How to sum up all nodes in this scala fold_tree function - scala

I am a beginner with scala. I have been given a fold_tree_preorder function that implements the higher order function fold on a binary tree. The tree, node and leaf definitions are below
abstract class Tree[+A]
case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Tree[A]
case class Node[A](value: A, left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
This is the function I have been given
def fold_tree_preorder [Z,A](f:(Z,A)=>Z) (z:Z) (t:Tree[A]) : Z =
t match {
case Leaf(value) => f(z, value)
case Node(value , lt, rt) => {
val z1 = f(z,value)
val z2 = fold_tree_preorder (f) (z1) (lt)
fold_tree_preorder (f) (z2) (rt)
I am not sure how to actually call this function. I am trying to do something like the following:
def count_tree [A](t:Tree[A]) : Int =
But I am getting errors like type mismatch error. I don't think the parameters themselves are correct either, but I'm not even sure how to test what the output would look like because I can't figure out the correct way of calling the fold_tree_preorder function. How can I input the correct syntax to call this function?

z is the fold_tree_preorder function is the output type you are expecting which is Int
Use the function like below
assuming that count_tree counts number of nodes of the tree
def count_tree [A](t:Tree[A]) : Int =
fold_tree_preorder[Int, A]((z,a) => z + 1 )(0)(t)
Just add 1 to the z on visiting a node to count number of nodes

def fold_tree_preorder [Z,A](f:(Z,A)=>Z) (z:Z) (t:Tree[A]) : Z
The first argument is f, is function that takes the result so far (of type Z) and the value contained in your tree A)
def count_tree [A](t:Tree[A]) : Int
In your function your promising to return an Int based on a tree of which you don't know the element type, parameterized as A. This leads you to add an Int to an A.
Summing and counting are different things, if you decide to count the number of values, you do not need to know anything about A. If you decide to sum the values, you need to know you have a + operator defined for A.
You might need to learn more about scala's types.


Scala - Make signature of function parameter f of higher order function g dependent on varars of g

I am trying to define a higher order function f which accepts a variable number of parameters args of type Wrapper[T]* and a function parameter g in Scala.
The function f should decapsulate each object passed in args and then call g with the decapsulated parameters. Therefore, g has to accept exactly the same number of parameters of type T as args contains.
The closest thing I could achieve was to pass a Seq[T] to g and to use pattern matching inside of g. Like the following:
f("This", "Is", "An", "Example")(x => x match {
case Seq(a:String, b:String, c:String): //Do something.
With f defined like:
def f[V](args: Wrapper[T]*)
(g: (Seq[T]) => (V)) : V = {
val params = => x.unwrap())
How is it possible to accomplish a thing like this without pattern
It is possible to omit the types in the signature of g
by using type inference, but only if the number of parameters is
fixed. How could this be done in this case?
It is possible to pass
different types of parameters into varargs, if a type wildcard is
used args: Wrapper[_]*. Additionally, casting the result of
x.unwrap to AnyRef and using pattern matching in g is
necessary. This, however, completely breaks type inference and type
safety. Is there a better way to make mixing types in the varargs
possible in this special case?
I am also considering the use of scala makros to accomplish these tasks.
Did I get you right? I replaced your Wrapper with some known type, but that doesn't seem to be essential.
def f[T, V](args: T*)(g: PartialFunction[Seq[T], V]): V = g(args)
So later you can do this:
f(1,2,3) { case Seq(a,b,c) => c } // Int = 3
Okay, I've made my own Wrapper to be totally clear:
case class Wrapper[T](val x:T) {
def unwrap = x
def f[V](args: Wrapper[_]*)(g: PartialFunction[Seq[_], V]): V =
f(Wrapper("1"), Wrapper(1), Wrapper(BigInt(1))) {
case Seq(s: String, i: Int, b: BigInt) => (s, i, b)
} // res3: (String, Int, BigInt) = (1,1,1)
Regarding your concerns about type safety and conversions: as you can see, there aren't any explicit conversions in the code above, and since you are going to pattern-match with explicitly defined types, you may not to worry about these things - if some items of an undefined origin are going to show in your input, scala.MatchError will be thrown.

Impredicative types vs. plain old subtyping

A friend of mine posed a seemingly innocuous Scala language question last week that I didn't have a good answer to: whether there's an easy way to declare a collection of things belonging to some common typeclass. Of course there's no first-class notion of "typeclass" in Scala, so we have to think of this in terms of traits and context bounds (i.e. implicits).
Concretely, given some trait T[_] representing a typeclass, and types A, B and C, with corresponding implicits in scope T[A], T[B] and T[C], we want to declare something like a List[T[a] forAll { type a }], into which we can throw instances of A, B and C with impunity. This of course doesn't exist in Scala; a question last year discusses this in more depth.
The natural follow-up question is "how does Haskell do it?" Well, GHC in particular has a type system extension called impredicative polymorphism, described in the "Boxy Types" paper. In brief, given a typeclass T one can legally construct a list [forall a. T a => a]. Given a declaration of this form, the compiler does some dictionary-passing magic that lets us retain the typeclass instances corresponding to the types of each value in the list at runtime.
Thing is, "dictionary-passing magic" sounds a lot like "vtables." In an object-oriented language like Scala, subtyping is a much more simple, natural mechanism than the "Boxy Types" approach. If our A, B and C all extend trait T, then we can simply declare List[T] and be happy. Likewise, as Miles notes in a comment below, if they all extend traits T1, T2 and T3 then I can use List[T1 with T2 with T3] as an equivalent to the impredicative Haskell [forall a. (T1 a, T2 a, T3 a) => a].
However, the main, well-known disadvantage with subtyping compared to typeclasses is tight coupling: my A, B and C types have to have their T behavior baked in. Let's assume this is a major dealbreaker, and I can't use subtyping. So the middle ground in Scala is pimps^H^H^H^H^Himplicit conversions: given some A => T, B => T and C => T in implicit scope, I can again quite happily populate a List[T] with my A, B and C values...
... Until we want List[T1 with T2 with T3]. At that point, even if we have implicit conversions A => T1, A => T2 and A => T3, we can't put an A into the list. We could restructure our implicit conversions to literally provide A => T1 with T2 with T3, but I've never seen anybody do that before, and it seems like yet another form of tight coupling.
Okay, so my question finally is, I suppose, a combination of a couple questions that were previously asked here: "why avoid subtyping?" and "advantages of subtyping over typeclasses" ... is there some unifying theory that says impredicative polymorphism and subtype polymorphism are one and the same? Are implicit conversions somehow the secret love-child of the two? And can somebody articulate a good, clean pattern for expressing multiple bounds (as in the last example above) in Scala?
You're confusing impredicative types with existential types. Impredicative types allow you to put polymorphic values in a data structure, not arbitrary concrete ones. In other words [forall a. Num a => a] means that you have a list where each element works as any numeric type, so you can't put e.g. Int and Double in a list of type [forall a. Num a => a], but you can put something like 0 :: Num a => a in it. Impredicative types is not what you want here.
What you want is existential types, i.e. [exists a. Num a => a] (not real Haskell syntax), which says that each element is some unknown numeric type. To write this in Haskell, however, we need to introduce a wrapper data type:
data SomeNumber = forall a. Num a => SomeNumber a
Note the change from exists to forall. That's because we're describing the constructor. We can put any numeric type in, but then the type system "forgets" which type it was. Once we take it back out (by pattern matching), all we know is that it's some numeric type. What's happening under the hood, is that the SomeNumber type contains a hidden field which stores the type class dictionary (aka. vtable/implicit), which is why we need the wrapper type.
Now we can use the type [SomeNumber] for a list of arbitrary numbers, but we need to wrap each number on the way in, e.g. [SomeNumber (3.14 :: Double), SomeNumber (42 :: Int)]. The correct dictionary for each type is looked up and stored in the hidden field automatically at the point where we wrap each number.
The combination of existential types and type classes is in some ways similar to subtyping, since the main difference between type classes and interfaces is that with type classes the vtable travels separately from the objects, and existential types packages objects and vtables back together again.
However, unlike with traditional subtyping, you're not forced to pair them one to one, so we can write things like this which packages one vtable with two values of the same type.
data TwoNumbers = forall a. Num a => TwoNumbers a a
f :: TwoNumbers -> TwoNumbers
f (TwoNumbers x y) = TwoNumbers (x+y) (x*y)
list1 = map f [TwoNumbers (42 :: Int) 7, TwoNumbers (3.14 :: Double) 9]
-- ==> [TwoNumbers (49 :: Int) 294, TwoNumbers (12.14 :: Double) 28.26]
or even fancier things. Once we pattern match on the wrapper, we're back in the land of type classes. Although we don't know which type x and y are, we know that they're the same, and we have the correct dictionary available to perform numeric operations on them.
Everything above works similarly with multiple type classes. The compiler will simply generate hidden fields in the wrapper type for each vtable and bring them all into scope when we pattern match.
data SomeBoundedNumber = forall a. (Bounded a, Num a) => SBN a
g :: SomeBoundedNumber -> SomeBoundedNumber
g (SBN n) = SBN (maxBound - n)
list2 = map g [SBN (42 :: Int32), SBN (42 :: Int64)]
-- ==> [SBN (2147483605 :: Int32), SBN (9223372036854775765 :: Int64)]
As I'm very much a beginner when it comes to Scala, I'm not sure I can help with the final part of your question, but I hope this has at least cleared up some of the confusion and given you some ideas on how to proceed.
#hammar's answer is perfectly right. Here is the scala way of doint it. For the example i'll take Show as the type class and the values i and d to pack in a list :
// The type class
trait Show[A] {
def show(a : A) : String
// Syntactic sugar for Show
implicit final class ShowOps[A](val self : A)(implicit A : Show[A]) {
def show =
implicit val intShow = new Show[Int] {
def show(i : Int) = "Show of int " + i.toString
implicit val stringShow = new Show[String] {
def show(s : String) = "Show of String " + s
val i : Int = 5
val s : String = "abc"
What we want is to be able run the following code
val list = List(i, s)
for (e <- list) yield
Building the list is easy but the list won't "remember" the exact type of each of its elements. Instead it will upcast each element to a common super type T. The more precise super super type between String and Int being Any, the type of the list is List[Any].
The problem is: what to forget and what to remember? We want to forget the exact type of the elements BUT we want to remember that they are all instances of Show. The following class does exactly that
abstract class Ex[TC[_]] {
type t
val value : t
implicit val instance : TC[t]
implicit def ex[TC[_], A](a : A)(implicit A : TC[A]) = new Ex[TC] {
type t = A
val value = a
val instance = A
This is an encoding of the existential :
val ex_i : Ex[Show] = ex[Show, Int](i)
val ex_s : Ex[Show] = ex[Show, String](s)
It pack a value with the corresponding type class instance.
Finally we can add an instance for Ex[Show]
implicit val exShow = new Show[Ex[Show]] {
def show(e : Ex[Show]) : String = {
import e._
The import e._ is required to bring the instance into scope. Thanks to the magic of implicits:
val list = List[Ex[Show]](i , s)
for (e <- list) yield
which is very close to the expected code.

Need help figuring out scala compiler errors

I have been working on a project in scala, but I am getting some error messages that I don't quite understand. The classes that I am working with are relatively simple.
For example:
abstract class Shape
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape
case class Polygon(points: Point*) extends Shape
Now suppose that I create a Polygon:
val poly = new Polygon(new Point(2,5), new Point(7,0), new Point(3,1))
Then if I attempt to determine the location and size of the smallest possible rectangle that could contain the polygon, I get various errors that I don't quite understand.
Below are snippets of different attempts and the corresponding error messages that they produce.
val upperLeftX = poly.points.reduceLeft(Math.min(_.x, _.x))
Gives the error:
"missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) => x$1.x)"
val upperLeftX =
poly.points.reduceLeft((a: Point, b: Point) => (Math.min(a.x, b.x)))
Gives this error:
"type mismatch;
found : (Point, Point) => Int
required: (Any, Point) => Any"
I am very confused about both of these error messages. If anyone could explain more clearly what I am doing incorrectly, I would really appreciate it. Yes, I see that the second error says that I need type "Any" but I don't understand exactly how to implement a change that would work as I need it. Obviously simply changing "a: Point" to "a: Any" is not a viable solution, so what am I missing?
The type of reduceLeft is reduceLeft[B >: A](op: (B, A) => B): B, A is Point, and you are trying to apply it to (a: Point, b: Point) => (Math.min(a.x, b.x)).
The compiler reasons thus: Math.min(a.x, b.x) returns Int, so Int must be a subtype of B. And B must also be a supertype of Point. Why? B is the type of the accumulator, and its initial value is the first Point in your Polygon. That's the meaning of B >: A.
The only supertype of Int and Point is Any; so B is Any and the type of op should be (Any, Point) => Any, just as the error message says.
This is Scala 2.8.0.RC2
scala> abstract class Shape
defined class Shape
scala> case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape
defined class Point
scala> case class Polygon(points: Point*) extends Shape
defined class Polygon
scala> val poly = new Polygon(new Point(2,5), new Point(7,0), new Point(3,1))
poly: Polygon = Polygon(WrappedArray(Point(2,5), Point(7,0), Point(3,1)))
scala> val upperLeftX = poly.points.reduceLeft((a:Point,b:Point) => if (a.x < b.x) a else b)
upperLeftX: Point = Point(2,5)
reduceLeft requires here a function of the type (Point, Point) => Point. (more precisely (B, Point) => B with B with a lower bound to Point. See Scaladoc at the method reduceLeft.
Another alternative is poly.points.foldLeft(Int.MaxValue)((b, a) => Math.min(b, a.x)), which should also work with Scala 2.7.x. The differences compared to the reduceLeft version are
you have a start value (Int.MaxValue in our case, any real data will be smaller or equal to this)
there are no constraints between the type of the elements and the type of the result, like the lower bound constraint for reduceLeft
Nevertheless Eastsun's solution is more elegant.
BTW if you already have case classes you can ommit the new keyword, and can use the automatically generated factory method in the companion object. So the line creating the poly becomes val poly = Polygon(Point(2,5), Point(7,0), Point(3,1)), which is a bit easier to read.
I see everyone seems to have latched onto the second snippet, so I'll answer the first one:
val upperLeftX = poly.points.reduceLeft(Math.min(_.x, _.x))
You intended that to mean this:
val upperLeftX = poly.points.reduceLeft((a, b) => Math.min(a.x, b.x))
However, that's not how underscore works. There are many meanings to underscore, but two of them are relevant here.
First, it may mean a partial function application. For example, Math.min(_, 0) would partially apply the parameters to min, and return a function that apply the remaining ones. In other words, it is equivalent to x => Math.min(x, 0), ignoring the type annotations. At any rate, this meaning only applies if the underscore is all by itself in the place of one (or more) of the parameters.
That, however, is not the case in your example, because you added a .x after the underscore. If the underscore appears in any kind of expression, such as the method call in your example, then that underscore is a placeholder for a parameter in an anonymous function.
In this second meaning it is particularly important to understand the boundaries of the anonymous function. Specifically, the anonymous function will be delimited by the innermost parenthesis or curly brackets that encloses it, or by any comma.
Now, applying that rule to the expression in the first snippet means that snipper is seen by the compiler like this:
val upperLeftX = poly.points.reduceLeft(Math.min(a => a.x, b => b.x))
So, there are two problems here. First, you are passing two functions to min instead of two doubles. Second, because min isn't expecting to receive functions, the compiler can't infer what the type of these functions might be. Since you did not provide any information about the types of a and b above, it complains about that.
If you did provide such types, the error message would be something like this:
<console>:6: error: type mismatch;
found : Int
required: ?{val x: ?}

How to use objects as modules/functors in Scala?

I want to use object instances as modules/functors, more or less as shown below:
abstract class Lattice[E] extends Set[E] {
val minimum: E
val maximum: E
def meet(x: E, y: E): E
def join(x: E, y: E): E
def neg(x: E): E
class Calculus[E](val lat: Lattice[E]) {
abstract class Expr
case class Var(name: String) extends Expr {...}
case class Val(value: E) extends Expr {...}
case class Neg(e1: Expr) extends Expr {...}
case class Cnj(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr {...}
case class Dsj(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr {...}
So that I can create a different calculus instance for each lattice (the operations I will perform need the information of which are the maximum and minimum values of the lattice). I want to be able to mix expressions of the same calculus but not be allowed to mix expressions of different ones. So far, so good. I can create my calculus instances, but problem is that I can not write functions in other classes that manipulate them.
For example, I am trying to create a parser to read expressions from a file and return them; I also was trying to write an random expression generator to use in my tests with ScalaCheck. Turns out that every time a function generates an Expr object I can't use it outside the function. Even if I create the Calculus instance and pass it as an argument to the function that will in turn generate the Expr objects, the return of the function is not recognized as being of the same type of the objects created outside the function.
Maybe my english is not clear enough, let me try a toy example of what I would like to do (not the real ScalaCheck generator, but close enough).
def genRndExpr[E](c: Calculus[E], level: Int): Calculus[E]#Expr = {
if (level > MAX_LEVEL) {
val select = util.Random.nextInt(2)
select match {
case 0 => genRndVar(c)
case 1 => genRndVal(c)
else {
val select = util.Random.nextInt(3)
select match {
case 0 => new c.Neg(genRndExpr(c, level+1))
case 1 => new c.Dsj(genRndExpr(c, level+1), genRndExpr(c, level+1))
case 2 => new c.Cnj(genRndExpr(c, level+1), genRndExpr(c, level+1))
Now, if I try to compile the above code I get lots of
error: type mismatch;
found : plg.mvfml.Calculus[E]#Expr
required: c.Expr
case 0 => new c.Neg(genRndExpr(c, level+1))
And the same happens if I try to do something like:
val boolCalc = new Calculus(Bool)
val e1: boolCalc.Expr = genRndExpr(boolCalc)
Please note that the generator itself is not of concern, but I will need to do similar things (i.e. create and manipulate calculus instance expressions) a lot on the rest of the system.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is it possible to do what I want to do?
Help on this matter is highly needed and appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance.
After receiving an answer from Apocalisp and trying it.
Thanks a lot for the answer, but there are still some issues. The proposed solution was to change the signature of the function to:
def genRndExpr[E, C <: Calculus[E]](c: C, level: Int): C#Expr
I changed the signature for all the functions involved: getRndExpr, getRndVal and getRndVar. And I got the same error message everywhere I call these functions and got the following error message:
error: inferred type arguments [Nothing,C] do not conform to method genRndVar's
type parameter bounds [E,C <: plg.mvfml.Calculus[E]]
case 0 => genRndVar(c)
Since the compiler seemed to be unable to figure out the right types I changed all function call to be like below:
case 0 => new c.Neg(genRndExpr[E,C](c, level+1))
After this, on the first 2 function calls (genRndVal and genRndVar) there were no compiling error, but on the following 3 calls (recursive calls to genRndExpr), where the return of the function is used to build a new Expr object I got the following error:
error: type mismatch;
found : C#Expr
required: c.Expr
case 0 => new c.Neg(genRndExpr[E,C](c, level+1))
So, again, I'm stuck. Any help will be appreciated.
The problem is that Scala is not able to unify the two types Calculus[E]#Expr and Calculus[E]#Expr.
Those look the same to you though, right? Well, consider that you could have two distinct calculi over some type E, each with their own Expr type. And you would not want to mix expressions of the two.
You need to constrain the types in such a way that the return type is the same Expr type as the Expr inner type of your Calculus argument. What you have to do is this:
def genRndExpr[E, C <: Calculus[E]](c: C, level: Int): C#Expr
If you don't want to derive a specific calculus from Calculus then just move Expr to global scope or refer it through global scope:
class Calculus[E] {
abstract class Expression
final type Expr = Calculus[E]#Expression
... the rest like in your code
this question refers to exactly the same problem.
If you do want to make a subtype of Calculus and redefine Expr there (what is unlikely), you have to:
put getRndExpr into the Calculus class or put getRndExpr into a derived trait:
trait CalculusExtensions[E] extends Calculus[E] {
def getRndExpr(level: Int) = ...
refer this thread for the reason why so.

Can Scala allow free Type Parameters in arguments (are Scala Type Parameters first class citizens?)?

I have some Scala code that does something nifty with two different versions of a type-parameterized function. I have simplified this down a lot from my application but in the end my code full of calls of the form w(f[Int],f[Double]) where w() is my magic method. I would love to have a more magic method like z(f) = w(f[Int],f[Double]) - but I can't get any syntax like z(f[Z]:Z->Z) to work as it looks (to me) like function arguments can not have their own type parameters. Here is the problem as a Scala code snippet.
Any ideas? A macro could do it, but I don't think those are part of Scala.
object TypeExample {
def main(args: Array[String]):Unit = {
def f[X](x:X):X = x // parameterize fn
def v(f:Int=>Int):Unit = { } // function that operates on an Int to Int function
v(f) // applied, types correct
v(f[Int]) // appplied, types correct
def w[Z](f:Z=>Z,g:Double=>Double):Unit = {} // function that operates on two functions
w(f[Int],f[Double]) // works
// want something like this: def z[Z](f[Z]:Z=>Z) = w(f[Int],f[Double])
// a type parameterized function that takes a single type-parameterized function as an
// argument and then speicalizes the the argument-function to two different types,
// i.e. a single-argument version of w() (or wrapper)
You can do it like this:
trait Forall {
def f[Z] : Z=>Z
def z(u : Forall) = w(u.f[Int], u.f[Double])
Or using structural types:
def z(u : {def f[Z] : Z=>Z}) = w(u.f[Int], u.f[Double])
But this will be slower than the first version, since it uses reflection.
EDIT: This is how you use the second version:
scala> object f1 {def f[Z] : Z=>Z = x => x}
defined module f1
scala> def z(u : {def f[Z] : Z=>Z}) = (u.f[Int](0), u.f[Double](0.0))
z: (AnyRef{def f[Z]: (Z) => Z})(Int, Double)
scala> z(f1)
res0: (Int, Double) = (0,0.0)
For the first version add f1 extends Forall or simply
scala> z(new Forall{def f[Z] : Z=>Z = x => x})
If you're curious, what you're talking about here is called "rank-k polymorphism." See wikipedia. In your case, k = 2. Some translating:
When you write
f[X](x : X) : X = ...
then you're saying that f has type "forall X.X -> X"
What you want for z is type "(forall Z.Z -> Z) -> Unit". That extra pair of parenthesis is a big difference. In terms of the wikipedia article it puts the forall qualifier before 2 arrows instead of just 1. The type variable can't be instantiated just once and carried through, it potentially has to be instantiated to many different types. (Here "instantiation" doesn't mean object construction, it means assigning a type to a type variable for type checking).
As alexy_r's answer shows this is encodable in Scala using objects rather than straight function types, essentially using classes/traits as the parens. Although he seems to have left you hanging a bit in terms of plugging it into your original code, so here it is:
// this is your code
object TypeExample {
def main(args: Array[String]):Unit = {
def f[X](x:X):X = x // parameterize fn
def v(f:Int=>Int):Unit = { } // function that operates on an Int to Int function
v(f) // applied, types correct
v(f[Int]) // appplied, types correct
def w[Z](f:Z=>Z,g:Double=>Double):Unit = {} // function that operates on two functions
w(f[Int],f[Double]) // works
// This is new code
trait ForAll {
def g[X](x : X) : X
def z(forall : ForAll) = w(forall.g[Int], forall.g[Double])
z(new ForAll{def g[X](x : X) = f(x)})
I don't think what you want to do is possible.
My previous version was flawed. This does work:
scala> def z(f: Int => Int, g: Double => Double) = w(f, g)
z: (f: (Int) => Int,g: (Double) => Double)Unit
scala> z(f, f)
But, of course, it is pretty much what you have.
I do not think it is even possible for it to work, because type parameters exist only at compile-time. At run time there is no such thing. So it doesn't make even sense to me to pass a parameterized function, instead of a function with the type parameters inferred by Scala.
And, no, Scala has no macro system.