PHPWord : text color change doesn't work in output word document - textcolor

the text color in html doesn't work in output word document.
Here my code :
include_once 'Sample_Header.php';
// New Word Document
echo date('H:i:s') , ' Create new PhpWord object' , EOL;
$phpWord = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord();
$section = $phpWord->addSection();
$html = '<p style="color:#FF0000;">Text color</p>';
\PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared\Html::addHtml($section, $html);
// Save file
echo write($phpWord, basename(__FILE__, '.php'), $writers);
if (!CLI) {
include_once 'Sample_Footer.php';
So why the text color change doesn't work in output word document ? An idea ?
Thank you in advance.


domxpath- how to get content for parent tag only instead of child tags

I, am using domxpath query for fetching content for parent tag only that is (td[class='s']) instead of including div content which is nested inside that td as given below in my code.
$second_trim='<td class="s" style="line-height:18px;">THIS TEXT IS REQUIRED and <div id="a" style="display:none;background-color:black;border:1px solid #ddd;padding:5px;color:black;">THIS TEXT IS NOT REQUIRED </div></td>';
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$doc->validateOnParse = true;
$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);
$b = $xpath->query('//td[#class="s"]');
echo "<p style='font-size:14px;color:red;'><b style='font-size:18px;color:gray;'>cONTENT :- </b>".$b->item(0)->nodeValue."</p>";
so how to remove content of that div tag and fetching only td's content any ideas !!
If you are only interested in the direct text content modify your xpath query:
$b = $xpath->query('//td[#class="s"]/text()');
echo '<p style="font-size:14px;color:red;">'
.'<b style="font-size:18px;color:gray;">cONTENT :- </b>'
Right now the result is very specific to the example:
If more than one direct text node exists, its not gone be displayed. To do that foreach through the DOMNodeList $b and echo every selected node value.

Auto complete/Suggest in Wordpress Form

I'm placing a search form of 6 fields on my home page which includes a text box field named course. I want to show course suggestions while user typing. One more is, I want to show/hide some fields according to the option of first field dropdown. Any help would be appreciated.
You can use jQuery Auto Suggest which is included with WordPress : wp_enqueue_script
With this you can write a form that does a Ajax lookup to the the Ajax URL handler. Which you can add_action onto. AJAX in Plugins
So you can ajax lookup and then on the action side you can just perform a get_posts to match titles, or a raw sql Query. And return what is needed. edit your functions.php.
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'se_wp_enqueue_scripts');
function se_wp_enqueue_scripts() {
add_action('wp_head', 'se_wp_head');
function se_wp_head() {
<script type="text/javascript">
var se_ajax_url = '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>';
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('#se_search_element_id').suggest(se_ajax_url + '?action=se_lookup');
add_action('wp_ajax_se_lookup', 'se_lookup');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_se_lookup', 'se_lookup');
function se_lookup() {
global $wpdb;
$search = like_escape($_REQUEST['q']);
$query = 'SELECT ID,post_title FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . '
WHERE post_title LIKE \'' . $search . '%\'
AND post_type = \'post_type_name\'
AND post_status = \'publish\'
ORDER BY post_title ASC';
foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $row) {
$post_title = $row->post_title;
$id = $row->ID;
$meta = get_post_meta($id, 'YOUR_METANAME', TRUE);
echo $post_title . ' (' . $meta . ')' . "\n";
Use ajax for both. You may have to write some mysql query to retrieve the required fields(post titles or whatever it is) from the table.

How to filter New WP Query by Custom Field Value?

I am creating new pages for each of my categories in wordpress. The post editor has a custom field that allows the selection of a sector type, this gets applied to the post on update. The custom field key is: sector, for custom field meta value options lets use SectorA, SectorB and SectorC. I am using a custom post type called projects.
I followed the advice at this link
How can I change the query line in the code below so that it filters the loop by a Sector name, lets use SectorA. I'll then reuse the code on each template page changing the value to SectorB and SectorC on the other pages.
I think this needs changing somehow:
$customPosts->query('showposts=5&sector=sectorA&post_type=projects' );
Currently it echos the sector value and description value successfully but is showing all the posts. So my attempt to limit it to sectorA using sector=sectorA doesn't seem to work?
This code is in functions.php:
function get_custom_field_posts_join($join) {
global $wpdb, $customFields;
return $join . " JOIN $wpdb->postmeta postmeta ON (postmeta.post_id = $wpdb->posts.ID and postmeta.meta_key in ($customFields)) ";
function get_custom_field_posts_group($group) {
global $wpdb;
$group .= " $wpdb->posts.ID ";
return $group;
And this code is on the Template Page:
<?php /* Begin Custom Field Posts */ ?>
<h2>Custom Posts</h2>
global $customFields;
$customFields = "'sector', 'description'";
$customPosts = new WP_Query();
add_filter('posts_join', 'get_custom_field_posts_join');
add_filter('posts_groupby', 'get_custom_field_posts_group');
$customPosts->query('showposts=5&sector=sectorA&post_type=projects' );//Uses same parameters as query_posts
remove_filter('posts_join', 'get_custom_field_posts_join');
remove_filter('posts_groupby', 'get_custom_field_posts_group');
while ($customPosts->have_posts()) : $customPosts->the_post();
$sector = get_post_custom_values("sector");
$description= get_post_custom_values("description");?>
<li><?php echo $sector[0]; ?></li>
<li><?php echo $description[0]; ?></li><br />
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php /* End Custom Field Posts */ ?>
Thanks for your help
May be this what you want
function get_custom_field_posts_join($join) {
global $wpdb, $customSector;
return $join . " JOIN $wpdb->postmeta postmeta ON (postmeta.post_id = $wpdb->posts.ID and postmeta.meta_key = 'sector' and postmeta.value = '$customSector') ";
and modification of page
$customSector='sectorA';//<--- insert this
add_filter('posts_join', 'get_custom_field_posts_join');
Try using this code.
$sector = get_post_meta($post->ID, "sector", false);
if ($sector[0]=="") { ?>
<!-- If there are no custom fields, show nothing -->
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="sector">
<?php foreach($sector as $sector) {
echo '<blockquote><p>'.$sector.'</p></blockquote>';
} ?>
<?php } ?>

How to keep Zend_Debug HTML tags out of Zend_Log

I use Zend_Debug::dump to dump variables into a Zend_Log file. How can I get it to stop wrapping the output in HTML tags?
The documentaion says "If the output stream is detected as a web presentation, the output of var_dump() is escaped using ยป htmlspecialchars() and wrapped with (X)HTML tags." Why does it think my log file is a web presentation?
The method for the dump function has a boolean $echo flag. Even when this is FALSE, I get HTML markup in my log files.
Thanks for you help!
Zend Debug is always using htmlspecialchars() to quote. You cant disable this by an provided parameter.
The boolean for "echo" is only used to disable the var_dump() (wich is used in Zend_Debug) printing to the browser.
Code from Zend_Debug::dump():
$output = htmlspecialchars($output, ENT_QUOTES);
if (self::getSapi() == 'cli') {
$output = PHP_EOL . $label
. PHP_EOL . $output
} else {
if(!extension_loaded('xdebug')) {
$output = htmlspecialchars($output, ENT_QUOTES);
$output = '<pre>'
. $label
. $output
. '</pre>';

Magento product imports from csv file

I want to import Magento products from my csv file, but when I import this csv file I get an error like this ( Skip import row, required field "sku" not defined) However, I had this field defined in my csv file.
If any one has any idea about that then please advise me. Which method should I follow to import my csv products to Magento
Thanks for help in advance
I find this solution its very simple:
just go to system->import/export and then u export all product by csv
now enter all other fields or attribute data in csv which u required.
define('MAGENTO_MAGE_LOCATION','/your site name path/app/Mage.php');
$handle = fopen("your csv name path.csv", "r");
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE)
if($data[0] != 'store')
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
try {
echo '<br> hi product save successfully in magento uniqe mobile store';
catch (Exception $ex) {
echo 'Handle the error';
}// end of if statment store
}// end of while loop
use this code and set all products but all fields set acourding to ur CSV file. then run this code .
its working i test this code. its my own creation