Create a function that takes in a list of tuples, where each tuple has two elements - pythonanywhere

The first element is a customer name (string) and the second element is that customer's total bill for the month (float). The function's purpose is to process this list, creating "billing emails" for each customer using the following template:
'Dear {},\n\nYou owe ACME Corp ${:.2f}.\n\nBest,\nACME Corp'
The function should return a list of these generated emails.It should be named "generate_billing_emails". The input should be called "customer_data"
test_data = [("Wile E Coyote", 345.67), ("Bugs Bunny", 25.49), ("Foghorn Leghorn", 68.00), ("Tweety", 5.99)]
billing_emails = generate_billing_email(test_data)
for billing_email in billing_emails:
print("{}".format( billing_email ))
My Code so far :
def generate_billing_email(test_data):
billing_emails = 'Dear {},\n\nYou owe ACME Corp ${:.2f}.\n\nBest,\nACME Corp'
return billing_emails

To do what your trying to do, you must loop though your data using a for-loop. And also, you can just use the format function by passing in the arguments. There is no need to tell Python if your using a float, string, integer, etc...
Here's how I would re-write your function:
def generate_billing_email(test_data):
emails = []
for tupe in test_data:
emails.append("'Dear {0},\n\nYou owe ACME Corp ${1}.\n\nBest,\nACME Corp'".format(tupe[0], tupe[1]))
return emails


Scala - Not enough arguments for method count

I am fairly new to Scala and Spark RDD programming. The dataset I am working with is a CSV file containing list of movies (one row per movie) and their associated user ratings (comma delimited list of ratings). Each column in the CSV represents a distinct user and what rating he/she gave the movie. Thus, user 1's ratings for each movie are represented in the 2nd column from the left:
Sample Input:
Dr.Sleep, 4,4,,,1
I am getting the following error:
Task4.scala:18: error: not enough arguments for method count: (p: ((Int, Int)) => Boolean)Int.
Unspecified value parameter p.
var moviePairCounts = movieRatings.reduce((movieRating1, movieRating2) => (movieRating1, movieRating2, movieRating1._2.intersect(movieRating2._2).count()
when I execute the few lines below. For the program below, the second line of code splits all values delimited by "," and produces this:
( Spiderman, [[1,0],[2,1],[-1,2],[3,3],[3,4]] )
( Dr.Sleep, [[4,0],[4,1],[-1,2],[-1,3],[1,4]] )
On the third line, taking the count() throws an error. For each movie (row), I am trying to get the number of common elements. In the above example, [-1, 2] is clearly a common element shared by both Spiderman and Dr.Sleep.
val textFile = sc.textFile(args(0))
var movieRatings = => line.split(","))
.map(movingRatingList => (movingRatingList(0), movingRatingList.drop(1)
.map(ranking => if (ranking.isEmpty) -1 else ranking.toInt).zipWithIndex));
var moviePairCounts = movieRatings.reduce((movieRating1, movieRating2) => (movieRating1, movieRating2, movieRating1._2.intersect(movieRating2._2).count() )).saveAsTextFile(args(1));
My target output of line 3 is as follows:
( Spiderman, Dr.Sleep, 1 ) --> Between these 2 movies, there is 1 common entry.
Can somebody please advise ?
To get the number of elements in a collection, use length or size. count() returns number of elements which satisfy some additional condition.
Or you could avoid building the complete intersection by using count to count the elements of the first collection which the second contains:
The error message seems pretty clear: count takes one argument, but in your call, you are passing an empty argument list, i.e. zero arguments. You need to pass one argument to count.

How to make use of the unit attribute within a model in Modelica?

Modelica does store units of measurement (e.g. SI units and Non-SI units) as an attribute with regard to a variable. Here is an example for a Non-SI-unit:
type Time_months = Real( quantity = "Time", unit = "mo", displayUnit = "months" )
Since for models in economics it will be rather akward to give rates in seconds, I would like to write a rather general unit conversion function that will allow to convert units of time. So ideally a function to convert to another time base should work with three inputs and one output:
input Real timeValue "the value of time to be converted";
input String timeBaseA "the time base for timeValue, e.g. \"mo\" ";
input String timeBaseB "the time base to convert to, e.g. \"yr\" ";
output Real convertedTimeValue "the result of the conversion";
If we assume that a variable for some time value already has a specific unit attribute (e.g. "mo") it would make sense to use that meta information within a model.
Question 1: How can meta information like unit be accessed within a model?
Ideally something like the following would be great:
String timeBaseA := timeValue.unit;
String timeBaseA := getUnit( timeValue ) "some function to read unit information";
Question 2: How can meta information like unit be assigned within a function?
In the example we would of course like to return the output value with the correct unit of time. So ideally we would like to have:
output Real convertedTime( quantity = "Time", unit = strTimeBaseB )
Unfortunately, using an input will give rise to an error as the variability is different: The unit attribute should have constant variability but the input variable has parameter variability. (Using a function - which would be nice - also fails for the same reason.)
Regarding Question 1:
I have never used Wolfram SystemModeler, but the Modelica Language Specification 3.4 says in chapter 4.8 (Predefined Types and Classes):
The attributes of the predefined variable types (Real, Integer, Boolean, String) ... cannot be accessed using dot notation, and are not constrained by equations and algorithm sections.
Regarding Question 2:
I think it is only possible to define the unit of a variable on declaration from a literal or from a final parameter - at least this is what I observed in Dymola.
Alternative - use operator records
You could use operator records for your task. This will allow you to store the time in seconds and convert it to what ever needed when the value comes to use.
Operator records allow you to define several function to create them, compare or add them, convert to String, etc.
See the brief example below, where a operator record Time is defined, which can be created with two different constructor functions from seconds or days and can be converted to Strings with day or seconds
operator record Time
Integer s "Second";
encapsulated operator 'constructor'
import Time;
function from_s
input Integer s "Seconds";
output Time t(s=s);
end from_s;
function from_d
input Integer d "Days";
output Time t(s=d*24*3600);
end from_d;
end 'constructor';
encapsulated operator 'String' "Convert Time to string"
import Time;
function formated
input Time t;
input String format = "s" annotation(choices(choice="s" "seconds", choice="d" "days"));
output String str;
if format == "d" then
str :=String(t.s/24/3600);
str :=String(t.s);
end if;
end formated;
end 'String';
encapsulated operator function '==' "Compare time records"
import Time;
input Time t1;
input Time t2;
output Boolean result "= t1 == t2";
result := t1.s == t2.s;
end '==';
end Time;
import Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print
t1 = Time(d=12) // create record using day constructor
t2 = Time(s=3600*24*2) // create record using second constructor
print(String(t1, format="s")) // prints 1036800
print(String(t1, format="d")) // prints 12
print(String(t2, format="s")) // prints 172800
print(String(t2, format="d")) // prints 2
See Modelica Spec 3.4 Chapter 14 "Overloaded Operators" for details.
Note: This was tested with Dymola 2019, not with Wolfram SystemModeler
In Modelica usually every variable is computed based on SI units. Then you have displayUnits to plot them in a different unit (not affecting the actual computation).
I don't know about SystemModeler, but in Dymola the conversion between the unit (of computation) and the displayUnit (only for plotting) is handled by a pre-defined script (displayUnit.mos). It can be extended by the user to contain custom displayUnits. The code for the display units related to time is shown below. I extended it to have week (w) additionally to the predefined ones.
// Syntax:
// defineUnitConversion(<unit>, <derived unit>, <scale>, <opt. offset>);
// Time
defineUnitConversion("s", "ms", 1000);
defineUnitConversion("s", "min", 1/60);
defineUnitConversion("s", "h", 1/3600);
defineUnitConversion("s", "d", 1/86400);
defineUnitConversion("s", "w", 1/604800);
This can then be selected in plots manually or as the default ´displayUnit´ via Modelica.SIunits.Time t(displayUnit = "w") = ...;
The disadvantage is, that this extension has to be done in a file in the install directory. So it has to be changed again after re-installing the tool or when using a different computer.
If there are numerical reasons to not compute solutions in seconds (e.g. because values would get to big), the solution would be the nominal attribute, which enables a scaling of the variables.
BTW: I think months are not a very good unit of time as they can have 28 to 31 days. That's why I chose weeks in my example.
You could use conversion like is done in the MSL, for example the function Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.to_degC which has the signature:
function to_degC
input Temperature Kelvin "Kelvin value";
output NonSIunits.Temperature_degC Celsius "Celsius value";
end to_degC;
This works, but you need one such function for each unit you want to convert between (which is why most calculations are done using SI-units).

Can pysnmp return octectstring values only

I am doing a small script to get SNMP traps with PySnmp.
I am able to get the oid = value pairs, but the value is too long with a small information in the end. How can I access the octectstring only which comes in the end of the value. Is there a way other than string manipulations? Please comment.
OID =_BindValue(componentType=NamedTypes(NamedType('value', ObjectSyntax------------------------------------------------(DELETED)-----------------(None, OctetString(b'New Alarm'))))
Is it possible to get the output like the following, as is available from another SNMP client: CM_DAS Alarm Traps:
Edit - the codes are :
**for oid, val in varBinds:
print('%s = %s' % (oid.prettyPrint(), val.prettyPrint()))
On screen, it shows short, but on file, the val is so long.
Usage of target.write( str(val[0][1][2])) does not work for all (program stops with error), but the 1st oid(time tick) gets it fine.
How can I get the value from tail as the actual value is found there for all oids.
SNMP transfers information in form of a sequence of OID-value pairs called variable-bindings:
variable_bindings = [[oid1, value1], [oid2, value2], ...]
Once you get the variable-bindings sequence from SNMP PDU, to access value1, for example, you might do:
variable_binding1 = variable_bindings[0]
value1 = variable_binding1[1]
To access the tail part of value1 (assuming it's a string) you could simply subscribe it:
tail_of_value1 = value1[-10:]
I guess in your question you operate on a single variable_binding, not a sequence of them.
If you want pysnmp to translate oid-value pair into a human-friendly representation (of MIB object name, MIB object value), you'd have to pass original OID-value pair to the ObjectType class and run it through MIB resolver as explained in the documentation.
the following codes works like somwwhat I was looking for.
if str(oid)=="":
target.write(" = str(val[0][1]['timeticks-value']) = " +str(val[0][1]['timeticks-value'])) # time ticks
target.write("= val[0][0]['string-value']= " + str(val[0][0]['string-value']))

Fetch multiple securities from Yahoo using Matlab

I an trying to fetch multiple securities from Yahoo using Matlab. Since Yahoo does not support multiple fetch, so loops is used as following code:
ticker = { 'AAPL' 'MSFT' 'XOM' 'GE' 'JNJ' 'BRK.B' 'WFC' 'AMZN' 'JPM' 'FB' };
for i=1:10
Price.(ticker(i)) = fetch(c,ticker(i), 'Adj Close', 'Jan 1 05', 'Dec 31 07', 'm');
temp = Price.(ticker(i));
ClosePrice(:, i) =temp(:,2);
But Matlab gives error message "Argument to dynamic structure reference must evaluate to a valid field name."
Does anyone have any insight to fix this? Thanks in advance
You're using dynamical referencing in a structure on this line:
Price.(ticker(i)) = ...
On each loop, the part in parentheses should evaluate to a string so that you effectively get Price.AAPL on the first iteration, Price.MSFT on the second, Price.XOM on the third, and so on. However, ticker is a cell array so you have to be careful using () vs {}. Using () gives you a subset of a cell array, effectively another cell array. On the other hand, using {} returns you the actual content of the cell array. To fix your code, replace any instances of (ticker(i)) with (ticker{i}).

Python use of class to create and manipulate a grid

Still trying to understand how to use class. I have now written the following:
`import random
class Grid():
def __init__(self, grid_row, grid_column):
self.__row = grid_row
self.__col = grid_column
def make_board(self):
for row in range(self.__row):
for col in range(self.__col):
return self.__board
def change_tile(self):
choices = (0,1,2)
x = random.choice(choices)
y= random.choice(choices)
self.__board[x][y] = str(2)
def __repr__(self):
for row in self.__board:
print( " ".join(row))
g = Grid(3,3)
Firstly when I run this I get a grid printed followed by:
TypeError: __str__ returned non-string (type NoneType)
I don't understand why this happens. Second question. If I want to return the self.board, __str only returns the last row (0,0,0).With 'print' all three rows and columns are printed. Is there a way around the issue with 'return'?Is it an issue ( apart from the fact that I want to 'see' what I am doing)?
How would one call Grid(3,3) and get a grid with a randomly placed 2 without having to call each function separately as I have done in my example? Lastly why can I not use the integers 0 or 2, but have to convert everything to a string?. I hope that I have not exceeded the goodwill that exists on this forum by asking so many dumb questions!
The special methods __repr__ and __str__ are required to return a string. If there is no __str__ implementation given, the __repr__ will be used for the string conversion too.
Now in your case, __repr__ prints something instead of returning a string. It actually returns nothing, so None is implicitely returned. You have to change it to return a string. For example like this:
def __repr__(self):
return '\n'.join([' '.join(row) for row in self.__board])