.0 (but not 2.1)
When I tried to add the nuget package I got a dialog asking me to select the Nuget package manager format
so I chose Packages.config and that worked.
I am not sure I have it right. I solved my problem but am not sure whether this was it after all. SInce PackageReference is more recent it should work.
Some additional explanations for this issue.
There is an issue for NuGet restore when you using new SDK-based project type or PackageReference in the .net framework:
When we use packages.config projects or non-SDK based project type, NuGet do not check compatibility during install/restore.
So, to resolve this issue, we need make sure the referenced project is an old style csproj or use packages.config.
That the reason why the packages.config works for you.
Hope this helps.

NuGet: references to assemblies in runtimes folder not added

I have a project that targets two different operating systems/frameworks:
net461 on Windows and
netcoreapp2.0 on OSX
I'm trying to figure out how to correctly package this for NuGet. According to this post I should be able to package them like this:
By when I add the NuGet package to another project, the packaged assemblies aren't added as references to the target project.
Then I read somewhere that you also need to add reference libraries to the /ref folder so I tried this:
In this case the assemblies get added as a reference to the target project and I can build it, but the required assemblies aren't copied to the output folder.
The documentation on all this is extremely vague and I'm fairly lost.
What am I missing?
Associated NuGet Issue:
Update: I've put together a sample project that demonstrates what I'm trying to achieve. In particular see the bottom of the readme, titled "NuGet Packaging".
This is what I've finally figured out/guessed (because as best I can tell there's no official documentation for some of this)
Files added to the /runtimes folder aren't automatically added as references to the target project.
The /ref and /runtime folder should be used in conjunction with each other and only for the .NET Core target. As best I can .NET Framework targets apparently don't support these folders.
The /ref folder is for compile time references and anything added here will be added as a reference to the target project.
Assemblies in the /ref folder don't need to have an implementation - every public API could just throw a not implemented exception. In practice however you typically just take a copy of one of the implementation assemblies and declare it as the compile time API.
I've read (but haven't tested myself) that assemblies in the /ref folder must be "Any CPU" builds. You can use CorFlags utility to patch an implementation assembly for this if necessary.
The /runtimes folder is used to provide an implementation assemblies for any references included in the /ref folder. These assemblies are used at runtime and during deployment.
The /runtimes folder can include additional assemblies that are only required at runtime and don't need to be seen by the client project. These additional assemblies won't be included as references in the target project but will be available for run/deployment.
As mentioned by others, the files in the /runtimes folder aren't copied to the output folder of the build. Instead config files are placed there that tell the runtime how to locate the /runtimes files from the NuGet cache.
For .NET Framework targets (ie: net461) just use the /lib folder as there's no other runtimes for .NET aside from Windows anyway.
Putting this all together, my original example, should have looked like this:
/lib/net461/myassembly.dll (net461/Windows Compile and Runtime)
/runtimes/osx/lib/netcoreapp2.0/myassembly.dll (netcore/OSX Runtime)
/runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp2.0/myassembly.dll (netcore/Win Runtime)
/ref/netcoreapp2.0/myassembly.dll (netcore/* Compile Time)
I spent a fair amount of time trying your project on OSX in both Visual Studio for Mac and VS Code. I'll try to stick with factual observations without getting into "why don't you do X instead".
The runtimes/{rid}/lib/{tfm}/*.dll paths look ok
target="lib/{tfm}/..." assemblies are automatically referenced, runtimes/... are not
Using target framework of netstandard seems like it would make your package work in both netcoreapp and netstandard projects (e.g. use target="lib/netstandard1.6/..."). Compare with this
runtimes/ seems to be intended for platform-dependent assemblies you'll load at runtime. For example, 32/64-bit native assemblies in runtimes/win-x64/native/ and runtimes/win-x86/native/) loaded with AssemblyLoadContext (another post by McMaster)
Using separate slns for Windows and OSX, or separate platform-specific projects that reference platform-agnostic projects (like Xamarin) would obviate some of the configuration wrangling
I found no documentation on target="ref/...", but you can add Explicit Assembly <references> (inside the nuspec <metadata> block)
Packaged assemblies won't appear in the output directory, but when prepared for distribution with dotnet publish they'll be included:
.NET Core and .NETSTANDARD don't copy dependencies to output directory, they are mapped using deps.json which points to relative paths from local NuGet cache.
This has been a very useful thread to get more information and hints on how to create a NuGet package that references native DLLs, and is consumed in both .NET Framework as well as .NET Core / modern .NET libraries / applications.
My experience so far has been that if this library (let's call it library A) only targets .NET Standard, consuming this library in a .NET Core / 5.0 or 6.0 application does lead to the native assemblies being pulled in correctly from the runtimes folder. In a .NET Framework 4.7 application however, this does not appear to be the case. Unless the runtime is explicitly specified when compiling, e.g.:
dotnet build ... --runtime win-x86
When using library A in a .NET Core or .NET 5.0/6.0 application however, this runtime identifier is not required - all runtimes are made available and the right one is selected at runtime.
If you want library A to be consumed in applications that also target .NET Framework, and you don't want the user to have to specify the runtime explicitly, then it seems to be necessary to:
Target both .NET Standard and .NET Framework
Ensure that the native assemblies end up in the following folder structure in the NuGet package:
While the .NET documentation referenced by tm1 earlier here talks about how to get this to work using nuspec files, it is less clear how to do so in the SDK .csproj format. I managed to do this in the NLoptNet project, see the relevant .csproj file here. Final relevant point (in addition to the two bullets above):
Use "<None Include" rather than "<None Update" to add the native assemblies
So far - this works, but there is one quirk - as you can see here it generates warning MSB3246 when consuming library A in a .NET Framework application. See also this Stack Overflow post. This leads me to believe that maybe the above is not the right approach, and therefore to some questions:
Is this the intended way to consume library A in .NET Core, modern .NET and .NET Framework applications?
Should one always specify the runtime identifier when using dotnet build / dotnet test?
Can you try to target .NET Standard 2.0 instead of net461 and netcoreapp2.0? Libraries built against netstandard2.0 should work with .NET Core 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.6.1:
Are you using the new csproj format? If so it has built in support for multiple target frameworks.
For example running dotnet pack against a .csproj file with this content:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
will result in a .nupkg that works for .NET Framework 4.6.1, .NET Core 2.1 and .NET Standard 2.0.
Various trick can then be used to include specific parts for each framework depending on what's available.
I'm trying to solve the same problem.
The solution proposed by you works fine, but there is one question ...
The case of Win and net46 is clear. And now I need to add a reference to the assembly in the project for a netcoreapp for the Win and for Linux. The problem is that this is a DIFFERENT assembly with the SAME name. Those my package looks like this:
/lib/net461/myassembly1.dll (net461/Windows Compile and Runtime)
/runtimes/ubuntu/lib/netcoreapp2.0/myassembly2.dll (netcore/Ubuntu Runtime)
/runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp2.0/myassembly1.dll (netcore/Win Runtime)
Update: Actually, the myassembly1.dll and myassembly2.dll are both called myassembly.dll. But to show that one is assembled for Windows, and the second one for Linux, I will leave here such a name.
The most interesting thing is that I tried to put any assembly in the folder ref, and it works on both Windows and Linux.
This version works on both systems
And this too
But I think this is not right and I was wrong somewhere.

Could not load file or assembly error in .Net Standard 2.0 class library

I have a .NET Standard 2.0 class library project with installed Nuget package System.Data.SqlClient version 4.4.0 and a Windows Form .NET Framework 4.7 project that has a reference to that class library.
Installing the Nuget Package and building the solution is successful. but in runtime every time that the code reaches a method that has any thing from SqlClient assembly inside it (for example an instance from SqlConnection) it gets this error:
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SqlClient,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or
one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Considering this question, I assume the problem was also there in the last major version of the Nuget package.
I downloaded the Nuget package and unzipped it and from \ref\netstandard2.0 folder copied the System.DataSqlClient.dll manually in \bin\Debug folder of my Windows Form Project and now it works. The exact situation also happened with Microsoft.Win32.Registry package. So I was almost convinced that it's my fault and I'm doing something the wrong way, but when I tested it with System.Drawing.Primitive Package it worked perfectly without any need to copy a dll. Now I'm really confused.
I guess you may have figured it out already but hope it would help someone - wasted some time too on this.
So, in order to make everything work you would need to reference System.Data.SqlClient in Windows Form project that is referencing your .NET Standard Library
From that point everything should be working like a charm
As you already mentioned System.Data.SqlClient.dll was not in output directory.
Sounds like .NET Standard Library haven't grabbed with itself dependent library binary. There is nothing like "Copy Local" option in .NET Standard references so I don't see any way to check or set this behavior too
I had same problem.
Solution for me was adding dependecy from nuget for latest System.Data.SqlClient at my .NET Standard Library project.
I had the same problem. The .NETStandard assembly was added as a reference to my WPF project. I needed to make changes in the .csproj of the WPF project.
The solution mentioned in fixes it.
Edit your core .csproj file in notepad.
Add the below two lines in each that you find in it.
Clean and rebuild your solution.
I had a similar problem, bindingRedirect helped in my case:
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>

How to know will nuget package work on .NET Core?

I would expect some kind of filter to exists on website or in console.
This isn't easy right now, unfortunately. There's an issue open on the NuGet Github about adding a filter to the website.
Right now, the best way to tell if a package will work with .NET Core is by examining the frameworks it supports in the Dependencies section.
If .NETStandard is listed, the package supports .NET Core via the .NET Platform Standard:
If a package's Dependencies section doesn't mention .NETStandard, or the Dependencies section is completely empty, it does not support .NET Core:
Setup a .NET Core project in the version you want. I keep 1.1 and 2.0 projects around for futzing with this. Then try and add the nuget to the project.
For instance, ASPOSE will NOT add to a 1.1 project, but will add to a 2.0 project.
Easiest route in the short term until they fix this somehow.
Obviously this is no guarantee it still works but gives you a good idea if its api compat.