Load functions on specifc days and time - settimeout

I've got some functions to run on different days, starting always at a certain time. To make it more clear:
function a, function b, function c
monday: function a;
tuesday: function a;
thursday: function b;
wednesday: function c;
... and so on
they all should start at 10am
How can I achieve this?

If you can use javascript then you can do this.
function myFunction() {
var d = new Date();
var weekday = new Array(7);
weekday[0] = "Sunday";
weekday[1] = "Monday";
weekday[2] = "Tuesday";
weekday[3] = "Wednesday";
weekday[4] = "Thursday";
weekday[5] = "Friday";
weekday[6] = "Saturday";
var t = d.getHours(); //this is return time
var n = weekday[d.getDay()]; //this will return day
If(n== "monday" && t == 10){
//do something here


Calculate the difference of dates in days

I need to calculate the difference in days between two dates in two differente occasions
Occasion 1 - There's a start and an end date
Occasion 2 - There's a start date and a "IN PROGRESS" where the end date should be
function myFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var daTa = ss.getSheetByName("Data");
var daysColumn = daTa.getRange('C2:C' + daTa.getLastRow()).getValues();
var startDate = daTa.getRange('C2:C'+ daTa.getLastRow()).getValues().flat();
var endDate = daTa.getRange('A2:A'+ daTa.getLastRow()).getValues().flat();
var today = new Date().valueOf();
endDate.forEach((finaldate,row) => {
if(finaldate == "IN PROGRESS") {
daysColumn[row][0] = (parseInt(startDate,10)-today);
} else {
daysColumn[row][0] = (parseInt(startDate,10)-parseInt(finaldate,10));
daTa.getRange(2,4,daysColumn.length, 1).setValues(daysColumn)
Right now i got this bit of code, and it know what needs to be done, but it returns only "#NUM!" values on the column, where it should print the numbers.
Probably you want this:
function myFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var daTa = ss.getSheetByName("Data");
var daysColumn = daTa.getRange('C2:C' + daTa.getLastRow()).getValues();
var startDate = daTa.getRange('C2:C' + daTa.getLastRow()).getValues().flat()
.map(x => new Date(x).valueOf()); // get milliseconds of the dates
var endDate = daTa.getRange('A2:A' + daTa.getLastRow()).getValues().flat()
.map(x => new Date(x).valueOf()); // get milliseconds of the dates
var today = new Date().valueOf();
var day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; // milliseconds in a day
endDate.forEach((finaldate, row) => {
if (finaldate == "IN PROGRESS") {
daysColumn[row][0] = (startDate[row] - today) / day;
} else {
daysColumn[row][0] = (startDate[row] - finaldate) / day;
daTa.getRange(2, 4, daysColumn.length, 1).setValues(daysColumn)
function DiffInDays(Day1,Day2) {
if(Day1 && Day2 && (Object.prototype.toString.call(Day1) === '[object Date]') && (Object.prototype.toString.call(Day2) === '[object Date]')) {
var day=86400000;
var t1=new Date(Day1).valueOf();
var t2=new Date(Day2).valueOf();
var d=Math.abs(t2-t1);
var days=Math.floor(d/day);
return days;
} else {
throw 'Invalid Inputs';

google script type error is not a function in date function

can someone help me figure what's wrong with my logic?, i'm new using google script app and stuck around a week and got this error
Error message:
TypeError: d1.getTime is not a function (inDays)
var DateDiff = {
inDays: function(d1, d2) {
var t2 = d2.getTime();
var t1 = d1.getTime();
Logger.log("t1" + t1)
return parseInt((t2-t1)/(24*3600*1000)+1);
var dateStr = data[m][xMonth].toString() // the value here is =>1/10/2022
var todayDate = new Date();
var yearA = '20'+dateStr.substring(6, 8)
var monthA = +dateStr.substring(3, 5)
if(monthA.toString() != '11' || monthA.toString() != '12') monthA = '0'+monthA
var dayA = +dateStr.substring(0, 2)
var tempDate = yearA + monthA + dayA
var Ryear = +tempDate.substring(0, 4)
var Rmonth = +tempDate.substring(4, 6)
var Rday = +tempDate.substring(6, 8)
var newDate = new Date(Ryear, Rmonth - 1, Rday)//because month start from 0
var realDueDate = DateDiff.inDays(todayDate, newDate) // error here in var newDate
Try this:
function myFunk() {
const D2 = new Date();
const D1 = new Date(D2.getFullYear(),D2.getMonth() - 2,D2.getDate());
var DateDiff = {
inDays: function () {
let t2 = this.d2.getTime();
let t1 = this.d1.getTime();
return parseInt((t2 - t1) / (24 * 3600 * 1000) + 1);
Execution log
10:58:41 AM Notice Execution started
10:58:39 AM Info 62.0
10:58:41 AM Notice Execution completed

Script for Date Stamping on Multiple Sheets

I am very very very new to all this. I need help, I am trying to use script editor to get the date statically stamped in one column when something is entered in a different column. I figured how to do this for one tab but I need this to happen on multiple tabs in the same sheet and I'm struggling to get it to work. Is there one code that will work for this? This is the script I was using for one tab:
* Creates a Date Stamp if a column is edited.
// The column you want to check if something is entered.
// Where you want the date time stamp offset from the input location. [row, column]
// Sheet you are working on
var SHEETNAME = 'Sheet 2'
function onEdit(e) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
//checks that we're on the correct sheet.
if( sheet.getSheetName() == SHEETNAME ) {
var selectedCell = ss.getActiveCell();
//checks the column to ensure it is on the one we want to cause the date to appear.
if( selectedCell.getColumn() == COLUMNTOCHECK) {
var dateTimeCell = selectedCell.offset(DATETIMELOCATION[0],DATETIMELOCATION[1]);
dateTimeCell.setValue(new Date());
Thank you for your time in advance.
To proceed with the function on multiple sheets, you can check for the sheet name in an array of acceptable names.
function onEdit() {
var colToCheck = 9;
// Offset from the input [row, column]
var dateOffset = [0, -8];
// Sheets to proceed on
var sheetNames = ['Sheet 2', 'Sheet 3'];
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet();
var name = sheet.getName();
if (sheetNames.indexOf(name) > -1) {
var cell = sheet.getActiveCell();
var col = cell.getColumn();
if (col == colToCheck) {
var dateTimeCell = cell.offset(dateOffset[0], dateOffset[1]);
dateTimeCell.setValue(new Date());
If you want multiple options, you could set them up in arrays. The order of the elements in the arrays must match.
This code assumes that the timestamp is always on the same row.
function onEdit() {
var sheetNames = ['Sheet 2', 'Sheet 3'];
var colsToCheck = [9, 15];
var colOffsets = [-8, -4];
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet();
var name = sheet.getSheetName();
var index = sheetNames.indexOf(name);
if (index > -1) {
var cell = sheet.getActiveCell();
var col = cell.getColumn();
if (col == colsToCheck[index]) {
var dateTimeCell = cell.offset(0, colOffsets[index]);
dateTimeCell.setValue(new Date());
For those of you who would prefer objects
function onEdit() {
var sheets = {
'Sheet 2': {
checkCol: 9,
offset: -8
'Sheet 3': {
checkCol: 15,
offset: -4
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet();
var name = sheet.getSheetName();
var settings = sheets[name];
if (settings) {
var cell = sheet.getActiveCell();
var col = cell.getColumn();
if (col == settings.checkCol) {
var dateTimeCell = cell.offset(0, settings.offset);
dateTimeCell.setValue(new Date());

Not able to retrieve callback parameters

var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
Array.prototype.filter2 = function(){
var fir = arguments[0];
var sec = arguments[1];
var arr2 = new Array();
for(var item=0; item<this.length;item++){
alert(this[item]); // 1 section
return arr2;
function xyz (ele ,x){
return ele > x;
Till 1'st its running fine but while passing the argument to the callback... x is being alerted as "undefined" whereas ele = fir
Your answer is simple and straight:
either call your function normally,.. i.e
Array.prototype.filter2 = function(){
var fir = arguments[0];
var sec = arguments[1];
var arr2 = new Array();
for(var item=0; item<this.length;item++){
alert(this[item]); // 1 section
return arr2;
Or if you still want to stick with javascript .call(), then simply use it like this:
Array.prototype.filter2 = function(){
var fir = arguments[0];
var sec = arguments[1];
var arr2 = new Array();
for(var item=0; item<this.length;item++){
alert(this[item]); // 1 section
return arr2;
call() and apply() are predefined JavaScript function methods. Both methods can be used to invoke a function, and both methods must have the owner object as first parameter.
You can read more about this by clicking here and find it under heading Invoking a Function with a Function Method

Calling a function from onEdit() trigger doesn't work

I want to run a function that updates some values when I edit one cell of a column. This line of the trigger works well: dataCell0.setValue(today_date(new Date())[2]);. But this other line updatePercent(); doesn't. But if I call this updatePercent() function from a time based trigger (in Resources), it works well. What is going wrong with this updatePercent() call?
function onEdit(){
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
if( ( s.getName() == "mySheet1" ) || (s.getName() == "mySheet2") ) { //checks that we're on the correct sheet
var r = s.getActiveCell();
if( s.getRange(1, r.getColumn()).getValue() == "PORCENT_TIME") { // If you type a porcent, it adds its date.
var dataCell0 = r.offset(0, 1);
dataCell0.setValue(today_date(new Date())[2]);
Here the updatePercent function code:
* A function to update percent values accoding to input date.
function updatePercent() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var column = getColumnNrByName(sheet, "PORCENT_TIME");
var input = sheet.getRange(2, column+1, sheet.getLastRow(), 4).getValues();
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var fulfilledPercent = input[i][0];
Logger.log("fulfilledPercent = " + fulfilledPercent);
var finalDate = input[i][3];
Logger.log("finalDate = " + input[i][3]);
if ( (typeof fulfilledPercent == "number") && (finalDate instanceof Date) ) {
var inputDate = input[i][1]; // Date when input was added.
var restPorcentPen = 100 - fulfilledPercent;
var restantDays = dataDiff(inputDate, finalDate);
var percentDay = restPorcentPen/restantDays;
Logger.log("percentDay = " + percentDay);
var passedTime = dataDiff(inputDate, new Date());
Logger.log("passedTime = " + passedTime);
var passedPorcent = passedTime * percentDay; // How much percent this passed time is?
Logger.log("passedPorcent = " + passedPorcent);
var newPorcent = (fulfilledPercent + passedPorcent);
newPorcent = Math.round(newPorcent * 100) / 100;
Logger.log("newPorcent = " + newPorcent);
var newInputDate = hoje_data(new Date())[2]; // Now update the new input date
// newPorcent = newPorcent.toFixed(2);
output.push([newPorcent, newInputDate]);
sheet.getRange(2, column+1, output.length, 2).setValues(output);
Logger.log(" ");
var column25Dec = getColumnNrByName(sheet, "PORCENT_25DEZ");
var passedTimeSince25Dec = dataDiff(new Date(2013,11,25), new Date()); // Months: January is 0;
var decPercent = (newPorcent - (passedTimeSince25Dec * percentDay)); // .toFixed(2).replace(".", ",");
decPercent = Math.round(decPercent * 100) / 100;
// if (sheet.getRange(output.length+1, column25Dec+1).getValues() == ''){
sheet.getRange(output.length+1, column25Dec+1).setValue(decPercent );
// }
var remainingYears = dataDiffYears(new Date(), finalDate);
sheet.getRange(output.length+1, column).setValue(remainingYears);
else {
newPorcent = "Put a final date"
output.push([newPorcent, inputDate]);
sheet.getRange(2, column+1, output.length, 2).setValues(output);
if (finalDate instanceof Date){
var remainingYears = dataDiffYears(new Date(), finalDate);
// Logger.log("remainingYears = " + remainingYears);
else {
remainingYears = "insert a valid date";
sheet.getRange(output.length+1, column).setValue(remainingYears);
I will guess you're using the new gSheets. Check if it will work in the old-style sheets. The new sheets' onEdit trigger has problems, particularly with getActive.
My problem was in the updatePercent() funciton. Thank you, guys!