tx_news: Detail/single view not accessable - typo3

We're using News system on a 7.6 and in this particular system we have a bug when it comes to single view.
If you click on link in list view, the detail page opens, you can see the header image, but the news article isn't loaded, instead the CE is is displaying an error message:
Oops, an error occurred! Code: 201609301037026977c150
Can anyone advise?

config.contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0
This TS-Snippets will enable error message without more Details for developers.


How to disable back button on report?

I am accessing report using URL like in example:
I have also added custom theme to hide JasperServer decorators by folowing link: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/embedding-ad-hoc-http-api
The only problem I am facing is when user click on Back button, they are exiting the report and they can see list of reports in repository. I would like to disable that behavior so that Back button just does nothing in that case. I have tried to customize the behavior as described in: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/setting-default-flow-action-back-button but I can't find the proper value to replace the default action:
<end-state id="done" view="flowRedirect:searchFlow?lastMode=true" />
I have tried replacing it with
<end-state id="done" view="json:none" />
but that gave me some crazy error.
Hiding button by CSS is not a option since I need the back button to work when user is viewing sub-reports.
I did this issue for Input Control form button.
Under "...\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver\WEB-INF\jsp\modules\viewReport" directory, in ViewReport.jsp file, I searched for "ICDialog" text and deleted related statements with ICDialog. Then I restarted the jasperserver by "servicerun.bat" and "servicerun.bat START" commands.
I think, this will work for back button and the others.
How about setting up the roles/users so the logged in user can only view reports allowed by that user. This would be a better solution than trying to circumvent the browser functionality. Alternatively if you have an application you are trying to embed jasper in you could use the web services to just download the report required by the user and not enable them to access the server webpage.
Simply add &decorate=no at the end of the URL.
Now the url like this {url_for_jasper_report}&decorate=no
Adding this query parameter you can hide the back button as well as the footer and header

Error rendering superform control

I am tying to add the Obout Suite superform control to my webpage.
The control is not rendering on the design page.
It gives an error saying
There was an error rendering the control. Object reference not set to an instance of an object'.
I have added the #Register directive:
(<%# Register TagPrefix="obout" Namespace="Obout.SuperForm" Assembly="obout_SuperForm" %>)
to the top of my page.
Can anyone tell me what is wrong?

Facebook like button flyout appears then disappears on a page with no other content

I have added a facebook like button to my page, however when it is clicked the flyout appears, and then disappears.
At first I thought it was other elements on the page hiding it, but the problem persisted even on blank pages.
Tried both the iframe and html 5 codes that were generated by facebook and neither seems to work.
iframe - http://jsfiddle.net/aDK95/1/
Html 5 - http://jsfiddle.net/L9nZZ/1/
In both cases it seems to been hidden by the hidden_elem class:
#facebook .hidden_elem {
display: none !important;
It seems very similar to this bug reported at FB that was reported in May. However there doesn't seem to be much movement on it.
Has anyone else come across this? Know of any work arounds?
I came across this bug and it flummoxed me for quite a while. The steps I took to rectify it are as follows:
Ensure that you have put in the Javascript SDK initialization
Make sure that the #fbroot div is not inside a hidden div
In the Open Graph tags on the page, the og:url has to be set to a https protocol
and not a http protocol
Run your page through the Facebook Debugger at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug to check for any errors. Another interesting point which helped me resolve this was that when you put in your "URL to Like" value in the Like configurator, the dynamic like button generated shows whether that url would work well or not.

Facebook dialog content doesn't move window to screen

I'm trying to pop open an apprequests dialog using the following cod:
method: "apprequests",
message: "Test"
When the button is clicked, a box pops up with the loader and just sits there. In the developer console in Chrome, I can see the ajax request complete and content come back.
When I look at the HTML source, I see the other dialog (class: "fb_dialog fb_dialog_advanced"), with populated content, and when I toggle the CSS for that window:
top: -10000px
the dialog with content comes into view.
So for some reason, when the content is loaded, it doesn't pop into place and replace the loader. Any idea what would cause this?
The application is Ruby on Rails using the Asset Pipeline.
I believe a bug in Facebook's JavaScript SDK causes this problem. I am currently using an older version of SDK taken from here as a workaround.

Unable to locate WindowID

I am currently testing a web app using selenium rc with eclipse. I've been having issues with a single pop up window which appears when a submit button is clicked. The confirmation window appears with a single 'ok' option.
I've also tried 'chooseOKonnextConfirmation' in conjunction with .getConfirmation but eclipse tells me no confirmation exists. I've tried inspecting the window itself with firebug but have been unable to get any results.
I also tried with "selenium.selectWindow(getAllWindowIDs ()[1]);" but selenium not recognizing "getAllWindowIDs".
Could somebody please tell me how I can retrieve the windowID and the associated API commands I need to implement to get rid of this problem?
from your description, i understand that you have an ALERT window being appeared after clicking SUBMIT button but not the CONFIRMATION window.
if my understanding is correct
( you said single OK button - ALERT window appears with single OK button - CONFIRMATION window appears with OK and CANCEL buttons - there is another window javascript can generate which is CONFIRMATION.it appears with TEXT field and OK and CANCEL buttons )
so you must use accordingly.
here is what you should use
if(selenium.isAlertPresent()) {
String message = selenium.getAlert();
this will consume you Alert window and you can check the message displayed on Alert window if you want.
if this is not please post write your comment
It's selenium.getAllWindowIds(); note the capitalisation. Don't forget to make sure the popup has already appeared (e.g. selenium.waitForPopUp()).
Yes sudarsan is correct if you have an alert.
If you have an popup window not an alert with OK button then you have to click OK when popup appears.
If you are unable to locate the button use firebug to locate the element.