How to remove port number completely from example curl - spring-restdocs

I am documenting a web API and I need the curl and httpie examples to be a valid calls to our endpoints. The problem is that the example curl snippet includes a port number and I dont see any way to get rid of it. I see how to set the port number, but I dont see how to get rid of it completely.
Am I missing something? It seems like this would be a common use case.
Thanks in advance for any help!

If you set the port to the value that's the default for the scheme then it will be omitted from the curl snippet (and other snippets that include the URI). The defaults are 80 for http and 443 for https.


Keycloak is missing port in OpenID config response

These one seems odd. When I fetch the OpenID config via Postman or in the browser, I get a valid config response.
For example a GET via Postman or in the browser to
returns the endpoint including the port 8080 correctly:
"jwks_uri": ""
However, fetching the from the very same host, target, port, scheme (http) in my C++ application returns the confi endpoints all without a port (e.g. 8080 is missing)
I do not see any issue in my C++ client code, I'm not sure what's making the difference at all. For completeness, this is the C++ code I'm using next to actual values when sending the request, though that should not really be a matter of programming language used:
req_.version(version); // HTTP 1.1
req_.method(method); // GET; // /auth/realms/myrealm/.well-known/openid-configuration
req_.set(http::field::host, host); //
static const std::string agent = app.myAgent();
req_.set(http::field::user_agent, agent);
req_.set(http::field::content_type, contentType); // application/json
I have two questions here:
1) What causes Keycloak not to add the port to the endpoints? And how to workaround it?
2) What's making the difference between the calls? This should be a vanilla GET request.
Figured it out. According to the HTTP spec the port must be included in the host name if it's not a default name:
That resolved the issue. Though, my opinion is it should be fixed in Keycloak as well. I would expect static URLs and not something that changes depending on your request. For an example, you could set host to localhost during request and it will return "localhost" in the config, set it to and it will return that. What will it return for an actual IP when queried locally, but the server has a public IP? I didn't try that but it seems odd enough.

Localtunnel is not setting up the requested subdomain from the command 'lt --port 4000 --subdomain xyz'

I have been trying to set the subdomain in localtunnel, but it keeps throwing me different subdomains.
Port number is 4000 and it's running.
The command which I used :
lt --port 4000 --subdomain xyz (I changed subdomain name for the security reason).
Where am I doing wrong?
I know it is a very late answer, but for the help of others searchers who get to this link, and are not able to find a valid answer, for those users I am writing this answer
The command which I used : lt --port 4000 --subdomain xyz (I changed
subdomain name for the security reason).
The first thing is that the command is ok but before local tunnel assigns you a subdomain it must be available first.
Now you may be thinking that I am using a private very unique domain name which should have available, yes you are right but remember local tunnel keeps the record of subdomains provided by you and builds his private database which contains enough pool for random subdomain assigning feature.
Which now clears that after one, two or even more (non-consecutive) attempts it is possible that your domain assigned to someone else so that for that period you can obviously not use that domain, however whenever that domain will be freed, you will be assigned the requested domain for sure.
I'm not familiar enough with localtunnel to tell you what's wrong there, but I can tell you how to accomplish your same goal using Telebit:
(p.s. Did you figure this out? If so, I'd love to hear how you did it and I'm sure others would too)
curl | bash
You can also install via npm... but that isn't the preferred install method at this time. There may be some caveats.
The random domain you get is attached to your account (hence the need for email) and it's encrypted end-to-end with Greenlock via Let's Encrypt.
./telebit http 4000 xyz
The general format is
./telebit <protocol> <port> [subdomain]
It's not just https, you can use it to tunnel anything over tls/ssl (plain tcp, ssh, openvpn, etc).
Custom domains are not yet a generally available feature, but they're on the horizon.

Change the default port of Kafka-rest

I am trying to send some metrics from an http client to kafka and hence exploring kafka-rest. My client itself uses and needs port 8082. I am trying to change the default port of kafka-rest service to be something other than 8082, but it doesnt seem to accept any changes I make to confluent-1.0/etc/kafka-rest/
Mainly I am not sure if I know the right key to set in this properties file.
I tried simply specifying
But looking at the code: there seems to be no way to override this port. Is this correct?
Appreciate any help in this regard.
You have to add port=8085 (or the port you want) to your kafka-rest/
Add listeners=““ in /etc/kafka-rest/ port property was deprecated.
Documentation -

How to send HTTP Commands through Port 80

Breif Description of what I am trying to accomplish. So I am working with Crestrons Simpl+ software. My job is to create a module for a sound masking system called QT Pro. Now, QT Pro has an API where you can control it via HTTP. I need a way to establish a connection with the QT Pro via HTTP( I have everything I need, IP, Username, Password).
Whats the problem? I have just started working with this language. Unfortunately there isn't as much documentation as I would like, otherwise I wouldn't be here. I know I need to create a socket connection via TCP on port 80. I just don't know what I'm supposed to send through it.
Here is an example:
If I were to put this into the URL box, and fill it in correctly. then it would change the values that I specify. Am I supposed to send the entire thing? Or just after cmd.htm? Or is there some other way I'm supposed to send data? I'd like to stay away from the TCP/IP Module so I can keep this all within the same module.
You send
GET /cmd.htm?cmd=setOneZoneData&ZN=Value&mD=Value&mN=Value&auxA=Value&auxB=Value&autoR=Value HTTP/1.1
Host: address
Connection: close
(End with a couple of newlines.)
If you need to use HTTP basic authentication, then also include a header like
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
where the gibberish is the base64-encoded version of username:password.
But surely there is some mechanism for opening HTTP connections already there for you? Just blindly throwing out headers like this and hoping the response is what you expect is not robust, to say the least.
To see what is going on with your requests and responses, a great tool is netcat (or telnet, for that matter.)
Do nc address 80 to connect to server address on port 80, then paste your HTTP request:
GET /cmd.htm HTTP/1.1
Host: address
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Connection: close
and see what comes back. SOMETHING should come back. (Remember to terminate with two newlines.)
To see what requests your browser is sending when you do something that works, you can listen like this: nc -l -p 8080.
Then direct your browser to localhost:8080 with the rest of the URL as before, and you'll see the request that was sent. (Then you can type back to see how the browser handles the response.)

Proxy for command line utilities in Win XP

How do I get command line utilities like ping to use the default proxy in Windows XP.
proxycfg -u sets the proxy to the default (IE) proxy alright, but it doesn't seem to be working.
Update: I am behind a proxy and would like a way to check if a site is up or not hence trying to use ping! Also would like a way to telnet (without using Putty) to a specific site and port to check connectivity.
A proxy is usually used for web (HTTP) traffic, ping uses ICMP, which is a completely separate protocol. What, exactly are you trying to do?
So, standard ping doesn't go via an HTTP proxy, as everyone's already mentioned. What you probably want is to tunnel your TCP connections (e.g., HTTP, telnet, ssh) via your HTTP proxy using the CONNECT method. For instance, using netcat (telnet will also work, but netcat's better) you'll do the following:
$ nc yourproxy 3128
CONNECT yourtelnetserver:23 HTTP/1.0
then press enter twice.
There are also tools that can do this for you. Keep in mind that some HTTP proxies are configured to allow CONNECT connections only to certain destinations, for example, to port 443 ony (for TLS/SSL/HTTPS).
Ping doesn't use TCP - it uses ICMP, so using a proxy doesn't really make sense.
Do you have another command line utility in mind?
Your best bet will probably be a command line browser for Windows.
You can try out lynx, which is nearly a full browser, or you can go something simpler and use wget. I would recommend wget myself.
Both programs have some way of configuring a proxy, and the documentation should be the same for both Linux and Windows versions.