Upgrade Failover Instance Google Cloud SQL Second Generation - google-cloud-sql

We created a second gen. Google Cloud SQL database with a failover replica and we've been looking into upgrading the CPU and memory to increase capacity. I've been able to change the tier of the first server by updating and saving the instance; however; when it comes to updating the failover the option to change tiers is greyed out
Is this intentional with the expectation that you delete and recreate the failover with a higher CPU/memory tier or am I missing something?


Cloud SQL - Growing each day, but not replicating

I've had a replica slave set up for about two weeks now. It has been failing replication due to configuration issues, but still growing in the size of the master each day (about 5gb a day).
Until today, binary logs were disabled. And if I go to Monitoring -> slave instance, under Backup Configuration, it says "false".
How do I determine why this is growing each day?
I noticed in monitoring in the InnoDB Pages Read/Write section, there are upticks of Write each day, but no read. But what is it writing to? The DB hasn't changed. and there are no binary logs.
I noticed in the docs, it says "Point-in-time recovery is enabled by default when you create a new Cloud SQL instance."
But there has never been a "Backup" listed in the Operations list on the instance. And when I do gcloud sql instances describe my-instance, it's not listed under backUpConfiguration
The issue you are having could possibly happen due to Point-in-time recovery, it will show an increase to your storage constantly.
There, you will be able to keep automated backups enabled while disabling point-in-time recovery. Once you disable it, the binary logs will be deleted and you will notice an immediate reduction in storage usage.
Here are the steps to disable Point-in-time recovery:
Select your instance
Select Backups
Under Settings, select Edit
Uncheck box for point-in-time recovery
To add an explanation of Point-in-time recovery, I will add Google Cloud SQL documentation with Postgres and MySQL.
It is necessary to archive the WAL files for instances it is enabled on. This archiving is done automatically on the backend and will consume storage space (even if the instance is idle), and, consequently, using this feature would cause an increased storage space on your DB instance.

How to downsize an AWS RDS instance to free tier

I want to create a free tier clone of a production AWS RDS PostgreSQL. As per my understanding, following are different ways
create a snapshot of the production DB and restore it on t2.micro
create a read replica of the production DB using t2.micro and then detach it as independent database
create a free tier database and restore a database dump of the production db
Option 3 is my last preference.
The problem is while creating read replica or restoring from snapshot, AWS doesn't explicitly allow to choose the free tier template. I just want to know if restoring to t2.micro without any advanced features like autoscaling, performance monitoring etc. is equivalent to free tier or not? I read here that the key thing with AWS production DB is that AWS provisions a secondary database provisioned to fallback in event of failure of the primary database or the Availability Zone in which the database is running.
AWS Free Tier doesn't actually care about the kind of service you use. Per their website you just get 750 instance hours per month for a db.t2.micro.
You can use these in any service you see fit and the discount will be applied automatically for the first 12 months.
Looking at the pricing page for RDS Postgres I can see, that these instances aren't listed anymore, which seems weird. The t2 instance family is fairly old, so they're probably trying to phase it out, but typically you can provision older instance types using the API directly if they're not available in the Console.
So what you want to do is create your db.t2.micro instance using one of the SDKs or the AWS CLI and restore from a snapshot. Alternatively you can create a read replica from the CLI and set the class to db.t2.micro. Later detaching that from the main cluster should work.
The production ready stuff refers to the Multi-AZ deployment, which is good for production use, but for anything production related a t2.micro seems like a bad choice, so I'm going to assume you're not planing to do that.

Expected unvailability during Cloud SQL Postgres failovers and CPU/memory upgrades?

I have some experience with AWS RDS MySQL multi-AZ (HA). I'm looking at GCP Cloud SQL Postgres HA for a new project.
I'm trying to figure how certain maintenance operations work but can't figure it out from the Cloud SQL docs.
How much unavailability does a failover cause?
How much unavailability does a CPU/memory upgrade cause?
After a failover, is it important to eventually "failback" to the original primary instance? Or can I leave it running on the standby instance indefinitely? (The Cloud SQL HA failover diagram make it seem like the two instances aren't totally symmetric.)
Just FYI, the answers for AWS RDS
Failover: usually under 70 seconds of unavailability before my application is able to issue queries again.
This is for planned failovers. (For unplanned failovers, it may take a little longer for RDS to detect that the primary instance is unresponsive before it actually initiates the failover.)
A lot of the failover lag is likely due to DNS. Using the AWS RDS Proxy service may reduce that time (they claim by ~80%). The Cloud SQL HA failover diagram shows both instances sharing a virtual IP, which might mean no DNS lag?
CPU/memory upgrade: I think AWS can accomplish this with a single failover worth of unavailability. It upgrades the standby instance (no unavailability), performs a failover, then upgrades the other instance.
On RDS, I think the two instances that are part of the HA set up are symmetric. So if you failover to the standby, it's fine to leave it that way. There's no need (as far as RDS is concerned) to failover back to the original.
To answer your following questions:
As you mentioned, the duration of the unavailability would vary depending if it is a planned (manual) failover vs unplanned. It's best that you test and manually initiate the failover so you can see how long your instance would respond to it, usually it would take a minute or so. When it comes to unplanned failovers, it's pretty much covered in the docs that when failover occurs, any existing connections to the primary instance and read replicas are closed, and it will take approximately 2-3 minutes for connections to be reestablished.
To address this question, you need to understand the requirements for your instance to allow failover:
The primary instance must be in a normal operating state (not stopped, undergoing maintenance, or performing a long-running Cloud SQL instance operation such as a backup, import or export operation).
That means that failover doesn't count when upgrading your instance, changing your hardware specs (CPU/Memory) will incur downtime so you should plan ahead when making these changes.
To understand the importance of failback, here's an excerpt from this link:
High availability solutions continuously replicate data to a remote site or cloud. In the event that a primary system goes down, the remote, secondary system can be spun up and users are rerouted. This process is commonly referred to as “failover,” and it reduces downtime to seconds or minutes.
However, failover isn’t a permanent state. Once primary servers are up and running, data and applications must be restored so normal operations can resume. This process is known as failback, and it is very important from a DR testing standpoint. Here’s why: Not all replication technology is created equally when it comes to failback. In some cases, failing back to production servers can be painfully slow.
HA on Cloud SQL will provision specs for your standby instance similar to your primary, that's why you'll get billed double the price of a non-HA instance. Also, the importance of failback is not limited to any cloud providers. It is simply a good practice to make sure that all the operation returns to your primary instance instead of just leaving it on a standby instance. On that case, failback (on Cloud SQL to be specific) is really necessary to make sure that everything is back to normal after an outage.
If you don't failback, what could happen is that when there's an outage on the zone where your standby instance is running (you can't control what zone your standby instance will come from), you won't be able to do a failover as the operation will be blocked. (See the docs)
Unfortunately there's pretty much no option as the downtime is required whenever you change hardware. The procedure will require the instance to restart. Here's a link to see how long it would take.
Additional resources: https://severalnines.com/database-blog/achieving-mysql-failover-failback-google-cloud-platform-gcp

AWS RDS with Postgres : Is OOM killer configured

We are running load test against an application that hits a Postgres database.
During the test, we suddenly get an increase in error rate.
After analysing the platform and application behaviour, we notice that:
CPU of Postgres RDS is 100%
Freeable memory drops on this same server
And in the postgres logs, we see:
2018-08-21 08:19:48 UTC::#:[XXXXX]:LOG: server process (PID XXXX) was terminated by signal 9: Killed
After investigating and reading documentation, it appears one possibility is linux oomkiller running having killed the process.
But since we're on RDS, we cannot access system logs /var/log messages to confirm.
So can somebody:
confirm that oom killer really runs on AWS RDS for Postgres
give us a way to check this ?
give us a way to compute max memory used by Postgres based on number of connections ?
I didn't find the answer here:
AWS maintains a page with best practices for their RDS service: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_BestPractices.html
In terms of memory allocation, that's the recommendation:
An Amazon RDS performance best practice is to allocate enough RAM so
that your working set resides almost completely in memory. To tell if
your working set is almost all in memory, check the ReadIOPS metric
(using Amazon CloudWatch) while the DB instance is under load. The
value of ReadIOPS should be small and stable. If scaling up the DB
instance class—to a class with more RAM—results in a dramatic drop in
ReadIOPS, your working set was not almost completely in memory.
Continue to scale up until ReadIOPS no longer drops dramatically after
a scaling operation, or ReadIOPS is reduced to a very small amount.
For information on monitoring a DB instance's metrics, see Viewing DB Instance Metrics.
Also, that's their recommendation to troubleshoot possible OS issues:
Amazon RDS provides metrics in real time for the operating system (OS)
that your DB instance runs on. You can view the metrics for your DB
instance using the console, or consume the Enhanced Monitoring JSON
output from Amazon CloudWatch Logs in a monitoring system of your
choice. For more information about Enhanced Monitoring, see Enhanced
There's a lot of good recommendations there, including query tuning.
Note that, as a last resort, you could switch to Aurora, which is compatible with PostgreSQL:
Aurora features a distributed, fault-tolerant, self-healing storage
system that auto-scales up to 64TB per database instance. Aurora
delivers high performance and availability with up to 15 low-latency
read replicas, point-in-time recovery, continuous backup to Amazon S3,
and replication across three Availability Zones.
EDIT: talking specifically about your issue w/ PostgreSQL, check this Stack Exchange thread -- they had a long connection with auto commit set to false.
We had a long connection with auto commit set to false:
During that time we were doing a lot
of small queries and a few queries with a cursor:
In JDBC you create a connection object, and from that connection you
create statements. When you execute the statments you get a result
Now, every one of these objects needs to be closed, but if you close
statement, the entry set is closed, and if you close the connection
all the statements are closed and their result sets.
We were used to short living queries with connections of their own so
we never closed statements assuming the connection will handle the
things once it is closed.
The problem was now with this long transaction (~24 hours) which never
closed the connection. The statements were never closed. Apparently,
the statement object holds resources both on the server that runs the
code and on the PostgreSQL database.
My best guess to what resources are left in the DB is the things
related to the cursor. The statements that used the cursor were never
closed, so the result set they returned never closed as well. This
meant the database didn't free the relevant cursor resources in the
DB, and since it was over a huge table it took a lot of RAM.
Hope it helps!
TLDR: If you need PostgreSQL on AWS and you need rock solid stability, run PostgreSQL on EC2 (for now) and do some kernel tuning for overcommitting
I'll try to be concise, but you're not the only one who has seen this and it is a known (internal to Amazon) issue with RDS and Aurora PostgreSQL.
OOM Killer on RDS/Aurora
The OOM killer does run on RDS and Aurora instances because they are backed by linux VMs and OOM is an integral part of the kernel.
Root Cause
The root cause is that the default Linux kernel configuration assumes that you have virtual memory (swap file or partition), but EC2 instances (and the VMs that back RDS and Aurora) do not have virtual memory by default. There is a single partition and no swap file is defined. When linux thinks it has virtual memory, it uses a strategy called "overcommitting" which means that it allows processes to request and be granted a larger amount of memory than the amount of ram the system actually has. Two tunable parameters govern this behavior:
vm.overcommit_memory - governs whether the kernel allows overcommitting (0=yes=default)
vm.overcommit_ratio - what percent of system+swap the kernel can overcommit. If you have 8GB of ram and 8GB of swap, and your vm.overcommit_ratio = 75, the kernel will grant up to 12GB or memory to processes.
We set up an EC2 instance (where we could tune these parameters) and the following settings completely stopped PostgreSQL backends from getting killed:
vm.overcommit_memory = 2
vm.overcommit_ratio = 75
vm.overcommit_memory = 2 tells linux not to overcommit (work within the constraints of system memory) and vm.overcommit_ratio = 75 tells linux not to grant requests for more than 75% of memory (only allow user processes to get up to 75% of memory).
We have an open case with AWS and they have committed to coming up with a long-term fix (using kernel tuning params or cgroups, etc) but we don't have an ETA yet. If you are having this problem, I encourage you to open a case with AWS and reference case #5881116231 so they are aware that you are impacted by this issue, too.
In short, if you need stability in the near term, use PostgreSQL on EC2. If you must use RDS or Aurora PostgreSQL, you will need to oversize your instance (at additional cost to you) and hope for the best as oversizing doesn't guarantee you won't still have the problem.

Autoscaling limited by RDS connection

I have some nightly jobs that are running on EC2 and the number of machines is scaled by the number of messages in SQS. My process requires reads from a Postgres RDS database. Now these are the issues I am facing.
Not able to scale beyond a certain number because of the unavailability of connections.
I tried creating a connection pool using pgbouncer, and tried with different settings as well, but it's missing a lot of data on the resultant set.
Make your postgresql RDS install multi AZ. Then you can make read replicas on demand and scale read performance with your load.
To answer the comments:
Some extra "plumbing" is required to make the connections to the read replica. Maybe route53 dynamically updated records as the scaling happens or something like haproxy
The reason I mention multi AZ is that this would help prevent downtime during an auto scaling event bringing up the read replica
It would be simpler (but more costly) to permanently bring up a read replica and use DNS round robin to share the load
See https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-rds-announcing-read-replicas/ for information on read replicas