Scala reflection with Int parameter - scala

In the below code, I try to invoke an object's method that has an Int parameter (giving it a value of 3). This returns an error that Int and 3 are incompatible types.
//Using scala's Int does not work!
object MyObject{
def handleInt(id:Int) : Boolean = {
object testApp extends App {
val obj = MyObject.getClass
val method = obj.getDeclaredMethod("handleInt", classOf[Int]) //Int.getClass shows the same behavior
val rsp = method.invoke(obj, 3)
Error:(106, 41) the result type of an implicit conversion must be more
specific than AnyRef
val rsp = method.invoke(obj, 3)
Error:(106, 41) type mismatch; found : Int(3) required: Object
val rsp = method.invoke(obj, 3)
I tried modifying a lot of things here, the only way this could work is by changing all signatures to Java's Integer. The code will look like this:
//This works with Java's Integer
object MyObject{
def handleInt(id:Integer) : Boolean = {
object testApp extends App {
val obj = MyObject.getClass
val method = obj.getDeclaredMethod("handleInt", classOf[Integer])
val rsp = method.invoke(obj, 3)
My question(s) are:
Can someone explain why this happens? I think scala's Int wraps java's primitive int (which is why this is not considered an object), but I'm not sure.
Is there a way to achieve this using Scala's Int type?
Is it acceptable to mix scala and java types like this? Is it a good practice?

The first problem is that you invoke method on the wrong object: obj doesn't have handleInt method, MyObject does. The second is kind of an edge case: invoke takes Object... varargs and Scala doesn't automatically convert an Int directly to Object because that's not what you normally want to do. You can use a type ascription to say "box this Int into an Integer" and then Scala will upcast it to Object automatically.
So, combining these 2 fixes: you don't need to change handleInt or val method, just
val rsp = method.invoke(MyObject, 3: Integer)
To answer your final question: use of Integer, java.lang.Double, etc. shouldn't be common in Scala code, but it isn't particularly problematic. And reflection is one of the areas where you may have to use them.

No we cannot use Scala types.
Its Ok to mix Java and Scala types.
As reflection deals with reading class bytecode at Runtime. At bytecode level only types that are visible are the Java types because all scala types are boiled down to Java types.


Why can I concatenate String and Int in Scala?

I'm trying out some things in Scala, coming from Python. Since Scala is a lot more strict about keeping types consistent, I was surprised to find out that I can do the following concatenation, which would blow up in Python:
def adder(one:Any, two:String) = {one+two}
adder("word", "suffix")
res13: String = wordsuffix
But also:
val x:Int = 1
adder(x, "suffix")
res12: String = 1suffix
So it just transforms an Int into a String w/out telling me. What is this called and what is the logic behind it?
And what is the benefit of this? I feel it can come back to bite me, e.g. when dealing with user input to a function.
I know this is not very specific and if this is too broad, I'll gladly retract the question.
There is an implicit class in scala.Predef that operates on objects of any type
implicit final class any2stringadd[A](private val self: A) extends AnyVal {
def +(other: String): String = String.valueOf(self) + other
That implements Any + String (as you have defined it in adder). As rogue-one mentioned, there is also a method for concatenating String + Any defined in StringOps. If you tried to do Any + Any it would fail because it's expecting a String as the argument.
So it just transforms an Int into a String w/out telling me
Scala is converting your Int into a String, but it's not a type conversion because Int cannot be coerced into a String. You can observe that by trying something like this:
def foo(str: String) = ???
foo(5) // Type mismatch: expected: String, actual: Int
That will fail to compile because Scala can't magically coerce an Int into a String.
what is the logic behind it?
See implicit classes
And what is the benefit of this? I feel it can come back to bite me, e.g. when dealing with user input to a function.
It's a convenience method that's very specific to String and concatenation. This feature is implemented in Java, so I believe it was implemented in Scala to maintain source compatibility. My example above shows that (except in this specific case), user input to a function will respect the types defined on the function.
It's called implicit conversion (or implicit typecasting)
The purpose - convenience so you don't have to do everything manually. Most high-level languages will do that with the most used generics like strings, ints, bools...
You can check scala.Predef to see all the methods used when implicitly converting types, and you can take control of it using scala.language.implicitConversions. Read more at Scala Documentation.
This String concatenation not only works for Int but for any data-type. For instance
scala> case class Elephant(value: String)
defined class Elephant
scala> "Hello" + Elephant("elephant")
res2: String = HelloElephant(elephant)
This is because of the method + defined in StringOps (via Predef) class that accepts argument of type Any. So it is a method that is made available to a String object via implicit conversion that takes an argument of type Any. so "Hello" + Elephant("elephant") is actually "Hello".+(Elephant("elephant"))

Scala compiler generates wrong method signature for Tuple[Int, _]

Scala compiler behaves weirdly with boxing/unboxing in tuples as parameters.
Consider the code:
scala> class Test { def test(p: (Int, String)) = println(p) }
defined class Test
scala> classOf[Test].getMethods()(0)
res2: java.lang.reflect.Method = public void Test.test(scala.Tuple2)
scala> classOf[Test].getMethods()(0).getGenericParameterTypes
res3: Array[java.lang.reflect.Type] = Array(scala.Tuple2<java.lang.Object, java.lang.String>)
scala> // WTF?????? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Thus, I'm getting Object instead of Integer. I assume this is somehow related to tuple parameter being #specialized, but cannot wrap my head around how to avoid/fix this.
The problem it causes - it is impossible to reconstruct method parameter via reflection on method signature (e.g. while parsing json).
Even if there's a way to get the right type with scala-reflect it doesn't help much, cause there are a lot of Java libraries around (like Jersey) that use just Java reflection.
OK, putting an Integer (instead of Int) into Tuple works ok. But why isn't it done automatically?

Possible to find parameter type methods return type in Scala where parameter is a primitive type?

Suppose I have:
class X
val listPrimitive: List[Int] = null
val listX: List[X] = null
and I print out the return types of each method in Scala as follows:
classOf[ComplexType].getMethods().foreach { m => println(s"${m.getName}: ${m.getGenericReturnType()}") }
listPrimitive: scala.collection.immutable.List<Object>
listX: scala.collection.immutable.List<X>
So... I can determine that the listX's element type is X, but is there any way to determine via reflection that listPrimitive's element type is actually java.lang.Integer? ...
val list:List[Int] = List[Int](123);
val listErased:List[_] = list;
println(s"${listErased(0).getClass()}") // java.lang.Integer
NB. This seems not to be an issue due to JVM type erasure since I can find the types parameter of List. It looks like the scala compiler throws away this type information IFF the parameter type is java.lang.[numbers] .
I suspect this type information is available, due to the following experiment. Suppose I define:
class TestX{
def f(x:X):Unit = {
val floats:List[Float] = x.listPrimitive() // type mismatch error
and X.class is imported via a jar. The full type information must be available in X.class in order that this case correctly fails to compile.
Imagine you're writing a scala extension to a Java serialization library. You need to implement a:
def getSerializer(clz:Class[_]):Serializer
function that needs to do different things depending on whether:
clz==List[Int] (or equivalently: List[java.lang.Integer])
clz==List[Float] (or equivalently: List[java.lang.Float])
My problem is that I will only ever see:
because clz is provided to this function as clz.getMethods()(i).getGenericReturnType().
Starting with clz:Class[_] how can I recover the element type information that was lost?
Its not clear to me that TypeToken will help me because its usages:
requires that I provide T (ie. at compile time).
So, one path to a solution... Given some clz:Class[_], can I determine the TypeTokens of its method's return types? Clearly this is possible as this information must be contained (somewhere) in a .class file for a scala compiler to correctly generate type mismatch errors (see above).
At the java bytecode level Ints have to be represented as something else (apparently Object) because a List can only contain objects, not primitives. So that's what java-level reflection can tell you. But the scala type information is, as you infer, present (at the bytecode level it's in an annotation, IIRC), so you should be able to inspect it with scala reflection:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val list:List[Int] = List[Int](123)
def printTypeOf[A: TypeTag](a: A) = println(typeOf[A])
Response to update2: you should use scala reflection to obtain a mirror, not the Class[_] object. You can go via the class name if need be:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val rm = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val someClass: Class[_] = ...
val scalaMirrorOfClass = rm.staticClass(someClass.getName)
// or possibly rm.reflectClass(someClass) ?
val someObject: Any = ...
val scalaMirrorOfObject = rm.reflectClass(someObject)
I guess if you really only have the class, you could create a classloader that only loads that class? I can't imagine a use case where you wouldn't have the class, or even a value, though.

Scala Singleton not working as expected

package controler
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
import Utilites._
package controler
object Utilities {
def isJavaUpToDate = {
val javaVersion = augmentString(System.getProperty("java.version").substring(2, 3))
javaVersion >= 6
Why isn't this working?
I have been trought a bunch of differenet tutorial sites where this works no problem.
I always says that val Utilites cannot be found.
P.S. Why does it keep sugesting me to change .toInt with augmentString() when it just breaks the code?
Now this gives me trouble, something about implicit ordering and method orderTOOrdered.
In your main method you've typed Utilites where you meant to type Utilities.
Correct: Utilities
Wrong: Utilites
Note the missing i :) And because your brain is a powerful spelling correction tool, it pretended like the spelling was correct. The Scala compiler isn't as cool, though ;)
Also, for me, the following does not work:
scala> augmentString(System.getProperty("java.version").substring(2, 3)) >= 5
<console>:15: error: No implicit Ordering defined for AnyVal.
augmentString(System.getProperty("java.version").substring(2, 3)) >= 5
Instead I replaced it with
System.getProperty("java.version").substring(2, 3)).toInt >= 5
The implicit ordering issue you experienced with the former code is because Scala does not know how to apply the >= method/operator to the type scala.collection.immutable.StringOps, which augmentString() returns.
Note that by calling augmentString you're explicitly transforming your string to a StringOps.
StringOps does define a >= method, but it's meant to compare strings (its signature is def >=(that: String): Boolean )
If you want to compare Ints you should use the toInt method defined in StringOps.
def isJavaUpToDate = {
val javaVersion = augmentString(System.getProperty("java.version").substring(2, 3)).toInt
javaVersion >= 6
Also, unless you need to disambiguate the toInt against another implicit that you defined (or is defined somewhere else in a library you're using) there should be no need to call augmentString explicitly. The following should just work (unless the compiler tells you it does not) and it should implicitly have the same effect as the code above of transforming your String to a StringOps.
def isJavaUpToDate = {
val javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version").substring(2, 3)
javaVersion.toInt >= 6
EDIT: as per #som-snytt's comment
The error you're getting (No implicit Ordering defined for AnyVal) is due to the compiler reasoning more or less like this:
javaVersion >= 6 means javaVersion.>=(6), i.e. I must look for a method called >= on javaVersion that takes an integer
javaVersion is a StringOps... there is a >= method in StringOps (courtesy of the StringLike trait it's extending, that in turn extends Ordered[String]) but it takes a String argument, not an Int
let's see if I have an implicit in scope that supplies a suitable Ordering for StringOps. Now, since you're trying to compare a String with a Int you're looking at an Ordering that can compare two values with the nearest common ancestor that can contain both String and Int, i.e. AnyVal [EDIT: although String is an AnyRef so I don't really get this part...].
No luck there... give up with an error that says that no implicit Ordering was found comparing AnyVals

Scala Class.getFields

For purposes of my app I need to be able to find out a list of fields of a type (not an instance) and types of those fields in runtime. So far I was only able to get a list of methods of a case class containing getters with classOf[MyCaseClass].getMethods and nothing useful from a simple class. Am I missing something? Are there any reflection libraries for that kinda purposes? How's that done correctly?
Using Scala 2.10 reflection:
scala> import reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
import reflect.runtime.{universe=>ru}
scala> trait A { val field1: Int; val field2: Char; def meth1: Int }
defined trait A
scala> val fieldSymbols = ru.typeOf[A].members.collect{ case m: ru.MethodSymbol if m.isGetter => m }
fieldSymbols: Iterable[reflect.runtime.universe.MethodSymbol] = List(value field2, value field1)
The returned symbols contain all the type information, e.g.:
res16: Iterable[reflect.runtime.universe.Type] = List(=> scala.Char, => scala.Int)
You may want to take a look at this document on reflecting scala. getMethods is a method from Java reflection. What can't you find there? From the Javadoc:
String getName(): Returns the name of the method represented by this Method object, as a String.
Class[] getParameterTypes(): Returns an array of Class objects that represent the formal parameter types, in declaration order, of the method represented by this Method object.
Class getReturnType(): Returns a Class object that represents the formal return type of the method represented by this Method object.
You could read more about Java reflection.
Note that not all type information will be available at runtime because of erasure.