Best practice categories and Tag at tx_news - typo3

Can anyone bring closer the difference between categories and tags in tx_news to me?
So far I have used only categories for the news section. for example, improve the internal filter by organizers or venue.
In the meantime about 130 categories have gathered.
How can I use meaningful tags?

It is hard to differ because it always depends as well on the use case as well but I will try.
Categories are shown as a tree structure, therefore a category has
always a parent category (if it is not a root category) and categories
on the same level. Categories can be translated.
Tags are not sorted at all. Tags can not be translated currently (patch pending).
Imagine a news website with typical categories like Sport, Web and Politics. Those categories can have sub categories to get a tree like that
- Baseball
- Basketball
- IT
- Trends
- Party 1
- Party 2
Tags can now be used to add additional information which can be then used later for filtering, creating landing pages, .... Those tags could be
viral trend
You could add as many tags as you want, just as hashtags you are used at twitter or facebook, instagram, ...


Contentful and get all city pages links that are in a particular state

I'm having a devil of a time modeling things in Contentful. I did the tutorials, but still don't even know where to begin.
I sell tutoring services, brokering, in many states. So, I want to display, on front page, all the states... but when click, you get all the cities... you click a city, you get all the tutoring topics.
This, as you can imagine, will get into the thousands as I am very SEO conscious and will need custom info per city etc..
How would/should I model the US, then then states, then cities...and each city could have like 4 or 5 separate tutoring pages. 1 specific for Math, or Spanish or Guitar etc..
I guess US & state will have one to many relationships, but how do I create "links", so I can:
List out all states
List out all cities
Get particular city page with tutorials. User would have selected something like /us/california/san-diego/lesson-guitar.
So, user lands on homepage
`1. Person clicks on California..
2. Person sees some California info, like a page:California
3. At bottom of page, a list of all the serviceable cities.
4. Person clicks city. Let's say San Diego. They see the page:sanDiego page.. with list of tutoring etc..`
There seems there will be page types, but not sure how to add links to the various cities, states etc...
Like, what field would I add to show all valid states in the US? Would that be a separate content type? Or would I add that to the various "pages" and would it be an array or ?
So confusing.
In this case, I'll create a separate content type for States and Cities. In the tutoring and brokering content types, I will then add a reference field that would refer to the City and State content type.
Hope this helps :) - Structured data pulls in the wrong numbers
The markup shows 472 reviews. But, in SERP, only 1 review count is shown. Can someone advice?
SERP results
I agree with unor. Your many separate types Product contradict Google’s Guide for Product:
There are two types of pages where you would typically use this
markup: a product page that describes a single product a shopping
aggregator page that lists a single product, along with information
about different sellers offering that product
And further:
Use markup for a specific product, not a category or list of products. markup for a vacation rental website?

I have built a vacation rental website which allows users to add their home to my site, this will include all info, map, reviews and photos.
I am not sure how to mark up each property detail page with the correct data.
I have been looking and LodgingBusiness looks close, but these are not hotels, just someone's home to rent for a few weeks. I would ideally tag the name, photo, description, map, reviews, location too, but unsure about the actual main category.
For the places which get rented, you can use the Accommodation type. There are more specific types, like Apartment, Suite, House etc.
It offers the properties you are looking for:
name, image, description
address (or containedInPlace)
For documentation about all the accommodation-related types and properties, see Markup for Hotels.

How to design efficient module for star rating with persistent connection using ZF?

My CMS based on Zend Framework.
I use star rating for news, articles, blog posts etc. Star rating is a module, so I include it for different content type via inner API which is a wrapper for :
$view->action($action, $controller, $module, $params);
When I include it to the page with detailed description of news, article ... everything is simple because I call my API method only once, so I make only one call to the DB (MySql).
But I need to include star rating in the items list of the page. There are 20 news on the page. In other case can be more than 100 items. If I use that structure which I have I will make more than 100 call to the MySql. This is not good, right? How can I design the star rating module in right way?
This is like facebook like-buttons which joins to a different content type on the page.

Group Facebook likes on canonical url

I run a Magento site and as such there are several ways to get to the same product where my like button is.
Now for an example:
is the same product as:
just in a different category.
But I want someone who likes this product on to also be applied to
So if 2 separate people click like on the separate pages it should come up with 2 likes rather than 1 like on each page.
I thought if I forced the url with:
<meta property="og:url" content=""/>
this would work but it doesn't; the canonical urls both use:
where the product can be viewed also.
Any ideas?
I think the best approach is to have a single canonical product page (say, and as many pages as you want which point to it, each can be in a different category (i.e., both /cat1/product1.html and /cat2/product1.html will have /products/product1.html as their canonical URL).
For an example, see how these two pages [a, b], each with a different URL and different content, share their likes by referring to a canonical page.
I'm not sure how to go about implementing this with Magento, but with a typical dynamic web development framework like Rails or Django setting something like this up should be fairly easy.