replace host in url if url matches - fiddler

I am playing with fiddler2 "web debugger" and its working pretty fine what I wanted to do , but now I want to automate the process so I don't have to work on fiddler over and over again each time I start up the program.
what I do with fiddler :
I'm getting requests from a program (updates, news, the program traffic itself(which is needed for the program to work), and the license system)
the license system looks like that :
this is the request the program makes to the server, the license.php just gives an answer OK or NO.
I've setup my own host with a plain php file which just echoes OK.
so when I change the host in the fiddler2 request to my host, the program starts up fine and works, but I need to do this every time I start up the program, I want to automate the process, I thought about the hosts file but its just for changing the whole host to another, which I can't do because the program needs to communicate with the original host after the license procedure. now I'm wondering... is there a "hosts" like file but for changing single requests like..
if stringtomatch ="license.php?key=*" then host = ""
so its only affecting this request, not all requests from this program?


client is waiting forever for remote server to return a webpage

I have an application with a server written in F# and serve web files using suave. I remote login using powershell into another machine in the network to run the application (The application is also in one of the network drives). I do that because that machine have access to third party APIs needed for the server. Now when I do [IPAddress_Of_Remote_Machine]/[html_file] or [name_of_pc]/[html_file] then chrome is waiting forever and doesn't ever return the webpage. This wasn't happening before and I ran into this problem recently. I opened a different port and used it instead of the default one 80. This made things work but the problem keeps showing up after a couple of days. I don't think it's a firewall issue but I'm clueless to why this is happening.
When running netstat -an, this is what I get (I hid the IP address):
As you can see all of the connections are either in CLOSE_WAIT or ESTABLISHED but not LISTENING. All of these TCP connections is probably because I have PhantomJS and two other APIs running in the application as well. However the loop back address is also open on the same port 5959:
I'm not sure what is difference between these two but when using PortQryUI to query the remote server it returns a success!
I have already made an inbound rule for port 5959 on the server so it should be allowed. The web page is stuck at Waiting for [name_of_pc]. Also, sometimes this problem disappears and everything works fine.
What is the potential problem behind this? Why would this happen all of a sudden?
I re-ran the application today and it's working correctly. It could be that something is dynamically set within the firewall? Not really sure what is going on. The machine I'm running the server on has a bunch of applications running on it as well so maybe there is an external process that is affecting it?
I made a hello world app with Suave and deployed it on the network drive to test if it's going to work. I opened inbound rule for port 6001
Then I ran the app:
However, it's still not working and this time it says the site cannot be reached when I do: http://[name_of_pc]:6001.
Moving this to an answer so that it can be closed:
Could you post the bindings section of your suave cfg? I'm guessing you know where that is since you are using a non-standard port but if you need don't, search for HttpBinding. I suspect you will find it pointing to which is not good enough for remote access. You could try changing it to or to the server's actual IP address. I would try first for the flexibility it provides

How can I reach my localhost over the web from outside local? i.e ip/page?

I installed usbwebserver
everthing is running, I am trying to reach the root page index.php?
I read everything I possibly can and sorry but I still cant figure out how to reach my localhost
I reach my page with localhost:8080 and the page I want shows up but if I replace it with IP:8080 it does not.
I am trying to reach this page outside of my local network.
I'm sorry, I need to provide you a separate answer for your reformatted question for the "down the street" scenario. I can troubleshoot a few of the issues you're probably having.
ISP's don't typically allow residential internet connections to serve resources over port 8080, or 80. Even if you were to configure your computer as needed, if you're on a standard internet service provider they're probably blocking you in the middle even if you have punched holes all your local security in an attempt to serve assets over port 8080/80.
Assuming they don't allow that you're going to have to first configure your outbound middleware(php in your case) to listen to calls into your ip on a different port. ( You can do this in your C:\WAMP\ folder, in the "wampserver" configuration file. Here's a good walkthrough here: (,13744)
Now, you're going to have to drop any firewalls windows/ubuntu/macOS are providing on that port. (This is the part where you've rolled out the red carpet for hackers to get into your box(es) so be careful!) Here's a link for a short and sweet explanation on windows here: ( Note that you can open individual ports, you don't have to drop your entire firewall.
Make sure you have opened up access to any folders/mySQLdb's/resources to outside requests as well (seriously, this is a REALLY bad idea from an #home server if you don't know what you're doing)
Then figure out the correct ip and the correct port and give it a go! If it still doesn't work you can download a program like [wireshark] ( or [fiddler] ( to debug your inbound/outbound traffic and see what the machine's seeing before your browser/server gives you any user visible information.
One thing to note, if you are an amateur web developer your homepage is called "index.html" not "home.html" "home.html" only works fine locally, but internet browser engines look by default, for "index.html"
Lastly, and I really can't stress this enough don't host through your personal ISP and serve files from your own machine. Hosting through Fatcow, or hostgator, or any of the other hosts is really honestly dirt cheap and they know far better than you or I do about security.
That said, I hope very much that you succeed in using my answer, or at the very least learning something from it. Happy Coding!
Read the Background session
go to a command line, type "ipconfig"
Hit Enter.
Under "Ethernet adapter Ethernet:
It should be the third line down, has your following:
IPV4 Address : where "xxx" is your ip
USE "//" + "the ip address shown for (ipv4)" plus ":8080" and your default page
should show just fine.
For example, if your cmd "ipconfig" for this process reads: ""
your total URL in your browser will be "//"
Note that I used 2 forward slashes prior to using an IP address on your
local network. That let's your computer know it's using your network, not
the actual internet. The slashes alone may solve your problem. Also note, if you're accessing a database through your webapp, you will also need to properly configure your db settings to allow access.
First find your outside ip adress not local ip. After that go into router panel and open to use from apache server. Anyone able to access that port now. You can connect outside your local website now. If you can't do that. Try again. This is the way to doing this.

Perl Scripts fails to connect to Netconf server when using Net::Netconf::Manager

I am using a perl script to log onto a remote router running JUNOS and get few information through the NETCONF port.
I am using the following library in order to do this
The script runs on the routers present on the same network but is failing to log into the routers that are on different networks, where as i am able to log onto the routers manually through Netconf over ssh.
The arguments I am parsing looks fine. Could any one help me resolve why this is happening.
If I need to do any checks in configuration (configuration looks fine to me) prior to running the script.

Why does my server hang when I call a page over files_get_content?

I am trying to get content from a wordpress installation on a subdomain of my server. I tried that with file_get_content and also with Zend_Http_Client.
$client = new Zend_Http_Client(Zend_Registry::get('CONFIG')->static->$name->$lang);
$content = $client->request()->getBody();
As long as I run in on my localhost, it works fine. As soon as it runs on the same server as the subdomain, it hangs forever (timeout).
Zend Framework Application trying to get HTML from a Wordpress Page
Server running on lighttpd
Several cores, much ram
Do you guys have an idea on how this problem can be resolved? Cheerio
One of the things you can also use is tcpdump to follow the network packets. That might give you an idea of if the problem is occurring in PHP, on the network or on the server side of the equation. You can take the output of tcpdump, write it to a file, and then load it up using something like Wireshark to inspect the packets.

How do online port checkers work?

For example
How does this work? Can the server side script attempt to open a socket?
There are many ways of accomplishing this through server-side scripting. As #Oded mentioned, most server-side handlers are capable of initiating socket connections on arbitrary ports, and most of those even have dedicated port-scanning packages/libraries (PHP has one in the PEAR repository, Python's 'socket' module makes this type of tasks a breeze, etc...)
Keep in mind that on shared host platforms, socket connections are typically disabled for security purposes.
Another way that is also very easy to accomplish is to use a command-line port-scanner such as nmap from your server-side script. i.e in PHP, you would do echo ``nmap -p $port $ip\
The server side script will try to open a connection on the specified port to the originating IP.
If there is no response (the attempt will timeout), this would be an indication that the port is not open.
The server can try, as #Oded said. But that doesn't ensure the receiver will respond.
Typically, something like this happens:
The URL request contains instructions about which port to access. The headers that your browser sends include information about where the request is originating from.
Before responding to the request, the server tries to open a port and checks if this is successful. It waits a while before timing out.
The webpage is rendered dynamically based on the results of this test.
The response is returned to you containing the results.
Sometimes steps (2) and (3) will be replaced with an AJAX callback, which allows the response to return sooner.