Inner Join in PowerShell (without SQL) - powershell

How do we make Inner-Join or something a Cross-Join in PowerShell or PowerCLI?
Even though im new to PowerCLI/PowerShell , I do have a basic grasp on them, yet have practically spent 2 days trying to figure this, going through numerous documentations and blogs to no avail.
All I really want to know is if after typing my command
Get-Content File.txt
and getting:
Output1 or Table1 is
Name: Abc
Group: Bad
Policy: Great
Name: redi
Group: Good
Policy: MAD
etc. etc.
100s of these, and obviously more than just the 3 elements of Name, Group, Policy each.
Name: Abc
Limit: 10
used: 5
Name: redi
Limit: 20
used: 1
etc. etc.
100s of these.
and like 13 more of these text file tables, all with the "Name" as unique.
How can I combine it into one output at the end using Name with all the other elements?
My most obvious thought was something akin to joins, even if I had to do them 1 at a time, but even that I cant figure out how to do.
Is there anyway to do this in PowerShell itself without me having to go into Python or SQL?
If yes is there a method that is able to combine fields in spots where it's null?
If its not clear what type of result I am hoping for it will look something akin to this:
Name: Abc
Group: Bad
Policy: Great
Limit: 10
used: 5
Name: redi
Group: Good
Policy: MAD
Limit: 20
used: 1

Paweł Dyl provided you a solution
based on your two tables. However you probably need a generic solution where you don't have to specify each property by name yourself.
I would combine each table to a an array. Group the tables on the Name property using the Group-Object cmdlet. Iterate over each group and create a PsObject using the properties:
$table1 = [PSCustomObject]#{ Name = 'Abc'; Group = 'Bad'; Policy = 'Great'}, [PSCustomObject]#{ Name = 'redi'; Group = 'Good'; Policy = 'MAD'}
$table2 = [PSCustomObject]#{ Name = 'Abc'; Limit = '10'; used = '5'}, [PSCustomObject]#{ Name = 'redi'; Limit = '20'; used = '1'}
$allTables = $table1 + $table2
$allTables | group Name | Foreach {
$properties = #{}
$_.Group | Foreach {
$_.PsObject.Properties | Where Name -ne 'Name' | Foreach {
$properties += #{
"$($_.Name)" = "$($_.Value)"
$properties += #{Name = $_.Name}
New-Object PSObject –Property $properties
Group : Bad
Policy : Great
Name : Abc
Limit : 10
used : 5
Group : Good
Policy : MAD
Name : redi
Limit : 20
used : 1

You can use simple loop join as follows:
$table1 = [pscustomobject]#{Name='Abc';Group='Bad';Policy='Great'},[pscustomobject]#{Name='redi';Group='Good ';Policy='MAD'}
$table2 = [pscustomobject]#{Name='Abc';Limit=10;used=5},[pscustomobject]#{Name='redi';Limit=20;used=1}
$table1 | % {
foreach ($t2 in $table2) {
if ($_.Name -eq $t2.Name) {
Assuming uniqueness of keys you can also use faster, hashtable approach:
$hashed = $table1 | group Name -AsHashTable
$table2 | % {
$matched = $hashed[$_.Name]
if ($matched) {
You can also use generic solution and wrap it in function. It matches records by their property names:
function Join-Records($tab1, $tab2){
$prop1 = $tab1 | select -First 1 | % {$_.PSObject.Properties.Name} #properties from t1
$prop2 = $tab2 | select -First 1 | % {$_.PSObject.Properties.Name} #properties from t2
$join = $prop1 | ? {$prop2 -Contains $_}
$unique1 = $prop1 | ?{ $join -notcontains $_}
$unique2 = $prop2 | ?{ $join -notcontains $_}
if ($join) {
$tab1 | % {
$t1 = $_
$tab2 | % {
$t2 = $_
foreach ($prop in $join) {
if (!$t1.$prop.Equals($t2.$prop)) { return; }
$result = #{}
$join | % { $result.Add($_,$t1.$_) }
$unique1 | % { $result.Add($_,$t1.$_) }
$unique2 | % { $result.Add($_,$t2.$_) }
$table1 = [pscustomobject]#{Name='Abc';Group='Bad';Policy='Great'},
[pscustomobject]#{Name='redi';Group='Good ';Policy='MAD'},
[pscustomobject]#{Name='Not joined';Group='Very bad';Policy='Great'}
$table2 = [pscustomobject]#{Name='Abc';Limit=10;used=5},
#name is only common property, records joined by name
Join-Records $table1 $table2
$test1 = [pscustomobject]#{A=1;B=1;C='R1'},
$test2 = [pscustomobject]#{A=1;B=1;D='R4'},
Join-Records $test1 $test2 #joined by two common columns - A and B
You can also cascade calls:
$test1 = [pscustomobject]#{A=1;B=1;C='R1'},
$test2 = [pscustomobject]#{A=1;B=1;D='R4'},
$test3 = [pscustomobject]#{B=1;E='R7'},
#first join by common A and B, then join result by common B
Join-Records (Join-Records $test1 $test2) $test3

So I found an Answer which was more suitable and it uses the join-Object function which was defined below:
you can access it at
All I really had to do was Define my outputs as $A and $B and $C and so on, and just
$Join1= Join-Object -Left $A -Right $B -LeftJoinProperty Name - RightJoinProperty Name
made $Join2 then 3 so on until I got it all done
$Join2 = Join-Object -Left $Join1 -Right $C -LeftJoinProperty Name -RightJoinProperty Name
$Join3 = Join-Object -Left $Join2 -Right $D -LeftJoinProperty Name -RightJoinProperty Name
$Join4 = Join-Object -Left $Join3 -Right $E -LeftJoinProperty Name -RightJoinProperty Name
Until I got it all done

$Table1 | Join $Table2 -Using Name
$Table1 | Join $Table2 #Cross Join
See: In Powershell, what's the best way to join two tables into one?


Convert multiple txt file to one single csv file [duplicate]

When we're trying to export data to other functions via the pipeline, we observe some strange behavior in PowerShell.
Example code:
$Array = #()
$Obj1 = [PSCustomObject]#{
Member1 = 'First'
Member2 = 'Second'
$Obj2 = [PSCustomObject]#{
Member1 = 'First'
Member2 = 'Second'
Member3 = 'Third'
$Array = $Obj1, $Obj2
$Array | Out-GridView -Title 'Not showing Member3'
$Array = $Obj2, $Obj1
$Array | Out-GridView -Title 'All members correctly displayed'
In the example above you can see that when the first object only contains 2 properties, the Out-GridView CmdLet (and others) only show 2 properties, even though the second object has 3 properties. However, when the first object in the array has 3 properties it does display them all correctly.
Is there a way around this? Because it's not possible to predict up front how many properties on an object there will be and if the object with the most properties will be the first one in the array.
I had the same experience once and created the following reusable 'Union' function:
# 2021-08-25 Removed Union function
$Obj1, $Obj2 | Union | Out-GridView -Title 'Showing all members'
It is also supposed to work with complex objects. Some standard cmdlets output multiple object types at once and if you view them (e.g. Out-GridView) or dump them in a file (e.g. Export-Csv) you might miss a lot of properties. Take as another example:
Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/hp/instrumentedBIOS -Class hp_biosSetting | Union | Export-Csv ".\HPBIOS.csv"
Added 2014-09-19:
Maybe this is already between the lines in the comments $Array | Select * | … will not resolve the issue but specifically selecting the properties $Array | Select Member1, Member2, Member3 | … does.
Besides, although in most cases the Union function will work, there are some exceptions to that as it will only align the first object with the rest.
Consider the following object:
$List = #(
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Id = 2}
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Id = 1}
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Id = 3; Name = "Test"}
If you Union this object everything appears to be fine and if you e.g. ExportTo-CSV and work with the export .csv file from then on you will never have any issue.
$List | Union
Id Name
-- ----
3 Test
Still there is a catch as only the first object is aligned. If you e.g. sort the result on Id (Sort Id) or take just the last 2 (Select -Last 2) entries, the Name is not listed because the second object doesn’t contain the Name property:
$List | Union | Sort Id
Therefor I have rewritten the Union-Object (Alias Union) function`):
# 2021-08-25 Removed Union-Object function
$Array | Union | Out-GridView -Title 'All members correctly displayed'
Update 2021-08-25
Based on az1d helpful feedback on an error caused by equal property names with different casing, I have created a new UnifyProperties function.
(I will no longer use the name UnionObject for his)
function UnifyProperties {
$Names = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::new([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)
$InputCollected = #($Input)
foreach ($Name in $_.psobject.Properties.Name) { $Null = $Names.Add($Name) }
$inputCollected | Select-Object #($Names)
[pscustomobject] #{ one = 1; two = 2; three = 3 },
[pscustomobject] #{ ONE = 10; THREE = 30; FOUR = 4 } |
one two three FOUR
--- --- ----- ----
1 2 3
10 30 4
See also: #13906 Add -UnifyProperties parameter to Select-Object

matching data across two arrays and combining with additional data in array

The Goal
See if $SP.ip is in $NLIP.IpRanges and if it is, add $NLIP.IpRanges and $NLIP.DisplayName to the $SP array or all into a new array.
The Arrays
Array 1 is $SP, it's a CSV import and has the properties 'name' and 'ip', it looks like this:
name: bob
Array 2 is $NLIP and has the relevant properties 'IpRanges' and 'DisplayName'. It's fetched from: $NLIP = Get-AzureADMSNamedLocationPolicy | where-object {$_.OdataType -eq "#microsoft.graph.ipNamedLocation"}, it looks like this:
DisplayName : Named Location 1
IpRanges : {class IpRange {
CidrAddress: #fictitious CIDR
, class IpRange {
CidrAddress: #fictitious CIDR
The Code / the problem
I'm using IPInRange.ps1 function from to find if the IP is in the range. It works like so:
> IPInRange
I also worked out that $NLTP.IpRanges.split() | Where-Object ($_ -like "*/*"} can return all the ranges, but $NLIP | Where-Object {$_.IpRanges.split() -like "*/*"} doesn't. I would naturally use the second to keep the variable in the pipe to return the DisplayName. So I'm struggling on how to pull the individual ranges out in such a way that I can then add the 'IpRange' and 'DisplayName' to an array.
Also, maybe it's because I haven't worked out the above issue, but I'm struggling to think how I would iterate through both arrays and combine them into one. I know I would probably enter into a foreach ($item in $SP) and create a temporary array, but after that it's getting hazy.
The result
What I'm hoping to have in the end is:
name: bob
IpRange: #fictitious CIDR
DisplayName: Named Location 1
thanks in advance.
I believe this will work for you if I understood the NLIP construct correctly.
We will loop through all the SP objects and see if we can find any NLIP that match the IP range using the IPinRange function you linked. We will then add the 2 properties you want to the SP object if matched and finally pass thru to the pipeline or you can append | export-csv -path YourPath to the end if you would like to send to a csv file
$SP | ForEach-Object {
$target = $_
$matched = $NLIP | ForEach-Object {
$item = $_
# Using where to single out matching range using IPinRange function
$_.IpRanges.Where({ IPInRange -IPAddress $target.ip -Range $_.CidrAddress }) |
ForEach-Object {
# for matching range output custom object containing the displayname and iprange
DisplayName = $item.DisplayName
IpRange = $_.CidrAddress
# add the 2 properties (DisplayName and IpRange) from the match to the original $SP
# object and then pass thru
$target | Add-Member -NotePropertyName DisplayName -NotePropertyValue $matched.DisplayName
$target | Add-Member -NotePropertyName IpRange -NotePropertyValue $matched.IpRange -PassThru
By the way, this is how I envisioned the NLIP objects and what I tested with
$NLIP = #(
DisplayName = 'Named location 1'
IpRanges = #(
CidrAddress = ''
CidrAddress = ''
DisplayName = 'Named location 2'
IpRanges = #(
CidrAddress = ''
CidrAddress = ''
Let's to shed some lights in the hazy darkness by first creating a Minimal, Reproducible Example (mcve):
$SP = ConvertFrom-Csv #'
IP, Name, BOB, Apple, Pear, Banana
$NLIP = ConvertFrom-Csv #'
IPRange, SubNet, NetA, NetB
To tackle this, you need two loops where the second loop is inside the first loop. For the outer loop you might use the ForEach-Object cmdlet which lets you stream each object and with that actually use less memory (assuming that you import the data from a file and eventually export it to a new file). Within the inner loop you might than cross link each IP address with the IPRange using the function you refer to and in case the condition is true create a new PSCustomObject:
$SP |ForEach-Object { # | Import-Csv .\SP.csv |ForEach-Object { ...
ForEach($SubNet in $NLIP) {
if (IPInRange $_.IP $SubNet.IPRange) {
IP = $_.IP
Name = $_.Name
IPRange = $SubNet.IPRange
SubNet = $SubNet.SubNet
} # | Export-Csv .\Output.csv
Which results in:
IP Name IPRange SubNet
-- ---- ------- ------ BOB NetB Pear NetA Banana NetA
But as you are considering 3rd party scripts anyways, you might as well use this Join-Object script/Join-Object Module (see also: In Powershell, what's the best way to join two tables into one?):
$SP |Join $NLIP -Using { IPInRange $Left.IP $Right.IPRange }
Which gives the same results.

Split array column and result into extra Colums

I have a table (CSV) which shows all the users that have ever logged on to a bunch of computers. Users can have 2 accounts, one username starts with "a" the other with "b", like a100 and b100 (the user behind is the same person).
Now I need to get the computers that have more then 2 accounts logged on which do not belong the same users. So A64 and B64 are not reported as separate users.
Here is the base list I have:
My plan was to split the "User"-column into more columns, so the table would look like this:
After this was done, I could iterate through the table and remove the leading letter in the Username, then I would try to get rid of doubles.
Do you think that makes sense?
Now I got stuck in the first task already. I know how to iterate though the second Column but how do I managed to get the result into another array so the output would be like:
Can you help me split?
$UserComputers = import-csv -Delimiter ";" "input.csv" -Header
$UserComputers | Select-Object *,
I get the error: Select-Object : The property cannot be processed because the property "User1" already exists.
It is useful to make "user" an array.
Get-Content "input.csv" | foreach {
$name, $users = $_.Split(",")
[pscustomobject]#{ Name = $name; Users = $users }
} | Where-Object { ($_.Users.Substring(1) | Select-Object -Unique).Count -gt 2 }
The output is below.
Name Users
---- -----
PC1 {A64, B52, B64, A41}
PC2 {A51, B42, B51, A23}
PC3 {A42, B51}
PC5 {A1, B1, A14, A6}
Input File (input.csv)
Powershell Script
Get-Content -Path .\input.csv |
Select-Object #{ Name = "Computer"; Expression = { $_.Split(',')[0] } },
#{ Name="Users"; Expression = { $_.Split(',')[1..($_.Split(',').Length-1)] |
Foreach-Object { $_.Substring(1) } | Select-Object -Unique } } |
Where-Object { $_.Users.Count -gt 2 }
Computer Users
------------- -----
PC1 {64, 52, 41}
PC2 {51, 42, 23}
PC5 {1, 14, 6}
P.S. Bonus: If you want to see more than 4 elements of the array on the screen change the variable
$FormatEnumerationLimit = 20
Explanation of the variable meaning
If your file is like your base list, you can do the following to build a new file with all the columns you need:
$maxColCount = 0
$data = get-content input.csv
foreach ($line in $data) {
$MaxColCount = [math]::Max($maxcolcount,($line -split ",").count)
$headers = #("ComputerName")
$MaxUserCount = $MaxColCount - 1
Foreach ($c in (1..$MaxUserCount)) {
$Headers += "User$c"
$Headers = $Headers -join ","
$Headers,$data | Set-Content "output.csv"
The code above assumes input.csv has the following format and each column after the first is a user:

How to use Group-Object on this?

I am trying to get all the accounts from $f which do not match the accounts in $table4 into $accounts. But I need to also check if the occupancy number matches or not.
CSV $f:
Account_no |occupant_code
12345 | 1
67890 | 2
45678 | 3
DataTable $table4
Account_no |occupant_code
12345 | 1
67890 | 1
45678 | 3
Current code:
$accounts = Import-Csv $f |
select account_no, occupant_code |
where { $table4.account_no -notcontains $_.account_no }
What this needs to do is to check that occupant_code doesn't match, i.e.:
12345: account and occupant from $f and $table4 match; so it's ignored
67890: account matches $table4, but occupancy_code does not match, so it is added to $accounts.
Current result:
Desired result: 67890
I believe I need to use Group-Object, but I do not know how to use that correctly.
I tried:
Import-Csv $f |
select account_no, occupant_code |
Group-Object account_no |
Where-Object { $_.Group.occupant_code -notcontains $table4.occupant_code }
An alternative to Bill's suggestion would be to fill a hashtable with your reference data ($table4) and look up the occupant_code value for each account from $f, assuming that your account numbers are unique:
$ref = #{}
$table4 | ForEach-Object {
$ref[$_.Account_no] = $_.occupant_code
$accounts = Import-Csv $f |
Where-Object { $_.occupant_code -ne $ref[$_.Account_no] } |
Select-Object -Expand Account_no
PowerShell command:
Compare-Object (Import-Csv .\csv1.csv) (Import-Csv .\csv2.csv) -Property occupant_code -PassThru
Account_no occupant_code SideIndicator
---------- ------------- -------------
67890 1 =>
67890 2 <=
$f | InnerJoin $table4 {$Left.Account_no -eq $Right.Account_no -and $Left.occupant_code -ne $Right.occupant_code} #{Account_no = {$Left.$_}} | Format-Table
occupant_code Account_no
------------- ----------
{2, 1} 67890
For details see: In Powershell, what's the best way to join two tables into one?
In addition to all the other answers, you might be able to leverage the IndexOf() method on arrays
$services = get-service
I am on a tablet right now and don't have a handy way to test it, but something along these lines might work for you:
should fetch the index your account_no lives in for $table 4, so you could jam it all into one ugly pipe:
$accounts = Import-Csv $f | select account_no, occupant_code |
where { ($table4.account_no -notcontains $_.account_no) -or ($table4[$table4.account_no.IndexOf($_.account_no)].occupant_code -ne $_.occupant_code) }
An inner join or a normal loop might just be cleaner though, especially if you want to add some other stuff in. Since someone posted an innerjoin, you could try a loop like:
$accounts = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$testSet = $table4.account_no
foreach($myThing in Import-Csv $f)
if($myThing.account_no -in $testSet )
$i = $testSet.IndexOf($myThing.account_no)
if($table4[$i].occupant_code -eq $myThing.occupant_code) {continue}
Edit for OP, he mentioned $table4 is a data.table
There is probably a much better way to do this, as I haven't used data.table before, but this seems to work fine:
$table = New-Object system.Data.DataTable
$col1 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Account_no,([string])
$col2 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn occupant_code,([int])
$row = $table.NewRow()
$row.Account_no = "12345"
$row.occupant_code = 1
$row = $table.NewRow()
$row.Account_no = "67890"
$row.occupant_code = 1
$row = $table.NewRow()
$row.Account_no = "45678"
$row.occupant_code = 3
$testList = #()
$testlist += [pscustomobject]#{Account_no = "12345"; occupant_code = 1}
$testlist += [pscustomobject]#{Account_no = "67890"; occupant_code = 2}
$testlist += [pscustomobject]#{Account_no = "45678"; occupant_code = 3}
$accounts = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$testSet = $table.account_no
foreach($myThing in $testList)
if($myThing.account_no -in $testSet )
$i = $testSet.IndexOf($myThing.account_no)
if($table.Rows[$i].occupant_code -eq $myThing.occupant_code) {continue}
$accounts.add($myThing) | out-null

Powershell v2.0 substitute null values from a Hash table

I have a hash table as below:
$Hash = #{
$GroupByTeam = New-Object psobject -Property $Hash |
Select 'Team1','Team2','Team3' | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
This is fine and each "team" returns their own value. However, teams may have a null value and I wish to substitute this for "0".
In an attempt to work this out, I have tried to select the null value first but can't seem to do this:
$Hash.values | select -property Values
{1, 2}
$Hash.values | select -property Values | where {$_.Values is $null}
doesn't pull back anything. Also tried:
$Hash.values | select -expandproperty Values | where {$_.Values is $null}
Any ideas?
Your best option is to cast the values to int when creating the hashtable:
$Hash = #{
Team1 = [int]$Team1.Count
Team2 = [int]$Team2.Count
Team3 = [int]$Team3.Count
If that's not possible for some reason you could go with an enumerator:
($Hash.GetEnumerator()) | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Value -eq $null) { $Hash[$_.Name] = 0 }
or (as Mathias suggested) use the Keys property to the same end:
($Hash.Keys) | ForEach-Object {
if ($Hash[$_] -eq $null) { $Hash[$_] = 0 }
Note that either way you need to use a subexpression (or assign the enumerated objects/keys to a variable) otherwise you'll get an error because you're modifying a data structure while it's being enumerated.
What you'll want to do is collect the keys that refer to null values, and then populate those with 0s:
# Create and populate hashtable
$HashTable = #{
Team1 = 123
Team2 = $null
Team3 = 456
# Find keys of `$null` values
$nullKeys = $HashTable.Keys |Where-Object { $HashTable[$_] -eq $null }
# Populate appropriate indices with 0
$nullKeys |ForEach-Object { $HashTable[$_] = 0 }